Based or Cringe?
Based or Cringe?
Raising Arizona sucks
>including goodfellas but no Casino
pleb list
basic bitch taste
Say that to my face motherfricker!
Cringe to the max, just like his films
Making any type of list made of subjective elements is always cringe.
stupidest thing this user has ever said
I don't mind it, but it's tiresome how overrated it has become because "muh Cohen brothers".
That's a lot of fan films.
Raising Arizona is the movie that made me realize movies could be more than just entertaining, when I was like 11. I realized they could be genuinely great. Still easily in my top ten right now.
>t. aspiring listicle youtuber.
I've not seen any movies on that list apart from Raiders of the lost ark and Goodfellas
>Don't Coon Non
What did he mean by this?
>t. regular old failure
i don't know how people pick favourite films
i see a list of films like this and i'm like 'those films are all great'
but then you show me a list of 40 other films and i like them too
which are the right 40? who's to say
>which are the right 40? who's to say
you are, that's why they're YOUR favorites
they're the ones you like the most, they're not the best movies ever made
Any list without pic related is a shit list.
Don't Look Now
Such an aggressively basic list. It's no surprise he's not growing as a filmmaker, and I say this despite Hot Fuzz being one of my favorite comedies.
What's so good about Jesse James?
that's not a list of the only 40 movies he's watched, as a Hot Fuzz fan you should know that; the number of movies they namedrop during that audio commentary is ridiculous
I agree he's not growing, but it's not because of his taste in movies, and you sound like a fucking know-it-all
Cinematography stolen from Terrance Malick but actually has a good story.
>that's not a list of the only 40 movies he's watched
This phrase makes no sense
>and you sound like a fucking know-it-all
And you sound insecure. Stop askhuallying comments that were meant as throwaway remarks because if you get to feel like you have to prove yourself that easily there's something wrong with you
he's seen plenty of movies, but you think the ones he likes most are too obvious only because you have security issues yourself
>Security issues
Jeez! He should buy a gun then
yes, and shoot the user complaining about his list being too 'basic'
fucking idiot
you really are dumb
Cinematography, pacing, story, amazing soundtrack, great performances by Casey and Brad and all others were really well cast too. It's just an overall masterpiece.
It doesn’t suck but it’s far from as good as people say it is. Barton Fink and Miller’s Crossing are the best “early” Coen Bros movies.