>Yeah, you won't be so cocky, Jeff, when I come into the office with a Kalashnikov and 200 rounds of ammunition
what did he mean by this?
>Yeah, you won't be so cocky, Jeff, when I come into the office with a Kalashnikov and 200 rounds of ammunition
what did he mean by this?
he deserved better. also why didnt he fuck those Aussie girls?
You just know that mark would be a sneedcel if he was a 4channel user.
>make a 'nerd' character who has multiple friends, girlfriends, a job, and an active social life
what did they mean by this?
He has like 3 friends through the whole series, and one of them was a Nazi
He's a gun collector and wants to show Jeff he's serious about his hobby.
Honestly Jeff wasn't even a bad guy. He could just sense Mark's negative energy and lashed out with some harmless banter, instead of just rolling with the punches, Mark turned him into a villain in his mind and made him out to be worse than he was. Very realistic depiction of a Beta male.
because he is not a janitor for vaginas
it was a different time
>Jez becomes a full blown faggot in the final season
I really wish some member of the religion of peace would just happen to bomb whatever hipster coffee shop Robert Webb undoubtedly hangs out at.
not every nerd is a NEET shut in, some of them are functioning members of society
Why would you take an amount of ammo not in multiples of 30 when the weapon uses magazines which have a 30 round capacity? Did he want to see the world burn?
There's a scene where he says he's fucked more men than Sophie user, he was always a sexual degenerate
>literally physically attacks Mark
>wasn't a bad guy
Based socially capable poster
Mark was asking for it
i'm sure it was just a rough estimate
He never specified which Kalashnikov, it could be an RPK with a drum
>defending the seat sniffer
>the 'nerd' character doesn't sit silently in front of his computer all day long
A show of you sitting in front of your screen masturbating to furry porn wouldn't be good entertainment
they were just having a laugh jesus christ
Jeff's doing a post!
>good at making friends and getting laid
>no job
hmm it’s almost like both characters together share all human characteristics
is sucking dick not full blown gay?
>good at making friends
Can't keep them though, only Hans and Mark tolerate his shit for any amount of time
That's because people eventually realise that he's not a normie, he's just as fucked up socially as Mark, but he gets away with it because he's an extrovert