What unmade films would you like to see?
Ronnie Rocket and Antelope Don’t Run No More for me. I would also like to see Crusade. Verhoeven was really stupid with that one. The script for it is really good. It could have been another Schwarzenegger + Verhoeven kino. Also Nostromo from David Lean. The script was decent, it could have been a real visual treat. Has anybody here read the script for Ronnie Rocket, is it any good?
Unmade films
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Kubrick's Napoleon
If the script that's online is the real one then i'm glad he didn't make it. Barry Lyndon is better.
Nolan's Howard Hughes biopic
Tora! Tora! Tora! directed by Kurosawa and Lean.
That guy who did the first season of True Detective is in talks with HBO to make it
>Verhoeven was really stupid with that one.
Verhoeven had nothing to do with it. Carolco simply opted to make Cutthroat Island instead, that bombed and they went bankrup.
Also: Cronenberg's PAINKILLERS starring Nic Cage.
Verhoeven said that he couldn't do it for 100 millions. He simply should have lied.
>So what prevented it from happening? As with most big-budget productions… the budget. Passions ran high in the meeting stages with studio Carolco, as Schwarzenegger himself confirmed in an interview with Empire. He related how when asked what his guarantees were that costs would not spiral, Verhoeven screamed “guarantees don’t happen and if anyone promises you guarantees, they’re lying!” This attitude did not gel with Arnold who admitted “you can be a little bit selective about when to be honest.”
>Cronenberg's PAINKILLERS starring Nic Cage.
Sounds good. Cronenberg was also supposed to direct Total Recall.
Verhoeven is too busy shooting lesbian nun movie to give a shit about this
He was busy with hip surgery. Lesbian nun movie was already shot i think. It should be in post now.
No, Fukunaga. He said it in the same interview where he admited that netflix has algorithms that adjust screenplays to be more normie
He's an old man and his time's mortgaged.
he's lost his mind. this is going to be showgirls all over
His co-writer asked for his name to be removed from the film. Allegedly Verhoeven is focusing on the sex too much instead of some of the politics in the story. I guess it will go to Cannes next year. Hopefully it's good, some lesbian nun kino.
>81 years old
>still a cumbrain
He always knew how to balance sex and plot in his films so i hope he can do it again. Elle was quite good.
King Conan
A proper Ghostbusters 3
Superman Lives
Superman V (Christopher Reeve)
Alien: Harvest
Del Toro's Hobbit. Every time I think about these shit movies I want to watch Hellboy 2 instead and Jackson's limp ass interpretation of a classic fairy tale makes me sick.
Watch one of the fanedits- I thought the Tolkien edit without elves or Gandalf sidequest was fantastic.
King Conan
Super Mario Bros 2
King Lear with Arnold Schwarzenegger