Reported to the Disney reeducation center
Japan is like a whole different planet.
>14 mi
Isn't France supposed to be a sophisticated, cultured place?
Why is my country not in the list?
Hard not to be a weeb when every other country is being retarded,
>Moe anime trash
FInd that hard to believe. Every aidoru I follow on twitter is posting that they've seen or are seeing it. They also love Disney and go to Disney Land(?) often.
If it's not #1 it's doing very well. Japan loves Disney shit. Stop falling for the meme where they reject American/Western products. Apple does better over there in in America.
Why is there no movie about a Japanese Disney Princess?
Ayy lmao and just as I thought which confirms why I've been seeing those Lion King posts on twitter, it just released in Japan on the 9th, this chart is from last month.
Quoting you guys to btfo OP misinfo
Good question. It's the only cunt where it'd even work (or even be allowed) nowadays. Should have happened in Kingdom Hearts at least.
So what about when Detective Conan outdid Endgame?
STFU pleb.
I don't know, that's not Disney, and if Disney owns that too it's not "Disney" Disney. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing is at play as OP, a delayed release in Japan.
>6 million
Retardo.Lion King wasnt released in Japan last month
retard why didn't you direct that at the op jackass?
Jews fear the samurai
Sorry I meanAladin was mega hit in Japan.Stop falling to this bait
>an anime movie is better than a disney movie
The state of this board...
I would respect japan if it was a serious film (not even arthouse) about women liberation or any other actuallt mature theme, not just an anime movie about a loli for the male japanese incels that can't get laid because women prefer white men.
At least TLK addresses themes related to the african american community and has a diverse cast, despite I personally hate childish movies like that
Why do Japanese love American media so much?
Makoto Shinkai literally makes the same movie. All his movies are the same. Not really different from the disney formula.
>weekend ending July 28
>movie doesnt come out in Japan will August 9th
Frenchfag here.
Lmao if you actually think that. Perhaps it was until half a century ago.
The average frog is not any more 'refined' than the typical anglo, kraut or amerimutt. I'm talking about actual Frenchmen, not even the various bougnoule scum roaming around.