This man is 55 years old

This man is 55 years old.

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how2achieve it

adrenochrome is a hellova drug

Don't drink alcohol, work and use drugs. Sleep well and workout your whole life.


Lol. It's TRT

>Don't drink alcohol

Pitt is a well known alcoholic. He literally admitted that Jolie divorced him because he's an alcoholic.

He looks good because of TRT and probably specifically dieted (and maybe upped his TRT) for this role.

>be an a list actor
>have the best kike doctors in the world make your perfectly balanced diet and workout schedule
>pay them 6-figure salary on a weekly basis

Pitt is a well known /fit/izen

had no idea he was a boozer
impressive he aged so well

Amazing what you can do when you're a millionaire with a home gym the size of a normal house and infinite free time

You just gotta make it brah

Daily injections of liquefied aborted fetuses, aborted fetus meat with every meal.

So what?
I'm 30 and I look 20 at most.

digital de-aging [spoilers]but not based pitt[/spoilers]

TRT conspiracy fags on suicide watch. Im 28 and still look 18 and /fit/. Some people just age better and are natural athletes. We exist just like little hormonal fagots like you exist.

Bench, dead lift, squat and don't eat like a pig.

18 year olds look young because of their literal child like faces and small frames you retard, lol.

People told me I look 25 when I was 20, now I'm 32 and people tell me I look like I'm in my early 20's.

If you wanted to LARP, you could have at least said 20-21 and not 18 lmao. Literally not a single "natural athlete" looks 18, even when they were 18

Keep your testosterone levels high by whatever means necessary. Use natural methods at first, but when it starts dropping continuously you can start taking hormones.

Be vigilant of hair loss and jump on rogaine or whatever as soon as possible.

Avoid stress in your life, and trust me stress is not just a psychological thing, it actually makes your body produce a hormone called Cortisol that can fuck you up on the long term.

Always sleep well, turn off all lights during sleep so your body can produce a good amount of melatonin and heal.

Exercise, obviously. If you want to feel really good even as you age, switch to a DUP routine eventually. Variation in exercises, movements and rep range is *really* important to fight the effects of aging, because each one will contribute to delay aging in one aspect. Lifting really heavy and in the lower rep range is great for bone density for example, and that can help you feel younger for a long time because that decreases with age, but you also need high reps to strenghten your tendons and increase endurance.

Avoid alcohol, sugar and trans fats.

Always have Sunscreen on, even if you're inside.

Eat a lot of vegetables, drink green tea.

Start doing all of that now and I guarantee you you'll look better than Pitt at 55.

>always have sunscreen on
This is the real redpill. It's how white people can prevent aging like milk

What about Argan oil? I heard that helps too.

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>Being this delusional

we all openly gay here senpai

Idk I have a very similar physique (I'm a tad taller) and I just run/cycle and do push-ups and sit-ups every other day. I cut down on sodas a bit and make sure to get 3 meals per day but that's it.

So... you are a weak shit and some buff dude benching 3pl8s stole your gf?

>comparing yourself to hollywood stars, ever

They are millionaires who can afford personal trainers and can take months off just to get in shape. There's no point in even trying

you're a moron

This woman is 56 years old

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who else are you supposed to compare yourself to? your peers? fuck off

Trt is nothing to be ashamed of, its literally good for your health even

whole food plant-based diet, regular exercise and 8 hours of sleep

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Have the money to hire a professional trainer and nutritionist, and which allows you the necessary free time you need to devote literal hours each and every day to achieving and maintaining that physique

based rob

He did this natty though, which no sane person would.

>lifting is too hard for the average person meme
why are americans so lazy

> Bondage, mommy and feet
Fetish trifecta

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I mean yeah if you want to look like that but Pitt's physique is easily doable even for a lazy fuck. Just run 10kms every other day and do some push ups, pull ups, planks and shit. Just do that while your kino is torrenting and you're good to go.

Have sex with Angelina Jolie.

>easily doable
>just run 10 kilometers every other day

I do all that except for lifting and getting paid by a studio to do the former. Actors are niggers.

>run 10kms every other day

great way to destroy your legs

>I do all that except the most important fucking part

None of that is hard at all, if he's lifting six days a well then he's probably only lifting for less than a half an hour each session and only focuses on one muscle group at a time, also if he runs 3 miles a day while also lifting then he's fucking up his routine a lot.

Cardio kills gains, you do cardio and weight training on separate days.

Not if you have good form

28 is literally your physical prime you little retarded faggot lmao

>Just run 10kms every other day

For those of us with full time jobs and who are in relationships and have hobbies, this is just not feasible. When you're a REAL human bean, you have to decide what you can and cannot sacrifice based on what your priorities are and how much time you have. Being shredded is just not in the cards for most dudes. We have to make due with being of average or slightly above average fitness

it's not that hard, I'm definitely not an active guy and I manage to do it. You can cycle instead if you want.

If the studio paid a gym monitor to take me by the hand the whole way and also paid for my free time I'd do it too.

You're a loser

>You can't work and be /fit/
I work 50 hours a week and still have time to go to the gym
>Drinking makes you fat meme
It doesn't. The bar food is worse for you than the beer and whiskey. In fact, it's actually healthier to have 2 glasses of wine a week than to not as alcohol is a blood thinner and prevents thrombosis

wow so you can't find a single hour in your day to do that? I have a full time job too and I even work another job some nights and I still got plenty of time left in my day

Post your body faggot

>In fact, it's actually healthier to have 2 glasses of wine a week than to not
I agree with the rest of what you said but this is grade-A bullshit

But you don't. That's the point.

M8, I work 50 hours a week as an EMT, have a gf, and hunt. You can spare an hour and a half per day to excercise and for some people their hobbies are physical activities anyways.

It's not hard to balance your lifestyle like that.

I don't have a camera.

Nice excuse bra

Yeah I'm not getting paid, thanks for recognizing the point.

Growth hormones and stem cell therapy, there you go.

sleep, don't drink, stay out of the sun

Why would I even reply to you if I was lying anyway?

Are you guys telling me you're shredded like in OPs pic from just an hour of exercise every other day? If you're not lying, then you have good physical genes. Otherwise you're bullshitting and you fucking know it takes way more than that


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No, I excercise for about an hour and half 5 days a week alternating between a calisthenics routine at the gym and cardio on different days. Also, yeah I'm pretty /fit/. Have the six pack, Adonis belt, defined pecs, decent back, etc. You don't just lose gains.

Mac isn't even that shredded, he went on such a harsh diet to change his body type as fast as possible. If you excercise regularly for long enough you just gain a pretty permenant physique that takes quite a bit of neglect to not maintain. Plus it's fun to maintain it, I genuinely enjoy pushing myself in the gym or on a trail

Have a doctor who specializes in anti-aging.

gee I wonder which industry pays for those "studies"

You can reduce your risk of heart disease through healthier habits

How long did it take you to get to that physique at your pace?

Drinking a small amount of red wine, and alcohol actually, is a proveably healthy habit. So yes. You can still enjoy one light beer per day with the dudes even if you're on a health kick.

Yes, alcohol is a well known blood thinner.

well yeah, an hour and a half every 2 days

3 days a week, is all you need. The other half is self control/proper dieting

>Yes, alcohol is a well known blood thinner.
is that good or bad

How long do you estimate it took you to get to that level?

this. also not having to sit in an office or do manual labor for 8 hours 5 days a week for a whole year works wonders.

yes, you probably don't even need to do an hour. just stop eating like a fucking pig. diet is the most important part

She's asian, that's cheating

>Drinking a small amount of red wine, and alcohol actually, is a proveably healthy habit

As another user said that's pure bullshit. It's a myth propped up by the alcohol industry.

Healthy and active people don't need to "thin" their blood
It's only good if you're an obese and sedentary fuck who smokes and munches on burgers everyday

Well, I've been constantly exercising since hs. Before that I was severely underweigh. I played varsity soccer, track, and lifted a lot for 4 years in high school - a habit I've kept pretty well. I've always had a pretty good physique since hs , even when I did comparitively little maintenance during university I still had visible definition as maintenance isn't as hard as trying to make gains.

Honestly, it depends where your BMI is it at and what routine you want to stick to. It was pretty difficult going from a stick to having well developed muscles at first but once you start it gets a lot easier through time. If you want a radical change then yes you're going to have pretty radical lifestyle changes or you could work out at your own pace for about half a year and achieve similar results. It's all a matter of patience desu

yes. also he isnt shredded. ist just a decent muscle mass with low body fat. (also there is probabaly a lot of enhancing makeup happening).

Good, it prevents thrombosis

>It's a myth propped up by alcohol industry
Actually there are multiple studies that confirm it

why would you want a 55 year old’s body?

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You can start at that level.

Mon/Wed/Fri 5x5 is literally all you need. Beginner intermediate advanced, it works for everyone.

breed me daddy.


Funded by guess who.

Not all studies are equal. A lot of it is bullshit. Look up p hacking

He has some of the weirdest ab insertions I've ever seen

what about nonwhites

>half a year

lol, not possible unless you're already starting from being moderately fit

You wouldn't. Which is how I know you're a fat fuck.

Put on lotion everyday. Use lotion with sunscreen in it to hedge your bets

>Funded by who
>If it's funded by x,y, or z then the study is inherently false who even cares about the scientific method
Ah, I see you are a tinfoiler then. Here, have some links which you are just going to call me a shill for linking

>Despite a lack of consensus on a specific type of beverage being beneficial to the heart, mounting evidence suggests that ethanol and polyphenols within wine can synergistically confer benefits against chronic cardiovascular diseases, mostly IHD. The polyphenols in red wine can be divided into 2 important groups, flavonoids and nonflavonoids, that together can decrease platelet aggregation, improve fibrinolysis, increase HDL cholesterol, and promote NO release.

>Discrepancies remain for the definition of a standard drink, with the WHO definition of 10 g not adopted internationally. A light-to-moderate intake is considered cardioprotective by epidemiological and experimental investigations after observations of an inverse correlation for IHD.

I would be glad to only work 50 hours desu, I do 60 minimum. Last week I fell asleep as soon as I got home and didn't wake up until 5 the next day, right when I leave for work. I never even took my work clothes off from the previous day.
You guys that work out or do literally anything after work mystify me, I have zero energy to do anything half the time I don't even eat

It was your choice to enter a field that requires 60 hours a week. Few people work those silly hours.

The virgin Pitt
The chad Caville

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Weird, that study agrees that moderate alcohol consumption is good for cardiovascular health but that alcohol consumption leads to a risk for developing cancer, meanwhile I found a study that found evidence that moderate alcohol consumption can prevent cancer

eating healthily and exercising isn't expensive at all user
and nor is it any easier for rich people

this is just a fat cope
no different to the excuses lena dunham or jonah hill make to themselves

Not really, unless you're volunteering to pay my bills lol

No, if you have an average body type 6 months is more than enough time

so who's right?

Maybe the best thing to do is not consume poison

I exfoliate and moisturize every day do I really need to have sunscreen on to age gracefully?

I call that budget. Unless you are a wall street manager or medical doctor (who has fuck all time complaining on Yea Forums) you just straight up lie and find excuses for you being lazy.

Ethanol isn't inherently poisonous , eating fried chicken is worse for you than having a beer.

No, I am a trade. For blue collar work lots of forced overtime is very common. My record for consecutive days worked with no days off is 25


Budget, kek

Lies. My entire family is full of blue collar fucks and their "overtime" is sitting around lazy and drinking coffee.

Also they lie about their "hard work" all the time.

I'm not a union worker, so that would explain it

I love this cope. Eating hard and working out isn't hard or expensive. Just don't be a lazy, fat cunt. But I suppose you can't do that user, so it must just be because celebrities are so unfairly rich right?

>its not the way i was taught (alcohol bad!) therefore the statistics and science are FAKE!
you are unable to disprove the science

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Being shredded is about exercising and not stuffing your fat face. 3 hours in the gym a week is all you need.

how long have yo been working out before you started to look really good? also what is your diet like?

>He thinks it's incredulous to assume that there are overworked blue collar workers

I was always naturally thin so the real challenge was getting 3 meals a day, from there around 6 months

>being skeptical =/= tinfoiler

Yeah it's completely batshit crazy to think that wealthy industries that fund research into their own self-interests couldn't possibly be dishonest and we should just believe everything researchers put out because they are completely immune to bias and influence.

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women prefer pitt, straight men would rather look like him

faggots prefer caville

we know which one you are

Yep. Pic related is a truck driver who consistently drove with the sun hitting the left side of his face.

And keep in mind, that's direct sun exposure. I've read that the sun is aging your skin even if you're inside or some shit.

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yes it has some healthy properties but they're not unique to alcohol and those studies don't take into account the downsides of consuming alcohol. So yes it's true but at the same time it's bullshit, it's definitely not healthy.

>Ethanol isn't inherently poisonous

Drink some undiluted ethanol and let me know how that works out for it.

lol if there's something I'm not, it's fat. The real struggle to maintaining a decent physique for me is eating enough.

Even when I was genuinely underweight it only took me maybe 6 months of consistent dieting and excercises before I had some definition but I really stuck to a routine and worked out with coaches/ seniors who played varsity soccer with me who wanted to help me out a bit.

My main experience ones from going from underweight to healthy, not from overweight to healthy.
>What is my diet like
Healthy, diverse, and protein rich in just about every meal. Also drink a lot of protein shakes. If you want to get healthy / find a routine just go read the /fit/ sticky.

I did the Stronglifts 5*5 after training with the soccer team for some years and got really swol. Your diet is usually something kind of unique depending on your needs/ restrictions so you might need to read into it more

how can the sun fuck my skin up if I live in the north east uk lmao

but this thing with having sunscreen on for better aging is bizzarre, never heard of it

so you must be well paid, you'll be able to retire early.

still enough to damage your skin during summer

whats your opinion on never lifting a single weight, and instead doing just calisthenics?

also yoru opinion on eating only one meal a day?intermittent fasting, human growth hormone, better muscle building

your opinion on veganism?

your opinion on only eating protein from normal shit like beans or chicken or chick peas and yoghurts instead of some white bullshit protein powder that sounds and looks unhealthy as fuck?

user you're not trying to be Mr. Olympia, you don't need to care about all that shit. Just don't eat garbage.

>Instead of attacking the studies merit in a scientific way I'm just gonna ad verecundiam it into oblivion
Nice self portrait, any other articles you just looked up to confirm your own biases? I like how the article doesn't even go into detail as to what was wrong with their method , just the fact that "Big Booze" was involved in the funding lmao

It, like you, just appeal to authority. That's about as unscientific as it gets.

Women lust over Jason Momoa and he is just a buff Rob Zombie

>Those studies don't claim that excessive alcohol consumption is bad for you
They do

You can poison yourself with salt and even water, that doesn't make salt or water inherently poisonous lmao

Not him, but your plan is enough to look fit and healthy. That's literally all you need to look like Pitt in Fight Club.

To look like Pitt in Troy you need to hit the weights tho.

Most 18 year olds don't have child like faces and frames, unless you mean on a relative scale compared to middle aged men

Yeah if that’s the case then why don’t we see every truck driver with their face looking like that

Fuck off with your reiterated propaganda fucking nigger

gotta eat right too, but yeah we're all gonna make it

>he said, as he burns his free time shitposting here

or are you on Yea Forums at work on a saturday? what a fucking loser lmao

If any of you are really struggling with time, here's what you should do:

1. Start meal prepping
2. Start intermittent fasting
3. Buy a barbell, some plates, a pull-up bar, an ab wheel and make yourself an improvised home gym.

IF is, by itself, a great way to stay healthy and in shape. You add meal preps to it and you're never spending more than 20 minutes a day eating and making food. Wake up, make some eggs and drink whey protein and a green smoothie, lift (find a routine that only uses basic compound movements, do the ab wheel as isolation exercise 5x days/week), eat your prepped meal, and you're done for the day. Count your macros and calories, if you're not eating enough to put up muscle you can add some olive oil, milk, more eggs, or whatever nutritious high calorie food you can find. It will all take you less than an hour each day + time to meal prep on sundays.

Don't worry about not having enough equipment. Machines are mostly useless, only a few of them help with some muscles that are difficult to hit with compound movements but you can do without them. A bench press/squat rack would be good if you have the money, but floor presses and front squats will do the job if you don't. Hanging leg raises, compounds, the ab wheel and low body fat are all you need to build abs. Don't worry about not having a bunch of plate options, as long as you have a hard set (1-3 reps away from failure, or going to failure) you'll build muscle, studies show that even high rep sets lead to hypertrophy if done properly, but it would be wise to invest on something heavier if you're taking more than 20 reps per set to arrive near failure. Calisthenics can also be a good complement to your barbell exercises if you have the time to do them.

There you go, you can now look like Pitt on a tight schedule. Now stop being a lazy faggot.

how do people fall for this every time

>lift weights six days a week
3-4 is enough, one hour per session. if you can go for longer, you pushing yourself hard enough.
>stop drinking alcohol
just avoid beer, way too many calories. also dont drink to the extent of getting bloated
>dont eat any carbs or sugars at all
this is retarded as well, as long as you get enough protein it doesnt matter how you get the rest of your required calories. some people even eat a pop tart every single day just to prove shit like this wrong. also make sure to get vitamins and minerals and all that shit.
>get the trainer from magic mike
obviously helpful but youtube and lifting routines will suffice, just make sure to write down how much you lift each session so you can track your progress
>sleep nine hours a night
this varies from person to person, 8 hours should be enough for most people. its enough time for the body to recover. just dont immediately train the next day
>run three miles a day
this is just killing gains. its also better to swim or sprint short distances if you want to become more athletic. less stressful for your joints
>six to seven month span
thats insane, if youre a normal guy you can get to his level but its going to take a bit longer. it looks like 1-2 years progress at least.

in summary, this guy is just a gains goblin trying to hold you back. obviously this life-style isnt for everyone but it never has been. to suggest that you cant get swole without being an actor with a fat bank account is dishonest.

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>Always have Sunscreen on, even if you're inside.
The rest is good but that's autistic as fuck, the chemicals in the sunscreen will do way more harm to you in the long run than your indoor lights.

>to suggest that you cant get swole without being an actor with a fat bank account is dishonest.

yeah you just have to be an unemployed gym rat, a physical trainer, or a trust fund kid

>intermittent fasting

what if I'm underweight/skinny?

t. seething DYEL

3 sessions per week isnt that hard and a gym membership isnt that expensive. especially if you're a student who can get for free or for cheaper.

abstaining from orgasm(semen retention.nofap) does miracles for fat burning and general fitness, health and muscle building, energy levels, mental health, slowed down time perception even

Have a very relaxing life where your only job is to eat right and exercise.

Ever notice how 35 year old coal miners look 50

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daddy give me upsies!

Just calculate you TDEE and make sure to eat more calories than you burn. Plenty of people bulk on IF. Prep more or bigger meals, drink olive oil, drink plenty of milk, etc.

Started losing my hair at 20, 26 years old now and with an enhanced version of finasteride with some supplements I have a thick long mane of hair still. Eventually once I get the money situation steady enough I’m going to systematically fix my scalp by replacing all my dht sensitive hairs with the permanent hairs on the back with transplants so I don’t have to take any pills anymore, not that the pills have been having any side effects. But I think that’s because I’m young and naturally have a high amount of T, so that’s why i’d rather start transplanting and then weaning off of it just in case my T falls as I get older. Overall I owe my hair doctor my life. I 100% would’ve killed myself if I lost my hair before the age of 24. There’s hope for us all, lads.

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Nobody s saying you cant work out but expecting to look like a moviestar is rediculous,

For one they are naturally good looking to begin with followed by a life with little to no stress and tons of relaxing downtime.

They have near unlimited resources for dietitians, personal trainers and chefs to make sure their diets and routines are perfect and they have unlimited time to dedicate to working out.

If your job was to eat right and exercise, all paid by your employer you'd be in incredible shape too.

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26yo rapidly receding and losing hair, doing everything I can to stop/reverse but scared to start taking chemicals like fine or whatever you

I don't know any coal miners

>my entire job schedule is sitting on desk at 8am and looking 3 monitors and bunch of coding to 6pm

>after im home just watching youtube and playing vidya

lmao im dead

Don’t be a pussy bro, your doctor knows best, do and take whatever they tell you. Guarantee to you I had much worse hair loss than you do now at 26 when I was 20, I just caught it and did something about it early enough.

>you can start taking hormones.
Ah yes, hormones. So readily available everywhere, especially the ones that aid longevity if you're a male. Thanks.