It’s not that big of a deal guys

it’s not that big of a deal guys

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_transsexualism_typology

What is this? Who's the girl, I would fuck her.

it’s the new rocko’s modern life special on netflix. people are up in arms because it features one of the main characters from the original series transitioning

Oh ok, thanks for the info

Then why do it in the first place?

Look how they massacred my boy

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>my boy
That isn't your child. His father is clearly on the right of the image. He also a toad, you are a frog.

There is nothing wrong with trans people. Being trans is not mentally ill.
If you think so, then refute decades of trained expert experience and opinion.
I'll wait.

Also this episode was pretty good and funny. I hope they have more episodes. I liked that it was character growth for Rocko.

Found the tranny

I still humm the intro music from time to time, I watched it so often when I was younger
Shame it's ruined but not like I would watch it anyway but I really feel bad for kids growing up now

it’s not ruined. you just have to put your biases aside and watch the show like you would any other rml episode. i’ve heard nothing but good things about static cling

Recently I hope that god and heaven is real, I'd gladly spend a few eternities in purgatory as long as those degenerates do too.
I will be all comfy watching them suffer for what they thought is right and good. Seeing their faces as they realize they were incredibly wrong all this time.


Dilate, transphobe.

Pass I don't watch cartoons or cartoons (asian edition)

ok that’s fair

>shoehorning a gender swap for the publicity
unintentionally accurate depiction of trannies

ok you can leave now

What the fuck.

>Murray: Yeah, I’m curious. I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.”

imagine getting called on your publicity stunt out by a 10 year old

Maybe you should've left your fetish in the bedroom where it belongs, not push it out into the public and shove it into everyones face while yelling about pride and acceptance.
You made it a problem, not us.

cool spirals on the dress
wonder what they mean

Not to me because like a lot of these people I never gave a shit about Rocko's Modern Life but unlike them I'm not suddenly pretending to.

>mr bighead is a frog
>tfw libtards did this because they think pepe is an alt-right meme

don't say "we" when you mean "I", user, it is a proof of weakness

>tfw libtards did this because they think pepe is an alt-right meme

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Imagine being so annoyed you act like you don't understand that the phrase "My boy" is used to describe a person you like or favor. Imagine acting this flippantly stupid. Imagine saying user is a frog just because he used a reaction image for an emotion with a humanoid frog.

just cute happy swirls

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>Dilate, transphobe
>Inferring that people who dislike trannies are trannies
What a timeline

not after seeing your great fly-infested cunt slopped all over Yea Forums

Wait, what does dilate actually mean? I thought it was just a generic insult like "Fuck off".

There are so called dilation rods that trannies shove up their fake cunt so the wound doesn't grow shut.
Lots of gruesome images from trannies showing off their gaping, oozing wounds and asking if it looked normal.

so the water is turning the frogs gay then.

>Doesn't know what dilate means
>What does "x" word mean user? I have easy access to Google and many other search terms but what does it mean?
You're really stupid user. I'm sorry but, you should try banting on another site that's more suited for your aptitude. Try the LEGO forums,for example! I'm sure they'd love you. I'm really just trying to help here.

It's psychological/spiritual terrorism of the highest degree

Dilation is when a post-op transexual needs to physically force a cylindrical object into their "vagina" to prevent the open wound from closing, similar to how a pierced ear will close up if left empty. The body's natural healing function recognizes the gaping wound and tries to fix it, and "dilation" is the act of forcing the wound back open.

It is extremely painful and disgusting, and they need to do it every single day. Because the new vagina is made out of usually external tissue (like arm flesh or their penis) it isn't a mucus membrane like an actual vagina, so it sweats and can get ingrown hairs and stuff, which can make it pretty gross in there

Well, considering who kills the most trannies

how could you ever doubt him?

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She based

They weren't hiding, they never do.

>Mentally ill

>hey we’re bringing rocko back
>haha psyche! it’s just chopdick tranny shit

I would happily burn in hell for eternity knowing that all the "medical professionals" who support this shit/prescribe puberty blockers and hormone replacement treatments/actually perform the srs surgeries for mtf and ftm trannies will be burning along side me.

Literally go on the lgbtq board on this very site. Trannies can't even accept each other, why should we?

majority of people here don't even accept themselves so where are u trying to go with this

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I didn't like it, not because of the focus on change, it's because it didn't have enough time to tell it's story and the framework they used wasn't good enough.

This needed a few episodes setting up differences, Rocko getting a new job, trends, the internet, etc...

They just fast forward through it at the start without giving you any time to breathe, then focus almost completely on the Fathead storyline.

Fucking hell. When will the progressive propaganda end?

>then refute decades of trained expert experience and opinion

Lol I am reading all that trans fanfic
Cutting your cock and balls off and having to dilate to stop your puss filled wound from closing up is clearly mentally ill, and no kikery will change that

What is the best way to push trannies closer to their inevitable suicide?

There's one ugly fuck that started working at my job a few weeks ago. I keep saying using male terms then saying "whoops sorry lol" and making him seethe and whine to HR (who couldn't give less of a shit and have told me so), and I'm working on getting him fired but it'll probably be another 2 weeks before I can slam dunk it. What else can I do in the meantime to make him seethe? Any ideas?


We'll live long enough to see, but it probably gets a lot worse before it gets any better.

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Try being a man and not giving a shit or being a whiny little gossiping bitch. If that doesnt work cut your dick and balls off because they're as useless as an appendix.

No moron I asked how to make trannies seethe IRL, I know how to do it online just fine as exemplified by your post.

I dont understand people who say this. Theres nothing wrong with being mentally ill either unless it affects your happiness and ability to function so you get help but theres still nothing lesser about you. And trans people want to get help to be happy anand function. Because they are mentally I'll. The government is literally paying for your medication because you're mentally I'll. That's the entire motherfucking point.

Why do you have to wait 2 weeks to get him fired?

I'm not mad because you hate trannies I'm mad because I hate women and you're acting like one. And it's a disgusting waste of testosterone.

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I don't think this board has good or nice people. I don't think there's much love or empathy in people's hearts. I came here because I wanted to talk about TV shows I liked but everyone here is so horrible. If trans people are suffering you could be having conversations about the best way to help them, you could look at the research and debate that, but instead you just hate them. I don't understand having that sort of hate, and I hope I never fully understand that.

Stop being underage

I love (real) women now fuck off tranny MGTOW.
Long story short I framed him for a big fuck-up and got him almost fired once already, he was told that he's gone if it happens again. We don't have anything big planned for another 2 weeks, that's when I'm going to strike. I could feasibly push it this week but it would arouse suspicions toward me. In 2 weeks I can get him fired no question, it's the safest option. Besides, fucking with him is fun. Already everyone hates him thanks to me.

Ok bye faggot

You dilate your fistula, you wash your hands.


Shut the fuck up you stupid newfag cunt. Everyone who's been here more than 2 years understands. They sowed the seeds of their own demise.


how do I blankpost

>the best way to help them
They're not supposed to be helped, they're supposed to give doctors and pharmacies big business while pushing that happy happy joy joy twinkletoe fruitcake crap the media and the people behind it like to push these days.


Carving your genitals up and making a semi permanent wound between your legs is mentally ill. Now if a shemale wants to keep her dick and balls fine, i'll call you a lady all damn day. But the second she starts carving her dick up like a turkey it's a problem.

Fuck ANYONE who supports genital mutilation, you're all fucked.

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It's a shitposting board you stupid redditor. A good majority of the site itself is shitposting. It's Yea Forums. What the fuck do you expect


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Your worldview is based on the ramblings of a pedophile who "proved" that gender was a fluid by raping a pair of brothers for the better part of a decade.

Stopped reading there.

you have the big gay

how long till jews mainstream trans-racials?

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That's a sad way to pass time.

There are no conversations to be had. Its like trying to explain a complex idea to someone who speaks a different language. Trannies are mentally ill that is all there is to understand. People would hate them a lot less if they stop trying to project their mental illness on everyone else specifically children. You seem to get hate and disdain mixed up. I don't hate trannies, i just don't want them reading books to my kids or dancing naked in the street for "pride". Why do gays and trannies try so hard to get people to hate them? Just live your life marry some guy and watch netflix and eat dinner. Everyone is just so tired of hearing their garbage and victimisation.


"Gender conformation surgery" is unsafe, unsanitary, and horribly unhealthy. Any doctor who would perform such a surgery should have their medical license revoked for violating the Hippocratic oath.

I don't have anything against transexualism personally but that surgery is an abomination.

trans-racial is actually less absurd than trans-gender. No idea why it isn't a "thing." Give Hollywood some time.
This but I also think they should be beheaded.

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Don't you know any trans people though? I have a friend who's trans. She's just a normal person, she goes to work, she has a dog, she likes good food and watching fun movies. She only goes to the pride event once a year because it's a fun thing to do with people on a weekend but that's that, there's no pushing her "lifestyle", whatever that means, on anyone. It's not like she complains to me all the time about victimhood, she's just a nice person who never hurt anyone. It's not right to conflate people like her with the minority who do what you're talking about.


This is literally the perfect reaction image for tranny hating, they did this on purpose

The thing that I feel gets missed entirely is that the surgery is intended as a 'cure' for genders dysphoria despite the numbers that prove otherwise.

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Is it funny or not? Thats all I really care about

Yea Forums wasn't always like this, not this bad.

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I don't remember this character, and I watched the show every morning during school

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>i'll only deny reality for specific types of delusional people

Holy fuck kill yourself.

Wait... this board talks about TV shows?

Yeah like I said earlier ITT I know a tranny and I hate the fuck outta his stupid ass and all of his kind, and make it my job to make him seethe every day until he fucks off. If you enjoy the company of these ugly annoying freakazoids, you're probably a latent homo yourself.

I don't care what anyone does unless it's something fucked up like slicing your body parts up like a serial killer.

Don't worry man, it's Yea Forums. You can say better insults than transphobe and not get called. Call someone a retard. That one's always fun

decades of trained expert experience and opinion conclude that transsexualism is a symptom of severe depression

He's the self-insert animator that was ostracized by his dad for being a cartoonist.

Talk about fucking cringe.

I feel sorry for anyone who knows you.

No one but trannies have had or ever will have a problem with me. Hell, I even like most niggers and even dated two of them (mostly cuz they had fat asses and titties) and had a threeway with one's black best friend. That's right I fucked 2 niggers at the same time, that's how un-prejudiced I am. Most people like me. My family likes me and my coworkers (except the tranny) like me. I fucking HATE trannies though.

Unfortunately I have to get ready for work in a few minutes and none of you retards have given me good tips on harassing trannies so kill yourselves, I'm out.

Can someone do a Rachel edit of this Pepe?

Jesus Christ, at least Zim won't do this faggy shit to us.

>only 2 (two) episodes

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>man beats woman in wrestling
Woah, crazy.

oh no no no no no


Nope, chuck testa

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why does literally every netflix product have an agenda


>make a special about rocko's modern life over two decades later
>instead of it being about rocko, it's about some cutdick faggot

Frogs can change sex, its natural for them so this is not at all a paralellism for transex in humans

>exhume a beloved 90's cartoon
>use it as a vessel to preach your identity politics
>fall short of everything that made the original successful
>wonder why you're losing money and subs

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How can anyone do that to themselves is beyond me
I literally cringe just reading it

Nah Rocko was never anybody's favorite nick toon.

I didn’t even remember Mr Bighead having a son.

>alt righ/tv/ getting triggered over shitty cartoon
Who were the snowflakes again?

From what I can remember they were estranged and as an animator he spent most of his time working on what was a thinly disguised series denigrating them.

I will never understand how being bummed about the state of the world makes you mentally ill but wanting to cut off your cock does not.

they just don't appreciate being bummed like we do user

I thought the only people who wanted a 90s nostalgiawank were the libtards who think tranny penis sudoku is a good idea.

Someone please spoon feed me what the moral of this movie was. Was it really all about trans people?
Is the trans person in the movie suppose to be the baby in the fat heads? Should I just accept this change?

hopefully you've seen the error of your ways after witnessing the quality and frenzy of our wanking, user

the show implies its against this and most modern changes in the past 20 years that have degraded society. netflix didnt pick up on this because they can't understand even basic subtlety

I have, thank you senpai!

What do you mean, its all about accepting your trans son.

formerly he did (presently a daughter)

I grew up watching Nick cartoons and Disney afternoons in the late 80's and 90's.

What we see today, and will be seeing for a while, is the rape and pillage of our memories and nostalgia. It is through them that modern, ideological messages may be presented. This is, and has been, the time of "change". It was taught in the universities for decades and is coming to fruition now.

The best course of action is to simply shut up and nod. If you don't, you may compromise your job, your relationships, your friendships, your reputation.

There is no going back. The past is in the past. Let it go.

Exactly what the movie was teaching us.


He was the creator's self insert to get bad at his 'your wasting your life drawing cartoons' father. Actually makes a lot of sense out of this tranny business now.

>Take mentally ill character
>Make him trans
Based and Redpilled

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/pol/yps are no people

>mfw instead of watching these ugly-ass shitty ((((((CLASKY CZUPO)))))) Nickelodeon cartoons I grew up watching 80s anime

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No, we are staying here

It's just the /pol/ infestation tbqh. They whine and whine all the time about some discord trannies, or that they don't get laid, and a lot of shit that has nothing to do with Yea Forums here, for some reason. I think it's just the fact no one wants to be with them irl so they end up here.

t. discord T R A N C E L

Your friend goes out, these """"""people""""""" don't. They're busy getting radicalised by cringy frogs in their basements.

If it's not an illness why do they need treatment?

Fucking shit I watched the hell out of that nicktoon streaming site but every 20 minutes there was another Rocket Power because apparently they made 70+ godamn episodes.

Swing and a miss.

>Rocket Power
I hated it but still watched it. So weird.

gays actually hate trannies, lesbians hate them even more because they know that vast majority of them are sick autogynephiles who get off on being in the womens room

there is actually a movement among them to get the trans parts removed from the lgt acronym

Have sex with them, but if they try to date you tell them they're just a fetish to you

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All the trannies I know have depression/anxiety and aren't very smart. They also tend to be lazy (could be from all the meds). My gfs autistic brother is dating a tranny and I feel so bad for him.

The Tony Hawk was rage-inducing. Wait the whole episode and it didn't even look like him.

why would he date a tranny. he's gay? if so why date a tranny and not a man? if straight, why not date a woman and not a man?


>All the trannies I know have depression/anxiety and aren't very smart. They also tend to be lazy (could be from all the meds)
This seems true. Maybe we should do a study on trannies here and gather all the information we can on the illness because its taboo to study it in academia now.

heres my contribution:

Contrary to what you might guess, a large part of the coding community are trannies. This may be a sign of a connection between those who excel at code logic and the mental illness.

Salami leaving Wacky Deli is a big deal. I don’t care what anyone says.

The Cheese was the best character on the show.

Damn he might be the most non-prolific writer ever. He has done fucking nothing of worth.

Snowflake refers to all the LGBTQIAP letters leftists on social media give themselves, as well as shit like PTSD triggers, transracialism, etc. It does not mean fragile.

Wow, sorry for triggering you, Adolf

If trans are mentally ill, why do you hate them so much? Do you hate mentally ill people? Do you not understand mental illnesses can affect anyone just as much as physical illnesses?
Do you hate people who happen to have cancer or type 1 diabetes too? Fuck you.

This is the wrong board for that. Yea Forums is an /pol/ infested, Yea Forums shitposting hellhole. The only thing you're going to get here is hate threads, sneed & off-topic bitching.

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>"I'm finally happy"
>kills self 2 years later

ITT: Reddit Internet Defense Force

based arabs

This was a huge disappointment even if I ignored the tranny shit. 23 years of wait for this half-assed reboot that lacked the humor that made the show so funny. I laughed a few times. But a typical episode of rockos modern life I’m laughing the whole time.

It’s become the norm to encourage mentally ill people to try to be something they will never be. It’s difficult to take them serious or look at their hideous faces, as most trannies can’t pass for what they’re trying to be. Accept what you were born as, or kill yourself.

>decades of trained expert experience and opinion
You mean how the father of this theory, John Money, drove a pair of twins into suicide trying to prove he was right?

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Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, tranny.

Acting like a normal, earnestly good person on Yea Forums is a good bit.

Tranny shit aside, I thought it did a great job of replicating the feel of the original series. It was 20 years ago, so that's something that very few companies are able to do.

I'm going to watch it again tonight. I enjoyed it mostly.

>read the Wikipedia page for BIID
>multiple entries where it says amputating limbs is the proper cure for the disorder
What the fuck

They are just gonna cut it of themselves otherwise. Better to do a clean amputation rather than to try to save a retard after he puts his leg through a buzzsaw.
I don't think that GRS really compares though. Cutting your dick off and gouging a neovagina are different things.


Its still the same feeling of having something that doesnt belong on your body. It just channels differently on either a limb that needs to go or your very sex.

They literally are mentally ill but there's nothing wrong with that.

what a fag

>digital animation

I miss Korean cartoon slaves


>refute decades of trained expert experience and opinion
exhibit A: the lobotomy

Me on the left

oh yeah? well I say you're frog legs

iot was fine, i like that rocko was an autistic spaz at the end.

I don’t care about the transitioning plot cuz honestly that character had the mopey, dramatic personality of someone who actually would. The problem is the lack of good gags and the sloppy animation. The old Rocko team could’ve made the transitioning thin funny.
Should’ve given the money to John k so he could make more over budget plebfilter

fuck off racist

It was considered a mental illness until very recently and if you think that's the result of some breakthrough in science and not political tranny lobbying I've got a bridge in New York to sell you.

This. The episode where Ed Bighead is a clown is a funny allegory for being a closeted homosexual and they punctuate the whole episode on running Rocko out of town with torches and pitchforks when he admits to liking rainbows.

>Rocko revival will be fine, they said
>It's just being HOSTED by Netflix, they said
>Netflix doesn't have anything to do with the production, they said

You faggots lied to me.


When I was a kid I used to want to chop my hands off, but I didn’t get better by going and doing it I got better by understanding how fucking stupid that is

Not watching this shit
Fuck Netflix

>And so, Chris Viscardi, who was the executive, who was amazing on this project, went to Cyma Zarghami, who was the president of Nickelodeon at the time, and she thought it was great. She said, “Let’s do it.” And she said, “But only if we had GLAAD involved to make sure we do it right.” And I was totally on board with that. I thought that was a great idea. So it was Cyma’s idea, and she and Chris brought GLAAD in. So Nick Adams came in. And so, every step of the way, from the writing through the storyboards, through the … he signed off on everything.

Not only was Nickelodeon in charge when the story got the go-ahead, it was the Nickelodeon president who brought in GLAAD to guarantee it was LGBT approved. They put it on Netflix so more people would see it.

>Yea Forums-Ranting on Off Topic shit when it suits them.

>Being trans is not mentally ill.
Bad bait user. It's gender dysphoria and body dysphoria. Both are illnesses.
What you should have said what
>the treatment for said illness is okay
Which is still retarded but slightly more subtle bait.

>talking about Netflix content on tv is off topic

What the fuck
this is a bannable offense

Makes no fucking sense

you mean the same shirt he had in the original show?
fucking schizos

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I'm a trans woman and I'm just the same as any cis woman.

Such a good fucking special and some fagggos are not gonna watch it because this shit. You idiots love to say how sensible the liberals are, but start to cry for the tiniest shit you fragile fags.

>boycotts are only good when I'm the one deciding what to boycott

these retards had no intention of watching it anyway.

Imagine cutting ur dick off like woah nigga hahasksksk

I mean it’s better than speaking German!

I’ve been a Rockos modern life fan all my life and thought it was bad

Kill your family you traitors. You guys fucked up for suiciding Epstein.

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#TransRights #LGBTQRST+ #WOKE #WeThePeople #Pride #FUCKTRUMP #FUCKWHITEPEOPLE #WeAreHumanToo #MeToo #Progressive #DealWithItBigots #TransPeopleAreHumanTooYouKnow #YAAAAASSSSS


It felt souless other than all of the cameos by minor characters from series like the giant tooth.

Imagine being upset that someone is happy being their true self.

>I’m a crying bitch that is gonna boycott a show the same way some sad cunt liberals do so
You faggots are never gonna admit you’re literally the same as those other sad fags, grow a pair.

Me too and I loved it, what now?

yes but internet people tell me i need to be upset. and I feel like im apart of a special group when i go along with them, makes me feel included and part of something.

You'll never pass

>wife cheats on him
>son is a tranny
Poor guy

Go back to your discord faggot

>the spirals are purposefully drawn differently in the OP pic
Dude you just killed your own argument. If it was meant to be the same why didn't they draw them the same way?

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there's research on transvestites going all the way back to the 60s but they mostly deny everything but the most recent shit

>Don't you know any trans people though?
Yes and they're constantly complaining about how depressed they are, as well as how many other mental illnesses they have. They should all die.

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jesus christ man, try taking a break from the internet for a few days or something.

why would they shoehorn this into a 45 minute episode?


You lost. Compare the two pics and see the difference. Game over.

>Don't you know any trans people though?
We're not all californian cocksuckers, user.

Did the tranny character jump off of a tall building to its death at the end like the real ones? Was their a cartoon whistle and splat?

I know a trans person and they're an autistic faggot who is a shitty person that does not care about others or understand how to function in society normally

question, have you always been mentally unwell?
as in, were you diagnosed as a child with something? Have you been taking medication?
if it's more recent can you remember when it started happening?

if you watch the episode it makes a lot of sense.

I trap and fuck myself in the ass and am fully on the side of anything like this being mentally ill. Theres no point of lying to yourself just accept it and it makes it easier to live with your mistakes.

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they probably have been easily susceptible to that kind of thinking their whole life, so they probably won't remember a specific change for them.
just let them believe whatever they want though, they will never have any impact on anyone or anything in real life.

I thought it was bad also they released a clip of it previously which was the intro and they ran and checked off all of the pop culture millenial boxes like iphones and bullshit this show has no fucking ideas

I very highly doubt that there is a statistically significant amount of trannies in the costing business

Honestly this doesn't strike me as too out of line with the original show's vibe.

You forgot the part where they sometimes pull out massive bunched up chunks of hair out of it. They call it their babies. Those are the worst images


Nobody actually gives a fuck about trans people, they're virtue signaling

I meant that the neovagina was different. Wanting to tear of your dong is exactly the same as "normal" BIID. But putting a new "organ" in its place is different. Even the body seems to agree, judging by the dilation needed.
Of course it should never be a first choice. But if all other treatment have failed you might as well do it under controlled circumstances.

does it happen often if a tranny wants to have his/her meds refunded or gets them from doctor but then later sells them online and stops giving a shit about the entire tranny thing?

do they ever check if you have still a cock n balls or now rocking fake cunt and fake tits to know?

Eh. Bighead's child wasn't that important. They only appeared for 2 episodes.

Main characters are Rocko, Heffer, Filburt, Ed, Bev, and possibly Spunky and Dr. Hutchinson.

Sorry user I don't really watch cartoons anymore, I'm 30.

>(((trained experts)))

do those passive agressive compliments, so it destroy it self worth.

I wouldn't even care if they could transition 100%. Swap all those Ys for Xs and get a real puss instead of a mutilated mess. But they can't.

Do you have a sister/gf you can bring to work and tell him he's trans? Trannies HATE other trannies that actually resemble females

>Being trans is not mentally ill.

oh shit i just got it
rocko's MODERN life
whats more modern than men cutting of their dicks and pretending to be women?

seems less egregious when i think about it that way.

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Medical science has already linked homosexuality to autism, but (((they))) don't want you to know this.

It’s not a big deal. But the whole show was heavy handed and it was written very poorly with no cleverness or subtlety. That’s why I’m disappointed. It’s like they got someone’s idealistic fanfic version off of tumblr.

What would they do to my favorite character?

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not a main character and it was in his character to arbitrarily piss his dad off

Can you imagine a more first world problem than fictional cartoon trannies making you mad?

The faces of Rocko and Bighead say it all...

No, they haven't.

You will never be a woman.

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why does the lil bro have stubble

What the actual fuck is with trannies and that game?

>Used to be a show where a single dingo and a cow fuck off and go on adventures
>Now it's pandering

Why would they even include this. The show has never been this.

>tranny still has the same deep voice
kek secretly based and redpilled

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It's dialate misspelled

Google it if you dare

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lol look at rocko’s face when she says she’s his daughter now

Fuck you

Because it ties into the theme that change is inevitable and you can either learn to accept it or try to hide in the past for the rest of your life as everyone around you moves on.

God. I'm so tired of everything.

Wasn't he in a third episode?

Gender dysphoria is in the DSM-5. It's categorically a mental disorder.

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Refute the millennia of unassociated civilizations all looking down on trannies.

Makes since why Hitler killed him self

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I always wanted to fuck the frog's wife.

Everyone loves change, until something they like changes for the worse.

>uuuuuuh you dont want to dilate?

It kind sounds like "dale" ("go ahead" in Spanish)

Nobody makes your /pol/ meme arguments.

>There is nothing wrong with trans people. Being trans is not mentally ill.

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You realize that demonizing and villifying trans people is a post-Victorian phenomenon, right?

>Mr. bighead's face
my sides

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>changes for the worse
Do you also make meme statements like "not all progress is good"?

>we arent mentally ill guys!!
>*kills self*

>only the mentally ill commit suicide

i knew one trans kid in my dorm freshman year of college (2014) and he hosted a drag night, cried in dorm lounge when nobody came, and then got a therapy cat to keep in his 8x8 dorm all year long. he was also heavily medicated and "required" his own dorm room when the rest of us had to share.he was a real mentally ill fucking faggot and was severely disliked by everyone except 2 other kids just like him.

I mean, would you honestly want to share a room with someone who would probably disrupt your homework/sleep on a regular basis?

You sound really nice

Does this simple platitude confuse you for some reason?

Psychologist and therapists are supposed to help people cope with and accept reality, not convince doctors to invent new procedures to mutate their bodies.

What is he thinking

It doesn't confuse me, it's just dumb and wrong

it was incredibly annoying hearing his cat meow and thinking of it trapped in some tiny room for 8 months. i dont really have the highest opinion of this person.

no but i would have rather he not taken up the room if he was too mentally deficient to function. he should have just stayed at home until he was grown up enough to share a space with someone else and not make the rest of the world contort to his twisted sense of reality.

>I didn't like his cat so he is a mentally I'll faggot and I'm glad he was bullied

If he pays for the single room, why do you care?

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Suicide is painless

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Certainly no main character. But I think him being a direct self-insert of the creator made gave those few episodes he appeared in an interesting twist.

>until something they like changes for the worse.
Which is brought up in this movie.

>some West African frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female in a single sex environment.

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being a transvestite is a whole other zip code from being transsexual. There can be overlap, but just as well it can just be a sexual kink or fetish. Or just an obsession with the glamorous world of female fashion. Not necessarily a desire or a conviction to BE of the female sex.

It is really a shame that there is very little places where you can get a solid Rocko shirt. And I do not mean a shitty logo t-shirt. And neither a t-shirt with the pattern. What I want is a bona fide hawaiian shirt with the pattern. I have seen a few on e-bay on and off, but those always looked worn down and the colours did not pop.

It literally is. And it's all thanks to birth control pills. Women piss it out. Ends up in the watershed. Frogs freebase that shit their whole life and before you know it entire populations of male frogs begin replying to other male frogs' mating call.


Murray already did this joke

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he introduces the movie
the nipples of the future are now a sexual thing

There is nothing wrong with mental illness. It's the same as being regular sick except in the mind. But doctors don't cut your nose off when you have a cold.

This is unitonically based. No problem with trannies but absolutely cannot abide by genital mutilation. It’s just the modern form of lobotomies for unhappy people.


you're the one drawing lines did you even read that article? back in the day there was no such thing as a transsexual everyone was called a transvestite. the fucking wikipedia page even addresses the change in language at the bottom of the article. please actually read the things you respond to if you actually want to discuss it I'm game but I completely disagree with you at the moment. even if it isn't a fetish or a turn on, someone can still derive gratification by picturing themselves as the opposite gender. even aesexuals apply to this

oh shit wrong thread anyways here you go's_transsexualism_typology

too bad your parents didn't put you on anti-hand drugs to make sure you didn't work that out for yourself, otherwise you might be a happy handless member of society. as it is now, you're a broken person who is in denial


Do it yourself.
Don't let your memes be dreams.

We get it, /gif/.

>we brought back one of your favorite irreverent cartoons just to give it a forced agenda shortly before dumping the IP in a revolving door of nostalgia bait
thanks I hate it

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Elf ears are pretty nifty. I often think about nibbling and biting them. They are larger than human ears and probably need more structural support. I bet they are made from more rigid cartillage. Like a shark fin. Which makes me wonder why there are no widely known fantasy worlds where elf ear soup is widely sought after delicacy.

pics pls


yikes! that's was very transphobic transmisogynistic of him

How rude. First you lash out at people for not reading links, you have not posted and now you shame me for my dreams and desires. Just because I derive what little satisfaction I can get from delusional day dreams of elf ears existing. Well, what about dryads then? Ever thought about having a dryad restricted to a little clay pot and forcing her to watch you eat croutons and pour ranch dressing over her? Dirty little shrub. Mean of your to just condescend my inner thoughts as meaningless.

I don't care it didnt add fuck all to the conversation

if you give a shit about truth you'd actually read the article and understand

dude. Find something for your life and thereafter if you're going that way. No one should honestly want eternal agnoy just to spite someone else

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Poor innocent Rocko has been transported from the 1990s to the decadent late 2010s and is on the verge of a mental breakdown after seeing that his tv show is being used to further the insane liberal agenda.

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This needs the spiderman pointing