Matt Groening was on the Lolita Express does this mean The Simpsons, Futurama and Disenchantment are "cancelled"?

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More like Matt Groaning


Not the least surprised since he's part of the tribe

Lol this dude is taking the 'ruining your childhood" thing to a whole nother level.

considering that he had nothing to do with 2/3 of those being good I hope not

also it's strange seeing things that you've seen on Yea Forums for years enter the mainstream as breaking news

More like Matt wants kids on his Groin

>got a foot massage and gave an AUTOGRAPH
Yeah, I don't think Matt was doing anything illegal

Have you ever read his comic strips? The Simpsons is very much an adaptation of his style of humor, he's just a normal creator.

except the show wasn't funny until other people took over

Once he left the show it became Zombie Simpsons

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he basically had nothing to do with the show being funny S3-9

He's got big yellow feet like Marge Simpson


Wasn't Harry Shearer at a bunch of the Bohemian Grove parties? For a guy who made fun of secret scoeity meetings on Simpsons a d played the rich Mr. Burns, he sure hung out with the Clintons and Bushes at some secret meetings. He even made a movie making fun of it after those parties were exposed by conspiracy theorists.

Wow, it's nothing

it was still good for 7-8 seasons

oh boy are muh feet gonna get me too'd now

who gives a shit why are you doing this in a plane if you don't want to

Guess we found out who was formerly Chuck

Well he is a kike

Krusty is the only (((them))) on the show and episodes only shown without makeup does he explore his Jewish roots. Krusty is a clown. Clownworld. Based Matt trying to tell us all along.

Watch ep 1 go to 27:53 tell me what you see there

Of disenchantment*

the fuck is their endgame here:
>ew this guys feet are nasty af
>but he gave me some autographs that my family really enjoy
like where are you even going with this? Just to shame someone for having shitty feet?

>thinks Yea Forumsredditors know about bohemian grove

I've read this copypasta

The NRA just got BTFO

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Ain't no fucking ballpark sneedther

They keep a plane manifest how in the fuck are celebs so stupid or is that they just feel invincible?

I makes sense when you realize women have no agency

More like Matt Grooming

Said the guy who leeches off of his parent(s) and does nothing but play video games and shitpost on Yea Forums

Who wrote this?

Doesn't sound bad aside from being associated with epstein.

Got triggered there roasty?

All he wanted was a little feed and seed.

Why do they call him EpSTEEN instead of EpSTINE?

disney will push this to replace groening and start changing the simpsons

dyke lisa confirmed
apu's massive change confirmed.

Groening hasn't been involved with the Simpsons for 20 years


I'm sure Epstein used his plane to travel as well and didn't rape kids in it 24/7. He had to get to those kids some way, right?

Because americans don't know how to correctly pronounce vowels as the english language has had a massive shift in the pronunciation of vowels, and they never learn any languages where the vowels are correctly pronounced. This is why they are so bad at pronouncing foreign languages until they actually start studying them.

lisa is already a dyke and apu got cancelled

>gives you autographs for rubbing his feet in between being sneeded and feeded by Donald Trump and Prince Andrew.
>still drag his name through the dirt.

What a bitch

I take dyke Lisa over future Milhouse bride any day.

Ay caramba!

You just know.....

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Why am I not surprised that this creep likes to fuck and suck children?