I hate every single character in this movie (except Bobby). All the kids were little shits and all the adults were trash people.
Overall good movie except for the last minute when they run to Disney World, it made no sense and didn't fit in at all to the other 99% of the movie.
I hate every single character in this movie (except Bobby)...
Yeah, I hated it too. One of very few films I've ever rage-quit. Go watch American Honey, kinda similar, but far better and you won't hate life afterwards. And don't be put off by Shia, he's not overwhelming.
>One of very few films I've ever rage-quit
at the end the kid gets taken away by social services because she's an unfit mother
Made me smile to see some people getting their cum muffins
Would have been nice if that pedo had abducted the little shits though. Only bad thing Bobby did in the movie was stop him.
>Watch movie about white trash
>Surpised when people are trash
Don't call it white trash, like 2/3 of the main trash characters are black and/or mexican
it's ok
>single mother
>the kid is not black
also this, should have atleast been mexican mixed
why would you want to feel good, this happens to shitty mother in real life. At least the girl has a chance now.
>I hate every single character in this movie (except Bobby)
That was the point.
Social services ensures that she'll be in equally worse hands or will simply be whisked away to the highest bidding human trafficker. Tons of g*v't employees are implicit in human trafficking, the whole Cl*nton h*iti foundation is a modicum of the massive business that is going on right under our noses. If the entire thing got exposed it would be the most sickening string of events that you would ever witness. Thats why people are being scapegoated. Keep your eyes open and stop being scared to see reality. It's much darker than you could ever imagine.
hating the florida project and thinking american honey is good is an awful take
>it made no sense
Are you retarded or is this bait?
The whole movie is made to provide an example of the lives of those poor children that live just at the edge of the place that EVERY children dreams to be: Disney World but being born into white trash they couldn't afford to enjoy that
Right? The girl takes her new friend around the town to all the shops and crazy buildings. It's her own Disney World. The friend (who's been quiet and just along for the ride the entire time) decides to take over instead and sneaks her into the real Disnet world. It's not really that hard to pick up on.
Could it be that world is a little different than what /pol/ taught you?
it's just not realistic. at all man.
sean baker is a rich preppie (went to 40k private school) that somehow knows a lot about how destitute people live, just like the daughter of the oracle mogul that owns a24 as a money laundering scheme while she engages in dyke lifestyle
just keep playing fortnite op, it has the same faces and color scheme
Can't believe this slut's the same age as me. I can't even imagine having children. Her nipple pokies in that longish restruant scene made it worth it though. Cute boobs and nice nipples.
I saw the Disneyworld ending to be purposefully out of place looking because it wasn't real. The kid is just crying and imagining escaping with her friend to the magical haven of chilhood she lives right beside but cannot actually go to because of being poor.
Also, incase you didn't know, that part was literally shot on an iphone stealthily and without Disney's permission.
When did ANY character express a desire to go to Disney?
>All the kids were little shits and all the adults were trash people
That's Florida
So you are indeed retarded, ok
not an answer
If you can't understand implicit motifs check either your retardation or your autism
If you're going to be pedantic and can't absorb any kind of subtext and need everything explained to you, there is the couple that booked the wrong motel where she's screaming that she wanted to go to "the magic kingdom" or whatever.
They live one exit away from the most magical place on earth. They're one level above homeless so they have to make their own kingdom.
If I liked American Honey, will I like this?
As someone who had to live around the type of roach hotels this movie depicts, I can say that it's a spot-on depiction of the type of scummy ass people that populate them.
I dunno why, but that little fat wobbly mutt baby the black chick had made me laugh hard
The gift shop with the giant wizard on top of it was really bugging me, like, I've seen a gift shop with a giant wizard on it in the Disney area, but it looked different to that, so I looked into it, and it turns out there are TWO completely unrelated gift shops with giant wizard heads on them on the same long stretch of road.
I can only assume one is superior to the other, and they ripped it off so when someone says "go to the wizard gift shop in this area" they'll go to the wrong one. Very sneaky you Floridian.
That was what made me realize just how different their world is. I live in Vermont and get like 5 days of sun a year. You can't have any fun buildings like this because of all the snow and salt and shit.
But I sure as fuck ain't moving to Florida.
Florida isn't really worth living in at all from what I understand. I moved to St. Petersburg which is close to Tampa for almost a full year and it was shit once the novelty of living right off the beach wore off.
What was so bad about it?