Post movies/scenes that could never be made in current year
Post movies/scenes that could never be made in current year
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I don't really get why this is controversial. Einhorn wasn't a trans, it was literally just a disguise to get away from the shame of fucking up.
There is an episode of harry hills tv burp where he reviews a show called something like "the man who was pregnant" or something you know a bullshit channel 4 freak show programme, and his review is basically a summation of the programme, that it's a woman who got pregnant then took hormones in order to grow a beard and just refers to herself as a man. And so after a smattering of complaints some broadcasting regulator has decided that the episode cannot be shown again because of how offensive it is so suggest that a woman who is pregnant and on testosterone isn't actually a man, but a woman who is pregnant and on testosterone and has grown a beard.
I know what you are thinking, that's crazy, harry hill used to be a doctor he is simply educating us in medical science fact, he isn't a bigot at all.
Well anyone who has seen sausage time when he has a go at the muslims knows he is based and redpilled.
If you want to go further down the rabbit hole I think stewart lee is a red pilled based racist hatemongers too, and everything he says sarcastically and ironically in order to satirise others is actually his true and real unedited opinions that he holds in his heart and mind.
There is also some youtube clip about Richard herring doing some tasteless joke and upsetting a punter who walks out after a 20 minute argument.
They all work together and are best friends, there is no way it's not a secret conspiracy to infect liberal left comedy.
Just watch red button extras of SLCV where lee admits that bernard manning is his favourite comedian but hes too scared to admit to it in public because of the reaction.
Uh, its problematic sweetie.
Finkle went insane, remember he went to that insane hospital where Ventura found the newspaper clipping?
The implication is that him being insane is linked to his transexuality. Which is obviously scientifically incorrect, trans are all mentally fine and not strange or weird or mental or deranged at all they are normal people.
Secondly just a disguise Einhorn had proper grown in actual hair (ok big deal) and a full fucking proper set of tits remember? (You can get that surgery over the weekend I think the line was)
Whatever the actual situation was it was transphobic of ventura to be disgusted by what he presumed to be a man ( the presumption alone is in and of itself a hatecrime) when Einhorn was clearly presenting as a woman, so ventura had no right to be disgusted.
Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, this entire post was satire. I dont necessarily believe any of this. Brainlets please dont respond.
Deckard forcing himself on Rachel in Blade Runner makes me feel uncomfortable.
What if Einhorn is a man dressing up as a woman that identifies as a man?
Unironically pic related. It was like they had a checklist of races/minority groups to offend. Off the top of my dome I can recall them making offensive jokes about
>asians in general
>the irish
Oh rearry?
that shit was so over the top that it made me laugh out loud when it was on TV at night
I don't get this movie. She was a man just because she had a penis? What does it have to do with anything? It's just bullshit.
It was still a different time
is this real
Is that seriously why TV Burp isn't on anymore? Fuck that show was great
Can't find any source on TV burp being cancelled cause of that.
Why, he acts like a complete cuck. Seems perfect for a modern narrative.
UHF is underrated comedy kino
Django Unchained tho?
>omg he said nigger
can you even think retard
the whole movie
any tv show that is like pic related
Accurate. I'm surprised they ever aired this, to be honest