Did amazon finally stop paying the shills

It seems threads about the boys being a true subversive kino masterpiece have completly died down and there aren't any big threads praising the show anymore. Will Yea Forums let this happen again?

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>comic boys
>starlight is a weak whore

>amazon boys

I just hate how Yea Forums treats it like it "BTFOS CAPESHIT OMGGGGG"

It's funny and enjoyable enough, but it's not particularly subversive or deep. It's like saying Scary Movie killed slasher films or some stupid shit

There are mutiple threads right now with this fucking picture faggot.

the entire show is only like 10% comic accurate.

>see line up pic of the Seven, literally nothing else before I watched the series
"The two holes are good and the guys are evil
>Literally spot on(except one is gay for reasons)
Fuck Ennis and his edgelord bullshit

"what if super heroes were actually secretly assholes?" is such an old and tired trope, it's absolutely not subversive. There are tons of comic series already with those themes.

Irredeemable was a pretty good one IMO

This is the 8th live The Boys thread on Yea Forums.

>Did amazon finally stop paying the shills
>makes a new thread about The Boys™
what did OP mean by this?

>>comic boys
>>starlight is a weak whore
bullshit, she stands up to A-train when he tries to rape her.


>amazon boys
Egh, she was scared shitless when Homelander threatened her.

$0.03 for every positive thread posted about the boys. This one was just for fun

so? everyone is except billy.
she's an overpowered mary sue in the adaption.

Is she? She keeps gettingher ass beaten.

She managed to threaten the guy who talks to fish, big fucking whoop

You can't make agood show based on bad source material, no matter how much you shake it up and re-arrange the pieces. You can't make anything good out of Garth Ennis stories, which is just one story that he keeps doing over and over. Garth Ennis is a one-trick-pony hack that has beat his pony to death in the early 2000's. Literally everything by him is unreadable in 2019, with the sole exception of Punisher MAX, which is one setting where his truly juvenile edgyness and nihilism actually works. When you're talking to a "comics guy" and he professes his love for Garth Ennis, you can be sure you're talking to a sub 100 IQ brainlet, because no one else could unironically like this third rate Grant Morrison for brainlets.

Is there a pornstar that looks like starlight?

I need a wank

Wow there sure is a lot of (((totally organic))) kvetching here about this show. Almost a shill level of negative feedback and urgent shutting down of discussion.

I'm watching it right now and its alright, but the guy that plays superman is actually killing it. It's pretty good acting I don't remember any of that in Banshee.

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I’m watching it right now. It’s fucking great.

To be fair the "edgy poor man's Watchmen" is better tan the average capeshit, so morons believe is the show of the decade.

Why are literally all the supers heroes in the comic sexual deviants? Also the using compound-v to beat up supers is fucking gay.

>When you're talking to a "comics guy", you can be sure you're talking to a sub 100 IQ brainlet,

Banshee was lit

As soon as The Boys start using compound v it's going straight to trash isn't it

jasmine grey

that's when it gets kino

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Irredeemable had the shittiest ending, dragging the whole series down

>we don’t need powers to beat the Supes, we just need each other
>uh oh, a supe! Better get the female (who has powers) to take care of it

They ain’t careful the Boys are gonna end up as retarded as Batman fanboys when it comes to fighting supes

Not going to happen in the show. Huey tried to save A-Train after he got a heart attack haha

he does that in the comic at first, too

then a-train does more evil shit so hughie obliterates him

>ran through all of Hughie’s comic character arc in a single season

So how long has it even been, show wise, since Hughie’s girlfriend went splat to him saving A-train?

oh thank god i thought netflix made hughie into a massive pussie for no reason.

the show also made butcher more lenient on supes. comic butcher would have snapped laser eye baby's neck. maybe he will be more mad after the cuckening.

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No he doesn’t, Butcher kidnapping A-Train was the only shot Hughie got at A-Train, and Billy only did that to toughen Hughie up. It doesn’t really work, Hughie stays the same as he always was.

Did she suck the dicks?

reminder that in the comics, homelander dies a hero

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Honestly, the thing with his wife has torpedoed his character entirely. His story in the comic relies entirely on his insane hate for Supes, and I doubt the show can salvage it as now the blame rests entirely with the wife.

she sucks off and/or has sex with A-Train, Homelander, Black Noir, The Deep and some ad exec.

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>based hitler dubs
getting a real FoH from the boys

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>"what if super heroes were actually secretly assholes?" is such an old and tired trope
So true.

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This was great and it'll run great because Kripke doesn't abandon his projects, this won't end up like the man in the high castle where the showrunner left and the show tanked hard in quality after two seasons.

Amazon forced him out after season 2's press. Too many outlets said the show was pro national socialism (which it was lol).

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it's an old trope but you have to remember most normies don't even read or follow comics. Like all those boomers that didn't like batman v superman because they should be friends like in the "comics".

In the comics Butcher isn't a cuck (figuratively and literally). On the other hand I'm glad Garth Ennis is getting dabbed on. All those edgelords deserve the Alan Moore treatment.

you serious? Fucking bullshit

you must not have been in the threads

it was nuts

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>Garth Ennis's self insert is turned into a beta cuck
Serves him right!


I 'member

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His character was shit from the get-go. At least he has a reason to go Final Boss now.

Funny because the second season was the best. How was season 3?


just watch s1 and s2

wow the art is fucking ugly

Really? What happened?

but drumpf >:(

Completely untrue. Ennis backs down hard on "slut-shaming" and "misogony" (i.e. calling starlight whore slut and fucking cunt) in volume 8.
Can't stand authors who are putting super edgy shit like infanticide in their works, but flip after some SJWs label their work as misogynistic.

No need for shills when the show is kino, those avengers threads are the shill ones

A-train would have beaten her if he wasn't completely falling apart.

Is Homelander only kino in the show?

>show comes out
>people talk about it

I blame Yea Forums

>tfw no qt asian autist murder gf

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To be fair this show has an extremely aggressive marketing campaign on twitter, Facebook and YouTube. I can understand the feeling.

I don't think Yea Forums is a venue worth shilling for big companies though.

It's /pol/, even if indirectly. Anything happens, literally any single fucking thing, that they don't understand, the Clintonian reptile CIA Jew central bank paid someone or had him killed.

If you had the opportunity to try to convince your boss to let you shitpost on Yea Forums and get paid for it, wouldn't you take that opportunity?

Is there a pornstar that looks like homelander?

dr karl

I don't know, the people I have "argued" in Star Wars threads were way too aloof to be locals or even redditors

imagine the weekly reports. dont think id manage that.


just finished the jet scene. holy fug

>(which it was lol).
It wasn't. It was still very much a jewish propaganda, but it was done in a more neutral way of looking at things. Not like the usual Hollywood shit about evil Nazi demons out to eat babies. It was still a liberal take on National Socialism, but not in an annoyingly biased manner.

wtf is this cuckd feminist bullshit?

>Girl trades sex for job, regrets it and falsely calls it rape
>Biggest chad is in love for a woman twice his age and the show even tries to make her look sexy, a sexy grandma
>Black chad is a little pussy for his bitch, blowing smooches and bending over backwards for her
>French guy's gf grabs him by the balls and holds onto him while he makes an 'Owie-zowie' face
>All the bosses are "successful women" when we all know in reality female bosses are useless shitheads that are not only cunts but loose companys revenue (Ex KK - SW)
>Only other hot female character is a dyke
>Guy who traded job for sex, gets "raped" later by a random chick (he's a fucking superhero ffs you know with super-human abilities) and his life gets completely destroyed irrelevant to the plot.
>Protag is a literal soiboy who likes stronk women

Anyone who watches this and thinks it's not abnormal is an absolute faggot-cuck..

Hughie was already doped with V by that chapter?

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try telling that to disney dipshit

Yeah the Netflix shills are out in full force also

I'm on episode 3 right now. Really digging it. Not a paid shill. (at least not by amazon)

Did you miss the ending where white men win, evil woman was killed, nigger nearly dies and 2 men rescue a woman from captive?

What was Destructo's crime? What crime could this possibly be a fitting punishment for?



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>Girl trades sex for job, regrets it and falsely calls it rape
She said he shoved his dick in her face, not that he actually raped her
>Biggest chad is in love for a woman twice his age and the show even tries to make her look sexy, a sexy grandma
Because he has mommy issues after growing up in a lab without parents
>Black chad is a little pussy for his bitch, blowing smooches and bending over backwards for her
He's not a chad and he's a nigger so who cares
>French guy's gf grabs him by the balls and holds onto him while he makes an 'Owie-zowie' face
She was barely in the show
>All the bosses are "successful women" when we all know in reality female bosses are useless shitheads that are not only cunts but loose companys revenue (Ex KK - SW)
I'll give you that one
>Only other hot female character is a dyke
And she gets suicided
>Guy who traded job for sex, gets "raped" later by a random chick (he's a fucking superhero ffs you know with super-human abilities) and his life gets completely destroyed irrelevant to the plot.
Yes that was stupid
>Protag is a literal soiboy who likes stronk women

>interracial romance is destroyed when roided out negro, whose only power is running fast, kills MC’s mutt gf
>instead, he trades up for pure, blonde, Aryan goddess love interest
>fast negro also murders his own older, coal burning gf
>white demigod Chad overcomes his mommy issues and furthers his superior genetic lineage
>religion of peace super’s power is literally blowing himself up

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Being a big brained prick?

I think he gets it pretty much right away in the comic

fucking based

I'm showing it to my mom right now, and even she likes it. And she's a fucking pleb.


Every fucking thread about every fucking thing is a shill thread

>I don't think one of the sites with more traffic on the internet that is also anonymous (the most easiest place to shill) worth shilling for big companies though
In short: you don't think.

How much traffic does Yea Forums have?

>reading comics

Based mom, show pics

>how much traffic one of the fastest boards have
A lot.

To be fair if it was 100% comics accurate it would fucking suck.

Ennis is a hack who comes up with some good ideas/themes but cannot execute. He's too hateful and bitter and atheistic to create true art. He's like the Arch Grand Pooba of the Rian Johnson "subversion" school. He takes art and tries to destroy it and deconstruct its messages through the lens of atheism, edgelord bitterness, and a Hipsteresque opposition to so-called "phonies." All the while seemingly unaware that his insertion of gore and sex to shock the conscience is about as authentic as Mexicans making Sushi. He's the other, even more idiotic side of 90s/00s-era Christian Conservatism. Except Christianity and "conservatism" were never as strong or as omnipresent as people like Ennis pretend. They just want something to rail against.

The show leaps streets ahead of Ennis by toning down the fucked up and idiotic "shock humor" he inserted throughout the comics and by making the heroes slightly more complicated and less outright moronic/evil.

Confused and curious by the announced move to make Stormfront a woman, though. Getting Last Crusade vibes.

You are completely correct.

But let me add that you can *improve* Garth Ennis stories by removing almost everything Garth Ennis put into them. They're still not great. But the shell of an idea can sometimes be interesting.

Garth Ennis is the man most deserving of the title "Hackfraud" after Stoklasa, Rian, and Roberto Orci.

Sarah Vandella. Even down to the blonde hair and poo eyes.

Was Butcher's "God is a cunt" rant poking fun at Ennis?

No, that was fine.
I know plenty of Liberal Atheists who think exactly like that and have made the same arguments to me. I remember agreeing with those arguments when I was a rebellious, atheist teenager. Then I mellowed out and realized I was being a cunt just to mess with people because I was unhappy and wanted them to be unhappy too and I wanted something to blame my unhappiness on other than myself (AKA, a random, cruel universe).

Butcher's rant is the way a lot of rebellious teenagers and people who have lost their faith think about God. It's a philosophical debate as old as civilization. "Why does the divine let bad things happen to good people?" For Pagans, it was simple. The Gods are just like you and me; they're fucked up and drunk and horny, and they don't care about you. For Christians and other monotheistic faiths, it gets harder to justify it if you haven't studied the subject much and you just have this bitter, emotional gut reaction to life.

>all this blessed brainlets think the show its about "what if super heroes were bad people, evil etc."
The Boys is a satire on capeshit and superheroes at once

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You can't make a film/show out of bad source material? watch the shining retard.

Not him but what I could remember was basically it was how they were gonna defeat the fascist by putting up posters and even then I'm not totally sure.

So how many seasons of this will there be? I would be upset if there were more than 2 because I just want to see all these pricks die horribly.

I reckon 3 they have already started filming season 2 so another season after the next one is likely hope they dont drag it on forever.

I dont want to wait until 2020 AHHH

If Amazon drags this out super long I guarantee people would be super pissed. Luckily the comic is done so HOPEFULLY they wont mess it up. How much is left of the comic is left compared to the show?

They have moved of the comics storywise so theres no real point comparing the show to the comics other than the actual concept. And people dont get pissed at shows if they last to long they just get bored and stop watching which I think is more sad.

>All the bosses are "successful women" when we all know in reality female bosses are useless shitheads that are not only cunts but loose companys revenue (Ex KK - SW)
This fucking shit is in SO MANY SHOWS and it ruins every god damned one of them. I can take having female characters. I can take having female leaders. I cannot take literally every single leadership position being occupied by a woman who is perfect at her job, super savvy and dabs on the boys, is dominant in virtually all aspects of her personal life, probably has kids who think she's a great mom despite her insane office time, etc. It's such a fucking feminist wank mary sue bullshit trope. Even the fucking evil ones are somehow perfect, just at being evil. For fuck's sake write a goddamned flawed character. How fucking hard is that? This is like how a few years ago every black character in media was a shining example of a perfect human being because they were so afraid of being called racist that they wouldn't even let black men be angry on television.
Fuck. God I fucking hate jews.

Got a source?

oh my god, shut the fuck up you fucking stupid nigger
art doesn't have to be perfect or even great to be appreciable
YOU'RE the fucking hateful, bitter cunt who can't just enjoy life
fucking projectionist fucking asshole, fuck off
so sick and tired of you morons casting shade on every fucking thing discussed on Yea Forums
next you'll be telling me that viral marketers give a shit about this place
muh amazon/disney/netflix/etc boogeyman-believing motherfucker

I was sold on this 5 minutes in when that ugly mutt got gored.

The comics have a lot of 'filler' arcs where you see other superheroes/teams. The X-Men expy is almost 10% of the comics but is also almost completely unrelated to the overarching plot and could easily be left out of the show.

In terms of actual mainline story that's left there's honestly not much, they could end the series next season or easily extend it into 4 seasons without breaking a sweat by including some or all of the filler stories.

julie literally fucked all the guy cast. she is the worst part of the show. frank gets a based ending though. and joe becomes brainwashed and kills his own father and is later put down by julie of all people. it was truly shit

As a normie that is not too much into comics ive read only 2 of his comics hitman and crossed. I think they are ok
What are some good comics to read with good art also.
After the shilling of the boys here tried to read the comics but dropped it after a couple of pages coz the art is shit

So glad I dropped that shit after s2

Your mother is a hole.

Billy Harrington