God, Yea Forums

God, Yea Forums
What have you done?

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Capefags are scum

Why cunny bully

Monitoring this thread

What was her offence towards the basement dwellers?

this is lefty bullying as they assume the kid would be the next "irondude" instead of that ugly nagger from wakanda

>Apparently, a fan approached Rabe and her family at a Los Angeles mall and was upset when he couldn’t speak to the girl. He subsequently lashed out on social media.

What was his master plan?


Squirt cum into her prepubescent mouth

I really wonder how the fuck did tony managed to knock up pepper

that's less realistic than actually figuring out the time travel.


Won't go into details but a friend of the family told me this is just a scam to launch a charity and get a steady income, the whole thing is staged.

You mean how 46 year old Pepper gave birth to a healthy child? Probably some Stark nanomachines, son

I would fug her HARD

>Lexi Rabe
what kind of fucked up name is that

Is this the girl liberals were bullying because they thought she was replacing a black character?

The state of capedos

>was upset when he couldn’t speak to the girl.
Lmao what the fuck.
What kind of dumb as fuck question could he have possibly had for a 7 year old actress? Probably wouldn't have been an interesting question.

Fairly sure I've wanked to some of her scenes

I hate those stupid pedos that bully wholesome cunnies

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Why the fuck would someone do that

child marriage.

jealous roasties are the worst bullies

her scumbag piece of dogshit parents probably forced her to make the video


she's one of my favorite stronk tite lgs

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it was hinted that morgan stark would become ironheart, and not the black woman riri wiliams. people are blaming the child actress who plays morgan for some reason

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he wanted to Rabe her

>black woman riri wiliams

this is riri by the way

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He probably has a device specifically designed for sex with tall women.

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*honk honk*

people actually read this trash?

great gams on this cuncun, ngl

stronk gams are my favorite type of gams :3

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the absolute state of MCUcels

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now that's the kind of cringe I come here for

wait... wholesomebro?

> Bullied so hard now she becomes the super villain.


his body is already filled with NANOMACHINES and impossible sdci fi shit, he obviously figured put a way to be 50 and have non retarded child

riri becomes the next iron man in the comics and calls herself ironheart

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This would be exhausting. I'd rather teach thugs in a city school than be mentally drained my a narcissistic Laquisha

I'm always wholesome but no one ever called me wholesomebro
must be a different lg poster you're thinking of
Daylyn is also great if you like big legs

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no, it flopped. The sales were horrible

leftist are scumbags, leave the girl alone

it's much more likely you impotent fuck-ups did it

>Leftist are bullying a child, because she's white
You can't make this shit up
Not even alt-right racists sink this low

why do this people want to erase reality? This kind of shit of "NO YOU CAN'T BE THIS BECAUSE YOU ARE A BLACK WOMAN" has never happened. I lived in a super conservative society and this shit doesn't happen. Is this an excuse for them becoming comics writers instead of scientists/doctors/directors?

Yes, Yea Forums complained about the potential removal of a POC role for a character that only Yea Forums has the most remote reason to care about

>I'm always wholesome

>must be a different lg poster you're thinking
yeah, I meant mr keks; haven't seen him post in a while

also cute cun

he's not a manlet in the comics?

yeah Yea Forums would totally want the next iron man to be a nigger rather than a cute whitegirl who is the literal daughter of the character

The idea that black women couldn't do things was still pretty common place like 70 years ago. Yeah that's a long as time ago but it's still recently enough that kids are hearing from their grandparents about how tough they had it because of evil whitey

Wasn't this something to do with refusing a fan a signature coz she was in a bad mood and her parents told the most likely fat incel to go away?

Good for them. She's a goddamn child who was having a tantrum. The last thing a kid wants is some fat sweaty pedo begging for a photo and signature.

Anyone who complained online is a virgin.

What a disgusting mong. The fact the kid had to apology is disgraceful.

Sounds about right.

Reddit. It was Reddit's fault. Don't even know this kid

>won't go into details

then don't go into it at all you stupid retard.

I want to bully her with my cock.

See People are literally sending her death threats because she's white

Reminder that black Cpt America, female Thor, black female Iron Man failed hard and almost ruined Marvel. And this is now the direction Marvel Studio is taking

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Nope. Comics are deader than ever even when not forced to lose money on third rate character gender-swaps that couldn't sell books when they were male.

I mean sure Stan Lee, the word bubble guy commanded millions of dollars to bridge the last two bankruptcies leading them to a buy out that ensures their swift demise when capeshit ceases to be profitable altogether but hey at least he had some funny scenes right?

>muh whitewashing

I legitimately want to take anyone who unirionically uses this term, and skin them alive. These are the same fuckasses who will then turn around and say "Why does the character's race matter?" when Yennifer and Triss, Roland of Gilead, or fucking Ariel get recast as black.

She's fucking 7 dude.

>yeah, I meant mr keks; haven't seen him post in a while
Keks has been quite busy lately trying to get 4keks to work properly. He's a hero I'm always wholesome
Based and wholesomepilled

oh yeah keks is the most wholesome
he still posts on /4keks/, they're just having trouble setting up a proper server and stuff
he wants to get the cbot back in business once we sort all that out

it always is reddits fault. theyre worse than any one on here. beware the wrath of the legitimate lefty incel

thanks jr

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i guarantee you thats not Yea Forums
unless they're asking for nude

I know when you directly post from an URL you get a [1] at the end of your filanem, but how do you get a [2]?
also, you should get 4chanX, it has an "upload from URL" button so you don't have to wait for your explorer to go to temp files

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Actually, it was radical SJWs who bullied her because they want Tony Stark's daughter to be black, even though it's a WMWF pairing.
I know Yea Forums would protect her, Yea Forums loves protecting lolis.


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>but how do you get a [2]?
lol I only get them rarely and I'm not exactly sure how. My guess would be that I copy the image link twice or something like that.
>also, you should get 4chanX
I have (since years). Where's that button though?

lmao how did that happen

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Marlel is at their absolute peak, but their comic sales have been circling the drain ever since they pozzed it several years ago.

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sheeeeeeeeit, thanks

thank you fbi man