What the fuck is there to this place besides sets and extras walking around?

What the fuck is there to this place besides sets and extras walking around?

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Build-a-Bear lightsabers and droids.

And cute Reys.

Why didn't they build a cool indoor rollercoaster, just like hyper spacemountain. Make the loading are the inside of the millenium falcon and make up some smuggle story.

Can you have sex with the Reys if pay them a little extra.

why is everybody black on that pic, and why are they all dressed like they are white?

go back to /pol/ with that antisemitism

>Build-a-Bear lightsabers and droids.
that'll be an extra $300+taxes+tip

Absolutely user & it's surprisingly cheap too.

Because they are photoshopped in. No joke.

post the one with spielberg and the black people fighting

>photoshopping black peopl into your amusement park

They have a big ride they haven't opened up yet. and a SW hotel.

I don't know anything about the ride, but the hotel concept art looks good.

Star Wars theme park

>no actual wars unfolding in front of park goers

This place is such a disaster it's unbelievable
>The only ride there is some shitty arcade game
>$200 plus waiting in line for a lightsaber
>$100 to build a droid
>Have to make a reservation for the cantina which sells overpriced drinks even more overpriced
>Nothing reminiscent of the movies besides Millenium Falcon and sequel trilogy stuff

I know it's failing in Disneyland but I'd be surprised if it fails in Disney World since a lot more people go to Orlando.

Christ op don't be an asshole bc your cuck ass can't wrangle enough shekels to ever leave your trailer and visit it.

>buy jedi robes at the store for the whole family ($125EA)
>get told to get the fuck out of park

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this is just par for the course for disney, their only goal is to suck as much money out of their consumers as possible, all while getting you to believe it's about "the experience." Yes, the "experience" of having funds depleted from your checking account for something that is completely not worthwhile. Disney parks are overrated as hell, give me a park with actual coasters and thrill rides anyday.

* lightsabers not included

dont disney parks have a thing about NO COSPLAYERS because they cant have people confuse their people with regular park goers

Meanwhile at Universal they encourage you to dress up as a wizard

I've literally never been to disneyland/world, and everything I hear about it makes it sound like a unanimously horrid experience.
whenever I ask any american friends whether its good or not and all i get is weakly defensive statements like "It's not *that* bad"

What's the hype around disneyland/world? Is it really any good? It doesnt even sound enjoyable

theres too much red tape now as well when making a park. All drinks have to be plant based other than the typical sodas.
I mean really
this is the reason the drinks taste like shit. Im not pointing the finger at vegans but the butterbeer is not vegan yet is loved by all. disney took the choice to make their blue/green milk plant based and the reaction videos are people trying their best to like it

I liked the old guy on the bench. He had a lightsaber in a paper bag on his lap.

He even offered to let me touch it!

Another fucking disney shill thread

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In reality all the black people are at Toontown beating the shit out of each other.

>Shitting on Disney
>Disney shill thread

maybe take a break from /pol/ for a couple of days, user.

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Where's the fence around the falcon

Oh God that sounds hilarious

Kill yourself mouse shill

>green milk plant based
I dont think thats algi bro

Trying to capture a manufactured childhood experience.

>Hey guys look we built the Millenium Falcon
>but we put this gigantic ring around the base of it so you can't actually go in or walk underneath
>haha fuck you park goer, immersion means fuck all to theme parks, buy more 45$ dollar food you fucking peasant bitch

I gotta say, whoever actually designed the Galaxy Quest's Edge park did a really bad job. I felt the same way about Diagon Alley. They had two seperate chances to make cool theme parks and they fucked them up by wanting to save money everywhere they could. Bob Iger should be ashamed. With the amount of fucking money Disney makes it's crazy how half assed these new parks are.

Now THAT was kino

kill yourself shill

If you live in Canada (I know) you can watch commercials for the Roots clothing line that shows NOTHING but black dudes and white girls with a few asians sprinkled in, this for a company that was Ambercrombie and Fitch levels of white up until 10 years ago. 'Cultural shifts' are fun huh?

dont be mean guys

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Black people getting into fights.
They're even being passively marketed to go there, after which of course jigs gonna jig.

good fucking question

Probably worried by some lactose-intolerant lawsuit.

Hell, you can't even feed the alligators at Disneyworld anymore. Stupid rules! ; )

>With the amount of fucking money Disney makes it's crazy how half assed these new parks are.

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Believe it or not, they are spending a billion on it.

I see Canadian ads when I watch CFL games on streaming sites.
It's insane how cucked that country's television is, it makes our Hollywood jewery seem downright conservative.

Reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers

isn't the Avatar land supposed to be impressive?

It's really fun if your a kid and get lucky with the lines. Some of the rides are fun. Looking at the castle and the different areas is fun too in my opinion. For contrast, I also went to Legoland and that was cool but it felt like a mini version of Disneyland. Do not know anyone that likes to walk around and look at stuff? Euros give me the impression you faggots do nothing but go clubbing and bitch.

>! ; )
the state of this fucking place

The food is overpriced as fuck, if you don't utilise fastpass the lines are fucking ridiculous (even for some of the shit rides), there's just swathes of annoying people everywhere and many of the shows/exhibits are far more boring than they appear.
However, it can make for a fairly enjoyable day trip with some friends. There's still a handful of pretty solid rides, you take some pictures, make fun of some of the above annoying people and just generally muckaround.

Honestly, it's why something like Dreamworld in Australia is great (assuming someone doesn't fuck up and you die) because it focuses less on the "atmosphere" and more on just having a metric ton of crazy thrill rides. Although many of the above issues still exist. I'd say Universal > Disneyland for a similar reason, hits a better balance between atmosphere and actually fun thrill rides.

When a lot of the current crop of millenials were growing up, you had to have money to go to Disneyworld. Kids in school would brag about going because it was akin to a status thing. Sure, you went on vacation, but did you got to DISNEYWORLD!? NO? Probably a poorfag, your parents don't love you, etc. Disney was incredibly manipulative even back then, as almost all the VHS movies had adverts for Disneyworld on them somewhere. Kid sees this a million times, but never goes, cause it was a mortgage payment back then as much as it is now.
Fast forward to now. You have two generations of brainwashed adults dragging their children there, and a boomer gen bringing grandchildren. Also pathetic childless couples/groups of friends who instead of getting a passport and actually enriching their lives, they have to spend 3 times as much to go to fucking florida and be herded like cattle to experience the magic. The same neo-libs who scream about living wages and $15/hour min wage will support a park that is notorious for being overpriced and treating their workers like literal slaves. They can't fanthom not going, because they've been programmed that Disneyworld is the end all destination.
Disney plays the long game and the fact these monuments to consumerism are still open is the fucking proof.

I wouldn't know, i wouldnt give disney a fucking cent

Sometimes I imagine Disney losing enough money to die and I feel happy for a few moments.

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Fuck one
Marry one
Kill one
Get friendzoned by one

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Im an australian not a euro, I've been to shit like Warner Bros Movie World, Dream world, and I honestly really enjoyed the rides there. I think I even went to a seaworld once, but I've never been to a disney world, the lines sound awful and fuck dropping an extra 50 on a fast pass.


Orlando here, Pandora is definitely impressive and while River Journey is mediocre, Flight of Passage is absolutely amazing. Food there is really good too.

Is Dis pozzed on immigration? Don't they use biometric identification to ban people from their parks?

Ray park is the only one who matters. Fucking kill yourself mouse shill.

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Fuck Hapa Rey
Mary Pure Rey
Kill Park Rey
Get friendzoned by Minimum Wage Rey

You don't pay for Fastpass at Disneyland, at least not when I went. You book a time slot for a ride and then come back at that time to "skip" the queue.

does that mean you can just book all your ride timeslots the day before

found it

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My sides

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Usually you can do it 30-60 days in advance. If you stay at a disney hotel you get more time to reserve

Only thing missing is a few turkey legs on the floor.

some white trash redneck motherfucker would probably shit his pants inside the cockpit every other day. Just going inside this thing would be hell because of how the general public normally act

Step aside Mickey

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The best part of getting on the Falcon was shoving the candy wrappers and turkey bones out of the way so I could sit in Han So---I MEAN REI'S pilot seat. The smell of urine was overwhelming when I felt the chair groan from my weight, but it was worth it.

>Promo picture
>Nothing but black people
Can someone explain to me why Americans are so utterly obsessed with black people? Like, every aspect of your society is immersed in them, from the music your children listen to to the sports stars you ogle on TV. Even your vocabulary is becoming black, with things like YOLO and y’all apparently being black things.

And then there’s this. These pictures and videos. I’ve seen your commercials, I’ve seen your ads. Every single one of them, without fail, features black people - often in prominence or unusual regularity. And when black people aren’t present? Your whites freak out - like a crack whore without her pipe, the media wails and whines how you’re “racist” for not including the Master Race (for that is what you undoubtedly see them as) in your product. Americans quite literally get physically ill without some “dark chocolate” in their products.

Why? How did this happen?

It's shopped, dude.

Why is everyone in that picture black?

its in USA.

It unironically looks like someone built an inaccessible Maltese Falcum in fucking Tel Aviv, ten years from now. Hard to tell if resemblance is intentional for them.


What is like to have a daughter lads?

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That means it was designed on purpose to trigger idiots.

How about fuck yourself

Because we screwed them over while pretending to be nice to them.

America tried to get American blacks to revert to tribalism, hoping they would become super-warriors to fight the Cold War. The plan was based on old Spanish Civil War communist propaganda, and started when we repealed the draft during Vietnam.

End result... drugs, gangbangers and stagnation in the slums.

America fucks up too, sometimes.

That doesn’t mean the rest of my post is invalid, the United States is immersed in African-American culture and actively worships it.

If I had a bunch of young aspiring actors who looked and dressed like me then maybe I would

>hoping they would become super-warriors to fight the Cold War
Like the Mujahideen?

The reason there are so many black people in entertainment is a little complicated.

First, black people are less likely to go to a 4 year university or enter an apprenticeship compared to other races, thus leaving industries such as sports, entertainment, singing, etc, to be the only viable (not to mention illegal activities).

Second, many of the "higher ups" in the entertainment industry and news media tend to be very left leaning. A part of this progressive culture is an emphasis on "change".

Thirdly, white guilt leads those in charge to project the illusion of racial progress. It's also meant to "even out" the historic imbalance of representation that minorities, but most specifically black people, have endured.

This is why many times you will see a very formulaic racial distribution of commercials and t.v. shows. Movies and T.V. are no longer meant to represent reality, but rather the reality they want it to be.

Kinda. The communists claimed they lost the Spanish Civil War because Franco imported tribal warriors from Africa to fight.

America bought into that narrative, and wanted blacks to be like the Apaches of a century earlier.

>his is why many times you will see a very formulaic racial distribution of commercials and t.v. shows. Movies and T.V. are no longer meant to represent reality, but rather the reality they want it to be.
>they don't want to rape Aryans

Wrong. He hired mercenaries from Northern Africa, mostly Moroccans. They’re Arabs, not black.

I know the narrative was b.s.- communist narratives usually are.

What mattered is the American elite believed it, and tried to emulate it.

it's okay, we have BASED dougie cleaning up the liberal filth, and trudeau is gone next election cause everyone is tired of that smug lispy fag

but yea our country is fucking gay. sorry.

Its funny how often I have met people from Canada who are tired of the liberal agenda there. It kind of gives me some hope.

No dumbass, it’s not about the narrative being bullshit. It’s avout you being retarded and thinking Franco “imported tribal Africans” when he hired Moroccan (Arab) soldiers. America never tried to create black super soldiers either lmao. What the fuck are you smoking

Why would i want to marry one and fuck another? That isn't commendable behaviour, user.

Most people I know are centrists, unless you're talking Alberta, they're just retarded centrists who believe the Liberals instead of just trusting the Conservatives because the CBC is a literal brainwashing machine

Universal > Disney

I'm currently living in a small city in the countryside I'm vietnam and it's basically the same experience. Weird, junk metal old vehicles and ram shackle home built structures everywhere. Strange, alien like people everywhere sqwarking like birds in some odd language. Strange alien food. And it only costs me about 20 dollars a day. Just come to a third world country for the same experience!

PS: you can fuck the aliens here too.

>What the fuck is there to this place besides sets and extras walking around?

Meet new friends.....

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do the Reys ever meet and shout "I AM THE ONE TRUE REY" and fight?

Kill yourself mouse shill

>black male white female

yes, America tried, starting around 1970.

America was losing Vietnam and was about to repeal the draft. Every member of the top brass had served in the segregated WWII military... and many were missing the "good old days".

I guarantee you many preferred to blame desegregation of the military for poor performance in Vietnam- not their own poor leadership.

So... they started to figure how to get blacks to segregate themselves. They came up with an artificial tribalism, hoping to turn American blacks into tribal warriors.

Vietnam got pretty damn dirty.

Why all the black photoshopped in?

This is one of the most American picture I have seen

Oh please

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A shitload of black people, based on that image.

Too bad the shit's going to be like $1000 a night.

Media liberals currently have a black fetish. I'm guessing we can thank Mike Brown and baby Tray Tray for that.

>The only ride there is some shitty arcade game that plays itself



What went wrong with Diagon Alley? I felt like they nailed the shit out of that.

Cultural revenge for Zimmerman getting off.

Annoying, then cute, then fun, then annoying again, and then stressful, and then they move away and get married, and you're sad.

I'm hoping the weird fucks will keep to Anaheim.

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The ultimate cuckold experience

Imagine watching the thing you love must in the world grow and learn just to be fucked by a bunch of blacks at 13
Then spitroasted by muslims at 14
Then it just gets worse from then on out
Tnats whatbif is like having a daughter

would it surprise you if I told you that the every important aspect of the parks development and construction was overseen by a woman?

I'm still not sure who was on whose side in that fight.

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>black people at a Star Wars theme park

come on Disney, at least try to be plausible.

>See something disgusting
>See a bunch of gooks hanging around
>"50 bucks says they're about to eat it"

At least they had the decency to cook it. Chinks would have just buried their face in like a hog, and started slurping them down like spaghetti, probably while skinning a dog alive.

thank god someone with real life experience of the subject is available to provide their thoughts.


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>if you build it they will come
It's going to happen. We're going to make black dudes and arab girls in hijabs huge fans of Star Wars. They will more than make up for all the young white males we will alienate and demoralize. It's going to be a huge success and usher in a golden age of liberal, westernized Islam.

I bet Disney execs must be in panic mode. By the time that ride would be finished, Star Wars will be dead. Nobody coming out of Episode IX will be asking for more of that shit in the form of a ride. And the peopledisappointed by GE would not likely come back. I love what is happening.