Star wars IX:Kylo Ren will wear Vader's suit

The source of the rumors (via Twitter) also offers additional information about Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker including:

>The Hutts will return
>Billy De Williams’ Lando Calrissian will have a minor role in the movie.
>Liam Nesson filmed a scene as Qui-Gon Jinn (force ghost) but his part has been cut from the final film due to his controversial comments last February.
>There are no details of what was Jinn’s role in the story.

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So which leaks do you guys believe?
Rey dying and being a force shield for the radio tower is what I’m sticking with

>>Billy De Williams’ Lando Calrissian will have a minor role in the movie.

I mean no shit? We saw him flying the Falcon in the trailer.

The guy's like 85 isn't he? He can barely walk


Star Wars is the gayest shit
why does anyone like this trash
even the original trilogy is mediocre at best


Sounds kinda gay

Post your star wars toys Yea Forums


This film will make 100 million at box office worldwide

All he does is his laugh from the trailer. The entire lenght of the film is just occasional cutaways of senile old lando sitting in the corner laughing at god knows what


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>Liam Nesson filmed a scene as Qui-Gon Jinn (force ghost) but his part has been cut from the final film due to his controversial comments last February.
What did he say?

>hi rey
>suck my dick

He said he went roaming the streets to beat up the first black person he saw, because his friend was raped by one. Or something like that. This happened like 30 years ago


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Is it too late to ask for Cindel to appear in Noah's ship together with Wicket, saving the day?

The whole point of Kylo is that he's not Vader though, pay attention brainlet.

I hate the new secular religion. All judgement, no forgiveness.

Also for something that happened so many years ago. And he told it himself, and not like a funny anecdote. Also didnt even follow through with it. People just love to get upset. Doesnt matter if there's no ground for it

Thats Rians idea though. Thats why Kylo destroyed his mask in TLJ.

>Liam Nesson filmed a scene as Qui-Gon Jinn (force ghost) but his part has been cut from the final film due to his controversial comments last February.

What were these "controversial comments"?


Read thread idiot

also he didnt even actually do anything.

the coshening

>Neeson blacklisted by Disney

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who even gives a shit about this tripe anymore

He outed the (((top people))) at Disney, and they felt he had to go.

> laughing at god knows what
He's laughing at the fact that he's got a massive paycheck for doing pretty much jack shit, and Disney has to pay him because he's literally the ONLY major character from the OT that isn't dead, raped or both

Lando is already raped
If Lando is the only OT character fine then oh nonono

First two movies are great and Lucas Arts made some of the best video games ever made.

Are they seriously gonna cut it out?!?

Fuck all of this.

>imagine qui-gon beating the shit out of Finn.


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>when your friends are dragging you to this shit even earlier than US premiere

Well, at least it will be fun shitting on it here before burgers even see it.

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It's just so pathetically desperate

im pooling for time travel just so rey ends up raped to death by sand ni-people

black bastards

>paying to watch nu wars.
Kill yourself

The guy is 82 years old. Every night he goes to sleep might statistically speaking be the end of his last day on earth. Unless you are scraping for every last penny to leave to your likely already adult and established in life family, why the fuck would you care about another paycheck at that point?

>I'm not looking forwards to getting old

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Why would Kylo Ren wear a cremated suit made for a guy with no arms or legs

>Why would Kylo Ren wear a cremated suit made for a guy with no arms or legs
Because fucking faggots like you keep saying bland soulless Rogue Juan is soooo good because of a thirty seconds Vader sequence. So they'll try that act of fan service desperation.

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he alredy did the mask shit in the first movie

But no one said that user

Jumped the gun a bit there, dumbass

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Fake. Note to fake leaks:
>Vader Kylo is not going to happen
>Rakata Prime is not going to happen
>Plagueis is not going to happen
>ReySky is not going to happen
>Ahsoka is not going to happen
>World Between Worlds is not going to happen
>Mara Jade is not going to happen

When you hear any of these you know the leak is fake.

nothing like a fresh cock conk

>Comicbook News
>Movie Pilot
>Movie Web
>The Express
>We Got It Covered

all sourced by Mike Zeroh.

Is he blue or red pilled?

So legit?

If you actually watch the interview, he said he didn't follow through and was ashamed of what he did thirty years ago. FFS he said he learned. I hate these fucking people. They will never be happy. It's the same mindset as the Salem Witch Trials.

That's always been the idea you brain dead fanboy.

Weren't his lungs damaged so he has a breathalyzer or something that made him breathe, right in the chest area? How will Kylo even fit into it unless he's basically just a head?

He fuking can’t cause OP is full of shit

>Let's spit on Vader's grave even more after TFA by letting an emo faggot wear his suit
This movie deserves to bomb, honestly

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>Weren't his lungs damaged so he has a breathalyzer
Yes, he was infamously drunk most of the time, as evidenced in part by his erratic tie fighter piloting

>bringing back the huts

please, please for the love of god can Disney have a scene with jabba the hut in ep 9 just so we can laugh at their stupidity in not remembering that jabba is dead.

SJW's don't believe people can change. Their world view is entirely black and white.

Can you smell it? Shit.

>Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.


Fuck Mickey Mouse right in his transparent, incompetent, flaccid asshole.