Why did the MC Doom humanity and kill everyone except the 2 kids?

Why did the MC Doom humanity and kill everyone except the 2 kids?

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This movie was over the top anime tier.

Becuase the socity in the train was absolutely inhumane and corrupt world run by child labor.There is no hope of societal and fundamental change in hierarchy of train society.He wanted to subvert this inhumane society completely . Only 2 children remain survived hoping something of better world not this inhumane and closed society.

And I would say this is Top10 Kino of this decade.I was really blown away.

The director said there were more than 2 survivors tho.

>Asians make something so melodramatic so their autistic minds can actually connect with the characters.
Color me surprised.

because french shit, which it's based on, is always a little off. like, you're supposed to notice other things and stuff like you as an english speaker noticed, actually doesn't matter. now take that times one million for gobble-de-gook chinky dooky fucking frog-face from east asia film logic

It's been a few years since I saw this film. Did the entire population on board die or was it just those up the front when the bomb went off?

wah if, jush shnowbarrin hea', soshul clashes wuz like cars on a train. mental, innit?

>what is allegory
Stick to Chris Evans' other movies.

Why the fuck didn't they execute the soldiers they captured? Hell just butcher everyone in first class, they basically all died anyway.

The movie was almost amazing. Good suspense and decent action until the ending, MC listens to a great speech explaining everything, about to take over the reigns, and then
>Oh no, muh childrens
This movie shat the bed hard.

>what is allegory

A crutch for weak storytelling.

This post brought to you by Tolkien gang.

Oh what sane person wouldn't think wait, back the fuck up after the bad guy who had been soundung so reasonable was shown to be working toddlers to death.

If I recall correctly, the train got absolutely fucked with most of the cars rolling down a mountain
(check 5:55 for evidence)

t. Chink

I think the train is supposed to represent South Korean society in its current state. It was created by Park Chunghee (represented by the guy in the engine). The corrupted upper class live in the upper carriages and live in relatively obscene wealth and without effort but feel nothing for the lower classes and live aimlessly and have lost their souls. The lower classes are trapped in the bottom, forced to hate and cannibalize each other. They loosely know the insulated upper classes are responsible but are powerless to do anything about it. There was a brief period which was worse which could be interpreted as the chaos of immediate post-war Korea. It has some elements of Confucian ideas of people in their proper place and role. Mainly people are trapped, there is no change. Lower classes want change, upper classes want to keep their position and the status quo, but the prison will inevitably fall apart and revolt. If this wasn't scifi the director would probably be thrown in jail for some made up reason. I live in Korea and have been for a long time but only started to understand it the last year or two.

Will we ever get a true sequel to Willy Wonka or at least something before the events of Snowpiercer?

Sounds like commie propaganda to me, this faggot should have been thrown in jail


>yfw snowpiercer being a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sequel makes perfectly sense

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Yeah dude South Korea is the only country with social stratification

kinda makes sense. post war they created a couple megacorps called chaebols that basically run the country.

It doesn't matter how it was since what they did was keep human race alive. The retarded movie even gives solid arguments at one point of why train society can't be any other way.
> muh I don't like living on train
> need kill train along with the last surviving humans

I'm not saying it isn't. But given my experience, and finding out the director is a Korean, it seems like what I said is a good guess.

>Why did
>Why didn't they
>Oh what sane person wouldn't think

because, you idiots, it's GOOOK shit

if you think you've seen some guki shit that makes sense, understand it's just a coincidence. like random letters landing in a word in alphabet soup

its a french comic adaptation you retard

Please tell me she does porn

>It doesn't matter how it was since what they did was keep human race alive. The retarded movie even gives solid arguments at one point of why train society can't be any other way.
Ok, then why not kill all the poor "caste" and send your own children to work the engine? Thats right, aslong as it isnt YOU being the boot of society, thats ok right?

This. Id add that the the entire train wouldnt survive without the children server as labor.

This. It was very good.

>we see the characters walk from the back of the train to the front of the train
>thousands of residents
>there are no toilet or sleeping carriages

Nobody calls them chaebol here. They just say 대기업 (dae gi up) which means "large company". I worked for a couple here and then now I am working in a small company for a couple years (as an engineer). They have this country by the short hairs. I didn't realize it until I worked in the smaller company, outside of the "relative wealth bubble". I think until you've experienced being on the bottom in this type of society you'll just see it from your own viewpoint. A movie can't make that deep of an impression. In any case, Korea has cratering demographics and also a high suicide rate. Mostly young people with no hope for the future and old people with no money left killing themselves. A lot of people know change is required but each segment is more interested in holding onto their own slice of the pie so meaningful policy changes aren't forthcoming until things get even worse. My $0.02.

There's probably one waste carriage that existed off screen in the film, I doubt the back carriage got anything though

Kinda looks like Kendra Sunderland

from what I heard the food was originally recycled waste but was too gross for test audiences so they changed it to bugs

Hope not. Those nipple piercings ruined a perfect 10 body.

this movie is absolute shit

i'm sure there were at least a couple more survivors of the crash

When the cars fall down a fucking mountain and gets buried, I doubt there's many survivors from that

How is that different from America?

probably not many, but maybe like a handful

Shanghai expat here, that sounds like the exact same direction China is heading for. Only difference is they've applied a bandaid by having the older generation borrow on existing assets that were obtained back when the market was fair to pay for everything (housing, car, education, etc) for the younger generation. But that's going to break once the younger generation has to shoulder the entire family a few decades from now. Old Chinese saying is that wealth and poverty only last 3 generations, not sure about the poverty, but most of this younger generation of Chinese aren't going to have anything to leave their own children.

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He was a true revolutionary willing to take a leap of faith to change the course of history, while the main character was tempted by a reformism that was revealed to be a charade orchestrated by the leader anyway.

I betcha. It would be different to watch it as a kid or a teenager though. I haven't watched it but I'm going to now. Just to see how bad and cringe it is. I envy younger people because they can enjoy shitty things more than me.

Yeah. Pretty bleak ending if only two people survived.

It's a good film. It isn't cringey at all. To be honest the only part that I thought was silly was the main characters disgust at finding out they'd been eating bugs. Yet in the film he describes how they had to resort of cannibalism before they started being fed. So it made the idea of eating bugs not really bad at all.

He saw that humanity was shit and he doomed it out of spite

not good, not terrible
i've seen worse