I never understood this ship

I never understood this ship

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formerly friendship

>and black stuff

>prissy girl who huffs her own farts and condemns her own femininity attracted to powerful bully who she hopes to mold into a Chad.



Women are dumb and just want a titanite chunk of meat huffing on top of them

If Lisa was real, I wouldn't doubt it. She's a dumb cunt. I'd love to think about how hr'd beat the shit out of her and turn her from being a feminist into a grade-A slut for him.
Also Sneed

lisa is a whore

They like each other because they're both outsiders who don't fit in, but not in a 'wants to be popular' way like millhouse, but in a better than everyone else way.

But the reality is that loners relate the worst to other loners because their delusional self image doesn't make sense when it's in context with anyone else.


I never understood this sneed

>Chad Nelson vs Incel Milhouse

>But the reality is that loners relate the worst to other loners

That is demonstrably untrue, do you even realize what you are saying?

1 socially retarded person is better than 2

thats just superstition

Matt groening has been named in the epstein files LMAO

There are far worse ships out there, man.

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Would they settle for a twinkie titanite?

There aren't a lot of male characters her age that are prominent.

>smart, lonely, and artsy, and unhappy girl with daddy/family issues
>ignored by boys, weak and bad male relationships
>immediately gets with someone who is bad for her
It's a cautionary tale for men about taking care of their daughters.

brute meet brain and they unga-bunga. tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast.

>that one episode where they start making out after Nelson gifts her chocolate

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