New BBC documentary on the Incel community
New BBC documentary on the Incel community
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all around fucking weird, why did they agree to take part in that
and what the fuck is wrong with that dude in the mask
I felt bad for the gymcel
He was the most genuinely nice of them all, and you could just feel his crippling insecurity
I don't get what's supposed to be interesting about fat neckbeards who call women "roasties" and "thots" and jack off to fat furry vore anal vore or whatever inbetween.
>49 minutes
Wow. This is going to take at least watch 3 sessions to complete. Who the fuck has time to just sit there for 50 minutes doing nothing? Why should I waste an hour of my time learning about incels? God this board fucking sucks
God this stuff seems like satire
Catfish men is fucking jokes
no thanks.
>and what the fuck is wrong with that dude in the mask
incel must look scary for normies, like the hackers who wear hoodies, whereas all incels and hackers are just acne ridden fat white men, but women laugh at them and they are not scared of them
that's not how you use whereas
i think he might just want to protect his identity though. it's just weird because he chose the kind of mask that doesn't really protect it good. compared to like.. every other kind of mask
Fuck you OP, at a glance I thought that was Sub-Zero
catfish guy is based
I love this doc is 50 minutes, yet they never ONCE question if even a minor part of this could be womens fault
>catfish guy tricks dumb white trash hoes and laughs at them
>mfw they might aswell would get raped, murdered and eaten
why are women so dumb?
Question to all the incel-haters out there:
What do you even want them to do?
None of these docs give a single advice, a single tip of improvement, it's just "these people are horrible and should die"
If you're an unattractive male in todays society, are you just doomed?
Seems like nobody wants to even touch this
but that's not the point, that other dude is alright despite identifying as incel. it's about the kind of incel full of hate for everyone else, making them responsible
u know, the elliot rodger kind.
>Been bullied entire life
>Rightfully begins hating people back
I too, like to dismiss entire groups of people out of hand based on the worst possible examples.
Fuck 'that other dude that's alright despite identifying as an incel', elliot roger exists so I can righteously ignore anyone that suffers from the same problems that he did.
did you even read my post or just the name elliot?
These bbc3 docs and most nu bbc docs are unwatchable filler
did you read the post your originally responded to? his point was that no one offers any solutions for these people, only derision. you say that's just fine because elliot roger exists.
>" you have a girlfriend or a wife or something user"
So you think it's wrong to be angry about being discriminated against your entire life simply because you were born ugly?
Anyone have the child rapist Chad catfish?
this is all about you, user
>What do you even want them to do?
they want them to shut up and go sit in the corner until they quietly die.
I don't know what answer you expect. Low-value men have always been society's chaff that is discarded in frankly monstrous amounts during times of war and famine. We don't have huge disastrous starvation periods or wars anymore, so low value men just sit around stewing in their own resentment. Nothing has changed about people, just civilisation and society. Live with it. Accept that a hundred years ago, you'd have worked yourself to death in a mine alone and unloved, or two thousand years ago you would have been thrown into the meat grinder of war and butchered to pieces by terrifying foreigners after shitting your pants.
Life is horrible, and unfair, especially for men. Most men, even. Deal with it in whatever way you can.
More or less. It has ALWAYS been this way, though.
>Accept that a hundred years ago, you'd have worked yourself to death in a mine alone and unloved, or two thousand years ago you would have been thrown into the meat grinder of war and butchered to pieces by terrifying foreigners after shitting your pants.
Yeah but at least you'd get the opportunity to "righteously" kill people
Basically be a good nice little incel and be gracious enough to let other be more happy than you.
True incels are not mentally well and see nothing wrong with the way they are. Why wouldn't they?
>u know
>Deal with it in whatever way you can.
k, gonna go blast a bunch of normies then
>commie pedophiles do the documentary on incels
I am still waiting for leftshit documentary on NYE in Cologne. Won't hold my breath.
Meanwhile these are the people calling ugly women roasties.
maybe stop defining yourself over getting or not getting sex for a start, someone identifying over that and calling himself incel is the first problem to begin with
Hope she sees this bro
I don't think that insult is aimed at ugly women but the exact opposite. Very promiscuous attractive women.
if youre still a virgin by 21, you should be refused the right to own a firearm.
monthly inspections from when you turn 16 up to 21 to check whether youre virgin (its obvious to spot a virgin by the way)
>Ugly woman
I don't think you know what "roastie" means.
I did. he’s alright but you can eat shit :).
hope she sees this, bro
Hope she sees this bro
Well I doubt thet would go near women with actual roast beef vaginas. Face it, they are alone for a reason.
You know how /pol/ always keeps saying that you're powerless if you can't even name the jew? It works both ways. Media was coming up with inaccurate, cringy taglines and definitions for a bunch of disorganized and lonely anonymous shitposters since the days of fox news calling out le anonymous hacker legion to create a villain you can actually destroy. Who cares if in reality incels all bunch of neets from all over the world who are too lazy to leave their basements, let alone do some undercover black ops operations lmao.
I have no problem with incels, because everyone who refuses or doesn't contribute to this gib system is okay in my book. Roasties and leftists are just asshurt about them, because they will not bring more tax bucks in for them to redistribute.
>Face it, they are alone for a reason.
yeah, because they're ugly
And unwiling to date women on their level. Inb4 all women want chads. There's plenty bottom of the barrel broads.
>Roasties and leftists are just asshurt about them, because they will not bring more tax bucks in for them to redistribute.
You really think women are aware of how the system works?
>Inb4 all women want chads
Yeah, statistics on this are crystal clear.
>tfw my dick hymen is still intact so i know id fail the inspection
>it's just "these people are horrible and should die"
except in this doc there's just the catfish dude that is a pathological liar and woman hater
the other two dudes are genuinely just unlucky but the irish one explains it quite well at one point stating that if you go into the black pill echo chamber it's totally not healthy. all the places where incels should be able to talk about their feelings are overrun with entitled boys who have so much supressed rage they'd rather shoot people than become a better person
irish guy got out of there he's lifting and the only thing that makes him anxious is his severe acne.
dog guy is genuine just shy with people but even he goes out with friends and socializes a bit he'll do fine
>If you're an unattractive male in todays society, are you just doomed?
you gotta be kidding
Yes, because they consistently vote along those lines.
>all the places where incels should be able to talk about their feelings are overrun with entitled boys who have so much supressed rage they'd rather shoot people than become a better person
>severe acne
Wear quality cotton, use the most basic soap, drink fresh lemon juice and stop fucking roiding.
When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", it's because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!
And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!
No one self-identifies as "involuntary celibate". It's something roasties project onto men who don't put up with women's shit. As if to say "oh, if you had sex you'd agree with me and give in to my demands". This is because women think they can get anything they want with sex and believe this because their white knight lapdogs betas would do anything for a pity fuck!!!FACT!!!
>world of incels
>they're all white
at least they got this right
these are the type of people i imagine who browse Yea Forums more than 4 hours a day
Always based contribution. Thank you for melting trannies, you are doing Allah's work.
Looking forward to the documentary on the Pareto principle of dating, asking women why they find the vast majority of men to be unattractive.
Also really looking forward to the documentary that will inevitably be made on female robots: "Lucy can cook, she can clean, she looks like a film star, speaks in 30 languages and can fix a car. But Lucy isn't human. She is the latest addition to the Gynoid line created by the shared venture of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, Asimov Industries, with each unit costing 200,000 dollars or half a bitcoin, men everywhere are deciding to shack up with their robo amours and abandoning human women altogether. A protest of 300,000 women of the original flesh and blood variety marched on DC in 2037, citing prejudice and lack of equal opportunities arising from the robots that they perceived were now replacing them. We talked to the leader of the protest group to find out more".
i hate the incel mindset and i only blame myself for my shortcomings. why can't i be a fucking loser in peace?
Having actually browsed Incel forums, the "white incel" thing is weird. They even say you can't be an incel if you are white. I'd say that Asians and Indians are probably massively over-represented within their groups.
Yeah I've been reading their forums too and they seem to be primarily non-white. They use that JBW acronym quite a bit
>Europe suffers terrorist attacks because of arab spring and religious beliefs
>USA suffers terrorist attacks because white boys havent had sex
"Incel" as a term is just being politically weaponised to attack young, reactionary white men. It's really on the nose how every single media company is running with it.
so what's /r/asianmasculinity
if anything it's primarily white because the term is an english one and comes from an English speaking country. most groups in English speaking countries are primarily white. they include it specifically here because the leftists who write about it hate whites
incels are worse than muslims
prove me wrong
Islam is an incel religion. The jihadists literally only commit their acts so they can get laid in heaven.
>Imam takes all the 10+ year old girls into his harem
>Nobody left for you
>"Just kill yourself for Allah bro you'll get laid by Allah I promise." He says when you complain about it.
>Do as he says.
Men not having sex may be one of the most powerful forces in human history.
You’re like the people that say Islam is only disliked because of racism. No, it’s the fucking terrorism done in support of it you absolute moron
If you had any friends you’d probably see a lot of dopey looking dudes with average looking girlfriends, which is fucking most relationships.
Young men always kill people over something. We naively thought once most people realised religion was bullshit it would stop. But the eternal twenty-something dude cannot be stopped.
Race mixing. You can tell the dude is some variety of 56% like Elliott Rodger. Most of the deranged, school shooter incel types are.
same thing basically
Where the fuck do you live? Most average-looking girls here are some chad's fuckbuddy
can't because all incels are bad by definition due to their ideology while only some muslims are (the radical ones)
>Most of the deranged, school shooter incel types are
Except, y'know, for the part where actually they're mostly white. Why do white dudes always fall back to scapegoating literally any other race than their own?
Europe suffers terrorist attacks because Western whites became turbo cucks just like those in USA but instead of shooting up a school they're collectively committing a suicide by willingly being replaced and giving away everything their ancestors worked on.
Oh and NO ONE asks if maybe women are the real problem!!!FACT!!!
He cut a hole in it for the gloryhole.
I’ve dated plenty of girls and I don’t think anyone would call me “chad”.
I have dated a good amount of women and had success on Tinder and have been resentfully called a "Chad" by men and women alike, but I am also a manlet.
>girls rejected me!
>so i rejected the world!
Gamers fuckin rising up today. Teach me your ways Ken-Sama.
You finding it unbelievable other people can get laid without being “alpha” is unironically sad. You see the world like an anorexic sees their body.
>incels everywhere
>females feel threatened
>females also liberated and are no longer ostracized for being mega whores
>could easily solve the problem by throwing some pussy at them to give them hope
This is why women get 0 sympathy from me, they characterize incels as the 'other' or some kind of monster because they weren't born with good looks. Even worse, some guys just have a shit home life and are ugly to boot, no confidence, are always picked on and whatever they do goes unnoticed because they aren't a certain height or that handsome.
White incels should man the fuck up already. The only reason you should EVER be a white incel is if you're under 5'5" AND horrifying looking. Any lanky dopey white guy, even at 5'8" can score 6/10 Latina/Asian, probably higher. Fuck if they go for black chicks they can get 9/10. White girls only care about looks and confidence though, so they can try for one but white women today have no standards, they'll drop you for a nigger in a heartbeat then blame you for their momentary lapse in judgement and come out the victor.
t. have interacted with white girls before.
Hope she sees this, bro
"I can't get laid" isn't an ideology.
>the Incel community
Is that Anthony Fantano at 0:56?
Based and redpilled
Also is it really all about sex or is it about guys wanting to have a family? A lot of total losers buy mail order brides and have a family with them, not just as a fuckdoll.
not with that hairline, not anymore lmao
If I was doing this for pussy I wouldn’t be doing it on a Tibetan Ceramics Symposium.
So tired of this timeline.
Kys tranny
I'm just going by the most notorious cases, Elliot Rodger(happa), Alek Minassian(armenian) and by the exemples in this video(the catfish guy is some variety of non-white and its reinforced by the fact that his fake profile pic is white, he even makes a comment about it and how it makes it easier to get women. then there's the jew they found as a spokesman for the "nice" incels).
Hope she sees this, bro
I don't know what to tell you, they're individuals with individual goals. You really want to ascribe one goal to an already nebulously related group of people?
I'm with you on this. Sex is pretty good, but they're overselling their importance way too hard.
>he thinks he's more attractive than superman because his hairline is lower
The absolute state of hairfags
>Except, y'know, for the part where actually they're mostly white.
are they?
Incel is a specific ideology that encompasses all sorts of MRA, redpill, women-hating and PUA shit. Not just being a virgin. But keep moving those goalposts.
White incels are the only group of people which is completely acceptable to bully and dehumanize without consequences
Just look at r/IncelTears that place is filled with people as hateful and vile as incels themselves
Incel is a new buzzword NPCs use for people who disagree with them because alt-right and racist got old
Here's the thing though, sex actually is the most valuable thing, because it leads to reproduction. The issue is that what is being promoted is recreational sex.
>its reinforced
>Not just being a virgin
Yes, just being a virgin. You've been tricked.
Men start with negative points in society. Society hates men. Men have to get jobs and raise families to have any value. When they become something that a woman wants they gain their value. In both the eyes of women and men. To women if you have nothing she wants you are just a big smelly and possibly dangerous problem. To men if you have nothing a woman wants you seem pathetic.
Same shit for women too. Femcels are just quiet as mice and hide from the world raising cats but they arnt seen as a potential threat.
IncelTears is full of beta males and incels in denial. Actually well adjusted people don't go online to bully sexless losers.
Hope she sees this, bro
>I was merely pretending to be retarded!! le epic tricked!
You're pathetic. But hey, all incels are so there's that I guess.
You mean 30+ radical feminists?
You don't have any reading comprehension. You've been tricked into thinking that incel is anything like how you defined it. Seriously, every post you make is making you look worse.
>I'm with you on this. Sex is pretty good, but they're overselling their importance way too hard.
Sexual relations and reproduction are just one facet of a healthy, useful relationship with human society.
People living lives with no meaning, even just implied theoretical meaning, are useless to themselves and others, and potentially dangerous to innocents.
It’s because we can see all those shitty alt-right meme pages and see who likes them and 70% time it’s incels.
cringe incel blaming women that he cannot get laid. And no, sweatie that balding capeshitter is not alpha at all.
There is no such thing as a femcel
>70% time it’s incels
Show your math
Those aren't even femcels, those are volcels. Hell, most women who can't get laid are volcels. Only absolutely HIDEOUS and extremely (morbidly) obese women can't get laid. "Femcel" as a title is basically reserved for extremely disabled women and women and morbidly obese women, but the latter are normally volcels as being fat is a choice.
>excuse me bigot, I self-identify as a nice guy incel
>i tricked myself into looking retarded so i'm going to project
You're better than this.
Morbidly obese women get laid by fat fetishists, feeders and weird guys who like to wrestle with them to test their strength.
>not all feminists are man hating harpies
>all incels are woman hating psychopaths
Normie doublethink in action
no he's not
>they're ugly
Inside and out
Also a masters course or a PhD. They are full of femcels. Women with careers and money and no man gives a shit because they are ugly but the girls don't want to be stuck with some ugly loser either.
Well maybe if someone has some faith in him, he can at least try to do better.
Those women still find time to get laid. Trust me, I have spent time around them and even dated one. They get laid a LOT. Maybe they can't find relationships but they sure are able to get fucked by a lot of football players.
Incel communities are unbelievably hate-filled. Make one that isn’t and you won’t have these problems
yeah i bet he gets like no pussy haha
How is that doublethink at all? Feminism is about women's rights. The incel movement is literally men whining because they think women owe them sex, and various misogynist memes that justify why.
Hope she sees this, bro
>Feminism is about women's rights without responsibilities
Lel pathetic mayos
>Incel communities are unbelievably hate-filled
And feminist ones aren't
can't wait to see all the issues caused by immigration and sexual liberation, feminism etc pushed on to people who stay in their rooms all day (almost always BECAUSE of said societal issues)
really makes you laugh, huh?
Just like when I see that over 50% of violent crime in the US is committed by only 13% of the population, I connect the dots.
>football players
Lmao. Who cares if they do. They are miserable because no one will commit to them.
So dont worry. A portion of women are sad and lonely too.
I don't want anybody to be sad or lonely. :(
Let's hear them feminist mass shootings
Their complaints are rape, violence, historical lack of social power, Epstein, Weinstein, Clinton, Trump empowering wide spread abuse.
Incels murder civilians because girls don’t like them.
If you’re a male virgin, find a better outlet and community than all these douchebags, fascists and spree shooters and don’t adopt their label.
I don't care my katana is way better anyway
>Feminism is about women's rights.
Maybe in the 70's. Now it's about hating white men.
Shitty underclass people always commit the bulk of crime. It's the same in white counties too. It's a social niche that tends to be filled regardless of the racial demographics. The real question is does the black IQ mean this is the only niche they are capable of in nations with other races.
whats with the blowjob mask
Imagine if they made a documentary about Islam and started it off with footage of 9/11 and interviews with people who lost family members to Islamic terrorism. What a shitty fucking documentary and I say that as someone who thinks most incels are cunts.
They're sexist pricks but the vast, vast majority of them are not terrorists. We shouldn't be judging groups by the actions of their worst individuals.
In a million years all humans will be dead and the Earth will be recovered in forest and populated with strange new animals.
So what is there to be sad about?
They probably want to do it but cant find a man to do it for them. Lel
They also made sure to start with by far the worst one of the incels they interviewed. Countless normies on Twitter and Reddit are posting about how they had to stop watching because of the catfish guy pissing them off, meaning that they never got to find out that there are incels that aren't terrorists or abusive assholes.
I really do sympathize with incels but their outlet is just fucking retarded, it's screaming into the wilderness to just complain about roasties and society and it's only going to wind you up more and more. If you think putting penis in vagina will fix all your problems then you're not only elevating roasties to panacea status, you're wasting your time
Yes roasties suck yes society sucks yes the optimal sexual culture is pre-1940s, but why obsess over it?
that irish guy is peak volcel
You have to understand, normies would feel awful if they thought they were attacking a group of poor oppressed minorities. That's why they reassure themselves that all incels are privileged white men and therefore good to attack.
No incel surveys have ever shown this to be the case but people keep saying it over and over anyway to the point that it's become the "truth".
There aren't any. That's right
>Like 40,000,000 aborted babies in the US alone
Shit, man, I dunno.
when are we going to exterminate the people with this kind of face?
>not just as evil as men
There have been plenty of female killers. It's just their nature to avoid gratuitous violence. That's mens job.
Incels are as bad as niggers and libshits, t b h. They're just pathetic human specimens. I've seen plenty of buttfuck ugly balding skinny fat nerds who have hot girlfriends, more than I've seen it the other way around.
Unless you're physically deformed, you can easily get a girl if you want. And even more so easily if you actually took care of yourself and started lifting.
Third one isn't the Dayton shooter. Guy had numerous previous girlfriends, too.
have sex, incel
It is open season on white men.
>I've seen plenty of buttfuck ugly balding skinny fat nerds who have hot girlfriends, more than I've seen it the other way around.
I'll take shit that never happened, Alex
They look like mexican jews
Reminder that the percentage of young men that are involuntarily celibate rises every single year. Latest statistics put it at around 30% which is already much higher than a decade ago and will probably be even higher in another decade.
Over 1 in 4 young men are incels. Consider that, and now consider how there's only been like three incel murderers and you'll see that they're really not that scary. Now think of how many murders there's been in total and you'll realise that incels are one of the least violent groups there is.
The more up to date picture or the second guy looks like he is Hispanic.
Married boomer here. Incels don't know how lucky they are.
>I'll take shit that never happened, Alex
Leave the house for once.
This whole "white incel panic" thing is being pushed by alphabet agencies and the media (which are deeply connected) to try and disenfranchise young white men as much as possible before things get REALLY bad. It's really obvious and people were predicting this would happen years ago.
Married men keep saying this...
Delusional cope
They were future incels
right wing incels, cringe
Where did she get incel from? He never mentioned anything about being celibate.
Guy looks a bit dopey and doesn't want to be force-fed lies. "Incel" is just a word used to attack and disenfranchise young white men. It's completely meaningless. I am glad you are catching on, user.
>African American perspectives
Yes! Fight the powers that be
If you have money and a personality you absolutely can have a hot girlfriend. Men that are sane are in relatively short supply. Think of your Male friends. Odds are most of them have serious personality flaws.
>and what the fuck is wrong with that dude in the mask
he's just abundantly based
I’m gonna screengrab this, because this is probably the most truest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say regarding this issue.
>durr why can't I have sex
>durr it's all women's fault
H a v e
S e x
Why she always wear that bright red jumpsuit in all interviews?
>If you have money you absolutely can have a hot girlfriend
Fixed. No actress is fucking Harvey Weinstein because he can make a room roar with laughter
Lmaooo it's not that hard dude
get a hobby
take a shower
dress yourself bettter
Be a better person, not a bitter person
lmaooo like nigga improve yourself
But that doesnt help me at all. HOW do I have sex??
So I'm 35 minutes in and the documentary has covered mental health for a grand total of like 2 fucking minutes... They mention it multiple times, but then proceed to not follow it up whatsoever, opting to instead just have long swathes of slo-mo shots of the incels with their interview audio dubbed.
Literally every single of these dudes is fucked in the head in some way or another, you literally just have to listen to them talk for 30 seconds and you can tell there's something wrong with them. The gym dude (who definitely didn't take steroids, he was sold some total bunk shit) was probably the most 'normal' sounding of all of them, and even then he still sounded a bit off. I have a friend of a friend who is an incredibly handsome dude, he gets matches like fucking crazy on dating apps but he's an incel. Why? Because the dude has crazy social anxiety and autism, he meets these chicks and they are completely turned off by him regardless of his good looks.
Ultimately this shit boils down to people who are fucked in the head, some way or another, and the documentary barely fucking mentions it. Pathetic.
>and what the fuck is wrong with that dude in the mask
he's an incel
Incel is now a word for young white males. It's dehumanizing so once they're the minority, it's easier to take revenge on them.
>Deal with it in whatever way you can.
Based serial killeranon
Yeah but most of us will never be that rich so we have to make up the shortfall by being pleasant, popular, funny and maybe lift some weights so we arnt gross blobs.
Thank God I'm tall.
Reminder that "at least I'm not an incel" is "at last I'm not a nigger" for liberals
I am legally obliged to say I do not approve of violence of any form in response to these posts. But I really do not blame anyone who goes crazy in the 21st century.
>and what the fuck is wrong with that dude in the mask
nobody care who he was until he put on the mask
Incel supremacists
1. None of those three sound anti-white. Least of all queer studies since it isn't even specific to race or gender. Is he claiming only non-white, non-male people are queer?
2. American flag in his Twitter name
3. It's not anti-white-male just to have something that isn't about white males.
4. I just tried to find this post on twitter and whaddayaknow, I can't. Cool. I wouldn't be surprised if this was entirely fake. The 'white supremacist incel' part kinda lays this on too thick, you know?
Based "yeah the incels are right lmao" user
I think she was banned or maybe set her account to hidden or something. I'm not a twitter expert.
Except a lot of the time they are incels and in denial about it. If I had a penny for everytime I've seen some variation of "I may be a X year old virgin but at least I'm not an incel" from liberals I'd be fucking rich.
They genuinely don't know what incel actually means.
>If you have a lot of money women will pretend to like you to get some of your money
Wow thanks for that revelation user, really have me some hope
"Just be a millionaire bro" Ha, why didn't I think of that, genius
Everyone who isn't delusional knows that incels are extremely right about most things, they just kind of mope too much about it. They are right about hypergamy, they are right about society not giving a fuck about low-value men, they are right about women lacking agency and just getting by on being women. None of that matters though because it all exists on a biological level that cannot be changed. The shit they complain about was considered common knowledge in ancient times, read the works of almost any ancient philosopher who commented on the nature of women.
Will incels start to get laid now that the media is saying they're violent misogynists?
What do you think has been fueling all this technological development for the past 50+ years? It sure as fuck ain't Chad.
Why has virgin bullying become an acceptable and mainstream past time?
The fuck are you on about? The entire moral panic about incels is happening precisely because everyone is in denial about this shit. Incels wouldn't even be a meme if the popular line was "yeah those genetic losers are right about everything bro"
Your average liberal would start to feel sorry for them if they know they were minorities. That's why the media has to push so hard that they're all white men.
I remember the r/justbewhite subreddit got brigaded by people who thought they were attacking the white supremacist incels when really it was a subreddit about how white people can't be incels due to white privilege and how minorities are oppressed. The page was filled with shit like "I'm a white man with an asian girlfriend, get fucked you white supremacists!" not realising they were shitting on minorities by saying they're fucking their women.
Be honest. Have any of you ever tried self improvement? Or did INCEL convince you that doesn't work and you should instead hate women?
Right about what?
"Everyone knows incels are right, they just deny it" is what I should have said. Any man over 50 will likely agree with 90% of what incels say about women and society, it's only absolutely cuckolded millennials who would disagree.
I’ve been watching Just James the gymcell from it. They lied and tricked him and really fucked him up hes all over local media its fucked up. Seems like a nice enough guy.
some of them do mass shootings
If you can earn twice the average industrial wage in your country a woman will dive on you and shout "mine!". Twice the industrial average is roughly where comfortably middle class begins. Also not very hard to achieve with a good qualification or a lot of OT.
>Any man over 50 will likely agree
Boomers are cucked as fuck, since they grew up with the last generation of women that felt somewhat guilty about being whores
>Just walk up to that cute girl, look her in the eye and give her a firm handshake user
>Same shit for women too.
I refuse to believe that. In the age of tinder, women literally have no problems getting laid
You sound like you must really hate Muslims. Since you're into the whole "judging the entire group by the worst actions of individuals within them" thing.
They probably should be putting all their opinions online making it even easier for us to laugh.
>wah white incels are oppressed by liberals
Funny how poltv loves shitting on every minority group and women day in and day out but they're so compassionate towards incels. Gee, wonder why.
>I act like old bitter men, because they are right about being old and bitter
It's not how the world works, Eugene
it's always been acceptable to bully virgin men
How do you miss the point this hard, what the fuck?
What is so funny is that this is how
Well I already make more than that, 70k last year. So any more blatant lies for me?
>it took almost 200 posts for a Banepost reply
you're losing it Yea Forums
None of that shit works in the age of Tinder. It's all based on looks and you can't make women swipe right on you with guitar skills or a nice personality.
They'd have to swipe right on you based on your looks in the first place to even find out about those.
Work on your personality. You are probably a total weirdo if you cant find a girl with that money.
False equivalency. Islam is a religion, not an ideology centered around hating people for what you believe you are owed. This is like saying that it's wrong to hate white supremacists just because only some of them go on shooting rampages.
What is really funny is that you are complaining about how hard the dating scene for men is while you are insisting that ugly unfuckable girls dont exist. You are that blind to them.
It's funny because he said some
Some of muslims do terrorist attacks too
what if my personality is just genetically cringe and unlikeable? do you think personality is 100% malleable?
Ah yes, more aggression aimed downwards at society.
Hey BBC you cunts, how about a documentary on rich assholes who live behind gates and zoned neighborhoods, vacation abroad, and generally don't participate at all with the community that makes them rich?
Where's the expose on wealthy east coast WASP communities?
Even Joe Rogan lives behind a gate while judging everyone. Why's a retard comedian need to live behind a gate?
Hate starts at the top, and the wealthy are full of hate.
>not an ideology centered around hating people for what you believe you are owed
Sorry, what are you talking about? I thought we were talking about men that are involuntarily celibate. You do know that's what incel means, right?
Islam has a lot of shitty aspects to it. For example believing that all non muslims are so dirty that you have to wash after interacting with one.
It's a shitty religion in it's current form. Of course all the western muslims are going Islam lite and embracing capitalism and hedonism so I suppose its not a big deal.
You are literally whining about an app
You should'nt be into dating if you think an app could judge/predict your romantic life
There's no such thing as an unfuckable girl, they're just side pieces for attractive men
Hope she sees this, bro
I dont think its 100% malleable. I'm definitely an introvert by nature but working on it change me from 100% introvert to like 60% which isnt that different to a normal person. I'm not the life of the party but people who get to know me at least find me tolerable. Which is way better than hiding in my bedroom, which is actually my favourite pass time.
Do you know what antifa means?
This is just a pathetic argument lmaoo
I think they just did a bunch of interviews over one day
>Hate starts at the top, and the wealthy are full of hate.
(Not that that'll ever stop us licking their crusty bleached assholes.)
If you're expecting to pick up 8-10/10 chicks then yes, you're right. But there's so many fucking people on dating apps there's bound to be someone out there as long as you're not a fucking bottom-barrel 2/10 autist-to-the-gills dude. Most of my friends are pretty average looking dudes, and aside from one or two, they've all found women through dating apps and are now in long-term relationships. Yea they had to go through a fair chunk of rejection and one-off dates, but eventually they found someone.
Why would an attractive man want to fuck an ugly girl? That doesn't make sense. That attractive man can fuck his sexy wife or some other sexy girl. You can only blow your load like once a day and it feel good. Dont reply to me silly teenagers. I know you are whacking it non stop.
Nah you're just so full of shit is coming out your ears
this triggers so many chantards
I have a simple philosophy in life. Why should others get the priviledge of enjoying their existence when I suffer so much? I go out of my way to make people uncomfortable/irritable.
>I leave all my garbage out in the halls outside my apartment where it reeks. A child living 2 doors down nearly pukes, his mom comes over demanding I stop fucking up so hard. I laugh in her face and slam the door shut.
>A waitress puts on her best show to earn a hefty tip. I pretend to enjoy her blatant attempts at guilting me into parting with my money and exit without leaving a single dollar, savouring the rage on the whores face as she realizes what I've done.
>Travelling on the subway I stare directly at the tactfully revealing cleavage of a buxom slut to the point where she starts getting fidgety and nervous, realizing that her reproachful glances mean jackshit to a 6'2 250 pound Chad who gives no fucks at all.
>I stop right in front of a couple engaging in PDA and stare insolently to the point where their moods have been ruined and the boyfriend is utterly humiliated, being unable to do anything besides mutter "creep" as he shuffles away with his tender little cumdumpster tucked protectively behind him.
I aim to apply for a gun license, they have no reason to reject me because my records are spotless. Up until then I can only jerk off to the thoughts of the utter misery I'll rain down i my corner of this shitty world and the number of people that will be negatively impacted once I've implemented my master plan.
I prefer this documentary
Incels are only in the news because they're committing mass murders so often. Of course they're being reported on.
You know if you have an ugly face but dress well and have muscles you will look aggressive and there are women that are horny for that look?
What is stopping you from dressing well and lifting weights? You can even act like a total spaz and no one will care because of course you act like that you are "aggressive"
>MRA, redpill, women-hating and PUA shit.
sounds like Islam
>Why would an attractive man want to fuck an ugly girl? That doesn't make sens
Because it's available you fuckwit. Eddie Murphy gets sucked off by a fucking tranny and you cunts are all "Chad wouldn't degrade himself by fucking a 4/10" lol
Bro I've swiped right on literally every woman in my area and I've never gotten a single match that wasn't a bot. You can't accuse me of having high standards when I literally didn't have any.
And before you say "But having no standards is a turn off!", they have no way of knowing that. All they have is a picture of me and that's what their judgement comes from.
Great advice from wise boomer jew.
>Learn python
simple as
wait a fucking second, it's pronounced in-cell?
I thought it sounded like inch-el
Note to the JOBLESS community: Just walk in, look the boss in the eyes and give him a firm handshake. That's how I got my job and you lazy millennial should learn a thing or two from it!
It's not women's fault you're ugly. What do you want, them to give you a pity swipe and give you false hope?
I still can't believe how much this meme took off and how seriously it's being taken. It's so bizarre.
it's actually pronounced een-chill
You arnt really comparing like with like.
The equivalent would be getting a qualification to make you desirable. Self improvement.
The claim that there are unfuckable women and thus unfuckable men shouldn't complain is a shitty argument. If there are unfuckable women, they are a vanishingly small minority compared to unfuckable men. This is because in the evolution game a female is inherently valuable and the womb is a scarce commodity because it can only carry one man's children to term at a time, and generally only one child. Not so for men, you only need one man to impregnate 10 women in a single day. And if he's rich he can provide for all of them. Thus, you take a college age girl and get her to ask random men for sex. Most men say yes. Do the same as a man instead. No women say yes, the man gets slapped and someone eventually calls the police
If a single 'ugly' woman posts anywhere, thirsty betas and alphas alike trip over themselves to impress her. If an ugly man does, women just laugh
>as long as
It'd be nice if I wasn't instantly disregarded because of such superficial reasons. Especially when I'm not judging based on looks in the slightest and would be willing to give anyone a chance and get to know them regardless of whether or not they were "ugly".
They used to say that love is blind after all. It sure isn't for this generation.
Incels will always remain incels because they are completely blind to their female equivalent.
>dude just be twice as successful as the average man lmao
Their "female equivalents" had to shut down their forum because it was being flooded with men begging to date them. Can you IMAGINE that happening with a male incel forum?
Why are you using a strategy where you are solely reliant on your weakest aspect?
>we've lost our only daughter
Based incels saving fathers from ultimate cuckoldry.
>its unfair that I'm expected to have more money than the poorest working class and the unemployed.
Not setting the bar very high, are you?
Nice argument
>secret world of incels
>it isn't actually a secret, they just don't socialize
Nice rebuttal
Vol cels not incels
Because that's how it works nowadays. That's just how my generation does dating.
If I could do things any other way then I would.
Yeah bro I'm sure 30% of young men just don't want sex. That sounds right.
I'm the same generation as you. Pick up girls in bars and clubs. Not on tinder. Tinder seems horrifying to me. I'd be totally reliant on just one thing to try to attract women. I doubt I'd get one.
By saying 'dude just be better than these guys' you are just playing word games with who the incels are. They don't disappear. Men need to beat other men, and the beaten men are the incels. Women don't need to beat anyone to have children, or a provider. They only need to beat other women for the best provider
Get a hobby where you'll meat chix, retard
The appeal of tinder is that nothing is at stake. No embarrassment from being turned down. It's also however a shitty way for most men to meet women since for most men their looks arnt their strongest attribute.
What does I.N.C.E.L. mean?
the incel menace must be stopped.
Okay so you look like shit, are broke,weird and stupid.
Wouldn't even the ugliest woman find a relationship with you to be a living hell?
I already posted my evidence-based argument in response to your original lmaooooooo comment. You actually haven't posted an argument at all. You clearly can't engage in conversation beyond 4 word zoomphone posts, and so there's nothing to even rebut
>your opinions are the same as evidence.
He's saying that their advice is outdated boomer shit that doesn't apply to the modern age.
Yeah. But even the ugliest man would jump on me were I a woman
>Pick up girls in bars and clubs.
Problem with incels is they have no personality in addition to bad looks. You need some charm to pick up girls and these self-pitying losers repel women on all levels.
Do you think that catfish guy lurks here ?
Hey lads, serious talk.
Don't worry about concerns of the flesh. God will provide for you.
>the ugliest man jumping on you
That's a bad thing...
What condition does gym cel have?
well, you're not. so what's your next step?
The eternal cope that prevented incel massacres for centuries, a classic
>womens fault
You have been brainwashed, why do you feel any woman owes you, or anyone, sex just because you ain't getting any?
If that's what you think I hope you're the most altruistic person because there are a lot of people starving, with no money, without a single thing you own so you better find them and give them your things because, hey, they didn't have it and you could provide for them
>y-yeah b-but that's not the SAME THING
whatever man
Feminism is a big meme propagated by the capitalist class throughout the 20th century to now and abetted by their mates/lackeys in western governments to increase worker output and productivity, create a larger consumer base for products and services and stagnate wages even more and then spun up as empowering and progressive, nothing more and this has never been refuted.
crashing this plane with no survivors!
Bro the ugliest man will jump on you even as is. Literally make a Tinder profile with your gender set to female and a regular picture of yourself and you'll get way more matches then you would as a man looking for women.
You don't even have to shave your facial hair. Men nowadays are so depraved of affection and sex that they'll literally go for what they think is a bearded woman just to try and get it.
>even the ugliest
And actually ones that aren't do ugly too. In fact, being stupid or boring or cringy wouldn't be particularly bad for my chances at sex as a woman. Only ugliness will affect that and only to an extent because men fundamentally aren't risking anything in an evolutionary sense when they decide to fuck an ugly girl. Women risk being impregnated by bad genes, which is costly
Have real qualifications stopped granting access to the best jobs? Wow things really have changed.
exactly my point really
A condition called "not actually steroids". He probably bought some dodgy, bunk shit that's not actually steroids and just fucked him over. You can also tell the roids were clearly rubbish because he looks pretty shit for someone who was on gear, his physique is easily obtainable (assuming you're not starting from being fat as fuck) within a year or so of solid gym work.
with incels interlinked
if any of you posers spent half the time improving yourselves as you do justifying your hate and self pity you would have got laid by now lmao
Men as a group don't get much sympathy, it's in are nature to be more caring of women and children because they where the one's that needed protecting when we lived in tribes but at least guys had a sense of community, even 60 years ago when the national and religious identity was strong. Now that we live in a society that has 0 sense of community it's left a lot of them isolated.
Fact is that as long as the killings are men just killing themselves, people don't seem to care.
I fucking hate both incel culture and incel spouters
God forbid that there are regular human beings who don't give a shit about any of that crap and have to make labels to demonize other people while others take it personally and go on shooting sprees
>can't make somebody have sex with you unless you rape them
>this means that barring rape or homosexuality, the ultimate choice of whether incels get to have sex is women's
You said that, not him. He said stuff about firm handshakes and eye contact getting you the job.
Is Spanish your first language? Can you not understand his sarcasm or mine?
Men and women aren't the same. Men are chasers and women get chased.
Women generally initiate and then men pretend to be chasing.
Women invite you with their eyes. Then you just walk over and take what you want. It's already a sealed deal by that point.
JBW is a thing in "their" countries. Why do you think white incels go to the Far East for sex tourism? It's the only place they can tap that. I'm not saying they're wrong for soing that, it's just a widely accepted fact.
it's a reference to the Man From INCEL tv show
Friend of mine was abused when he was younger by someone he trusted. Now he doesn’t let anyone get close to him and avoids sex like the plague, the prospect of it just terrifies him. He hates being vulnerable. Now he’s in his mid twenties and he keeps asking if I think he’s like one of those incels or whatever. I wish I could do more to help him. All this labelling has done has just driven him away even further.
>I'm not saying they're wrong for doing that
>posts an image dripping with ridicule
he's a volcel
If anything they killed dead any possibility of it with their violence. They just get worse and worse.
Women hate incels because they’re outsiders that refuse/can’t to engage in the system. Women often control the line of the social norms. These people want you to be slaves to a system that isn’t made for some men.
It's not same thing at all. Starving people are in a majority of cases lazy fucks who don't want to work. Incel rage is valid because the unwritten social contract is if a woman gives a man companionship he will protect her. Since a growing number of men have no companionship they're moving to more right wing political movements to take away the protection that was given to women. So if these men are not entitled to sex then women are not entitled to a government that supports them.
t. perfectly well adjusted dude who isn't a crankpot conspiracy theorist at all
>because the unwritten social contract is if a woman gives a man companionship he will protect her
This is exactly the kind of stupid tribal shit feminism fights. Get out of the 19th century.
Thinking about doing something chadfishing. Where do I find some good pfps?
>be a self-loathing loser with no attractive qualities at all
>this is somehow women's fault
To bad he will never get any psychological support because that faculty is almost entirely female focused now.
Women have no interest in genuine feminism. The dumb ones think they can have the good without the bad and men just have to accept that and successful or intelligent women know that successful men wont accept such a one sided arrangement so they are "feminists" in name only.
InterNational Celibacy Enforcement League
bro seeing as you're on the inside can you tell me who actually killed JFK?
My vote my choice, if you want something from me I need something in return.
Internet Network of Celibate Enraged Losers
He feels too self-aware to be a part of that community.
>learn python for date money
People should ponder why there’s more young men that are reactionary, lonely, and suicidal.
How's it ridicule? This is literally how they look.
The Sexual Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
What's python and is it hard to learn?
Well too back University humanities departments are focused on female empowerment, lgbt issues with an emphasis on the T, and why white people are so evil. They things they should be looking into they're not.
Programing language popular with both professionals and hobbists. The chances of a self taught person making money off it are low, most people do things with it for free.