It's been too long user!

It's been too long user!
We have some fresh crab legs just for you

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Other urls found in this thread:

but Robert I dont have the money for seafood

Hello Robert! Been on vacation I see? You look very relaxed. One ticket for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, please.

Haha user, always the guy with the jokes!
That movie is from 2017.

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>buying a ticket at the popcorn stand

That's okay user. It's been such a long time since I've seen you so this one is on the house.
Don't tell my manager though!

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Thank you, Robert! Your hat is pretty snappy too!

>We have some fresh crab legs just for you
How did you know I was coming Robert...?

One for Basic Instinct 2 please.


It's time we talk user.
I died in the fire 3 years ago, it's time to forget me.

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Hey, Robert. Be careful around the lobby. Someone was dropping banana peels earlier.

You can’t go...
I can’t take my eyes off of you...
You were too good to be true...

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"My sneed"

Who the fuck let this chimp in here? Boy I suggest you remove that getup at once or else I'll get in touch with some nasty friends of mine.

Well hi there user!

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Excuse me sir, but me and my white employees will have to ask you to leave.
Please make this easy so we don't have to get security

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Now excuse me sir. This is the end of the line. I'm the manager of this kinoplex and I need you to go now before things get out of hand.

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Hey, Robert! I felt weird for a second there... got any ibuprofen?

Sorry to hear that user! Here, have some extra butter on the house!

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Ignore that man, Robert, we aren't here together.

As long as I have you here, I was wondering... could I possibly have your permission to ask Lane out on a date?

When does her shift end? There's a showing of Dora: The Lost City of Gold at 10 pm and I know you have a no-singles policy...

I'll be back, ape.

Oh, thank you, Robert.
I just wish you were real

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Sorry user. Lane isn't on shift tonight, but how about we have a guys night out after my shift?

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jesus christ Bob, try to be a little more covert. The hat is really unnecessary

I'm sorry, user, our new policy states that you must be over the height of 5'9" to see R-rated films.

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...user, you're at the popcorn stand. Valerian was released in theaters years ago. Maybe today isn't the best day for you to be at the kinoplex...

b-but i just got a gf, so no more singles policy, can you combine the heights....

But Robert statistically over 75% of the population is that height or shorter


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>It's been too long user!
b-but there was a thread about you hours ago robert

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Her Bull came and bailed us out. T-that'll be 3 tickets to Hobbes & Shaw.

Yeah, Lane makes me nervous, she seems like she would be the type to text through the entire picture anyway. What could be better than a few craft IPAs and a night of viewing films with the best kinosseur in the business?

I was thinking a little "Maltese Falcon", then maybe switching it up to a Spike Lee joint. I know, I know, you find his movies to be a bit crass and offensive toward white people, but you don't really don't have to worry about upsetting me; You've always been a friend to our community. You're one of the good ones, Robert.

By the way, when "Joker" premiers, you should probably call in sick. Trust me.

These threads make me scared that me early onset Alzheimers/dementia will flare up earlier than expected.


You're a good man Robert.

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Fresh from the sea, just for you!

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top 3 things Yea Forums has ever created

>tfw called my uncle by the wrong name last family reunion
>tfw always remember Robert's name and face

its ok bill, robert will always be here 4u

i didnt know getty images made computers

Hello Robert, I'd like a medium popcorn, a large Coke, a pound of cocaine, a box of good n plenty, 2 sticks of dynamite, a whole roast pig, a pack of twizzlers, a small package of falcon snacks, a tanned Vietnamese lady-boy escort, some nachos, and a vial of smallpox. How much will that come to?

>his name is Robert Paulson

The showers were under construction when I went to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood last week so they had to do my penis inspection next to the player piano. So embarrassing. I swear the birds were staring at it the whole time. I refused to pay the falcon tax in protest.

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Would you like that smallpox alastrim minor or would you like to upgrade to a variola major strain for 50¢ extra?

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I wonder if this dude is aware that he's a meme on Yea Forums

You aren't going to trick me with that one Robert, I'll just stick with the minor. You kinoplexes are always trying to make every cent you can off of us.

Speaking of which, do you accept uncut diamonds and human organs as payment? I forgot my visa.

>Oh hey Robert, don't tell my wife I'm at the kino plex

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Oh sir, you know the deal!
Only organs from the western hemisphere will do!

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What the hell am I going to do with all these Chinese testicles!?

Of course, user, I didn't men to offend, where would the Kinoplex be without our esteemed Jewish customers? You people sure do love to haggle on an already great bargain, haha.

You can always turn in your barely-used American baby foreskins and uncut diamonds for VIP passes to our Executive Weinstien Lounge.

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I understand Robert, I hope you have a nice day!

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Hand over $500 worth of popcorn or this bullet is going through your fucking brain!

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Hi I'm Bill, I'm your designated shooter for tonight.

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Believe me when I say this is nothin' personnel... sir

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Caught it just for you, user.

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user, please don't embarrass yourself any further, you know we're not in Asia and I'm sure you're aware we calculate from the national average, not worldwide.

I might be management now but I really can't keep bending the rules for you. Corporate is already breathing down my neck for letting you into Toy Story 4 without paying the autism tax.

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Robert why are there so many prostitutes in the kinoplex today?


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Bring it on, sir.
And don't forget to take advantage of our 2 for 1 offer on our assorted range of kevlar! No designated shooter is complete without it!

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Tell me about the popcorn mines Robert.

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N-NANI? He's fast!

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He's so brave

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Based Robert

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Lane was unavailable, so I called up my younger sisters to take her place. Perhaps you could allow them to... "escort" you to the cinema to avoid our no-singles policy.

Take your pick, I'd be honored to call you a brother-in-law someday.

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.treboR ,esaelp rettub artxe htiw nrocpop muidem enO

Two tickets for Avengers: Endgame. My boyfriend is just picking up some ripe avo's

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>implying wagies aren't made to do both tickets and confectionery because its more cost effective

I hope he's not bringing in outside food to the kinoplex. That's a level 5 infraction. He'll be chained in the basement for 3 months doing maintenance on the Kinoplex self destruct mechanisms and cleaning the alligator pits.

what about the 'tip'?


No, they're for you Robert.

Got any advice for a first time designated kinoplex shooter, Robert?

It gets pretty dark in the screening rooms once they turn out the lights and close the airlocks, I suggest wearing some night vision goggles or getting a tactical flashlight attachment for your rifle so you can see your victims.

Hey, Robert. One for Dora the Explorer, please.
No, I'm not coming with the wife and kids. I just wanted a couple hours of good AC, you know? Why are you looking at me like this, Robert? There's nothing wrong with a grown man eating crab legs while watching a fun movie for all ages.

Robert? You mean the old manager?
the company heads found out he'd been giving out buttered popcorn at discount to some loser so he was fired

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Lol, am i witnessing the birth of an epic new meme??

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You just fire a few rounds into the crowd it's not rocket science.

Not sure who's jewing who now

ah the daily suicidepill for the manlets, good i didn't see to miss that. goodnight, sweet princes

>epic meme
jesus fucking christ

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That's a shame, but maybe you can help me. My falcon flew up to one of the cinema sniper towers and refuses to come down. Robert used to get him to come down by mimicking the sound of a distressed rabbit, but I'm sure you can handle it.

>"Heh, here again by yourself huh Mista user?"
>laughs quietly to himself as he fills the nacho hats you requested

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Just give me my nachos you little shit!


How am I supposed to eat this without my anvil

...and then I said "but doctor, it was supposed to be a movie not a documentary! honk honk"
yee yee, robert, things are really looking up for your ol pal in this timeline

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I...I'm sorry, user. I've failed you.
I guess it's time for me to leave

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Yeah, haha... just little ol' me.

I'd also like a large tub of buttery popcorn, without the popcorn. Just fill er up to the top with butter.

LoL, you are so silly! but thank you for notifying us about the wild animal, we'll call animal control so they can sort this out
and as a sign of thanks we're giving you this complementary non-flavored popcorn and diet pepsi

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What? No, you can't send the fuzz after Mako-chan! My falcon isn't tough enough to do time, the other inmates will eat him alive.

It seems like the real animal here... is you. I'll take the popcorn and diet pepsi, though

Don't forget to tip the seat warmer or he'll take a dump on your seat next time you visit
Thank you for visiting the kinoplex and i hope you enjoy the movie

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Crazy ass cracka. I sell popcone and candy and shit. Yo cracker ass done bought da ticket. Now wut da fuq u want?

>can't even spell 'theater' correctly
And we're supposed to believe that "Robert", his twink white boi sidekick and an albino succubus with chinky eyes will give us good service at the kinoplex?

I'll take one ticket and two legs today Robert. Extra side of melted butter.

>goes to all this trouble
>doesn't shoop the Getty Images watermark out first

>I approve of this thread

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No wait I'm sorry please come back Robert...

So, what'll it be, Oynon?

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Holy fuck this is so good.


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Good news, user! The guard at the no-singles watchtower is taking a break. I can let you...o-oh God, I don't know wha

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I don't like this image please delete it

Here's your $500.00's worth of popcorn, sir! Just don't hurt anyone with that thing. I know you may not think that you have a chance with women and all but just hit the gym and stop playing those violent video games to find a real hobby!

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>newfags can't into irony

R-robert? What happened?

Thanks fren. I made it for a Pathologic thread on Yea Forums

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>Why yes Robert threads are my favorite threads on Yea Forums, how did you know?

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What a garbage OC

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I wonder what would the real life Robert say to these threads

That's Robert we are dealing with
Whatever you order him,he will serve you

You're always come to the kinoplex user. I should know, sir, I've always been here

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hmm sweaty, Robert is my concierge at the local Kinoplex.
VIP customers such as myself have access to those.
I can even ask for him for a handy during the movie.

You must be over 18 to post here.

Now lurk more faggot.

So what became out of that whole time loop business, Robert?

Thanks Robert. Can I renew my membership at the kinoplex gym before the movie starts?

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Those crab legs you like are going to come back in style.


lane's an uggo

*crowd laughs and applauds*

How did this guy become a meme again

But Robert I am calculating from the national average. Worldwide it's nearly 90%