>secondary character is the best character
Secondary character is the best character
rich evans is the best
Why did he make the calilfornia big hunks joke?
Undisputed best lineup
Because they read all the comments they get and like to tease the audience. Hell they made a Lauren joke after the Gilchrist stream
Why this guy looks like one of these cuckhold husbands in porn?
Jay really likes to tease.
>they made a Lauren joke after the Gilchrist stream
Except they didn't.
I fully agree.
Jack is underrated, I like having him on the show. Beats any of the other stand ins.
just got around to watching the patton episode. what did I think of it?
I miss Jack. He's been showing up less and less. He was pretty bases on prerec, exposng how much of a retard Rich really is.
Remember when Yea Forums hated jack with a passion?
Hes a useless unfunny cunt. Also he likes TLJ so any critique that dribbles from his retarded gob isn't worth listening to.
He's better than the gay wizard.
that's less because Jack is good and more because the other stand-ins are shit
no thanks
what gilchrist stream?
>hated character becomes like-able and lovable
How did RLM do it lads
Yea Forums hates him so much people just pretend to like him because it gets a reaction, he's a complete shitter that belongs with Douge and the other TGWTG specimens
Too goofy and pure hearted
>that time jack whipped his dick out on a pre rec stream
better goofy and pure hearted than a too-aware boring giggling fag like culkin or patton that erode the usual dynamic of dry cynicism
that's why the canadians are based, they don't mess with the main three's shtick and are their own kind of autistic weirdos
>movie has a female nudity
post the webm
He's the only one outside of Mike, Jay, and Rich who isn't utterly insufferable. Except for Mac. More Mac in everything.
But he sure as fuck isn't the best character you utter fuckmuppet.
Based Jack poster
holy shit that thing is YUGE
what the fuck, why does rich look turned on?
Now I know why they call him Jack "packing" Packard
Is this why they shut the show down?
Your opinion is irrelevant, regardless of where you get it from.
More importantly, is it just me or did Patton just fucking hate to be there? Terrible unfun films and a shitty Ratatouille joke that went nowhere It just felt like all of Patton's laughter was fake.
Good god I hate that fat goofy fuck.
I just felt like Patton didn't really want to play ball. He tried to steer every conversation and make every joke. Wasn't a very good guest desu
Patton quite clearly stated throughout the show how much he hated being there and how it was a waste of time. The fist time he said it I thought it might have been a joke but he kept repeating it and was very serious about it.
Unbiased mods