Polanski's 'Bitter Moon'

>casts his own wife as cuckoldress who gets blacked while husband watches

What did Polanski mean by this?

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>cuckolding with a black guy
>dominating woman
Yeah, I'm thinking it's kino

Every Polanski film is kino

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essential jew kino

>>dominating woman

Polanski was born in Paris, and his Polish-Jewish parents moved the family back to Poland in 1936.

This was pretty good although i wanted more of Hugh Grant. That man is kino in everything he is in.

Cuckoldry is literally invented by Jews, it is an "ego-destruction ritual". Think about that. The entire point is to identify with your wife's pleasure, and not your own. I.e. to destroy your ego in the most brutal and visceral way possible.

The reason this is pushed is to "invert" and destroy traditional wholesome marriages. They believe destroying Good is the true moral "good".

They try to shame normal people for not wanting to lower themselves in this depraved and disgusting manner. It is 100% Jewish, it is centuries old, and they push it on the elites and socialites of every society they poison.

Also the term "Bitter Moon" has occult meaning.

The Moon is the woman, the divine feminine, the female aspect of God, reflecting the Solar male energy. A "Bitter" Moon is a cuckoldress, a cruel female who radiates bitter painful emotional energy instead of warm and benevolent energy.

>Poland in 1936

based and redpilled

Elaborate please.

Based jews

Watch the movie

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No, you pseud. It's a lame play-on-words. The original French title was Lunes de Fiel (Moons of Bile), from the French word for honeymoon Lune de Miel.

highly redpilled posts

Based Jews dabbing on whites for centuries.

funny thing, last night i watched Knife on the Water (polanski´s first feature) and something similar happens towards the end of the movie, with a young fella having sex with a married woman (the husband wasn´t in the scene tho)

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I'm pretty sure Germans would organize the same move for them in 1940 for free. What a waste of money on tickets.

i think problem is not focussing on wife's pleasure, it is the belief that you are not good enough to give her this happiness and only other men are capable of it. Why are you even her husband if you can't keep her happy or are happy yourself ! uckoldry is sometimes just an beta male trying to find happiness in being beta
