Stranger Things

Why is the 80s so good? Is it possible to have another decade like the 80s?

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do they ever actually say it's set during the 80s in the show? it could be any time period for all we know

Stranger Things season 3 is ass cause they're all pubescent now, so all the fun is gone.

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yeah, the Back to the Future movie just reaches cinemas somewhere in Season 2.

80's are factually and symbolically the innocent beginning of mass consumption. It's also the moment were science fiction flourishes mainly throught the critique of that context and also by borrowing and integrating it's aesthetic elements (mainly neon, speed and intertextually branded clothes).
80's is good because it has been marketed to be good in popular culture through films and fashion.
Also, the second season was already shit, the third one is a fucking insult to intelligence.

Maybe 2030s or 2040s when most of the shit considered Sci-Fi in the 80s will be real and 80s fashion will come back.

>Why is the 80s so good? Is it possible to have another decade like the 80s?

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This. It was so uncomfortable watching them run around with their lanky bodies and ultra skinny limbs on show. It looked like they wanted to dress up teens as young children. And all the relationship stuff was just too much.

Having grown up in the 80s-90s, I don’t understand the obsession with the 80s. The 90s where better.

Stranger Things is fake 80s made by guys that were born in 1989 and don’t know shit

The uncomfortable mood is spot on. Especially back in the day, our parents pretty much did try to dress us up as little kids as long as possible even though we were turning into teens. They were trying to cling in the idea of life staying the same and kids being kids forever. Of course things aren't staying the same and all it took was pretty much one summer and suddenly playing wasn't as cool anymore and imagination (at least partially) died as we grew up.

We are all trying to imagine the better days when we were kids free to do anything and when we see something like S3 we are reminded of the moments when the better days of our childhood ended. And it sucks.