Why Did Joe Betray Gavin?


Why Did Joe Betray Gavin?

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Joe " i Change my political beliefs depending on who I'm interviewing" Rogan

hey tristan

Nothing wrong with realizing retrospectively that giving an alt-right terrorist was a bad move user.

Joe flip flops every episode, it's not just this one time

Except Gavin isn't an alt right terrorist

I bet you also believe that antifa isnt a facist organization

>Alt right
Not even /pol/ likes Gavin

if you are a white male you are a alt right terrorist
dont you know this?

Who does? Every group that he has pandered to has ended up dropping him. How the fuck is he still around?

He probably just wanted to bone that girl, I get strong virgin vibes from Joe

joe is a faggot

Joe is a documented closet case of gay homosexuality.

>Tfw whiteboi with a good shot but not an idiot or an incel
If only someone could inform mass shooters that they would cause more mayhem and gain more notorierty by assassinating politicians/ founding radical organization instead of fulfilling their retarded suicide by cop narrative.

You know what's funny? There's probably enough newfags here now that they aren't sure if I'm joking or not. Lol

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Rogan repeats whatever views he is confronted with because he has no opinions of his own besides DMT and MMA good
Stop worshiping that idiot you fucking morons

Are you richer than him? More famous what's that? No? Oh... Guess now we know who's the real smarter out of the 2 of you, stay jealous STFU fuck you.

>Wealth and fame = integrity and intelligence
Based monarchist

They don't engage those targets because of the high level of security they have.

That's not what a monarchist believes in, they think the Monarchy/Aristocratic class is above material wealth and not make decisions based on profit but for the benefit f the realm. I don't believe in it but at least get your facts right.

Well considering it's 1) not an organization and 2) literally just a belief that means you're against fascism, yeah I would say they're not a fascist organization. That makes sense to me.

This is like saying "I bet you believe that veganism isnt a meat eating organization".

While Anti-Fa is certainly not perfect i know that for a fact things would be much, much worse withot us around.

Cry all you want but if he didn't adapt his own views to his guest he wouldn't have the biggest podcast in the world. His basic MO is simply connecting with his guest, he's not a fucking journalist, he's not there to ask "hard questions" or whatever, he's there to give them a platform.
That's the reason why everyone wants to go on his show regardless of whether they are left or right, because they don't have to be afraid of getting tryhard gotcha questions.

Will never make me not laugh at how this fact makes people rage about him endlessly. "omg he's not an idealogue, how dare he!!". No shit, he's a fucking MMA commentator meathead.

Rogan is the most spineless cuck I've ever seen. Not one principled bone here. I guess thats just the nature of manlets, tiny, evil, sly imps.

This. For one, we'd all be speaking German right now and living under Nazi oppression if it wasn't for the original Antifa defeating Nazi Germany.

While I do agree that we're maybe not as needed as we were back then, it can't be understated that we do act as an active deterrent that scares people away from becoming fascists. That's gotta count for something.

>High level of security
I was at a Bernie Sanders rally that had like 2 main guards to him because he wasn't the official democratic nominee yet. Literally anyone could've shot him and the only reason no one side is because people are afraid of causing armed conflict and struggle.

Soon, the zeitgeist will shift and we will be at war with each other again because a few people choose to start it as per the mechanical nature of hysteria.

You're fucking dumb if you think the only security they have is the security that you can see.

Yeah I was obviously making a crude insult. Based autist

Here here brethern! While the worth of a cause such as ours can only be known in retrospect the least we can do living in these strange times is to try to stand in the cracks just in case.

What they say they are and what they do are complete opposites. It's like naming your organization Anti-Poverty League and your solution is to kill every poor people.

>the problem is there's a lot of these people who do go on shows and try to reinvent themselves in a disingenuous way and they try to whitewash what they're doing
a minute later, speaking in defense of himself being assosciated with gavin
>it's like this is the world we live in and eveything's so polarized...
>they also freeze you in the one moment that you said the thing
>and then there's no before or after, there's no growth, there's nothing, it's like; you're fuckin' out
>yeah they just look for this quote trap and just *whsp* you said that, you said that I'm like no, I clarified, I expanded, I took it back, I revisited it, like there's a lot of things that people do when you talk, where you just, you know you just say things like, you say things like you don't even know what the fuck you're gonna say when you're saying it
Joe rogan is a hypocrite with a goldfish brain who doesn't think about what he wants to say before he says it.

aren't they a leftist-authoritarian organisation? arguably worse than facism

I've worked around law enforcement and military. People who think there's some bad ass agent 47 in the shadows guarding every politician in Earth doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.

No, democratic / Republican primary runners are not given the same kinds of security as actual nominees and presidents despite being congressman. The only reason the US isn't more violent towards the state is because the population is just that complacent.

I'm no fan of antifa at all, but you don't know what fascism is. Antifa aren't fascists, they are authoritarian leftists.

I'm not the other guy you were replying to.

>What they say they are and what they do are complete opposites.
Seems to imply that you believe they act like/are fascists.

They believe they are a force for good when they are are not, is what I mean. I understand the confusion though.

lol antifa are hardcore marxists shilling an ideology that has killed more than fascism ever could.

>Expecting any kind of consistency from a DUDE WEED LMAO other than WEED GOOD
Potheads are bonafide retards, they'll just say what ever it is they think you want to hear. Spineless cucks.

Im sorry but noones scared of antifa, a bunch of faggots playing dress up isnt scary, its pathetic, your movement is literally funded by george fucking soros, youre not some underground squad of righteousness, youre a tool of the elites, grow up be a man reevaluate your beliefs, youre right somethings wrong with the world, but it goes alot deeper than capitalism and white people

>The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.

>can't be understated that we do act as an active deterrent that scares people away from becoming fascists.
Yeah, cause you fucks beat them to the punch, and are already fascists.

It'd be a shitty podcast if all he did was argue with his guests. The whole point is to hear what they have to say

Gavin is an alt right incel terrorist, it’s a little bit late for Joe to beg for atonement now from those of us who are civilized to know you don’t give a platform to an alt right incel nazi. Think about how many people got sent down the alt right pipeline by Joe. And of course the onus is then on trans folks and PoCs (like Contrapoints) to deradicalize these white kids because white folks wont ever do any introspection and take care of the racism in their own communities.

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just lol at trying to scare people with gavin

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you forgot that columbine kids are genuinely autistic

shit bait but nice digits

Joe just pussies out after giving bigots and nazis a platform to spew misinformation. He does it with antivaxxers too.

So what you're saying is, they're pussy?

Literally a fake quote

Reminder that Rogan is actively burying criticism of Brendan Schaub and sending phony copyright claims to anyone that exposes his hacky LA comedian crew

so how do you feel about the antifa mass shooter? or the antifa firebomber?

yes antifa is not one organiziation, it's a model of an organiziation that has hundreds of terror cell instances. islamic terror does that too

I hope you die of colon cancer

what kind of name is schaub anyway

Lmao Joe is backpedaling so much and the broad doesn't give a fuck about the conversation

They don't like anyone

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There is a world of difference between adapting views especially over long periods of time, and outright flip flopping. Also I find it laughable that you seem to think that you can't have a civil conversation with someone unless you align with their beliefs.

I would rather be living under nazi rule desu.

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I think the only terrorists are the ones that call others ones, he's a dick sure but I'm honestly convinced that if there's anybody to incite terrorism? It will be Yang or Sanders.

>Also I find it laughable that you seem to think that you can't have a civil conversation with someone unless you align with their beliefs.
Such is the modern over socialized human

trump literally incites terrorism and violence lol

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He has a contract with YouTube to only push liberal talking points now. That's why he's in S tier for the recommended feed. Learn YouTube please.

No, they do it because they're lazy mentally ill narcissists
>Maybe if I shoot up a public place filled with normal people more people will fight for the cause!

Real conservatives believe in lack of harm. It's basically our MO. What you think and what the narrative are? It's the opposite. Trump was the wrench we threw in because you decided that you'd realroad bad democracy. It was just okay for you to keep doing it.


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I considered correcting it but my being physically better than you just made more sense. You're like of down-syndrome encountered prison and it fucked hard enough to become Perth or Manchester.

Why do you guys care about what a total retard like Rogan says? Is it because you're horny for him or anything like that?

Fuck the Proud Boys and fuck people who equate fascists with anti-fascists

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Why would you throw a milkshake at a mass shooter lol

>my being physically better than you
lol when does school start back up again? cant wait for you idiots to be back in school.

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so how do you feel about the antifa mass shooter?

lol haha lol

based low info /r/politics teen

what's wrong with fascism? Are you afraid that the local library might have to cancel tranny story hour?

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holy shit, so accurate!
same reason you'd throw it at these nazi politicians, it's hilarious

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The entire dem party is creating chaos with their idiotic views. litteraly everything is about gender, race or sexuality with these people.

>low info
You'll learn a lot if you get off breitbart and faux news. All you have to do is pick up a book. 30 minutes a day and your critical thinking skills will be strong enough for you to understand what's happening in your backyard. Good luck fellas

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who's he talking to? She's got nothing interesting to say, what the fuck.

where would society be without convenient punching bags that gin up the hysteria?

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just looked up the thread to see how your conversation started and now I see you're just trolling. the random insertion of contrapoints makes it far too obvious

drop the lol haha lol zoomer talk though. that's annoying as fuck even when ironic

Why does that vagina keep interrupting while the man is talking?

>While Anti-Fa is certainly not perfect

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>implying betraying a fascist cunt is a bad thing

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manlets aren't men

>Rogan is the most spineless cuck I've ever seen. Not one principled bone here. I guess thats just the nature of manlets, tiny, evil, sly imps.

the eternal manlet

I take it we are being raided again

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Chapofags in perma meltdown they got shutdown

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Being incredibly caustic and irritating kills the reddit.

you are like the peta of the left and are a source of insanity in the world


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You do realize that Hitler completely wiped out the original Antifa within months of taking office?

he killed his sister autist.

he killed mostly blacks.

you wanna try and say this was a political shooting again, faggot?

when has antifa ever been against physically attacking non-whites?

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o noes!

they poured a milkshake on meh!

o noes!

they hit me with a bike lock!

>Trumpster baby shoots up innocents who can't defend themselves

conservatives are such pussies i swear.

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>go to protest as known enemy of antifa
>walk through antifa talking shit the entire time
>get your ass kicked

you sound retarded, are you retarded?
Anyone with half a nut sack knows you talk shit you get hit. Cuckservatives talk a lot of shit and antifa is out there delivering on the promise.

Imagine being as much of a pussy as you are in the old west. Goddamn, the times are a changing when conservatives are this baseded up about protesters fighting. Come back to the rallies, we'll kick your ass too.


autocorrected from BASEDED*. onions ass little punk bitches. We will curb stomp you, nazi.

yes, because right before doing it he was retweeting his fellow antifa like you telling people to take up arms and kill instead of just talking

his sister probably confessed she voted trump. thus why she had to die

>Why Did Joe Betray Gavin?

Because Joe didn't like Gavin talking about Trannies being mentally ill freaks.

so what you're saying is antifa can and will shoot minorities and this will still be consistent with their ideology, like the antifa shooter just did

but he's right. he was pointing out how retarded gavin was in that interview, and if joe rogan can point out your stupidity it's telling something.

>Why Did Joe Betray Gavin?
Didn't Gavin quit the Proud Boys and disavow them? Joe just had a guy on to interview him. He doesn't own Gavin an oath of loyalty or anything. And he really doesn't speak too poorly of the guy, just "hey, interviewing someone doesn't mean I'm in bed with them" which is true. Meanwhile, if anyone betrayed anyone, it'd be Gavin betraying the Proud Boys.

literally you

"Antifa isn't violent! They're good guys!" says the left but then when Antifa pulls this shit it's always "Well everyone knows Antifa is violent so you brought this on yourself. You shouldn't have provoked the monster that is Antifa." And then immediately it's right back to "No, Antifa isn't violent. They're good guys!"

problem? nobody is on your side. we will win.

god you faggots are so obsessed with us

steal our memes our music, even our anime. you guys will never make any progress here because you are the status quo. Yea Forums has always and will be counter culture

suck a dick for making me reply you fucking dirty shylock

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What side is my side?

what the fuck are you talking about faggot

this isn't an anime thread

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anyone who supports or defends fascism. and yes, that means trump supporters

>known enemy of antifa
So literally anyone who isn't a cocksucking communist, gotcha.

> talk shit you get hit
With leftshits it is 'Talk shit and when hit, run to the government and corporations to hide behind institutional power and screech about muh hate'

>antifa is out there delivering on the promise
Yeah, like driving to mexican borders to shill for open borders with the grassroots support of Fortune100.

Ah yeah I'm totally antifa that's why I post shit like this calling out antifa and the left covering them up. You got my number, man.

If my side is Trump's then that means I have the White House and a good chunk of America on my side. Wow, I feel really powerful.

>he killed mostly blacks
Yeah, it is not like communist were historically killing mainly people they claim to represent.

my god her voice is so hot

>anyone who supports or defends fascism
Reminder that for communist swines that is even someone who believes in concept of law or family.

what are they proud of?

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They're proud they're not antifa.

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how is that an accomplishment?

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what? did you missclick the post?

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holy fuck all the female comedians he has have the same kind of look. That thousand coalburner cock stare. I can literally SMELL the birth control pills while watching the podcast.


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Her vagina is haunted.

what's grandma doing there

This must be bait. The vast majority of WW2 veterans held opinions that would get them labeled as "Nazis" by antifa standards. All western countries during the time of WW2 had immigration policies which either favored whites over non whites or were exclusive to whites. The idea that the allies who defeated Nazi Germany had anything ideological in common with antifa is absurd.

She identifies as a teenager you Nazi scumbag

I been antifag for very long time, no hiv for me

>not even Gavin the ultra lib is allowed a platform anymore

lmao this whole country is a farce

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he hated this cunt tho

How many liquid tofu guzzling antifa commies could you take in a gauntlet fight where they com at you two at time?

Keep in mind, they will be randomly armed with concealable weapons like bike locks, quick dry cement shakes from Dairy Queen, and they've been trained in antifa fighting classes in the park. Many of them are trannies hopped up on estrogen. None of them have any sense of fair play, morality, or ethics, and so you can be sure that there will be no dirty tactics they won't use on you.

I think I'd get through at least 20 of them before I finally took a direct milkshake. It feels a bit inevitable that your dodging will lose effectiveness as you get fatigued. Slugging through their paperweight frames wouldn't be the hard part, but making sure to watch out for things like icepick stabs and other weaponry on their way down is what will eventually wear you out by attrition.

That said, if you could have one melee weapon of your choice, how much merciless self-defense do you think you could lay down on all these assailants?

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no you don't understand r/pol, it's the jews you see. kikes are evil not us

All journalists must hang

I'll die from the cringe

I know this is bait but

>are, in fact, fascists


>That said, if you could have one melee weapon of your choice, how much merciless self-defense do you think you could lay down on all these assailants?

I would honestly lean towards some kind of riot shield or half shield that could be used defensively but also as a bludgeoning weapon. It can help you block projectiles while keeping another hand free to strike. The only problem is that the shhield is also be grabbed onto by one of your opponents which fucks you over, so I'd want it to be some kind of shield with a serrated edge so that it can't be grappled with. Something as simple as just a round shield made of sharpened edge fiberglass would work for sure.

So by that logic we shouldn't even criticize Idi Amin because he had wealth and power and we don't?

Dunno, man, probably because you've been stabbing that literate bowl of alphabet soup you're standing in.

>That said, if you could have one melee weapon of your choice, how much merciless self-defense do you think you could lay down on all these assailants?

Nah, dems as a whole didn't make that decision, Hilldawg did when she rigged her own primaries and tampered with the Republican primaries to make sure Trump was her competition. Thanks to her arrogance and meddlesome bullshit we all lose.


>show up to protests in masks with weapons
>somehow not the bad guys


>original Antifa
They all held beliefs that would brand them nazis nwadays. Not to mention we can all see the damage that the 'original antifa' did in the eastern Europe.

how can he be an incel if he has a wife

The World would be a better place without the Antifa.

Thats not even up to debate.

>all this self-righteousness
>one of the two recent mass shooters was Antifa
try to keep up, user

>go to a lawful, nonviolent protest to be heard as is any American's protected right
>be attacked by confused, violent fascists

Antifa fights like urban black folks, they gang up on people they know they can beat when and where they know they can beat them. All they're delivering on is their own blatant fear of an opposing opinion.

As for the wild west, stop getting your historical facts from old movies shot in Italy. The 'old west' was nothing like you think.

this. Gavin is a faggot for starting some larp club, sucking up all the oxygen and preventing someone with more balls from creating a similar fraternal organization, and then peacing the fuck out when shit got too real.

>melee weapon

Fuck that, I have a CCW for a reason. 15 hollowpoint 9mm rounds and a high pain tolerance are way more than I need, since they'll scatter after the first shot completely abandoning their "friend". Making the case for self defense would be pretty easy since its my right to be at a peaceful protest, and antifa is great at documenting their own evergrowing thirst for violence against innocent protesters. Fucking youtube is my star witness.

This is all assuming the protest in question took place in America and not Portland or California since I'd never set foot in those shitholes.

>antifa tank division
I'm sure this cunt and her friends are insufferable, but for a bug-chasing commie-larper, thats infinitely more humor and self-awareness than I would expect.

>ultra lib
Ultra lib how?

faculty advisor, most likely

by having liberal values he thinks everybody should be free to do whatever they want, he just doesn't want to be censored.

supposedly he quit to ease one of the members' 14 year sentence

Based /his/torian. Light durable leaf spear, around 2m length so it is maneuverable and can be used a staff.

What the fuck is the proud boys? Sounds gay as fuck

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What happened to assassinating political opponents/those of political influence? That shit used to spark wars. When did shooting bystanders in the Shart Mart became a way to spread a message.

That is quite interesting, not calling you a liar or anything but do you have any proof?

BeigeFrequency uploaded an hour long documentary shitting all over Schaub and cataloguing his douche behavior. It was flagged within 9 minutes. He edited and uploaded it again and it was flagged again within a couple hours. The time it was up it got like 50K views or something.

he did this shit on fear factor too though, he tried to start shit all the time

Glad we don't speak german. Now we can just cease to exist and let our bloodlines extinguish from mass immigration, multiculturalism, homosexuality, consumerism and nihilism. But yeah, fuck Nazis.

This. Its nothing new from Joe

The name is supposed to be funny you autist. They're not a super serious organization

>Annie Lederman

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>listening to Joe Rogoy

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It's really weird how he made fun of Sanders constantly then had him on his show

>Fuck Nazis
>Sponsored by Dominos Pizza

God bless america

How is that a betrayal? Gavin did end up screwing himself with the proud boy group.

Andy was in the hostpital with a brain hemorage over the attack in pic related

Gavin is much cooler and interesting than Joe ever was. Gavin takes shits on Joe all the time in his podcast and acknowledged this in his recent one. Called it like it is, Joe only cares about social capital.

>Go to country where people see you as invader
>walk through said country talking shit
>Get shot

I kinda like the idea of the proud boys. I can understand how it'd turn into something akin to a biker gang though.

Jack boot thugs will want to shut that shit down fast.

At a bernie rally, two obese Hillary supporters were able to march right up on stage and take the microphone from him with nobody stopping them. Security for candidates still isn't that good.

right, I don't think Gavin did it with bad intent, but it ended up being a mistake for sure.

Joe was never on Gavin's side except for the position of "SJWs are annoying/Antifa is crazy". He's always been a left-leaning guy, it's just that when he has right-wing guests on they keep the conversation focused on free speech/sjws because that's the issue where he's aligned with the right.

This. Gavin is based dont @ me chapocels

Gavin was one of these "right wing" media fucks who was agitating for Trump and jumping on the bandwagon but behind the scenes was making all their decisions on the assumption that Trump would lose, to the point that they were freaking the fuck out when he won. There were some guys like Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc who were behind Trump completely and are above it all, but most of these faggots still have wives and kids in school and weren't prepared for the backlash and the effect it would have on their lives.

In that sense, Gavin is no different than the establishment media. They all got ruined because of Trump. He was auditioning for the job of Controlled Opposition Coordinator, weather he realizes it or not.

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Gavin is a pathetic loon who just relies on doing shocking shit for attention. Never forget the time he shoved a dildo up his ass on live camera to "own the libs".

Is that a tranny?

To “betray” someone, that person would have to think joe was somehow with them in the first place.
Nobody (with the exception of maybe Alex Jones, since they knew each other for a long time) actually believes joe is their friend; just a guy giving them exposure and a wider audience to voice themselves through.

You’d have to be stupid to trust a public podcast guy like Joe enough to feel betrayed in the first place

You can't fake or force charisma you hater. Did it ever occur to you that that's just who he is naturally? And what he is happens to be more interesting than your boring ass?

>Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc who were behind Trump completely and are above it all

They're not even above you, user.

That said. Not a fan of everything he says or does. The religious shit is stupid. Dildo up the ass. Yeah gross.

this is what peak charisma looks like

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protip: it's only funny if it rings true. Otherwise, it's just a glorified 'yo momma' joke.

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Yeah thanks for that shit that has nothing to do with anything we're talking about.

>You can't fake or force charisma you hater.
I never said he wasn't charismatic. It definitely takes at least a little charisma to assemble that little squad of edgelords that he was in charge of for a while.

Have you seen Gavin try to do a little standup? Even his own fans don't laugh at his jokes.

>Massive faggot Gavin
>Alt-right terrorist
Wonder how you will call whats coming in the next 10 years. You retards have literally already used every word around to describe normalfags as extremists.

Is this a direct quote or not

Fascism is extreme authoritarianism.

how did Americans become such morons?

you realize both of these political paradigms are ridiculous don't you?

the idiot who wants his country to accept every socially ill liefstyle, and all people from the earth without barrier like they're his own citizens

the knuckle dragger that thinks everything is a conspiracy and murrica needs no government in even the smallest form

>an active deterrent that scares people away from becoming fascists
Yeah, through fascist techniques. You are the enemy you swore to defeat, and you are responsible for the escalation of everything in America today.

I'm justice man i bring justice.
I can bash whoever over the head with a brick and it would be justice because (me) justice man only brings justice.
I'm starting with your pets.

>Fascism is extreme authoritarianism.
That's literally not the definition of fascism, otherwise communists would be fascists.

I know right? All the Alt-Right are trying to do is stop the fascism from Antifa. I don't understand how people equate the two.

No it isn't.

Fascism is a socio-economic doctrine.

>he killed mostly blacks.
So? Anders Breivik killed 70+ something white children. Its not about who they kill, it's about sending a message.

Communism is an economic model, it's independent from social politics. Ever seen the political compass?
You can be a libertarian (anarchist) communist or authoritarian (fascist) communist.

People like you are so annoying.

>"He cant have accomplished anything out of personal merit, he can't possibly believe these things I don't agree with... hmmm"
>*snap* " I know he must be reading the room and going where the money is"

You idiots do this same shit with sargon. It can't possibly be that he's doing what he's passionate about it has to be some kind of high level charade thatd be inhumanly possible to keep up for so long.

fascists deterring fascists from being fascists through fascism

>"He cant have accomplished anything out of personal merit, he can't possibly believe these things I don't agree with... hmmm"
>*snap* " I know he must be reading the room and going where the money is"
I never said anything like that, tone down the projection a bit

>You idiots do this same shit with sargon.
I believe Sargon is sincere, which actually makes his whole career funnier

It can't be that Gavin and Sargon have valid arguments that they passionately advocate for and that huge swaths of people share these concerns, no no no.
It must be brainwashing techniques and manipulation!

>if it wasn't for the original Antifa defeating Nazi Germany

Imagine being so fucking historically illiterate that you believe WWII was an ideological war.

Karl Marx is literally spinning in his grave from this retardation