ITT: when you weigh more than Homer in King-Size Homer

ITT: when you weigh more than Homer in King-Size Homer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i got to 243 before i decided to do something and got an exercise bike and went on a diet

damn i wish i was 243

>tfw 115kg 253lbs
>tfw they make 300 look like 200kg

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I currently weigh 231 lb.

i weigh 330lb (formerly 245lbs)

I'm down to 195 from 228

I'm currently 220 which is the 3rd heaviest I've been in my life. The thinnest is 170.

Gotta get a grip!

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im also 220. lost 30 after divorce but just maintained since. need to carve off another 30 to feel content.

i weigh 115 pounds :)

Was homer a manlet? He is way to rotund to only be 240 pounds if he was average height

i take shits bigger than you


lol fat people

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Based Architects.


That sucks, senpai. How long were you married and did she get your house and dog?

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Not if you're eating gummy bears

Wtf. I was like 95kg (210lbs) at my absolute fattest. I'm like 85kg now and still overweight. I'm 1m90, don't do any sports, eat all day and barely move.

How the FUCK do you get that fat?

143 lbs.

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eat ice cream err day

>tfw 6'2 and 175lbs
Feels good to be king. Protip to my fatty brothers, chicken and wholegrain rice is based diet food, tastes good and a big bowl is like 600cal. Cycling is easier than running but still great exercise, walking is still really good exercise too. Your future self is cheering you on, it's never too late!

Last week I weighed 175lbs at 6'2.

Then I started a bulk, so we'll see where I end up.

>tfw my wife is in her 30s and still only weights 45kg

the eternal pajeet

why are you all so fucking fat. just eat less fatasses


Either you're a manlet or really skinny

Nice. I was at 245 in January and today I'm 222. Trying to get to 210ish by December.

ITT: when your soil level is 9.6


a recent study showed cycling doesn't have a strong effect on weightloss compared to hiking and running

You're just underestimating your size. Have you seen full body pics of yourself? I was at 230lbs at my fattest and the pics of myself were soul crushing. Down to 200. Still fat but at least not freakshow fat. I'm also pretty muscular which helps.

Share nudes.

you fat people make me sick
you need to completely overhaul everything about the way you live your life


says the guy living with his mom

I dunno man I was cycling 30km a day and the weight melted off in a few months. Eating habits didnt change

He gets happier in each picture

340lbs here. Still get chicks on my dicks

Obviously man, if it's harder it burns more energy, which is why i said 'still' a great exercise, best middle between energy and difficulty. Plus repeated cycling doesn't fuck your joints like running can

yuck imagine the sound and smells

Are you a qt twink? :3

I really hate Homer, I despise that smug look every time he's eating.

Imagine a fatass dude and a fatass woman fucking. Would they even be able to get it in

Are you me?

5'11 hit 205lbs mid last year after starting full-time job, got autistic about diet and exercise and i'm down to 175lbs

I think sneed is finally dying

I'm trying my best. Had 4 chik fil a chicken biscuits, 4 hashbrowns for breakfast. Now eating two chipotle burritos for lunch. Am getting buffalo blasts, jambalaya, and a chicken dish from cheesecake factory for dinner. Will get a pizza delivered at 10pm or so if not too drunk.

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Hey Homer, whaddya do? Get a haircut or something?

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wow Yea Forums is full of fattys

5'7" pit dweller, peaked at 250
currently 193, aiming for 170 but that will depend on how I look the closer I get

I'm 5'10" 215 and Amerifatts will come up to me and ask how I stay so skinny.


Wtf? How much do you weigh?


Chipotle burritos are about a thousand calories each dude. That's literally all you need to eat all day.

>4 chik fil a & hashbrowns
>2 burritos for lunch
>cheesecake factory jambalaya for din din
>pizza for drunk munchies

how fat are you porky pig?
what are your shits like?
how do you afford all that?

>ctrl + f
>lookup "sneed"
>only 2 posts
hmmm, let me change that sneedbros


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nigga what
im 5'7" too and considered myself a fatty all my life but i peaked at like 165 and am at 135 right now
how does 250 even happen and do you have pics you could crop

>be over 300lbs
>everyone thinks I only weight 200
>have gal coworker who is my height but 230
>she's probably half again as wide as I am

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formerly thriving

one also fucking hurts my joints and forces me to go outside though

For me? It's booze. Dunno my weight but I am a fat shit.

no you are just deluded and american

you are 300lb and will look 300lb

go take a side profile picture

>how do you afford all that?
not that guy, but not everyone of us is a fucking poorfag. I could spend 100 $ a day and that wouldnt make a dent in my account. I helps that im a trust fund baby with multi millionaire parents, but such is life .

>tfw 600+ and its growing
>lifelong eating to cope because of growing up in a broken home during middle school
>tfw entry rejected by my 600 pound life due to "general disinterest"

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Lose weight and stop lying to yourself fatty. People are being nice, dummy. Everyone can clearly see you're a fat fuck. It's right there in front of them. No, you don't "wear it well". You're just deluding yourself.

>im a trust fund baby with multi millionaire parents

you're an underaged liar LARPing on a chinese cartoon image board for (You)s

t. bloatmodes

Everyone comes from a "broken home" faggot. Unless you were raped: shut the fuck up. Stop making excuses and lose weight you fat piece of shit.


I get extra steak and extra cheese in mine so its probably a little more than that.

pretty fat senpai
dont poop to often but it's always smelly
the company I work for gave me $5000 worth of gift certificates to give clients after a data breach but I just use them for myself. I asked for another $5000 worth last week

thats a normal convo

"don't worry user you totally only look 200lbs which is still disgustingly overweight and not 300lb, you look normal"

absolutely fucking deluded

Not owning up to your own failure to properly feed yourself is much worse than being fat itself. Fuck you. You are not a little baby anymore. You are perfectly capable of making your own decisions.

Own your life, retard.

better idea: lie and say you were raped so you can get on tv

The fact that you think spending 100$ a day is some abnormally high number, clearly shows you are not only not rich, but also obviously underaged.

How the FUCK do you let yourself get to 300+lb? Where is the self control? How is it even fucking possible to eat so much in a day you turn into such a piece of blubber?

currently 297.6 lbs with 300 being my goal weight

Just be sedantary and eat lots of carbs and sugar and you can explode over the course of a few months


I dont come from a broken home. That probably explains why I'm a well adjusted individual capable of being intimate which reflects through the quality of all the relationships I have.

You could literally eat 1 banana too much for 5 years and grow to 300lbs+.

Its all about normal eating habits. I was 145kg last November. I'm 89.6kg today and still losing about 1kg a week.

they eat 3000+ calories a meal and never exercise for years

i did

>thinks spending $100 a day is alot of money

I pay a florist close to $400 a day to have fresh cut flowers delivered and arranged daily to my and my mom's house. I dont even know the password to my account because I simply don't need to look.

No self control.
Stop making excuses you disgusting fat fucks

1 banana is 105 calories.
There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat.
If you ate 1 banana too much a day for 5 years, you'd gain (1825*105)/3500 = 54.75 pounds of fat extra.

>The fact that you think spending 100$ a day is some abnormally high number
Compared to 5 billion people who live under a dollar a day, it is, boyo. An I do not live in the US or EU, so if i equivalate the purchasing power of those 100 bucks to the US, it would be at least double.Living rich in a third world shithole has it's benefits.

>you're an underaged liar LARPing
Whatever makes you sleep at night, Cleetus. Keep eating those hot pockets , maybe you'll save enough money for a lobster this Christmass

>pay a florist close to $400 a day to have fresh cut flowers delivered
> delivered
That florist bangs you mother

Honestly i'm shocked other people can get fat.
I sit on my ass all day and binge eat trash food in revolting quantities, but still can't get fat.
Must be the metabolism meme.

muh glands

I knew a guy like you. He was a 6'6 bean pole. I moved away for a few years and when I came back he gained a lot of weight but carried it in really weird places. Like big globes of it on his love handles and a lot of it in his face, but still had skinny shoulders and shit. Looked weird as fuck skinny fat. Word to the wise.

>Whatever makes you sleep at night, Cleetus. Keep eating those hot pockets , maybe you'll save enough money for a lobster this Christmass

so what grade are you starting this year?

Four months ago I was over 230 now im 211 and go to the gym every other day

Second grade of my masters .

sounds like you're doing a terrible job as a husband. 45kg is not child bearing weight

Christ have some dignity.

These are the people I share a board with who think they're qualified to judge others.

>be sedentary
>eat lots of carbs and sugar
>and you can explode over the course of a few months
I usually eat up to/more then 3k cals a day and only go on a 1km/d walks. Still only 115 Ibs.


You're missing that the amount that constitutes "too much" will increase as you get bigger.

So when you're at, say, 250, you will have to be eating a colossal amount plus a banana to maintain and increase that bodyweight.

And as another comment said you're actually way off about how many calories are in a banana.

That's not how 200 kg look like

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I'm 5'8 115 lbs


95 at 190 is ok. I am at 99kg 190cm.
I feel a little fat but still ok. always try to keep it at 2 figures.

Post pic of legs

Holy shit I didn't realise Yea Forums was so fucking fat lol

Feels ok, wish I was more muscular like my brother though.

I just ate an entire pizza by myself and now I’m about to drink 15 beers

Ask me anything, pic related is me

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>tfw 6'2 190
i LITERALLY work out twice a week and eat whatever i want
genelets seething

How can you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning?

>I'm trying my best
Obviously you fucking aren't

why tho


>only 190 at 6'2"
Lanklet as fuck.

Suicide is an option

Stop feeding you fuck

I have no shame at all. I like eating junk food and being lazy. If that means I’ll die sooner then screw it, at least I’ll enjoy myself before then.
I don’t wanna kill myself though.

>ywn do that with BDH

>I asked for another $5000 worth last week
wait that's illegal

wtf based

I don’t remember this episode but damn Hal is a based fella


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Nice. Mine is 92lbs and has only broken 100lbs once in the decade we've been together.

If you're a big cunt try OMAD. You eat once a day in a 1 hour window and fast 23 hours a day. Easier to count all your calories and you wont snack at night. You'll feel thinner because you're fasting. You'll feel good about not eating shit for lunch. Then just eat whatever the fuck you want for dinner, like 2k calories. Just look at the nutrition info on stuff and you'll get a pretty good idea of what 2k looks like. pic related is 2k.

also listen to this and go get a fucking gym membership you donut shaped beer bellied bitch

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damn I need an archive of that thread

>homer was originally born in the 50s
>soon he will be born in the 90s

Exactly the same situation here. I'm at 181 now and quickly approaching my goal of 170. I've started lifting and running in the last few months though.

Lord almighty. How much Feed and Seed did Homer eat?

>probably not even 170 anymore
I'll spiral down to 160 by the end of the summer and I'm not even skipping meals or downsizing my portions.

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I feel like I could be as glutenous and sedentary as possible and I could never pass 220 lbs or so at 6'2.

I'm not auschwitz "can't gain weight" mode but even if I'm drinking beer and eating brats and drumsticks every day I never really pass the point of being a bit chubby and gross-looking. I can't bloat.

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you're more susceptible to being cucked tho

How small are you that 170 is overweight?
Granted I'm 183cm and 156, but 181 is solid for a guy my size

How much do you have to eat to maintain that? If you dropped to 2000 cal / day you'd lose weight so fast your head would spin.

I was 240
I'm currently 181
My goal is 170

I'm overweight at 181 but 170 would be normal weight for my height. (6'0)

>down to 74 kg from 97 kg
>still feeling fat.
i think thats because im only 1.73 cm and skin


>tfw 360lbs
Idk if there's any hope bros...
[Spoiler]at least I'm 6'6 so I don't look completely inhuman[/spoiler]

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towel rack

You're a big guy.

How big is the hog?

For reference.

I still weigh less than homer when I am carrying a backpack with all of my books in it, plus lunch, and water.

have done this before and recommend it. its not that hard once you get the first couple days out of the way.

dubs what day is it ?

just stop stuffing your fat fuckin faces

yall feed too much

150lb 5'9 perfect bmi master race

Post pics

>tfw I'm 275 lbs
>Watched Mt Splashmore episode
>When Homer is at his fattest and gets stuck in the slide he's 260 lbs
>Go to the mirror
>My body looks like Homer's

How did I let it get so bad?

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you're either lying, misinformed or one of those people who can eat junk food every day and never seem to gain a pound
i'm 193cm 120kg and getting there was easy, i never even noticed it just spend a lot of time in front of the computer and eat 2-3 times a day but eat a lot when you do
granted i go to the gym so i don't know how much if any of that is muscle but still 100+ is easy as fuck

The Mask is helping district shitposters


Truly monstrous.

been there due to me literally not knowing anything about proper nutrition and just eating like a pig

fixed myself and thankfully didnt take that much damage from being a fat slob

God I know this feel all too well.


>mfw i stress about being low-mid 150s when id rather be 140
>mfw reading some of the replies here
holy shit you fat as fatasses

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I was 225. Dropped down to 165 and I don't even really know how.

All human beings over 250 lbs should be euthanized

what a god

I was 250 at the start of the year, currently down to 195. Did Homer only look so massive because he's a manlet? desu looked a bit pudgy but not really that bad desu

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>tfw at 95kg
>can't gain a pound with fast food or sweets
>can't lose a pound with weeks of diet and exercise
I'm stuck in this fucking WW1 trench of a rut for almost a year, how do I break this lads?

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It took me a while to realize that the weight belongs to the woman and not the man.

which board was this on kek

inb4 moe

>be me 225lbs
>decide to lose weight
>6 months and weigh myself
>150lbs on scale
>look at body and im still just as fat but smaller

Fuck me

Cool lies, fat ass.

I'm proud of the fat fucks in this thread losing weight. Good for you. It's hard and it's worth it.
I wish only the best for the fat fucks in this thread who are not losing weight, and I hope you turn your lives around before you kill yourselves

>tfw 82kg at 183cm

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sorry I meant 182kg.

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>Show the gut faker

When I hit 206 after eating a large meal I decided to start losing weight. IF and sporadic exercise, 155lb now. Started in late January.

The pain your mother must have endured to birth you

Heaviest I've been is 230. Now I'm skinny fat 185. Weight loss came really easy to me because a keto diet is already what I normally eat just a low calorie version of it. I don't like sweet food and can go without carbs. Fuck I love salty/savory food though. My only kryptonite.

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Was 338, now 295. 6'1"

Still a Freddie Fat Fuck...

5'7 179lbs down from 210.

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formerly 338

Would like a word...

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Unless you're real fuckin' tall you shouldn't be trying to gain weight

Diet smarter. Actually try to count your calories and be brutally honest. Don't get fooled by "just eat good food", you need to eat good food AND watch how much of it you eat. Exercise is nice but don't think of it as burning calories, because you'll just eat it all back

I drink 15 beer and about 20oz of vodka per day. I usually bbq a steak and some veggies and also make nachos late at night and 3x a week grab fast food on the way home. This has been my routine since 2008. I'm now 5'10 and 175, feel great and look good. Never exercise but I lay brick and block all week so I think that helps quite a bit.

203 right now and I hate it. I had shoulder surgery and gained 30lbs because I still can't run the 15 miles a week I used to.

>I'll weigh more than homer in 30lbs.
Time to reconsider my life, I guess.

diet only is a meme

start working out

>tfw 130kgs at 189cm
Atleast i started looking like a human after i started lifting and squatting

>went down from 250 to 220 in a year
>just by smoking weed

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Looks like the highest he went was 260, probably when he looked disturbingly ripped, usually it's been much lower. The guy is a broad shouldered hunk and of a way above average height, so the user's threshold of 250 doesn't take these cases into account but I think it's much more likely that a person who weighs that much is morbidly obese and not a bodybuilder. Even then, some of those manage to fuck their bodies up with improper workouts and roids while bulking up.

t.skeletor with 19 bmi

/ck/ I think

>Went from 310 to 280 in one summer
>Just removed bread from my diet and work at the Home Depot on weekends

>fall for "dude stop eating after 7PM" meme
>legit feel like passing out from starvation all night
>check my weight next week
>pretty sure it was water weight anyways
fuck this

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Remove carbs from your diet.
You will lose tons of weight

T. Ketard
All he needs to do is literally just eat less

is this guy a midget or something?

Half this thread is fatter than any person I've seen IRL
Your country needs to get carpet nuked tbqh

So the only way to counter Sneed is to remind everyone here how fat they are?

What a scoop!

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Most fat people are fucking disgusting and it's safe to assume most of you are as well.

>Being this mad that fat people exist

Keto causes hair loss. You need carbs retard. Just literally eat less

same, definitely recommend, its very hard at first but very rewarding
i went from 275 to 175 over the course of 9 months by doing this, 5'11 btw

>Keto causes hair loss.
Do you have a source on that?

Lay off the gummy bears

Just looked it up.
>Extreme weight loss could contribute to hair loss, as the body lacks calories due to changes in food intake. When you're on low-calorie diets for a long-term, it results in a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. Telogen effluvium is a common type of hair loss that can occur as a result of sudden weight loss.
You’re a fucking moron

How do I attain bloatlord status?

>lost almost 50 pounds
How the FUCK do i get rid of my mad titties

>tfw 6'3 and weigh almost 100lbs. Less than that because ottermode swimmer and rower since high school and now into my boomer years

How the fuck do people get that fat, do you have zero hobbies other than eating trash and chugging soda while sitting stagnant? Jesus Christ. Go for a fucking walk. Every 16 ounces of soda you consume you should walk a mile. Then run those miles when you get used to it and eat decent home cooked food like chicken breasts or lean steaks with mixed vegetables, and stop drinking soda that isn't zero calories all together but keep running a few miles a day and then lift a little. You won't be a fat sack of shit in no time. Maybe you could even get a gf.

how tall are you, and how much do you currently weigh
furthermore, do note, if you had really bad gyno its probably loose skin, in which case youre fucked

I was stupid enough to assume it was the guy’s weight

pierce approves

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5'6 (actual manlet)
went from 190 lb to 145.


Bout 270lbs last I checked. Not a fan, but at least I'm aware of it. The real shit happens when you're not.

>tfw fatlets ask you how you stay in shape and you tell them you have cancer because you don't think they deserve to know your finely tuned workout regimen and making fatfucks feel bad is one of the greatest joys in life

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My gf likes that I'm fat. She also is 2D so joke's on you, Chad.

>tfw I was Bart's age when the series started
>now I'm older than Homer

Cartoons can't be girlfriends, and anime will never be real. Get your shit together and take a lap.

>maybe you'll save enough money for a lobster this Christmass
How fucking retarded does a person have to be to think that anyone in the US is saving money in order to afford a lobster for Christmas dinner? That's such a bizarre insult I have to imagine your vision of the US comes from struggling to read poorly translated ooga booga subtitles of 80's American sitcoms.

Sup Boogie

Off the wagon eh

If you’re really fat then walking and running can be super hard on your legs. Cycling doesn’t have that problem and it’s still decent exercise

Is that shitty past it's prime cartoon show that was created by one of Epstein's pedo buddies who made a young girl rub and bathe his nasty rotting feet on the Lolita Express and paid her with a shitty drawing? This show is getting metoo'd soon so say goodbye to it now that the docs leaked.