ITT: Movies people haven't watched, but say are bad because reddit and an eceleb said so

ITT: Movies people haven't watched, but say are bad because reddit and an eceleb said so.

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Seen it. How the fuck did he cheat at a live competition?

>movies I like and have to convince myself it's ok to like because I value the opinion of people who value the opinion of reddit and ecelebs

Pixels is decent for what it is.

>Movie is called pixels
>It's actually about voxcels
did they even try?

>Haha michael bay explosions bro haha so bad

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>haha it's about emojis that's so dumb lmao

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amazing soundtrack for this

That film is a merchandising campaign made to please the standard audience.
That film is actually about redemption through resignation.
That film is actually cancer, metaforically and literally.

the issue its impossible to see whats going on with all the quick cuts and shaky cam. maybe its just my boomer eyes.

These films just make money in bug countries, i don't think any white people saw them

Just because reddit hates something doesn't mean its good.

What does this even mean

>Adam "Kike" Sandler

Good movies are all alike, every bad movie is bad in its own way.

I actually watched this with a group of friends. The only joke we laughed at was "i blame myself for this" "i also blame you for this". The movie was complete fucking shit and not fun with friends.

I feel like that's a common gag though

I don't need Reddit to know that's bad.

The Emoji film fits the bill pretty well
It's about as good as Coco if we are being honest

and it was the only funny one

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>tfw pac-man's a bad guy

This was fun.

it was kinda funny for the first 45 miniutes then meh for the rest of the film.

Orgy scene still remains one of the worst things I've ever seen in a movie theater.

He has always been the bad guy.

The novelty wore off in 5 minutes and the allegory about religion doesn’t even work in the way they intended it to. Fuck this movie.