She used to be so cute

She used to be so cute

wtf happened??

Attached: téléchargement.jpg (1085x537, 84K)

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Remind me of the wanna be actor girlfriend from the soprano.

Spent too much time on instagram and now she's thotcore.

she got dicked

Wall comes early for latinas.

She had to put on a bunch of makeup for the premiere

Attached: i-11(2).jpg (2200x3300, 881K)

I thought latinas waited until marriage ???

did hollywood already ruin her ??

Latinas tend to hit puberty at a younger age. You picked the wrong waifu, pedofag.

wtf a three legged dog

It could also be just the make up

Attached: The Sorrows of Young Werther.jpg (731x970, 143K)

>I thought latinas waited until marriage ???
american [ethnic group] is not the same as the [ethnic group] from [country of said ethnic group]

Incels, such fickle and spiteful creatures.

>oh no new hair and different makeup :.( i guess shes over

she tries different styles dont be a dramatic faggot

Like all women, she's a slave to popular opinion and trends. The instagram thot look is still popular, so she assumed it. Simple as that.

It's significantly too much to ask for them to maintain after a baby. Like, no fucking way for them unless they're Cuban. Cubans however actually are some bad fuckers.

I didn't hit puberty until I was 16.

pretty based

The photo was literally taken by her makeup person, she's been painted in all her instaposts for the past 2 weeks because of the movie releasing

The wall

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wow latinas really age like milk

She stopped being 14 you creepy pedo fuck

>The instagram thot look is still popular

why though
who keeps pushing this disgusting look

Motherfucker she ate the brick.

Reminder cutefags are pedos
Sexyfags are real men

shes like one of the few sexy actresses in hollyjew.

You will never pass :-)

The Kardashians, who ever they are

>that neo bimbo look
its over


I like it.

Attached: 2.jpg (600x483, 38K)

>How does makeup work

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lol wot? latinas lose their virginity earlier than anyone else in ther world

>Woman slathers herself in awful makeup
>"WTF, why are you you guys saying she looks bad? She only slathered herself in awful makeup"

no heterosexual man would act like this
based jelly tranny

you sure that's her ? that looks like an arab

Make Up shills are everywhere thanks to the likes James Charles and his progenitor Tati.
They make billions

africans lose their virginity at a random age between 0 and 10

It's so widespread now you could literally not even be aware of the Kardiashians existence, but you'll see 5000 other dipshit women on Instagram all glammed up horrificially and assume that's "the look".

we are talking about humans though

I didn't say the makeup looked good you illiterate retard, I said it isn't some sort of every day look.
It's literally a screenshot from a video taken by a professional stylist

oh sorry

This. It's not even a bad picture. I mean, it doesn't look like her. But the girl is still cute as fuck.

Well *I* wasn't saying it was her everyday look either. I specifically called it a "look". As in, a style. An image she assumed. And then you started blubbering about her makeup person like that matters a fucking ounce. She looks AWFUL, professional makeup or not. She should fire whoever did it. But she's so brainless, she probably enjoys the look.

>And then you started blubbering about her makeup person like that matters a fucking ounce.
It does matter, since she obviously isn't going to see a professional stylist every day.

Attached: i-13(2).jpg (2200x3300, 584K)

>close angle at 99% of hollywood actresses
>skin looks like a old catcher mitt even with makeup

>close angle at izzy moner (1%)
>still looks like a petite loli godess

Attached: 1561182589574.jpg (2549x3600, 3.57M)

me in the back

She looks sexy af with a ponytail u retards

Yeah, she only wore the look during a very important time, when cameras would be on her. Huh.

yeah. I don't understand why women like the kardashians. I guess because they have money and do stupid shit without any concecuence.

>go innawoods
>see this

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this thread loosk retarded in general but I'd just like to say that anyone who likes any amount of makeup over full natural is a fucking retard
>b-but muh tastefully applied minimal-
any amount of makeup is shit you clownpaint fetishist
>b-but she's still wearing makeup in that pic
yeah no shit, that's exactly the problem

Attached: 1550878884572.jpg (1080x1350, 155K)

shes not wearing makeup in your pic related

>wtf happened??
she peaked at 11.5 like all women and then hit the wall

I'd have sex.

look at her eyes

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She looks fine fucking incels, have sex.

Moner was way hotter at 14 than 11.5 you tasteless fuck

instagram thot makeup


women love to put makeup on their face

Yeah she is. There are only like 3 or 4 legit 0 makeup pics and I don’t have them on my phone

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lol redditors discovered the "wall memeword" and they are using it for anything they dont like

see pic related? THIS IS A POST WALL WOMAN

if a post wall woman would look like moner then the wall wouldnt be a problem at all

Attached: LOL.jpg (634x951, 106K)

Developed the thousand cock stare

You mean appearances to drum up attention for a movie in which she was required to be painted by a stylist?

shes not even using foundation in your previous pic

me in the left

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She’s wearing eyeshadow

Attached: EE456C52-EB04-487B-B201-737949286274.jpg (1080x1181, 182K)

dem wrinkles
dem hands
dem body

holy shit shes not even 30
the next 10 years are gonna be a wild ride

see what I mean? this clownpaitn fetishist think it's only "makeup" if your entire face is smothered
yeah but you gotta think about why they do that
they've been conditioned pretty much from birth that they look better with makeup
why does a 16 year old girl need to put on makeup if she still has the flawless skin of a young grill? they think it makes them look """adult""" because that's what they've been taught by all the women around them
and then when they keep using makeup it destroys their skin so they keep putting it on to hide it
you should ask yourself why most men have alright face skin without ever wearing makeup

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So just because she's promoting a movie, that means she has to be made to look like a clown? She can't get made to look any differently? Her stylist only knows one look? And that look she MUST abide by?

>Im so mature for accepting women with their pimples and eyebags
>imperfections make us beautiful
>all girls are queens and shouldnt put in any effort into looking good, I would totally love to date some 4/10 homely grill

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God damn she is such a natural beauty.
Women really shouldn’t wear so much fucking makeup

Just stop talking.

Too much sex with Jewish men

why is she so smol and delicious bro? i want answers

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Their skin wouldn’t be so fucked up in the first place if they never wore any makeup.
That chick that got lost in a forest for a month and looked like a medieval peasant when they found her legit looked better in the after picture

So that's what Trump meant

Contractual appearances, nigga

i wonder what she looks like with lots of cum on her face

why would I be whiteknighting on Yea Forums? hell, it's mroe like the opposite of whiteknighting becaue I am calling most women retarded
and yes, even a 4/10 looks better without makeup, because to hide her ugliness she'd usually go full bimbo
I just like natural qts, friend

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Someone post it

>when they found her legit looked better in the after picture

Its so depressing to think of all the jew cocks that fucked that cute face.

She had potential, but with all the nigger music, dating niggers, weed, tattoos, and general ghetto thot aura with all it entails ruined it

nigga we are defending true beauty

ugly girls love makeup
i think south korea´s economy would crash

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okay I need a quick poll on this
does anyone else think she looks good in that IG pic? this isn't even shitposting about makeup but it's just obvious she's hiding her ugly face and fat, right?

Yeah but then again I've seen that webm loads of times

how about this one?

Attached: 450px-Pearchan26.jpg (450x600, 40K)

Like, she definitely looks better with the makeup on, but it's still pretty obvious she's a fatty. You can't fucking hide chubby face and hands/fingers, that shit is always a giveaway.

imagine spamming against a qt like moner
what a sad tranny

that guy in pic related is his friend, hes openly gay
you got btfo in every thread, i think you are starting to enjoy the (you)s going inside your mouth bitchboi hnnnnng


pedos BTFO

I think I'm gonna be sick

would have fooled me

>Like, she definitely looks better with the makeup on
>would have fooled me
so you see that pure white color obviously achieved by an inch of makeup and you don't immediately think "ew why is she painted like that"? guess I'm the weird one
I'm still gonna post about makeup being shit in every Moaner thread

Why thid nigga nails painted

You will never be her good boy ;_;

Are there any good porn deepfakes yet of this cunny?

i can tell something's fishy but tere's nothing to indicate fatness and i don't spot any fat rolls on the face is what i meant
could be any other mental illness as evidenced by the nose ring

she a wood elf

i puke just thinking that bbc touched her

well the downward angle of the camera and only including a tiny bit of shoulder is a dead giveaway
though in this case the fatty benefits from having lucky genetics that don't make her face swell up so much

Attached: 450px-Pearchan4.jpg (450x600, 46K)

imagine looking at this IRL
with her big animu eyes staring at your eyes

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look how horrible she looks here

Attached: 1543823862048.jpg (744x900, 143K)

>the fatty benefits from having lucky genetics that don't make her face swell up so much

literally every plus size model ever
a hideous cottage cheese body and a normal face of a skinny woman,

Well you were specifically asking whether one could tell she was a fatty from the pic, not necessarily whether or not the makeup was 'weird'.

Of course the makeup is weird, but I still stand-by the notion that she looks better with it versus the second half of that webm. The chicks face is fucking ugly natural, the makeup tends to ad symmetry to the face in general and more "pop" to her eyes, which ultimately makes her look better than the blob that is her natural self. Makeup or not, she's a hell fucking no from me, but I do think she looks better with it; although I wouldn't say the same about many, many women. Like Moaner for example, looks way better without or at least minimal.

the jews

Where's the hardcore porn?

Attached: Isabela-Moner-1.jpg (1280x1920, 110K)

>Yea Forums this completely baffled by makeup


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I agree, she looks way better with short hair, now she just looks like an average thot

It goes full circle anyways. Women have no place on Yea Forums. Not because they're not welcome, but because they're barely able to understand what's going to happen once the foot fetishists move in. I don't want to explain this shit because I don't get it either.

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hahaha the mom from modern family

bix nood

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In actuality, Moner was a cute kid but nothing particularly special, she actually got super hot in puberty

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