I jerked off and smeared cum in my roommate gfs panties, right over where the pusy goes
I killed /trek/
I'm not asking for forgiveness I just want God to know
My guilty pleasure is to play celebs or write personalized fapbait about celebs for anons to help get them off.
you know they could notice that, right? why do you even do that
I'm a cumbrain
Nice. You are a man of culture.
I really like Blade 3
i fapped to CIA in queer as folk
Marilyn Manson's We Know Where You Fucking Live video gave me a nun fetish
Nuns can’t hear confessions.
I'm a bonbiposter
what if you shout them?
I broke my nieces hymen by giving her an aggressive horsey ride on my knee
Sniffed panties once, they smelled like clean fabric.
I wanted to fuck the altar girl from my church
>sniffing clean panties
what's the fucking point if she didnt just sweat in them all day
>go to strip club
>sniff bare pusy an inch from face
>no particular smell
we were tricked, fren
I've had an obsession with nuns' virgin buttholes lately. I dunno what to do. I've never had a fetish this specific before. help
pic related
turns out she has bf
I got really drunk and created the perfect food last night. I took a burrito and shoved a hot dog inside it. I call it the Dogito. My farts smell like I died two weeks ago. Worth it.
I must confess I still believe (still believe)
checked and based, I love Natalie
>look i posted the meme shemale again
the only thing she has going for her is her personality, her dick is all kinds of fucked up
>I took a burrito and shoved a hot dog inside it.
i did that once. wasn't planning to eat it though
If I was a 19th century mexican bandit i'd probably have my way with her
>I confess, to almighty Moot, and to you my brothers and autists, that I have greatly sinned
>In my posts and in my threads, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do
>Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault
>Therefore I ask the blessed user ever virgin, and all the incels and mods, to pray for me to the Lord our Moot
Need some premium high quality nun JOIs, lads
I haven't watch a movie from start to finish since BR2049 came out. I can't even seem to get through short films these days.
She's gonna get pregnate from your sprem and you are gonna have to raise babby without getting to sex dumdum.
I have a nun fetish but not the fake nun, with high heels and garter belts. a geniune nun robe with medieval clothing behind it. Ït gets me rock hard.
i can't write so i just make fakes and use them to trick unwitting anons
how do you make fakes?
I stayed the night at a frinds house and when they went to bed I raided the dirty linen basket and sniffed his partners used panties whilst fapping and came in them,
I did it again another time at the same house and came in her shoe.
I wet the bed last night. I'm a 30 year old boomer.
I suicided Epstein
I was stunned by Epstein's suicide, though probably not as much as Epstein himself.
go to bed Micheal
A couple years ago my friends and I found out this fat girl's parents had left town so we went to her house and drank all their liquor and smashed a bunch of their stuff and used an urn that was on the mantel as an ashtray then we gangbanged her, legit every hole on her body filled gangbang for like two hours, and then when she was in the bathroom we heard her crying so we pissed in her shoes and put them in her freezer and took off. It was funny at the time but now I feel a little bad that I had sex with a fat girl.
actually a based individual
>things that never happened
i had a dream few weeks ago when i was confessing my sins to a priest and it was a lot and he says something like
>damn son, have you ever done one good thing in your life, or what?
and i said
>i seed movies 24/7, father
>hmmm, what movies?
>Fellini, Kubrick, Kurosawa, the list goes on
>damn, that's based. That will be a 5 hail marys for ya
If I had made it up it wouldn't have been a fat girl you reddit9kfugee moron.
>watching traps for the dick
I wish there was more good nun porn. Nowadays they make these nun porns but they wear latex and almost no nun RP at all, straight up bullshit. The only good nun porn are those old italian movies by salieri but fuck, i need something new man
THIS. Also, they can't be overtly sexual and forward, they must be presented as if what they're doing is for god.
>"I see...yes the sin in side you...will have to be extracted...with my mouth. My holy vessel will contain it, cleansing you of these unclean thoughts..i will do this for almighty God"
I had sex with a teenage black girl. She asked me for a ride at the gas station and I gave her one. On the way she said she was just trying to get out of town and didn't really know where to go. I took her back to my house so she could call some people (this was back before cell phones) and after we talked for a bit she came over and sat right on my lap. I mauled her right there and came inside her twice. We fell asleep together and when I woke up she was gone. She didn't steal anything, she just left. I never saw her again. I wonder what happened to her a lot, and I wonder if I have a brown kid out there somewhere. Maybe I'm talking to my kid right now. Any of you half white and not know your father?
Built for BBC
photoshop of course
oh i didnt understand what you mean by fakes, try writing sometime, I use to be bad and now I would like to think im good at getting anons off
Anymore of this outfit?
I often jerk off to nun porn...
I have a Reddit account.
I smoked crack one time with a crackwhore I met on the street walking home drunk from a party. When we went to her apartment it was a crack den filled with sketchy dudes who kept asking me questions and if I had any money to get more crack and kept acting weird. I went to the bathroom and climbed out the window and ran to a grocery store and called a cab home. Not even a week later I see a body was found in the alley next to their house half chopped up. The guys in the house and her did it and got arrested for it, and said it was because he wouldn't give them money for drugs. Still freaks me out thinking how close I came to that being me. Never touched another drug since and stay away from bad neighborhoods.