Which SCP would make for a good feature-length film?
Which SCP would make for a good feature-length film?
Other urls found in this thread:
The time warp demon ship one
The tranny satellite.
Who will direct the inevitable adaptation of SCP-093?
The sexy doorknob that pissed off libcucks.
Infinite IKEA
You could create a whole cinematic universe based on SCPs. Hollywood eventually will do this, there's nothing stopping them taking the stories of nerds off the internet. It would make a better TV series
Is that 093? Hopefully that one and maybe into two or a 2h 30m thing. Really has potential. Also I always felt the description of those things implied they dragged along the ground, leaving behind decay and the like.
This. They could treat it like that horror containment facility in Cabin in the Woods, but instead of sacrificing teenagers in the wilderness it'd be D-class personnel getting the redshirt treatment.
Here is my idea for an SCP movie:
>Name-in-a-hat Class D
>He starts off in a Safe or whatever test but something goes awry in another part of the facility
>They try to evacuate but get caught up in a firefight with the Chaos Insurgency
>Class D protag escapes in the confusion and delves deeper into the facility to try and find a way out
>Several Euclid SCPs are out and about
>Last SCP in the movie is 173 popping out for a few spoops
>Class D escapes the facility and walks outside for a while and enters a nearby town
>Town has been contaminated by the flesh that hates
Mal0 of course
>It would make a better TV series
It did.
>Why yes, I enjoy SCP! How did you know?
SCP-686 haha
This, I could never get into this cringe shit and I don't understadn the appeal at all.
Personally, I think the best SCP and the best way to start a show or movie would be 2317. It's the perfect way of introducing an audience to the Foundation and what an SCP is
SCP 3000. Cosmic horror kino inbound.
956 desu
>Lighting sources brighter than 75 watts
You don't understand how people will like a few horror stories out of almost 4000?
3000 is not cosmic
With Ana de Armas playing her and Goose playing an officer who falls in love with her.
Could be kino
been listening to a podcast called SCP Archive, they present one or a couple of case files each episode, cold reading the redacted files interspersed with dramatisations of reports and media pertaining to the SCP. Really digging it, an anthology show with a similar format could work nicely
haha 420-j haha directed by Rogan haha
you should read Lord Blackwood in the Land of the Unclean
i don’t know if it’s confirmed but it seems like he’s the reason the whole dimension is a wasteland in the original 093 document
which one is this? sounds interesting
The only one I've read that's really tailor-made for a movie is 1730.
I don’t remember the name, but they sent 3 different teams into a beached oil tanker and there was a time distortion and some other crazy shit. Pretty interesting and obscure
oh only the most terrifying
the building that no one knows who built it! owo rate my fanfiction up plz
theyre all shit, thats actually one
>there's nothing stopping them taking the stories of nerds off the internet
The writers would demand a cut but I don't see Hollywood giving it. This becomes especially problematic given the meme of SCPs linking into other stories.
Dr. Miller
>Hollywood eventually will do this
And herein lies the problem, just as the original SCP site was sullied by LGBT faggots and tumblrinas making the worst SCPs imaginable and making them canon nearly ruined a great thing. I still go back and read some of my earlier favorites but there is more trash than treasure now.
Not only would Hollywood completely miss the fucking point for a lot of the atmosphere and the SCPs themselves, but like everything they do, it would have to be a vehicle of some sort of propaganda for every bit of dialogue that isn't 100% relevant to advancing the plot. They're too "woke" to not ruin something like this.
i can imagine a tv series like Channel Zero being the only format where the writers are allowed the freedom to get it right
but then we run into budget problems
>not making horror kino from the rival site.
The anti-memetics division storyline is still great though.
>tfw no sentient 2d waifu
I like a lot of creepypastas tbqh, but something about the SCP format never did it for me. Just talking about a creepy object never did it for me. The people who really like SCP Foundation strike me as cringe, like the people who take MBTI really seriously.
Reading SCP-093 now, I read it a few years ago but this shit is pretty quality. It's very mysterious. The Blue test was interesting, I have just begun the Green test. I love the SCP universe.
Someone give me a list of the best SCPs from way back in the day. I remember when that site first came out there were some good ones. Maybe even into the second series. There are a lot of meh ones but some legitimately scary ones and I can't remember the numbers of the ones I liked.
>omg scp, I love my spoopy internet storys
>my idea is the monster looks like a vegetable or a wound and it can warp reality
Any of the Sarkic entries.
It’s Creative Commons copyright
How can some creepypastas be so based when the SCP Foundation is so cringe?
Honestly, SCP was only good when the writing was pseudo-scientific, that what set it apart from other creepypastas. When it's written in a 'plain' way it's simply not that interesting and Hollywood will sure as hell won't invest in a decent script.
The endless stair
It has been tumblr-tier OC donutsteel shit for years now.
It varies and it has always varied, because it's not a one author site
There are like 3 examples of shit scps that you've seen in a metokur video or an /x/ post and therefore the entire site is bad, isnt it
Because anyone could write on it. There was no established canon. Not only that, but a lot of dumb summer fags found out about it, and thought they could be the next Steven King.
I bet you enjoy Sonic fanfics aswell
The issue with the website currently is that if your first article isn’t pure gold (in the eyes of the elites of the site mind you) you will be lambasted and mocked for “not reading the content guidelines” and “not getting enough feedback.” Meanwhile anything written by the higher ups will be instantly hailed as a prime example of SCP writing (the first thing that comes to mind is that shitty joke article about the horse that likes “ciggys”)
I had an article there with over 100+ votes since most of the community generally liked it and yet procyonlotor ans djkaktus hated my guts and actively worked at any opportunity to ban or silence me because they personally didn’t like it. The issue isn’t “anyone can submit” it’s that blatant garbage from a select few will always get in but diamonds in the rough will be exiled
How so? I just read it and it seems that he fixed the problem. Unless of course when the truth about the unclean was revealed, the rulers decided to just let loose the unclean rather than live with people hating them.
i would drink it willingly
What about those pastas that show up here every once in a while about different mysteries? They're way more interesting than this shit
what if they fed the reappearing self cloning cakes to the test subjects of this
two birds with one stone
>willing exposing yourself to an scp
exquisite, decadent degeneracy
the way i picture it is either people found out about the truth and/or the cure and it turned into complete anarchy in that realm
Many of them are quite bone chilling, and horrifying in a slowey burney kind of way.
Have any of you bros ever played three kings or the elevator game?
It would have to have a narrator, and maybe even BLEEP things out as they are narrating the events of a certain experiment with an SCP. Show the D class personnel doing shit, still talking and stuff, but a general voiceover narrating what they are doing, like "The subject approached him at BLEEP miles per hour and proceeded to begin absorption", while also having the narrator be a character seen doing their own actions like speaking directions to the D-class people through a microphone or taking down notes, reacting to stuff happening. It could be an interesting perspective.
How has that panned out anyway? It's been some time since I last checked in.
Most SCP's use 'borrowed' material though. The 173 statue is a real art project, the artist said they can use it on the site but not profit from it in any way. So an SCP movie would have to drop all the iconic ones.
You could use some of the other OC trash but that's what turned SCP to shit in the first place.
>tranny satellite
kek is this real
Yes there's literally an alien satellite with a tumblr blog where it identifies as trans and it loves homestuck.
If you criticise this SCP in any way you get an insta-ban
Most creepypastas are actually shitty short stories rather than quality flash fiction as a proper copypasta ought to be.
i want to hang it myself
It's still chugging along, according to some of the mods the attendance rate has steadily increased in the past few months. They just had community rep elections, so everyone is cooling down after that.
Not anymore, the author got banned from SCP for whistleblowing about predators and abusers on the site. Apparently the harassment team has been covering for them for years now.
The fuck do you mean, they already made a movie about SCP-055
Cool. I hope that with time it will prevail and will stay true to the original vision.
Jennifer was Unclean, she will be cleansed by the Tears.
752, it always creeped me out. Do it as a mystery, with characters slowly uncovering just what went into creating the colony before realizing how dire the consequences would be if the inhabitants ever discovered "outside".
the one where that guy shows up in your peripheral vision but he's not real
it's a comedy
wait, this is already an episode of stargate
It's one of the better ones, but still poorly written.
All online communities do this. It is fucking pathetic. The worst part about it is that all the elites and admins are so smug and talk down to everyone. CWW was a total scumbag who sucked off the tranny satellite writer. OH YEAH and when the metokur video dropped there was a troon who was having a panic attack and crying in the discord it was amazing. Fishing for attention to the max.
The whole community went to shit, and from the sounds of things it's only gonna get worse, what with the pedos running around now.
What's your favorite SCP?
Mine has to be SCP-1981
SCP-1733 ( the basketball one)
1733, 1981, and 093 are the only ones that stuck with me over the years because you know what, they're the only good ones
>SCP-1733 ( the basketball one)
Reminder that writer got banned for calling the SCP wiki a reddit hugbox
Was he /ourguy/?
Whats the tranny satellite people have mentioned?
Just make an open world game that doesn't happen entirely in the SCP facilities, you go around and random events happen when you find some SCP
>leftist tranny says that conservatives are bad and discriminate
>the second the leftist tranny gets any power they start discriminating worse than conservatives ever did
Tide goes in, tide goes out. Water remains wet.
haha, what a silly and funny idea! haha, imagine having to take care of one of the women undergoing this SCP and she forces you to drink her milk every day haha, wouldn't that be hilarious
what the actual fuck happened to scp
SG-1 was basically proto-SCP along with X-Files
Dick goes in, dick goes out. Your mum remains wet.
fuck what is that video called again
>one group discriminates on arbitrary genetic and social factors
>the other group discriminates against the aforementioned discriminators being discriminatory
Not even the same thing.
Go back.
It literally already was a TV series, it was called Channel Zero and it was surprisingly decent. Shame it only got 3 seasons.
nevermind, found it
that sounds like the episode of the X files that is the same premise
>Unmanned Exploration Unit 752-a was sent into SCP-752 on //20. Footage recovered from within the 'nursery' structures indicates an extensive and apparently voluntary [DATA EXPUNGED] before conception
what is that supposed to be?
The worst I can image is Theilaxu Birthing pods
Unless it is circumcision
a bad article on the site with some guy's tranny, undertale loving alt ego as a satellite
the reason it's still on the site is because /pol/, instead of acting like reasonable people and downvoting it normally, made a bunch of obvious fake accounts, and spammed a billion downvotes within one day causing said article to be locked and permanently available on the site
if they'd just not chimped out it would have been gone already, but /pol/ has the unerring ability to shoot themselves in the foot
Infinite Sneed's Feed & Seed
What retards
Why did they make this?
None because SCP is reddit-tier.
Potential kino right here
If the site had any credibility it would delete it. Cringe website.
Normalfags, as always. They're tolerable as long as they're only creating new shit that I won't bother to read, but they can fuck right off whenever they mess with the classics like what they did to 106
The fact that it was preserved instead of deleted shows how far the site's quality standards have fallen
>I officially warned him via PM for posting "ayy", and only "ayy"
it was kept around because /pol/ idiots made it so that deleting it would be giving in to vote manipulation and as a result the moderators were forced into a hardline stance, even if most of them do not like that article
How could SCP have been saved?
I like the one about the people realising they're trapped in a video tape of a basketball game
As best as I can figure out
>/x/ starts making these things, no real book keeping or whatever
>some of them get the bright idea to make a site to record the better ones, get some basic lore and whatnot down
>people start taking it more seriously, submitting stuff, but there's no overarching plot.
>probably peaked about this time
>site gets the attention of other people, not from here
>start making stuff to try to be special
>eventually, some of people in charge of it decide they're going to cater to the newcomers
>go mad with power, what started with an anonymous project has become a clique, with the mods having their favorites
>then the big one. Pride
>people start making restarted posters to pretend that they would be accepted in this universe
>pic related, example
>implying that an organization with a non-negligible death rate with a goal of keeping humanity alive would care one iota about your mental illness
>people called them out on this and they doubled down, disowning their roots (actually phrased like that) to seem more woke
>now your work is based on how brown your nose is, and whether you toe the line
pic to follow
actual order of events, but replace 'alphas' with 'soiboys', and make it about virtue signalling and whatnot.
end of death canon has a degenerate transexual as a villain, and not even as some kind of sympathetic villain but someone to be utterly despised, it's also been around for barely a year now
It was at its best when the site and articles felt like you were just taking a peak into some larger, uncaring, and incomprehensible organization filled with wonders and horrors. Then came the "le so randumb" phase characterized by shit like Dr. Clef, and then it only kept tumbling further and further down as it got more popular. The Pride Month fiasco highlighted how little normies understand about what originally made SCP great
it depends, while the pride crap is indeed obnoxious, on the other hand there's a zero tolerance policy towards dr Clef tier OC's
heck they even had a tale where they killed him off in a fairly mundane way (containment failure on a relatively obscure keter)
This. The minute they started humanizing the Foundation it started to go downhill
this one
Should be a video game desu. An open world survival multiplayer.
That would just be fortnite with "spooks" desu senpai
A SS13-type game would be cool. Everyone could do their own thing around the facility until someone inevitably fucks up and causes a containment breach
>Tony Soprano and the gang are trapped in Site-19 during the containment breach
what happens?
True kino unfolds
The crossover of a lifetime
was this a real SCP or those joke ones
Yo yo what is this about pedos???? I have been out of the loop for like a year. Who is the pedo?
Ss13 sucks and everyone who plays it in 2019 is a toxic retardo.
>trans people on the internet are robots from outer space
I ship it
Anyone who uses "toxic" doesn't deserve the greatness of SS13
Wasn't that just salt or something though?
Evolution of every X-files episode
>weird shit happens
>no its not
>mulder its not aliens
>its something weird but ultimately mundane
This shit is ineveitable. Same thing happened on a lesser scale than those stories where you do Y thing at some obscure location to get some artifact. The only decent one was from Calgary user who kept it from going to shit by making it so it's just his work and not letting anyone else add to it.
All it is now is erp and assistants screaming while "roleplaying" as a crazy guy. You arent original for going into maint and fucking around all day.
played a lot on /tg/ and it went down the shitter so much, the admins and majority of players should be in an insane asylum
This one is kino
>if you want to be spoiled watch this or read above: youtube.com
>complete universal death
>foundation finds a portal in a cave that leads to another perfect copy of earth except every single thing died a few days before they entered
>recon group even discovers their own facility with bodies of their colleges inside
>even though every thing is dead, next to nothing is decaying because even bacteria is dead, everywhere
>literal complete cell death on a universal scale, for everything.
>recon discovers that just before the "death" event, their duplicates from this universe found a portal that lead to another version of earth where the same thing happened.
>one man from the recon team figures out that if you go into on of the dead universes and return to your own, your own universe (with the exception of anyone returns from the original dead one) will die.
>recon man sends out message through portal telling foundation to seal of the portal and not let anyone enter, lest they return from the portal.
>recon man kills his team, and then nukes himself in the hopes that he doesn't destroy his own universe.
I'm a casual so I like 231.
SCP 1730 would be peak kino
>it's a "the script writer's fetish" episode
Why is the SCP community only talking about the old SCPs instead of the new ones?
Same with SCP YouTubers as well.
Because the new ones are all shit
>The image used in the SCP-173 article is the art piece "Untitled 2004" by Izumi Kato. The photograph was taken by Keisuke Yamamoto. All rights are reserved by the artists.
>A note of caution: SCP-173 is a secondary use of the image of the art piece "Untitled 2004", which was created by Izumi Kato. The concept of SCP-173 does not have any relationship with the artist's original concept of "Untitled 2004".
nips are the kikes of the east
Why do you think?
There wasnt a Seinfeld movie
Looks like a viable alternative to SCP, and thank god for that. Also wouldn't they be able to just fork ALL of the SCP entries if they wanted too? (Hopefully only the good ones.) It would be allowed under fair use IMO. Anything to make SCP utterly obsolete 2bh :^)
Oh I had a nightmare about this one, its one of my favorites, you could make such a good story about this one.
the one where they gang-rape a 9yo every day
SCPs quality as a whole had gotten better, but retards like djkaktus think long-form storytelling easily translates into the SCP format and misses the point of SCP. So 95% Hollywood does the same
Those color tests are interesting. Just got through the green one.
Will the pricks that run the site ever stop being cunts? Cww defended the tranny sattelite writer because he wanted to have that trans dick.
But dont you know that more letters means a better story? That is what modern scp elites told me!
1733 was in my top 5 and now that the author did that it's my favorite
Idiots ruined a really cool idea, and I hate that they did. The entire point of SCP was to look at it from an alternate viewpoint but half of the community is just "hur dur scary tale story" and nobody on the site who writes tales is good enough to make me care
Because Reddit only talks about the CB ones
Why has nobody posted SCP-106? You could make a movie about how he haunts some rural place and all who stumble go missing and it grows exponential attention until the SCP dudes have to actually capture him
>oh, of course i enjoy reading le spooky fiction storys that are bone chilling slow burn on the internet how could you tell?
Sneedposting itself could be a SCP.
None because it's all shitty fanfic
>not lobotomy corporation
*kinos your path*
Did sane people retake SCP and delete all the globohomo and tranny legacy yet?
You mean normal people?
Give me the rundown on this
Just because a few people sperged out and broke the rules to express their dislike of the article, doesn't mean it should stay up to spite them. It's blatantly bad content that makes the whole series worth less by its presence.
>it's not the fault of the people who actually fucked up the site
>it's the fault of the people who got mad at them
you people literally have stockholm syndrome
cause the new SCPs are shit?
i just moved my penis to my left pants leg, what do you think about that?
Hollywood only makes anti-white propaganda now.
I'm pretty sure there exists a game just like you described except for the multiplayer part
These are way better and more interesting, does anybody where they come from?
you just reminded me i saved one of these threads to read a couple of months ago and i forgot about it. what a shame.
this zoomer shit is so fucking dumb talk about soi
The infinity train cartoon seems like an SCP alreay. Without visible containment
This scp sucks 2bh
if you actually believed your hollywood white genocide meme you wouldnt spend your life in your underwear watching and talking about movies and tv
can you absolute niggers not ruin a comfy scp thread? thanks.
Now post that comic of the anime girl being forced to drink it
>the the main page
>nothing is redacted
I thought the whole fun of early SCP was details like names and locations were redacted, like you were reading a real document. The first 2 paragraphs alone read like some creepypasta I'd find on /x/, not an SCP.
does every faggot zoomer have adhd?
Scp-1730 is pretty much a micheal bay movie. It would work well.
Gatekeeping by people with too much free time; cliques that fight over meaningless internet points; the usual.
I love this picture
Is this any good? I watched three or four episodes, I'm not sure if I should continue, I'm getting similar vibes from it as that The Librarians show. As in, a bit childish.
wouldnt work
Its the unknown that makes it creepy
i want to fuck jennifer
Shit yeah it would be an incredible SCP, a suspected newfriend-magician's first attempt at a 'good meme' and the foundation has to deal with it.
i remember reading one and thinking it was really cool. if i remember right it was an exact copy of new york city that was built underground beneath the real nyc. i'm pretty sure it was inhabited by a few different things, one of them being basically guards that had been created by the same guy that built the city. it reminded me a bit of bioshock. anyone know which one i'm talking about?
They team up with leech boy and bozzo the clown to take over the facility.
it was london, not new york
They have a D-class read her a bedtime story, you monster.
the vast majority of people on the site hates the article, it's /pol/'s fault that it's still up because they sperged out
it's not done to spite them, it's a "we can't set a precedent where we tolerate vote fraud"
SCP's new owners changed the backstory of 'NWO NGO fascist-out-of-necessity Foundation' into a standard pro-lgbt corporation, added a sexy homestuck-loving trans spaceship, kicked out the /x/ old guard, and made the site rainbow colored to celebrate diversity.
That's just fucking Professor Layton 3
>Theilaxu Birthing pods
Like many SCP details, it's best left to the reader's imagination. Myself I'd assume some sort of invasive surgery relating to fertility or something.
fuck the spooky shit, lets gets some feels like scp 1762 and 4999 or that tale about the russian guy from the post-apocalyptic world where the big foot people never died out.
>everyone watching is constantly switched out due to high risk of suicide because it's so distressing to watch
>related to pregnancy
>procedure does not involve serious physical damage as it can be done every day, however you can accidently hurt and kill her if you're too rough
>foundation employees have a rumour that getting put on her containment is a test for pedophilic tendencies
nah bruv they're gang raping her every day
where's the video jim?
SCP-2000 is pretty nuts, but I doubt you could do anything with it in terms of making a story.
It’s stated that they tell everyone that something unspeakable occurs because that idea is what keeps the Scarlet King from being born.
what? the idea does that?
sounds like some dumb addendum meme shit to piggyback off a great scp, I prefer the shit written in the original
He's too busy (lazy) doing 'breaking-news current event' youtube streams for his mass of paypigs. He deletes all of them right afterward too, the prick.
he hasn't had a stream either in ages
So you guys gonna tell me which one it is?
It's one of the best written ones, but if you know what it's about already it loses some of its magic. You'll see why.
Found him! He's gotten so lazy he only changed half his name this time.
I'm glad this one hasn't been fucked with because it establishes that there is nothing too extreme for the Foundation in pursuit of its goal to protect humanity. Newfags can try to humanize and flanderize it all they want, but this is an organization that forces criminals to rape a child daily for the good of mankind
>Yes, Procedure 110-Montauk is as horrible as you have heard, which is why only Class D Personnel are authorized to carry it out. Yes, it does involve brutal bed-time story readings.
Shit's fucked, man.
how'd you interpret the next line
>No, assignment to SCP-231 is not intended to test your loyalty to the Foundation, your tendencies towards comforting little girls, or anything else.
> tendencies towards comforting little girls
you wanna try again
Scp-455: Cargo Ship
nice. very nice.
I used to love the girl on the right and watch that show just for her.
N-no, it's about reading bedtime stories like that other user said. It fits. It rhymes.
Blame stuff like the SCP video game and the big name LPers bringing it to the mainstream as well.
I dread to know what they did to 106, please tell me
For me, •• ••••• •• •, but it would be too smart for hollywood
Kino choice.
The one about the 16 years old succubus that has to be naked all the time.
They decided to change all of the article's images out of the blue out of fear over copyright, even though no one had complained and it's not like removing them now would do any good if they did. He looks like a video game monster now
>everybody hates it
>but we'll keep it up just because /pol/ hate it too
How is this not 'just to spite them'? It has no place on the site but it's kept up just because they think /pol/ wins if they enforce their own rules. It's pathetic.
The one SCP with great story obviously
Should be an Anthology series on a streaming service. It should follow D Class personnel as they deal with their run ins with various skips.
A feature length movie should only be about a containment breach of several skips, like the game.
but this is all wishful thinking.
Scp universe has a lot of kino potential the sarkic sect could give a saga of movies on its own
>first 2 paragraphs alone read like some creepypasta I'd find on /x/, not an SCP.
Pretty much most new scps. It's amazing how many times I've read an article with stuff that should be in the description put into extra logs. Most of them are just spoopy stories now
The planet of hands
This one is good. I remember read it a month or two ago.
What is this?
Fuck you, buddy. I lurk
>Basketball tape that changes
>IKEA store
>a full facility, medium-high budget AMAZON series
This was a fantastic read, thanks user
Hell yeah
Honesty 1981 and 1733 could work as found footage short films.
>one group discriminates on arbitrary genetic and social factors
They aren't arbitrary lol
Sorry guys, but even 231 didn’t escape the pussification of SCP. Between 2317, “Fear Alone”, and a third story whose name I can’t recall(it involved the seventh girls “monster” being 999 and the girl and her family living happily ever after) 231 is now nothing but a psyche-out by the foundation, who actually ticks the little girl into bed every night with a bedtime story and lots of kisses.
Absolutely disgusting.
"Tales" are garbage that can be safely ignored. As long as they don't touch the original article, all supplementary material is nothing but normie filler
I actually like 2317, I think it's a neat concept and I do very much enjoy the overall mythos it builds, it's vague enough to be interesting, a lot of these types of "mega doomsday" SCPs get bogged down into specific descriptions of oh so terrible things and events. Also, it doesn't contradict anything in 231.
I don't know about Fear alone or any other stories of stuff you describe so whatever. I ignore most stories because that's not what SCP is about. The thing that makes 231 so brilliant is precisely because it utilizes the SCP format to make it scarier, the way you don't even know what is going on aside from these sterile, corporate-eseque procedure descriptions. The stories on the other hand are just amateur horror stories, which more often than not are lame boring shit.
Dear god no
This poster on its own would actually fit the satirical side of SCP so well. Especially the final line. You can't tell me that this isn't aware, considering the whole point of the canon is depicting a treacherous, amoral organisation on the brink of the apocalypse. Even just changing the logo of the site to 'rainbow' or whatever, could just be a funny commentary on the fact that faceless companies do it all the time just to save on face.
Are we sure all this outrage isn't just a joke and people are too autistic to get it?
The one where it's a household object but when you're around it you start to get headaches and every full moon a shadowy figure appears (who works for the Scarlet King btw) and [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]s you to death!
Incident Log ABC1472CAD#23: Someone tell Dr Bright to stop putting his dick in it XD
I don't get it. To me it sounded like they needed to give her abortions because ungodly satan-babies were trying to get out of her. Why does raping her ostensibly protect humanity?
I always thought it was implied they have D Class rape the shit out of her. But the ambiguity is what makes it so good.
Why would giving her abortions be some brutal procedure causing people to suicide? Or why would they need to wipe her memory to keep her trauma fresh? Theyre obviously doing something terrible to her and most hints point at rape.
They do it because so far it's the only way to prevent the birth which would trigger the end of the world.
why the fuck is /x/ leaking over into Yea Forums? again with the goddamn scp/creepypasta threads
Different strokes I guess, but to me if there's no real explanation of what's going on, and the implication is that they have to rape her just because that's how it is, then it's not interesting or scary, just extremely edgy. The whole time I was waiting and waiting for an explanation of what the problem with her actually was, and it never came.
The Factory used to be pretty creepy. Now I look at the list of 'Groups of Interest' and there are fucking millions of them.
How does a group called 'Gamers Against Weed' get on a horror writing site?
I like the ones where there's no more Death.
>Gamers Against Weed
thats probably ironic
this one was one of the first ones i read before i knew the site was fictional and i didn't sleep for like 2 days
Like I said, if you go into it having even a rough idea of what's coming, it doesn't work as well. It's interesting to go through all of these elaborate procedures only to find out it's just some girl and then slowly it clicks what they're doing to her and then further you realize those strict personell rotations are not due to any supernatural shit affecting people (which a lot of other SCPs do) but because just watching whatever it is they're doing to that girl is so horrible, it messes people up.
It's also a lot of little touches that you probably have missed. Like how they describe her age with a small and a big black box as opposed to just one big box or just saying she's a young girl - this way you know she's a very young girl. Because it's a big difference to gangrape some 16yo or a 8yo (both of which you'd describe as young girls).
Not Yea Forums, fuck off idiot.
Why is ironic shit allowed in the first place? Why does everything have to devolve into endlessly poking fun at itself?
Kicking out all the people who took things seriously was exactly what turned the place to shit. Now anyone who cares about making something good is just a 'tryhard'
Because sincerity is dead. If you're not operating on twelve layers of irony, you're not cool
Regularly scheduled sneed threads will be back shortly. Don't worry
Trust me, I noticed what you mentioned. I had no idea going in, I just loaded the link after reading the first guy's post earlier in the thread. I stand by what I said. It's not subtle, just edgy for the sake of it.
>it's not subtle
>To me it sounded like they needed to give her abortions
There's something interesting in a rationalist sort of way about discovering things that defy the laws of nature, physics, or even existence, and the government's subsequent attempts to understand them. But yeah, there are about a dozen good entries, and then Tumblr found out and went off the rails with everyone making their own lame story. Still, there's enough good content to enjoy burning through in an afternoon.
Why is this narrated by BillyBob McBeefy?
It is, but the whole group is a bunch mary sue’s with super special anomalous powers (for no reason) that are smart enough to screw with foundation and other groups online without being caught. Oh, and like half of the group are trannys. There was a cringy tale where one of the trannys an hero’s and their friend gets revenge on a bunch of white southerners.
Groups like Are We Cool Yet? are pretty bad, but at least they have a few good entries and tales. gamers against weed is pure unfettered shit.
i'd go with SCP-1730 since it has a large amount of SCPs in it and a clear end to the story
I enjoyed this one
these are great
What is actually going on in this thread?
Did something happen or is it just pol being pol?
Scp is run by circlejerking smug boomers who spit on anyone new if they dont kiss their ass. Oh and they favor the trans folxxx the most. Apparently there are pedos in it but I have no idea.
Did anything actually happen did they delete any content or are you just sad that you cant spam some random garbage?
will you retards fuck off? people stopped talking about that like 50 posts ago, why do you want to bring it up again you cancerous faggots?
They banned the writer of 1981 for shitposting. One user here says he wrote an article with 100+ votes but djkactus was still a cunt. The troon scp is still around and protected because CWW is butt buddies with the person who wrote it. So many people on the discord have skin made of paper and bones made of glass, freaking out over every little thing. And the stories have gone downhill, anything that isnt an essay on why aids is bad gets downvoted and looked down upon. Gone are the days of actual horror now it is just le epic gamers against weed ha ha
So nothing interesting happend they banned some out of my ass garbage.
Because all deviants must hang
does cutting your cock off inhibit your reading comprehension tranny?
And you expect me to treat you seriously?
yeah.... smartass
I'll show you who's boss of this thread.
Cmon! Lets go!
link to the original? I can't find it
I typed "scp sexy doorknob" on Google and all I got was ribbit talking about how it was edited and censored and everyone saying how sexist the original one was
There’s a bunch of clues hidden throughout the article, including an entire poem that’s hidden as microtext. Basically, there were seven girls, each of whom birthed successively worse abominations. The sixth girls child was directly responsible for the deaths of ilion people. The seventh girl’s child will bring about an apocalypse and the end of the universe.
Sounds cringy
it is. its written more like the plot to a shitty manga instead of an objective debrief about a supernatural phenomenon. the teenagers and tumblrfags dont know the difference and end up writing shit like that or defending it
Based researcher Charmers
all i know is that it should end with the reveal that Man was the real SCP all along
One over
>Description: RPC-665 is a massive geographical cavity located approximately 14 km underneath Gay Hell, Michigan
>Gay Hell, Michigan
Rule of thumb for scp is to replace every mysterious censored word with "RAPE". It pretty much works in every instance.
The Virgin SCP Vs. The Chad Youtube Scary Stories Video
that's dumb and not funny. shut up queer
>this page doesnt exist
what was it?
For me, I love O-06-20
Triggered roastie need not worry about rape ever. No one would ever even want to be near your disgusting body.
The universe abides.
i don't care about rape. you're not funny queer.
>no mentions of Cain and Able
This board sucks.
a kids animated film about Half-cat.
SCP is such an interesting case. Its appeal is entirely the format. The stories are mediocre. The ideas are unoriginal. And the mythology is nonexistent past fan theories.
It's the writing equivalent of modern art. Where the art peice itself is mediocre but the imagination behind creating the piece is the draw itself (go watch videos of melting crayon art to get an idea of what I mean).
>the ideas are unoriginal
there are far more scps that are original, fresh ideas than those that are not
>SCP Archive
Thanks for the heads up. Audio drama approach is sadly underrated these days.
my initial thoughts
well its clear you haven't watched many episodes of the x-files.
Why did SCP make Jesus a woman?
I'm sorry but no. I can hardly think of a single original SCP. You have litteral rippofs of things like weeping Angel's. You have direct versions of preexisting things like the plague doctor. You have "magical" versions of everyday objects "look it's a magical key that can open anything!", and then you have random monsters. None of it is original. Originality is rare and this is a website that allows user contributed stories. If they were original writers they would be publishing for money.
Please keep in mind that lack of originality is not inherently a bad thing. Its just that in this case, originality is not the draw. The format of story telling, is.
Formerly Infinite Chuck's
Nah, from what I saw of the first season they really don't have any interesting ideas for the objects or associated storylines.
the tranny created ones
t. /scp/chads
it's a fun show but one that doesn't really push itself. If you watch another few episodes and think it's comfy then it's worth watching the rest. It never really dips in quality or improves dramatically.
Childish.. I dunno, maybe I'd say it sticks to it's rating and doesn't really go out of it's way to shock.
Those were creepypastas
they go find that anomalous Soprano's DVD and things get fucking weird.
>You have litteral rippofs of things like weeping Angel's.
why would you expose yourself as having no clue? the SCP was first.
I'm sure that all scps have some sort of an inspiration, but how is red ice not original
or 3930
or ●●|●●●●●|●●|●
or when day breaks
or 504
or HMS Wintersheimer
or "the adults"
or 2935
Pretty much this, the same thing that happens to basically any non-anonymous online community. The fact that namefagging is actively shunned here is one of the big things that keeps me coming back here.
2399 is my favorite one, mostly because gas giants freak me the fuck out.
what do
>Remember you can’t downvote or criticise even though that’s the entire point of the fucking site
I never thought a single article could destroy that site, but such is the power of fags
>t. discord tranny
>fight fire with fire
that only ends one way m8
>If they were original writers they would be publishing for money.
lmao at this absolute brainlet logic. Guess that fanfic bitch that did fifty fags of grey is a totally "original genuine creative writer" because she got published.
This is some lowest pleb tier thinking.
>it's good because the publishing jews said so hurrrrrrrrrr
>"Blink" is the tenth episode of the third series of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It was first broadcast on 9 June 2007 on BBC One.
Um, user?
And the concept was ganked from The Shining.
Dont put words in my mouth. Real originality is rare and almost always results in successful publishing. That does not mean nor did I say that everything that is published is original.
Originality is not necessary. There are bucket loads of stories written about zombies. None of them are original. Thay doesn't mean that they arent great. It's just that the draw is not originally. You dont go see this months zombie film because "oh boy I cant wait to see an original story about an original creature!!".
I would not be so quick to call others brainlets when you yourself seem to lack basic reading comprehension.
The creatures are not original.
The stories are not particularly well written.
The mythos is not well fleshed out and is nearly non existant outside of a few individuals writing up their personal imagination of it.
The big draw to SCP is entirely the format through which the stories are told.
Nowhere did I say SCP was bad. Just that it is an interesting example of the art not necessarily being the end product but the process taken to end up at that end product.
>Dont put words in my mouth.
couldn't if I wanted to on account of that massive cock taking up all the room
tl;dr lol
Guys is scp containment breach any good?
I've liked scp for a while now and the thought of a game based around it seems pretty cool
The game isnt good.
But the people you play it with can make it good.
It leaves a lot to you the player and how you interact with eachother to make up for the lack on content. The game itself is just a randomized maze.
So you could call it good by design, but really I just call it lazy. But the community has fun with it yes.