Disney is straight up slaughtering Fox

Disney is straight up slaughtering Fox.

>As a result of Fox movies underperforming at the box office after the Disney-Fox merger, the House of Mouse is shelving all but a select few movies in early development at Fox.

>Reportedly, over 300 movie projects have been canceled by Disney, including new movies based on Mega Man, Magic: The Gathering and The Sims. An Assassin's Creed sequel, which would have served as a follow-up to the 2016 movie, has also been nixed. It's not clear how far along each of these projects were, as they were in different stages of development.


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>Sims movies

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I wish Disney bought Sony

Dragonquest got the axe by Disney too.
And considering just how fucking bitter Disney was about Don Bluth leaving, that shit is never going to ever exist now

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Good,now the MTG movie rights will move to Paramount. Fuck the Mouse. Based Paramount Chads

who would have thought that nagic the gathering would not bring millions of people to the cinema

Mega Man can’t catch a fucking break. Is Jim still able to take Alita somewhere else, like Sony, Warner, or Paramount?

Explain the plot and characters of The Sims movie please i don't see a reality where anything could be done there.

MtG is at Netflix now. There’s rumors a of live action project if the animated one is successful.

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>asscreed suequel wa sin the works

who the fuck even cares anymore? Ill just bootleg whatever looks interesting. these faggots will never get a dime from me, until I get my lazy ass off to the theater. and you better believe I aint paying for this woke shit.

Can we get like a Yugioh show that's centered around the characters from the cards themselves to go with MtG for the fuck of it?

Sims movie was an insane idea in the first place. What would it even be about? A megalomaniac God dictating every aspect of a life a random family?
Magic the Gathering would have been down right flop just like Mega Man movie. Neither would have pleased the fan base and regular audiences would have scoffed off them.

are you a nigger ir do you just play one on the internet?

>An Assassin's Creed sequel
The first one failed. Why would they make a sequel?

>cancelling a bunch of inevitable flops cooked up by out of touch boomers

sounds good desu

japs would never willingly give in to jews

>The Sims

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Movie starts following the life of a seemingly normal family. Their peaceful existence is suddenly disturbed by tragedy. As the family mourns and slowly starts to go back to their routine a new tragedy happens, and another one and another. Each more horrifying than the last. Each more random than the last. Life is now so unpredictable and distressing that the family is convinced someone out there, all-powerful, all-knowing, is out to get them. There is a God and he is evil.

>these are obvious flops so we’re going to scrap them

I see nothing wrong with this. Disney has made over 7 billion this year so far, they seem to be the only studio that can get people in theaters still.

I think Ubisoft stated something like they don't even care if the movies do profit or not, as they see them as advertisement costs.
It's the same reason why Rovio is producing Angry Birds 2 movie.

MtG lore sucks these days. Lorwyn/Shadowmoor cartoon when

This article has more things they canned.


Chronicle 2
Flash Gordon
Die Hard prequel
Play Doh (we want the LEGO movie audience!)
Hitman 2

Lemme guess: some people getsucked intothe Sims game OR the Sims are really alive like Wreck It Ralph or the Emoji movie.

>Sims movie
What in the fuck would it even begin to be about, story-wise?

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>flash Gordon

Please no,
Flash Gordon is both the best movie ever and my favourite movie

Based. That all sounds like shit

>It was seen as a commercial success, grossing over $240 million against its budget of $125 million.
I like how what is deemed a success is completely arbitrary. Isn't it supposed to be something like 3x the production budget whenever the media doesn't like a movie?

Didn't Disney just absorb them to get their grubby mouse mitts on the New Hope film stock in their vault?
They were basically losing their fucking minds with Star Wars franchising and assuming acquiring any/all properties were worth the cost.

It makes sense to can Die Hard. The movies, while not flops, haven't really impressed either in the BO. Hitman movies have been less than stellar.
Shame about canning Flash Gordon, but then again, it is a brand not that many people know these days, so why bother. Disney already tried old pulp hero route with John Carter and ended up failing.

>Flash Gordon
At least now they won't cast a nigger to play him. Good riddance.

fuck I thought it completely bombed. Generally double the production budget is considered to break even, maybe they really did spend almost nothing on marketing

It will star Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston and be about nothing

I've got no idea how a fucking Sims movie would work, thank fuck Disney canceled it

It was just going to be a compilation of various Instagram and Snapchat feeds.

Saved. They almost fucked over Megaman again. Based Disney.

this merger was total bullshit , I cant believe any regulators actually thought it was a good idea & legal without a suitcase of cash turning up first.

never heard about a dq film by fox

>cancelling surefire shit movies

Where is the problem?

>Disney refuses to ruin more franchises by just not making movies about them

unironically based. Too bad they can't retroactively do this for all the other franchises they have ruined like Star Wars.

anti-trust legislation is simply never enforced anymore.

Truman Show but with Sims

It had no basis. The fact that other companies can't make a decent film anymore isn't a reason to block a merger.

I knew The Sims movie was in development hell for quite some time now but I always thought it was going to fail when it eventually comes out.
Disney did the right thing.

They also bought Fox so that they can get the X-Men and the Fantastic Four in the MCU.

Fucking good, all that shit would have sucked ass.

>Netflix animation
So more shit ass cel shaded CG garbage like all the crap Netflix anime? Fuck that.

Based Disney saving us all from 300 sure-thing garbage projects.

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>imagine a horror movie in which God is trying to kill you by constantly changing the layout of your house

they already have. Sony is a CA company now and they have even introduced a feminist department to censor "problematic" games

They're going cannibal. Four live action cash grabs in a year is fucking insane.

But when you own everything you're both the biggest winner and the biggest loser at the same time.

My mom says that I am the biggest loser she knows, physically and personality wise.

Hasbro made a contract with Paramount so all their toy lines will get movies made by them so doubt.

Dino-riders film when?

Shit they don't even really have to change anything first first episode is already a film.

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I wonder what the earliest instance of basedface was

Yeah lets watch them ruin something else, kill yourself reddit nigger.

There are probably shit movies there but Disney is scrapping anything that isn't female centered, they aren't even hiding it. They convinced themseles the future is female

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Suck a dick pleb. If you knew anything you'd realize the third act of Dark of the Moon made the entire venture worth it.

Leave it alone. I dont want some nigger, tranny, faggot dino riders

You just know Mega Man was going to be no good. Probably some sort of live action abomination that doesn't follow the source material at all.

But the sims movie had potential to be interesting. Like the truman show, or being john malkovich.

Disney has been female focused since forever, with all their princess movies. But more than that, the Disney Channel has always been a girl's channel. If you watched the disney channel, and you were a boy, then I'm sorry to say, but you are probably a big feminine yourself.

I just want a new Black Hole godamnit.

You know, you are right. Disney has been always better know for their princesses rather than their male character. Women and little girls have always been where their best effort has been.

>Disney cancelled the MegaMan movie

>One of the only vidya movies I was looking forward to that had the potential to be good.

I hate the mouse so fucking much

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They've been after Star Wars since it debuted to capture the little boys market like they've had for the girls on lockdown, which is why they finally bought it, but only after they secured it prematurely with Marvel, hence why they decided to rejigger the series since there was literally no point anymore.

disney is female focussed because girls are easier to manipulate, and they are the biggest consumers of useless shit which disney is known for creating

If it were in the style of Tron I think it could've been good.

Yes but every time Bob Iger, that insufferable jew, bought a rival studio, he always promised it won't be Disneyfied. And what did they do? All the IPs they acquired have been feminized and made for girls. WTF is wrong with these fags? Don't buy it if you don't like it.

These properties shouldn't be movies. Cartoons or games. But not movies.

Disney is a soul sucking farm of bland vomit...but they know how to turn a buck. They are right.

Dont say bad things about LGR- He is a neckbeard, nothing more.

I'm actually in favor of crushing disney domination. not because I like them or their product but because it will probably (or so I hope) lead to a new wave of filmmakers rebelling against it, hopefully with results similar to what happened in the 70ies.

They don't really give a shit about film stockmate. They are just to control as much of the industry as possible.

a DINO RIDERS film was announced in 2015 but I haven't heard anything since. no idea if it was among the stuff disney cancelled but the mattel stuff is all set up at paramount anyway, isn't it?

megaman sucks

More like
-Live action
-Mega Man is 18 years old with shaven stubble.
-Roll is 24 year old hag, playing a 14 year old.
-Updated suit that looks nothing like the original.
-Holds a gun, rather than transforming his arm to a buster.
-Professor Light is replaced by a woman. His daughter and successor.
-Wily is an evil capitalist, wearing a suit, and going to evil board meetings, where he yells at his lackies for not making his robots more ruthfully efficient at the cost of health and safety.

Did you forget the time when hollywood made a movie based on Battleship?
Or Need for Speed?

If it's an IP, hollywood will find a way.

I hope it's as good as the War of the Spark trailer, I've never played MtG or read any books but that short animation alone made me want to know more.

>Did you forget the time when hollywood made a movie based on Battleship?
Remember when they made one based on Simon Says? It was glorious

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Battleship is a bad movie, but it's one of my guilty pleasures, it's just so dumb.

Suspense thriller like mother! but everything spontaneous that happens is controlled by the player.

Turning fast and the furious into a movie should be easy, just make it like early fast & furious.

>sims movie
you mean that one that was mentioned once in like 2006?

The rule of thumb is, you should never believe what companies say after mergers. Anyone with a brain knew what would happen with Fox assets.


>Foreign companies can't buy up Japanese companies meme

all of these were development hell or stealth canceled/never reached production

Sad but not surprising given the American love to sell out to corporations

reality show like comedy with le video game logic jokes

budget doesn't account for marketing

>Mega Man
Oh thats...
>Magic: The Gathering

No fucking way US movie industry can survive like this. It's all going to collapse next decade.

Disney is running out of series to remake and MCU can't carry this crapfest forever.

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It can't, not unless more people watches a more diverse range of movies

Alternativ it might survive by pandering more to China

Not sure how that works out exactly I think Hasbro only ever had the animation rights.

These are all good decisions. Every single one of those movies would've massively flopped and right now Disney cant afford to keep throwing out so many losers when the only thing keeping them afloat - Marvel - is poised to take a sudden downturn as all their stars are leaving and Infinity War ended their universe since that's a natural stopping point for most people who were already burnt out on those films.

So brave of you coming out of the closet, user.

>play-doh movie

Dear Disney,

Please buy Sony.

Signed; all cognitive life on earth

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>Chronicle sequel canceled


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It didn't need a sequel

Capitalism at work

>Alternativ it might survive by pandering more to China
They need to sell way more tickets to make the same kind of profit they do locally. And I bet even the chinks will get tired of Hollywood, especially now that it went full WOKE. I don't think the chinks will like Phase 4

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>didn't need a sequel
>ended on a tease

With any other system you'd get no choice. Honestly the only problem with monopoly is that we can't stop supporting them because if something like Disney dies at this point it would be a worldwide economic disaster.

Woke for the west but not for China
It ended with room for a sequel but it didn't need one

>if something like Disney dies at this point it would be a worldwide economic disaster.
LOL, no, Disney isn't a bank or an insuranc e company. It will only affect its shareholders. The problem is that the government should have never allowed this company to become so big. A lot of people are going to lose their job to allow greedy jews become richer while destroying companies

>thor love qnd thunder

Considering that Disney only has distribution rights, yes. Who knows though, James could always threaten to never make another Avatar movie again to try and strongarm Disney into letting some pressure off.

I wanted one because it was a great underrated flick. Better than any of that other garbage in the list.



>Disney cancels the MTG movie

Thank FUCK. First good thing Disney has done in decades.

Someone who isn't a jew needs to buy Disney.

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>Killer Klowns 2 cancelled

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MtG movie... striking while the iron is hot I see, 20 years later....
Who fucking approved that?

They still haven't figured out there can be an IP monopoly or even studios monopoly, imagine if Disney blacklists you, imagine how many studios would deny you a job, plus all the ones that don't want to get Disney mad.

Maybe one day there will be a Rockerfeller oil demise, with the creation of new studios and many billions given to the people at the top.

That's revolvting, George said it multiple times, Star Wars is a bou family. But now that it's their claws, it's about homosexuals, transgenders, queer, women who need no men etc... You couldn't subvert it more than that.

>self rescuing

I can kinda see how Sims could be made by doing it from the angle of like futuristic virtual reality or something and making it a drama of "WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE" or some shit like that.

who the fuck allows this shit? Why do they want to burn their IPs?

Like toy story but whit the Sims

I think they already changed some of her backstory.


Disney's 2018 revenue was 60 billion $. That's a lot but nowhere near world crisis level. It's equal to GDP of Belarus or Costa Rica.

Hyundai made 80 billion $ in the same year.

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Come on son you implying George was not all about making the money with merchandise? With figures, toys, the holiday special the books the comics the videogames the Ewoks to make the children happy?

Faggot Lucas spend 10 years fighting fans with his more and more retarded special editions.

Star Wars stopped being good after first two movies. Jedi was already prequel lite.

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She did end up taking the lead in the movie when the two stooges got over their heads during the rescue mission.

China takes 70% of the profits. Meanwhile they get around 60% in USA and a bit less than 50% everywhere else.

Chinese box office numbers may look big but studios don't profit that much from them.

Disney doesn’t have a monopoly on a single thing

Yeah, and chinese movie industry is growing super fast. You have chinese movies making 600-700 million $ every year now.

30% of a potential billion still is 300 million.

What are some good recent chink movies?

>canned Killer Klowns sequel

Oligopoly is bad as well.

She saved them during the rescue though.

The entire point is back then characters had flaws and needed to work as a team. Today you have mary sues who can do everything on their own.

For Christ's sake Luke almost got killed by a random Tie Fighter during Yavin battle and had to be saved. And then Han saved him again.

He really likes Duke's mayonnaise

Max Landis is not exactly someone a studio wants to be associated with these days.

Operation Red Sea was ok. Like chinese Rambo. Their focus on action movies in Africa is nice.

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Are you a nigger or do you just play one on the internet?

George is a hero and always will be

those are some amazing fucking games there

there are no heroes left in man

George is a retarded faggot and always will be. Disney movies being garbage isn't going to change that.

>had the potential to be good

In what universe are Hollywood video game movies good? Especially their take on japanese games?

This is literally not true? A lot of classic Disney movies (pre-Walt's death and pre-kike takeover) were actually focused on more male characters.
Really makes you think.

Polanski still got money and awards though.

>movies in Africa
There are more Chinese in Africa today than in the West. It just reflects their reality of modern China.

>Magic: The Gathering
Good, fuck niggers of the coast.

Lucas was never driven by money. You should watch the American Zoetrope documentary and learn more about George. The guy became accidentally rich.

He willingly installed gay pride DLC for the Sims.

>She saved them during the rescue though.
How did she save them? She shot some lazers and they all fell in the trash compactor until R2 saved them and they all ran to the Falcon. Now a female can't be a damsel in distress in any form, but men can and should. That's equality.

At least the studio could have tried to make a movie that isn't a Marvel superhero movie or a live action adaptation of a Disney animated movie. But no, they had to cancel those movies to make room for even more Superhero movies or live action adaptations of their old movies.

The Famous Jett Jackson and Jake Long: American Dragon were movies that could be enjoyed by anyone, not just by girls.

Its harder to do, but Disney could strong arm them with the money they have. Doubt they'll do it since Sony is trash outside of PS4.

>George is a retarded faggot
Kek, george is more successful than your entire family line faggot

After the Sonic trailer, I think no Mega Man movie is a good thing.

They have to be aware. The international M(aW)IB5 posters really downplayed something but I can't quite put my finger on what.


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It's because Disney has no fucking clue what to do, this isn't exactly top secret. After Walt Disney passed away and "new management" took over, they struggled and still do with coming up with new creative ideas. There's a reason why 99% of Disney movies since the 70's have been reboots, sequels or plots based off of books.

A Mega Man movie could have been good, I remember watching the Kikaider Anime on Adult Swim back in the 2000s I think. A Mega Man live action adaptation could have been something similar, even if it was more light hearted and not grim and dark like the ending of the Kikaider Anime. I mean Mega Man and the robots/machines from the Kikaider series were trying to be heroes and all, even if things didn't go so well for the Kikaider protagonists. Heck, in one of the animation shorts for Mega Man X4, Mega Man X had a fear that he was going to become evil when he was talking to Zero.

To review it

>Kills a ton of shitty videogame adaptations, reboots and sequels
Pretty fucking based actually

Angry Birds was successful though

At least Disney is giving you more comic book superhero adaptations, live action remakes of Disney animated films and sequels to other Disney films(like more Pirates of the Caribbean movies).

And all of those are still better than Fox's crap, disney provides enjoyable family entertainment

Then why buy Fox Studios? Why not just let Fox Studios do their own movies and Disney do theirs? They just bought Fox probably to dismantle the competition. The only good that came out of Disney buying Fox is that there are going to be some great X-Men and Fantastic 4 reboots, but that's just about it.

You are right, I recall it having a bigger budget, north of 100 million, but with 73 million and 352 BO it definitely was a successful movie.

To get their back catalogue of content for streaming and kill netflix

that actually sounds like a good horror kino concept

Dino-Riders is owned by Mattel.

Freaking greedy corporations, how many damn jobs that could have been had if Fox Studios was not bought by Disney and they just went ahead producing those films.

> 352 BO it definitely was a successful movie.
I honestly can't even imagine what such a movie would be about, how is this possible?

>a mega man movie could have been good

Yea it COULD have been good but we know it wouldn’t have been. Hollywood is stupid and they see the actual source material for anything videogame related as something to ignore. Hollywood thinks that while they can’t make games, they could do better character design and tell better stories so they would just change everything. Sonic had pretty much one iconic look since he was created and they completely made him look different. The only thing a Mega Man movie would have in common with the actual character is the name.

The rights are a bit of a mess.

there's been talk about a sims movie being made for over ten years now it never gets off the ground

>my gaymen

You know that Sony is a gigantic mega corporation comparable in size to Microsoft, right?
Nobody can just "buy Sony".
At best, they can buy the movie department of Sony, but in that case, why even bring up the PS4 and video games, you retarded gaymen?

Then explain men and video games, sweety

Men are less likely to believe they are being manipulated. Game industry has been exploiting that fact for a good while now. Just like those Nigerian letter scammers.

What so weird about it? You can buy a video game for 60 dollars or so and it can easily last you several years if it has multiplayer. Its easily one of the cheapest hobbies around when you get down to brass tacks.

However the real key to manipulation in video games is exploiting your desire to be productive and make progress. So yeah I guess women just don't have those desires as much as men do.

What year do you live in? Nowadays you don't buy a video game for 60 dollars and play it for years.
You buy a video game for 60 dollars, play it for a week, then pay for a ton of microtransactions and invest hundreds of dollars as you keep playing, but eventually get bored after 3 months anyway

>Flash Gordon
>Killer Klowns 2


>A megalomaniac God dictating every aspect of a life a random family?

How can you not see the dramatic and/or comedic potential of this? Oh wait, you're probably a Mousecuck. Question fucking answered.

>giving a shit about monsters from the card game

God fucking damnit.

>MCUcks and nintensois seething STILL

megaman fans are fucking pathetic, you've had like 40 games and he's not even an interesting character, just fuck off

theyre keeping Blue Sky for some reason


Black Clothes People: Global Tracking? Kino title to be honest.

We already had The Sims TV series.
It was called Desperate Housewives.
Literally exactly the same type of humour.

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Dude's got great taste in games, aside The Sims.

Been having some tough Smash matches against Mega Man players recently user?

I think Disney is actually taking out the trash in this case


good goy

>burning books is good if Disney does it

>there will never be a Brother's War or Weatherlight movie
Fuck this gay earth. There's a lot of potential for a shared universe based on magic the gathering.

>a movie based on Battleship?
And then they made a videogame adaptation of that movie

It was a barebones FPS

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>If you watched the disney channel, and you were a boy, then I'm sorry to say, but you are probably a big feminine yourself.
>he didn't jerk off constantly to even stevens
You sir are the feminine one.

>battleship video game

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Good they all sound like they'd be shit anyway.

Might be a good isekai

Why did they even bought Fox?

>chronicle 2
Wasn’t the first one pretty successful?

This will probably work better animated. I hope they'll get the Castlevania studio.

reminds of that one nigger always posting on /r9k/ about God cursing him

Tbf NONE of these movies were going to be good so no huge loss

>Wasn’t the first one pretty successful?
Sure, but that's mostly because the budget-to-profit ratio was so lopsided.
If your movie costs 12 bucks to make, a studio can still afford to blow a few million on marketing and make a return on their investment with even a mediocre box office.
I also wonder, if in the case of chronicle, of there wasn't an issue with Trank being persona non grata in the industry.

Sony is big, but not nearly as big as microsoft. that's the reason Microsoft can afford to lose costumers over an entire console generation for lack of good exclusives and not give a single fuck, while sony would just sell its playstation division if they were in the same place as xbox right now.

I can't wait for Disney to take a fucking dive. Fuck that company as a whole, fucking ring of pedophiles. I can't even imagine the amount of children that were absolutely fucked up for life by having any affiliation with Disney.

Even the kids from lesser known movies end up as drug addicts that rob banks, while the better known ones end up as drug addicts that go insane and shave their heads or becoming walking drug corpses put on display like Lindsey lohan.

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Just don't watch Disney movies? There's so much entertainment out there you actually can afford to not buy into bullshit they put out in cinemas these days and still have something to watch and to do. You can't stop a million retards from seeing The Lion King (Soulless Edition) but you can stop yourself.

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I could go for a Rise of the Eldrazi movie

aww but cronkle best moobie
now imma cry
fug stubid mowse

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For once, I agree with the Chosen Ones.

I'm convinced half of this board is just astroturfing and counter programming.
>Dude don't you hate stars wars and marvel?
>Lets have 30 threads that hit bump limit where everyone talks about it!

who let you out of containment??

>Reportedly, over 300 movie projects have been canceled by Disney
This is crazy. People are fine with the mouse cancelling Mega Man and The Sims, but they axed other films that could be good.

>An Assassin's Creed sequel, which would have served as a follow-up to the 2016 movie...
I'm one of the minority that (partially) liked it but even I realize that they're better off waiting a while and trying again later. None of the others sound like sure bets either.


Disney is the EA of Hollywood.
Jokes aside, the mouse is in this to destroy the competition.


What will we do without those three terrible movies?

Truman Show but Truman is the director

Isn't that the movie where a bunch of programmer kids create like this sphere of impenetrable energy that they can control and maneuver? Then they figure out how to make it bigger and decide to build their own spacecraft which they have that energy sphere encapsulate? Then they go off flying into space where they meet a bunch of hypocritical aliens telling them about how television is evil and such? I think that was a kino film.

>MTG movie canceled

Good, fuck the Jacetice League and fuck Wizards of the Coast

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Ow no not the Assassins Creed sequel! now Fassbender will have to find another shitty movie to waste his talents on

The problem with modern cinema is that people don't watch anything except Disney movies.

I would've wanted to see a Flash Gordon movie but I know it would've just been overly sanitized, soulless garbage. Only someone like George Lucas, who has an actual attachment to the material and isn't just vaguely aware of the name, could've made it work

This move makes it clear that buying Fox was literally just to get more capeshit characters in the MCU and get content to fill out their streaming services

>vidya movie

I really don't understand being a Mega Man fan
Some of those games are pretty good but nothing about the character or the world has ever been even remotely interesting

>Video game movies

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You play a machine/robot who was built to be similar to humans, that machine is then remade into a fighting machine where you battle evil robots. It's pretty cool and could be a jumping off point or spring board for some cool stuff, like what makes artificial intelligence different from a human, or the question of free will, like who is more free or has agency to be free, the machine built solely to do good, or the evil robots who are capable of doing good or bad? Also, check out the Kikaider Anime, I think it explores similar topics.

*cha-ching* *coin rattles* *receipt tear* *cash register*

Disney, get away
Put out a sequel with more gay and you're okay
Disney, it's a gas
Grab that Fox with both hands and make it crash
Child stars, Avatar, PC, left wing
Think we’ll remake The Lion King

Disney, get back
I'm all right George, just keep your hands off of my stack
Disney, it's a hit
A-don't give me that Mickey Mouse bullshit
You’re in a CGI fantasy, 3-D, endless trap
And I think you need a streaming app

(guitar and sax solos)

Disney, it's a crime
Pay us fairly but don't waste a sec of our time
Disney, so they say
Is the reboot of all evil today
But if you ask for a refund it's no surprise that they're
Giving none away, away, away…woo-hoo-hoo…away…away… (fade out)

Why didn't you just say "men" and Marvel.
That was easy mode dude, c'mon.

you clearly dont know anything about megaman then

>if you dislike shit like ghostbusters 2016 or jack and jill it means you own a nintendo console
yeah people with good taste tend to have good taste

yeah not many people have the intelligence to understand the subtle nuances of megaman

This. The point with videogames is buying the best ones with multiplayer and enjoying them long term (Smash bros, Just dance in my home), or buying thr consoles when they have phased out (a PS3 with very good games is super cheap nowadays).

Nice autism little tommy. Now go play gears of war.

>no alita in the list

Sequel secured, boys

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>Play Doh
Could be kino as an abstract animation experience in claymation.
Regular sitcom antics in an overhead isometric perspective
Plus he's rejecting the new mobile Commander Keen game. Based and Vorticonpilled.

Was that sequel even greenlit in the first place?

Jimbo wants to

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Exactly and unsurprisingly the best multiplayer games are the ones that have a single payment and then decent gameplay. Blizzard knows this. Even if you're playing their shittest games, its the cost of the game and then you've got access to their servers. They still fuck you by not providing LAN and stuff of course but the core gameplay is always decent.

The games that has the pay-as-you-go model are often the games that don't sell well. This doesn't always mean that the game is bad but that's almost always what it means.

Based Disney monopolizing shit films.

Any MTG movie that wasn't about Weatherlight crew versus Phyrexia would suck enormously. And we all know that wasn't going to be the plot

This, you can't cancel something that was never scheduled in the first place.