>Wait times this summer for the new Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run ride were expected to be over 2 hours long all summer, but in reality, the lines have been averaging half that or less,” an employee, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, tells FOX Business. "As a result, the company has been forced to cut our hours. The need for us to work simply isn't there.

>Employees are now working under 40 hours per week. “Our hours have been cut to as low as 30-35 hours some weeks, even though we have both worked for the park for years. It makes life challenging when your paychecks Opens a New Window. get cut unexpectedly" the same source explained. A worker can earn around $15 per hour. The reduced workweek means a paycheck, before taxes, could fall from $600 to $450.


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Other urls found in this thread:


what television show or film is this?

seethe mouser

The Dilators, starring (you)

who stars in that one?

They're now calling it a flop?

Yeah. They are actually talking about closing disneyland for a few months to tear it out


I saw a thread about this yesterday but I was too busy to read it, link anyone?

>Anonymous sources

Always trust fox news

The leaked conference call transcript said parts of the florida version are already being scaled back and the disneyland version is going to be “reduced” somehow

You have to make some pretty bad choices in life to be working at a theme park and not having any better options.

>”It’s not just the lower employees that are taking the hit” continued the employee, “it’s also a handful of executives feeling the pinch”
it’s bad

>make a star wars park
>It's all soulless nuwars
>Only saving grace are the park Rey's


Why are Disney sabotaging Star Wars so hard?

Another source I read said that the wall around characters are being considered to be cut first as a cost saving measure. I don’t think those actresses will be around much longer...

Can someone redpill me on this park? This was the one that was meant to be a grand interactive experience, with hotels & constant LARPing employees giving you a tailored story experience, right? What happened? Now whenever I see people talking about it, it appears to be a rock corridor you can go around & drop $200 on a lightsaber and $5 for a star wars coke.

I thought people would've loved to see characters like this! Nobody knows who she, what she does, or where she's from, but she's a black woman! That's hip with the kids these days right? Black women?

Attached: jbareham_190531_ply0909_1774.0.jpg (1200x675, 208K)

>an employee, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, tells FOX Business
>Disney recently bought Fox
well that guy is going to get fired

The full experience is the one being built in florida. The california version is missing one of the two planned rides and will not have the hotel. But it’s funnier to just post memes about black people so try to keep up

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Star Wars

no, it’s the sjws

Disney didn't buy Fox News.

>it's a geeks and gamers anti-disney schizophrenia episode

I had no idea that there was a proper one being constructed, so thank you user. Am I to assume then that if this Florida park is currently being built, all this doomsaying from Yea Forums is just standard faggotry?

off topic threads are allowed until a mod jerks off and feels guilty

>Nobody knows who she, what she does, or where she's from


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>What happened?
The people who go to Disney theme parks go there to see Disney stuff like Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Cinderella, Little Mermaid and so on. These people don't give a flying shit about Star Wars and the ones that do actually give a shit about Star Wars would much rather have their own theme park with rides and stuff. Basically Disneyland Star Wars was like putting dijon mustard on strawberry shortcake.


double dubs for the truth. nice.

Disney is going bust.

Disney has made record profits this year and it's only August.

The florida parks are always packed to the gills especially around the holidays when their expansion is expected to open. They’ve also restructured their blackout dates and thrown out the complicated lottery system that most likely scared away locals in the california park. But don’t believe me, I’m an undercover sjw jew

What the fuck did they expect? They only have all of like what, two actual fucking attractions in there right now?

This. Star Wars Park isnt even classical Star Wars its Disney Nu wars everyone hates.

Wrong. This is their worst year in their entire companies history and I’ve been seeing reports of them trying to quickly sell of property in an attempt to make up for the horrid earnings this year. They are finished as a company. Do research

the fetishization of black women, and only black women, in sci-fi, fantasy, capeshit, and vidya is truly bizarre.
they make up 6% of the us population and maybe 1% or less of them like ANY of those genres.
The first creative thing they've ever liked was Black Panther, black women are the ones who prop up the Madea films and Wendy Williams, not capeshit.
chinese, south korean, japanese, indian, indonesian and mestizo females generally like all of these genres much more, propally even more than the average white woman, and they're not catered to at all.

No, you're an undercover sjw Palestinian who gates Israel and defends ilhan omar despite her being a rabid antisemite

>source: a source

Damn. That obvious?

Guess wagie rey will be posting feet for $ first

What is there to recognize she isn’t from anything. God knows when kids go to Disney land they want to see Jeff the jaguar who is mickeys best friend from a couple of book tie ins and will only ever be from the book tie ins. Though was this the bitch whose wedding became a fart fest?

You sound like a legitimate mongoloid.

It is bad when a tent pole new park opens and relies on the part of the franchise people don't care about. If the new thing was good then DL wouldn't be having attendance problems now would it, but go ahead post another wojak

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>they make up 6% of the us population
13% actually, and growing. Does that scare you? Why?


Not From Star Wars! Remember, Disney owns dozens of venues. Star Wars and Marvel Comics is losing cash however--they're literally dead weight.

If somebody went back in time 10 years and told people how hard Disney will fuck up Star Wars literally nobody would believe.

This is unreal.

Attached: 1472321778924.png (692x720, 309K)

>Endgame BO
>Lion King BO
>Aladdin BO
>Fox merger

Okay my research is done. You're retarded.

Based strokeposter

I bet,

black females, you fucking retard, and they're not growing. african american growth in the us is stagnant, and has been plotted out to stay that way for 50+ years.

>he doesn’t even understand how a company makes money
american education on full display



>not growing
they actually are, retard. look up average height and weight of colored women over the past 100 years and tell me what you notice

they're gonna be in the red for the next couple of years for sure, especially from buying fox and everything going into disney+

Why are you afraid of black women?

>fell 5%
>worst year in their entire companies history

Dumb zoomer.



"Record profits" is always fucking bullshit since inflation exists. You NEED to make higher profits every year to stay afloat. Dollar lost 20% of it's worth in 10 years.

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rocco on suicide watch

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Maybe the reason the park expansion sucks is that there's literally one ride and half the people on that ride are reduced to one button masher while the other two crash into the nearest hazard every five fucking seconds!

One ride and ten thousand tourist holes until 2020 lol

the only thing growing on laQueesha is her ass.

they smell like literal trash and commit more acts of violence toward white men than any other group

You don't understand how a company makes money. You mistake being in the red after a major acquisition for an actual loss.

Post the Nu Wars toys in bargain bins for 33 cents! That's some woke go broke stuff right there.

Star Wars cost was 4 billion. They haven't made a profit nor will they.
They sank hundreds of millions to keep Captain Stink toes afloat during the Fox purchase.

If Disney+ is not a big hit and park revenue continues to fail they will be in big trouble.


>deflects to SW
Jeremy please take your meds.

Attached: star wars money.jpg (1656x1278, 584K)

>Disney’s Parks, Experiences & Consumer Products revenue improved by 7% in the third quarter.

>disney +
It’s already projected to be a massive failure. They are apparently having massive infrastructure problems on their planned servers and half of the beta doesn’t even load. Ive also been hearing they are going to jack up the price right before launch. It’s going to be a disaster

If You're losing money on an investment, pumping tens of millions into a park that's not profitable isn't going to fox the problem.

>zoomer math

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disney+ will do OK, but not great, because for some reason they are curating their IP instead of having it all at launch. once people see its not everything, that will drop it, then pick it up later as the MCU shows become available.

>investors expected to see gains from the fox merger that quickly
being publicly traded was a mistake. Worst case scenario that's alot of taxes loses they can defer for the next couple of decades

Will Park Rey be alright, bros? I dont want her to start turning tricks with random ghetto Finns

>saving grace are the park Rey's
Fucking kill yourself

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Apparently it is.

How long till the articles blaming Russians, Nazis and Incels drop?

>people are waiting in 1 hours to ride star wars instead of 2
>it's considered a disaster

capitalism in a nutshell

Because Easter and Galaxy's Edge opening.

>>Employees are now working under 40 hours per week.
Holy fuck, that's supposed to be low in freedomland?

It will be a hit amongst Boomers, bigger than Netflix.

Go read box office mojo FAQ you retard.

I cant believe cock sucking mouse fags like this still exist.

Doesn't matter. 7% stands.

I know one of them for sure was let go (the chink looking one) and has already moved back home with her parents

Go buy e-thot bath water you zoomer.
>a fucking faq is my source
Where to even begin here Jesus Christ your generation is DOA.

>he doesn’t realize this is a shitposting thread
lurk moar

Galaxy's Edge opening was big but since then it became a ghost town. You really think a month of good sales paid back 1.5 billion $ they threw at it?

Suck it up, Mouse Slaves.

Attached: Galaxys Edge Staff.jpg (800x788, 558K)

Why would anyone spend 200 bucks to remind themselves how badly Disney is handling the property?

>zoomer tries and fails to act tough

Disney has Fox now, it's over for us.

Theme parks aren't supposed to make back their money in 1 month user

oh no their they're revenue didn't grow as fast as last year because of a major purchase
How is Disney ever going to survive
stop pretending to know finance retards

Because Luke Skywalker is a huwhite male.

Yeah, obviously some retard knows better than the biggest site working on gathering box office data.

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I can't wait! I need Disney to concede that Nu Wars is a failure!

That's Not PROFIT. IT SAID IMPROVED! How much in the red were they? 40%? An improvement of 7% says they're closer to the surface but is still in the shitter!



you have no arguments good day sir

That's the point. It stopped making money after two months and they are still working on the second one.


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Reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers

why is Q3 higher than Q4 when Q4 is holiday season

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>TWO RIDES “proper” will save it
Not after the press behind the last park killed it, shouldn’t have built it after TLJ.

>more staff than visitors


Attached: galaxy edge.png (1075x768, 1.6M)

hey man, thanks for that post. It was really needed for this discussion

>I derive my knowledge from zoomer sites
is all I need to know zoomer.

>ghost town.
I hate my luck, when I was there fucking lines were close to draw me to suicide

Why are shills' only argument to attack the math without explaining why it's wrong? Why do shills lie and claim that studios get 100% of the domestic and international box office take?

>he thinks the jews are “catering” to black People
>he thinks the jews are doing it for the money
Do you really believe the above? It’s about normalisation of black People in white countries, it’s social engineering on a grand scale to make white countries completely multiracial. If they wanted the money, they would cater to literally any other demographic but blacks you fucking idiot

imagine posting this

Attached: 1565431599713.jpg (1702x1134, 888K)

>comparing quarter to quarter not YoY


Attached: 1565222910938.png (721x419, 133K)

There is so much they have to make to satisfy projected sales. Falling short would lengthen the time needed to make a certain amount. If they fail to make projected profits they will bow have to legitimize sinking maintaining cost for something that has fallen short of it's projected profits.

checked and keked satan

I loved TLJ

Stop lying. Spics like you can’t afford to get in

They're catering to white liberals, not black women.

>zoomer mad that there's a word for him and children like him

>imagine posting this
imagine posting this

You deserve cancer for stepping foot in that place

Sir, I think you are projecting here your broke ass

You're welcome dude, laughing at Disney going under is pure Yea Forums culture

Looks wholesome.

This is truly disgusting thing to say. throwing word cancer to be edgy, disgusting fuck.

There was a meet and greet with Daisy Ridley a few months ago in my city. I took the day off work so I could sit in my car and jelq for a few hours before going into the venue in hopes of wooing her. After around 5 hours straight of jelqing, I walked into the building with my chest puffed out. When I got to the front of the line, Daisy bit her lip and giggled (I was incredibly swollen and my cargo shorts looked like they were about to tear). We made idle chit chat about her life on the road and my job (manga editor) while she occasionally glanced downward at my bulge and flirtatiously played with her hair. John Boyega emerged from the crowd and said I was taking up too much of her time in a shaky voice. Daisy laughed and said he didn't have permission to talk, so he walked off looking defeated. She said she would follow me on Twitter if I gave her my handle, but she hasn't done it yet.

Is this real? What is this from?

And now the very same Ass Aids that destroyed Marvel Comics is now being injected into the mcu. That will crash and burn next. GET WOKE GO BROKE!

Even onions boy 25 year old fans don’t want to see made up Star Wars places. They want tattooine, Endor, Death Stars, Star destroyers and places they remember from their childhoods.

Daisy is not doing meets and greets she has no need for incel money, she is lead actress now (Ophelia, Chaos Walking) GTFO with your larping faggot.

It was posted on the official star wars and disney twitters

the only legitimate source in the thread says they fell short of investor expectations.
The main reason being the shitty movies from fox, everything else grew even the parks operating profit.

BUT Disney ruined their childhoods so that places would be traumatizing for them.

>Marvel ruined the comic book and the movie market
How can a shit company be this destructive? What will they ruin next?

fuck off, tranny

People out here are so autistic that they only can see what they want.


Go fuck yourself dcshill

Galaxy's Edge is a massive flop and their park division grew because they are comparing the summer quarter with the previous one, year to year they are bankrupting themselves

dc fag detected

You dont understand. Thats how much i fucking despise people like you. I hope your cunt mother get cancer too.


Americans have to pay to open their windows?

Good news the same shit will open in Florida soon!

>man with no arguments continues to have no argument
not an argument

Not outright, but you can get fined for having them open without a permit, although it’s rarely enforced

>no u

I’m just trying to keep the thread bumped

so what's this period the 3rd, how is that a failure when the only period Galaxy was open a gain

well checked then

holy fucking shit

She already did you retard. Remember this exchange, what goes around comes around, when the moment comes and you will think what you did wrong in life to deserve this, know that it's your fault.

They're insane! It's like putting mayonnaise on a cherry pie and if customers doesn't buy it they're Nazis incels. After the dyke latino captain america who is the offspring of two celestial dykes magazine failed to gain fans, the creator/writer blames cis white males for its failure. Disney Nu Wars injected every ounce of progressive politics into the franchise. Now they're shocked no one's buying?

if it werent for the falcon it would be hard to tell what franchise its supposed to belong too its that generic

>based dubs recognizing trips

>what goes around comes around

so you are only nice because you fear something bad will come your way? now thats a cucked way of living

I think you need to see a doctor.

Slavic hands typed this.

Attached: 1562586738281.jpg (1478x1080, 121K)

Business students will be studying how Disney fucked on Star Wars within the decade.

Remember they still haven't made the money back the parks were an extra billion each just to build ontop of the 4 billion pricetag

>2 hr lines
>but only 1 hr line
the throughput is the same.

God, I bet they were just licking their chops at the prospect of buying Fox News, and then shutting it down. Good thing Murdoch told them to go fuck themselves on that.


Not being disgusting fuck who uses deadly diseases in conversations to be edgy equals being incel? nice logic

>Business students will be studying how Disney fucked on Star Wars within the decade.

Doubtful that would require admitting that women can make mistakes and diversity doesnt sell

Hollywood is producing trash scripts for over a decade now and nothing is changing. If you think they can learn from mistakes you are delusional.

Eek, subhuman trash. Keep your board clean Yea Forums.

>dubs checking dubs checking trips

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Why are you incels so concerned with counting someone else money? Why aren't you just happy evil corporation is killing itself?

how do you faggots live getting constantly offended over shit?

How long till your own cancer cells start matastising?

Based murdoch traveling through time to prevent himself from selling out

Rupert Murdoch? More like Pooper Turd-dock lol

They'll also be studying how Disney turned from failing company to worldwide monopoly within a decade.

Iger already is considered a patron saint among economy students today. They'll build shrines and statues for him, just watch.

It couldnt get much worse you cancer ridden fuck.

>Business students will be studying how they devalued their own investment by making bad movies

it's not really an issue created by the business side. the whole problem is they bought Star Wars without planning what to do with it.

if the movies had been great and they had not spent money on attractions, executives would have been sacked for not capitalizing on their quality.

I'm not trying to get randomly sucker punched while I'm grocery shopping or some shit.

>Business students will be studying how Disney fucked on Star Wars within the decade.
Burger education everyone.

Are you 12 or 14? It doesn't look like your brain developed even a bit if you are older disgusting fuck.

we’re posting on Yea Forums you tell me

Fox makes big $$$ they would have never shut it down.
>noo disney is famnesum propagander they dont rly care about profits
ah you're one of those guys, carry on then.

When you bury someone you love you will get triggered by retards using deadly diseases to be retarded edgelords

You don't even have to do anything either. The thing will fucking play itself, and the only thing that changes is a bit of dialogue here and there, and your arbitrary score that means nothing.

How long until you have sex?

90s born queers were a mistake

already happened and i am still not a faggot like you. life is suffering deal with it

Dude this thread is a joke. Why signal your heterosexuality like that and say what you would really do?

Why so serious? As my favorite character, the JOKER would say. It's my favorite character because he resembles me psychologically.

Learn to laugh. Learn to troll. Learn to play with your posts. This is Yea Forums bitch, it's not ducking rebbit.

Welcome to the madhouse. Nothing is what it seems around here.

At last if something happens to you no one will care, it must be a relieve.

that just shows how much entertainment execs get to take credit for other people's work.

even Marvel's success is actually down to decades of comic books writers producing lore, characters and plots, not solely the people who make the movies themselves.

if Iger is credited for it by econ students then that's one of the things that will contribute to future catastrophes because graduates falsely think they've identified what his formula was, just like with the DC expanded universe.

1700 hired for Galaxy's Edge in Florida, so California should be about the same.

1700 @ $15/hr up @ 40/week + employer tax and benefits. Toss in the cost of electricity, water, repairs and so on, and that's a big nut to make every month on your markup on bottled water and space french fries.

>Eek, subhuman trash
Hole detected

Your dog doesn't count

Murdoch wouldn't sell them Fox News because part of his job is to manage the Republican propaganda arm. he's losing net worth but if he sold his political operation he'd lose his investors.

>subhuman trash asking for (you)s

I don't think so.

Tell this to yourself in the mirror

you wanna exchange sob stories trying to see whos fee fees got hurt the most?



no one asked you to come here tourist. why not kill yourself before the cancer does?

>how do you faggots live getting constantly offended over shit?

You tell me.

Attached: 1562391029640.png (770x838, 485K)

I always new star wars fans were retarded, thank you for reminding me once again

I'm convinced that the majority of business in that first month was just youtubers.


go back kiddo, you think you're the first person to lose a parent? retarded cancer fuck.

>Disney employee speaks to Disney owned entity to shit talk Disney and asks for anonimity
ah ah ah

I doubt anyone is truly offended we just point out that americas nigger worship has reached insanity level

>only one ride
>ban annual pass users
>nothing to do except but overly expensive drinks and overly expensive and cheaply made toys (is more of a mall than a theme park)
>no cool shows
>based on sequel trilogy
>no iconic OT imagery outside of the millennium falcon (which has been whore’d so much it isn’t special anymore)
I am shocked

No one asked you to come here either, Z**moid.

Attached: jaden.jpg (640x734, 58K)

>that's a big nut to make every month on your markup on bottled water and space french fries
user the employees making, serving and selling food outside of Disneyland also get paid, so that's not a valid reason for a markup

Shut your mouse so your purulence wouldn't come out


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>I doubt anyone is truly offended

If you make 100000000 threads complaining about something then I'm inclined to believe that your asshurt is genuine.

This is 4channel.org, get the fuck out 4channer

Stare Warsy

>If you make 100000000 threads complaining

no one really is its just that when a big news story hits people go retarded making one thread after another. you would know this if this wasnt your first day on here

>Disney’s Parks, Experiences & Consumer Products revenue improved by 7% in the third quarter.

Here you go mouse shill:

Disney officials finally acknowledged that the light summer crowds at Disneyland following the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge have resulted in a 3 percent decline in attendance at the Anaheim theme park.



At least my mom isn't sucking cocks in hell

No idea what you're trying to say.

>people go retarded

That is unironically a marketing campaign. Nobody actually gives a shit, just a marketeer trying to stir shit up

spotted the reddit nigger

Yeah she's doing that on earth

literally the only people upset seemed to be the asian part of twitter and gingers


and /pol/

Well read it again sweatie, you can do it if you try

I honestly want some prequel imagery in there too. Stuff like Toydarians, Geonosians, Dugs, and Besalisks give me warm and fuzzies. I legitimately hate the alien designs in Disney Wars, because it comes down to "Do you want a fish man, or do you want a monkey man?".

I guess they felt the need to phase out Twi'leks because obese danger hairs found their raw sexual power intimidating, but did they really have to go scorched earth on all the OT/PT aliens? There was a lot of good shit in there.

Attached: PT soul vs ST soulless.jpg (1721x1739, 422K)

How much do you get paid for being a disney shill?

/pol/ if anything supports the blackwashing of media to get more normies upset

They're in Solo iirc

Is that why they had to hike up ticket prices?

I was there last week and actually managed to cum into one of those collectible mugs you get at the park (I was edging all morning and finished in a bathroom). I wanted to “accidentally” dump it on Rey but I couldn’t find her walking around so I just left the mug in the falcon line

about tree fiddy

>bottom row 2nd from left

That guy is from RotJ. He's in the Jabba's Palace anthologies book and a lot more intelligent than he looks. Is this image cleverly crafted bait?

They provide my family with nutrition cube rations which is enough to keep posting

I genuinely worry about tourists who participate in shitpost threads but aren't aware of it and as a result get to so angry and lightheaded that they call anyone who's mean to them a shill, kike or whatever

My son knows the taste of freedom outside of his cage. The cage they keep him in. Everyday I work and fight for his freedom. Even if that freedom comes just a few fleeting moments a day

Or crying about their cancer mom, fucking faggots

It wasn't a gain. Not meeting your projected earnings one quarter but improving by 7% another isn't a win. You've just improved slightly over your previous loss.

>expecting tourists to actually know a thing about Star Wars
They're couldn't care less for it. They're using it as an excuse to talk about politics that's all.

The clock ticked louder (and seemingly slower) and the urge to shill was even greater. For I knew that every moment wasted would mean my wife, my children (my fucking children) would stay in those cells for longer than needed

>and this is an obsessed and bitter Hello Greedo poster.
>Noooo why do anti-Nuwars youtube channels make more views than me now??!!!!!

Nah that guy was endearingly genuine

I don't get the mouse. Boomers and star warsfags want to see OT stuff, interact with OT stuff, LARP as OT stuff. The mouse makes STshit. Are they that retarded?

The only non-Chewie, non-centipede alien I remember from that movie is the monkey guy in Woody's crew.

I receive sjw points on my cuck card which allows me to purchase blacked gift cards for my friends and family

>Jeremy has entered the thread

Attached: 1481969511931.jpg (248x189, 18K)

>Jabba's Palace anthologies book

Am I supposed to know what that is?

genuine tourist perhaps.

You're not an actual Star Wars fan so no.

My daughters body, stained black from the typewriter ribbon that filled her room, screamed into pus drainage system grate in the floor as the image of a steam locomotive eternally rapes her already impossibly marred figure

He's probably some fucking casual that never read tales from jabbas palace

True, but its still a job

My husband watched in horror as my body was oiled and loaded into the magazine of an enormous handgun, ready to be fired at a moments notice

Being recognizable is kinda important if you are doing something based on a well known brand.

>be adult man
>live and dress like this

Unironically what did he mean by this

Attached: 1528047624716.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

I worry about people like you who have zero self-awareness.

shownice is looking pretty good

anyone need to cum? I’m doing jois in a few minute and can take a few guys

Glad to hear that
I hope Disney loses billions and billions

They already have. They are actually expected to file for bankruptcy in the fall

> 2019 - we are forgotten.

Attached: solospecies02a.jpg (800x520, 296K)

They're the most visible minority.

In the UK, all 'diversity' on posters is always black despite the country now being like 30% Pakistani. I wish they'd use some Cutie Poos in advertising, but they never do.

You haven't heard? They filed for bankruptcy an hour ago.

Looks pretty normal to me. Pic related is your average nuwars lover though...

Attached: the last star wars fan.jpg (1696x826, 265K)

holy shit it’s real

The new star wars was retarded doctor who shit. They should have done a Nolan with Zimmer.

Gotarite is what you get when an Ongree fucks a rat.

>Looks pretty normal to me
Plastering pop culture all over your room and clothing isn't normal. Especially if you're in your fourties.

He’s actually 58

Pedo alert

Just looked around my room, and the only piece of merchandise is a figure of Airfield-hime from KanColle

I think he’s pushing 60

Did you miss the earnings call 3 days ago? Record profits? In the parks? Nope.

Iger is sweating right now.

It's like his fucking shed by his pool, it's not the actual house.

Insiders are saying if it doesn’t turn around by october he is out

Fiscal year starts in march. So holiday season is Q3.

>the disney sequels, have always been celebrated for being shit
>there is a kathleen kennedy film, by ryan johnson
>inspired, by that same terrible writing
>like the best disney films it caters to retards and women

Attached: 1565201816981.png (480x360, 157K)

He must have a bunch of daughters to have that many dolls.

> Oh no, you did not just call me an Octoriod! That's our word!

Attached: solospecies03a.jpg (800x520, 301K)

You're too based for this world user.

I wouldn't say they're finished but I've heard a few comments that they're over-extended and they need to scale back. There's some serious slippage in the parks and movies segment for them.

By far the best nuwars designs I've seen, hand picked by Lord and Miller before they were fired.

They paid a lot of money for the rights to the whole franchise, but are sitting on the part that actually made money? If I were an investor, I'd be questioning that pretty fucking hard. The audience has already let them know how they feel.

Lol based non functional retard

I can’t believe Park and Kansas Rey are only making 15 dollars an hour, they should be getting triple that.
Mini Rey is overpaid.

what other board would this thread go on retard

Rey’s Pay and Lay
Formerly Luke’s

kill yourself pathetic reddit nigger

>It makes life challenging when your paychecks Opens a New Window.
What did he mean by this?

Iger wipes that sweat off with Benjamins

How much is this guy getting paid per week?

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>nobody has money
>wahhhh why arent people going to disneyland
Im sure they still get a few bucks from the gay ass overpaid instagram/youtubers who come to make shitty clickbait videos since those people dont have anything real to fill their day with.
It's going to be marvelous watching these companies implode or shift towards enticing foreigners as America falls.

Based. Fuck Soi War, fuck KK and fuck Disney.

They didn't buy Fox to shut down the news division, they bought them for the 21st Century Fox library - which you'll be able to pay extra to see on Disney+ in November.

Reminder that Disney now owns National Geographic, along with FX. If you like any of the shows on Netflix or Amazon from FX, like "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" - Disney owns it now, and will be going to Disney+, so rewatch or pirate now.

Ain't monopolies great?

Disney now owns Fight Club.

Let that sink in.

It means when G-d closes a door he opens a window.

>hour long queues are a flop
I dont go to these stupid theme parks. What kind of fool would queue for an hour for a 5 minute ride.
Go skiing instead. Way more thrilling and you generally dont queue unless you decide to go when school is out.

Eat my ass, it’ll taste better than the kisses of your precious Mini Rey.

>Disney now owns Fight Club.
>Let that sink in.
>Commercial movie owned by a media corporation

Normal theme parks are for local people to spend a lazy afternoon. Disney theme parks are for brainwashed corporate shills to give money to the mega-corporations that they worship as gods

not for women. women live off the salary of their provider, so women can do shit job just because they love it

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You park rey niggers are fucking pathetic faggots, all those whores can burn alive and you can kill yourself.

Yea Forums

>Eat my ass
why is every zoomer half a fag now?

Palahniuk is literally a faggot, I hope Mickey kicks the shit out of him.

I’m sorry there aren’t any park Finns, but I’m sure they employ at least one black janitor who will let you suck his dick.

But these huge parks are popular. The queues are infuriating. I can rocket down the side of a mountain and never have to wait a minute. It feels like flying. I can push the challenge as much as I want to the point of killing myself. I can get blasted drunk for extra fun.
How can a theme park compete with that?

Why? The cast members are mostly college kids. Most of Disneyland is staffed by college kids, nobody works in the park as a career. You can make more at the vast sea of retail companies that surround the park, supporting the visitors. Getting hired at Disney is easy, it's seasonal work.

>get cut unexpectedly
wouldn't working less tip them about they will be payed less?

Sounds like Bob Chapek saved Disney from an even bigger failure.

>Not a single Alien
>No recognizable Star Wars locations


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I can't wait for the Defunctland episode about this

Same guy but the pic is from TFA where they made him more cartoony than the original.

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