Here are some major points to know about
>the Gypsy is going to be a guy this time
>Frollo will be aged up and seen as a gay rapist
>Will be announced in December, maybe next January
>Frollo's "sin" will be about gay lust instead of normal lust
>Phoebus will still have the hots for this male Gypsy
>will include loads of SJW pandering
>Hellfire will NOT be present in the remake
>we need a Quasimodo
>I got just the guy
Hot. Phoebus is still the best looking male Disney love interest
jesus why won't they fucking stop
>why was I not made of stone like thee?
>live action beata uprising maria
is this based?
If this is real, what do you think they’ll do with the gypsy?
I have 2 theories
>CGI shit on a white male actor who’s hot
>get an actual gypsy or half gypsy who doesn’t look like shit and maybe CGI them with green eyes
Pure cuckino.
reminder that you asshats have no right to complain about this until AFTER you've watched the Charles Laughton version
at which point your rage will blot out the sun.
fake and gay
portraying gays as rapists isn't very progressive tbqh
Money. Careers and rears. Etc.
You've gotta think it's been unironically suggested at one point in time
The role she was born to play.
I'm really curious to see how they will make a live action grossly disfigured character look palatable.
Well they certainly won't use the term gypsy, its woefully unPC. Even though gypsies are factual shitbags.
Pretty sure making Frollo a Nun wouldn’t work well and would get the feminists in a twist.
Ever watch GoT?
something like this I'd say
It would work if it were all genderswitched, and Maisie is the hunchback.
Who would play fFrollo?
Hot take idea: Patrick Stewart.
Although regardless, this would basically be career ending for almost anyone as you can’t hide behind animation like the original one did
>No Hellfire
If you’re telling the truth, I hope you’re fucking wrong about that
Hellfire was the literally most perfect Disney song ever produced. Then again, I don’t want that song auto tuned to bits.
Lose lose situation
Idris Elba
Who gives a fuck about an adaptation of the animated version? Make a proper adaptation of the book instead. In the book Quasi is also nice-guy beta orbiter, but Frollo is much more of a woman hating incel and Phoebus is an asshole giga-chad. Then we have Gringoire who also lust after Esmeralda at first but then realizes the thot is not worth it
Phoebus will be cast as a black man.
>Esmerelda is a guy
>Frollo is an older 'mommy' woman
Do this instead, I'll watch it.
>not casting Salma Hayek as the whore, and Peter Dinklage + Maisie Williams lovechild as the hunchback
I'd rather watch a remake of Epic Movie.
Starring lena Dunham.
I really hope they remove the gargoyles in the remake.
And I hope they basically make it similar to the stage musical versions but with the happier ending from the Disney film.
They should make it a PG-13 film because a PG rating wouldn't cut it.
Unpopular opinion but I prefer The Bells of Notre Dame because it perfectly sets up the grand, epic tone of the film.
Lena Dunham
>tfw archive shows I was the first to point out the likeness on here
>tfw I feel kind of bad now