I've never watched Schindler's list, I know its a classic but does it still hold up in modern times? Also what's some good holocaust kino in general.
I've never watched Schindler's list, I know its a classic but does it still hold up in modern times...
Other urls found in this thread:
>does it still hold up
The easiest way to stop a pleb.
I watched a movie from 1916 just yesterday, and it still holds up well, you fucking zoomer cunt.
The movie is quite good but not the best Holocaust film. I really liked Son of Saul
Has to be the best alternate reality movie ever made.
How is the 4K transfer? I watched it in 1080p on Netflix but I could only last 20 minutes, and the whites/highlights are clipped to hell.
Was that film Intolerance? Awesome movie.
Yes, it was Intolerance.
let's not
I think they fucked up having Spielberg direct. It would've been better as a Raimi joint.
is there any films set in post-Holocaust Europe? Like one that deals with the immediate consequences and effects of it?
It holds up about as well as wooden doors in a gas chamber.
the protected class
no questions goy
That was addressed in the Three Stooges.
It's a genuine question. Europe was absolutely ravaged post-WW2 I think it'd be an interesting setting for a film especially one that deals with the Holocaust. Doesn't even have to be about a Jew could be about a Slav or Gypsy that survived one of the death camps
A movie of a fake event, pic related is you
Watched it in history class once. From what I remember I preferred the first half a lot more than the second. With the first half you see things going slowly downhill for the jews without it being too in your face about it. The second half gets really preachy about it and drags in general. Maybe it was me being a shitty teenager, I dont know.
post height and jaw
5'11 and kys
My class was cheering for the commandant when he was doming kikes from his balcony.
>The second half gets really preachy about it
How so? Any specific scenes that come to mind?
The Pianist was pretty unique
I find that totally offensive, some people worked really hard to kill all these jews and then theres you assholes it didnt happen
i accidentaly the whole "act as if"
Brody Winning the Oscar for the pianist was pretty based
>still denies holocaust because you never grew up from early /pol/ browsing days
This, watch son of saul instead. Shindler's list is holocaust made Hollywood. Everyone is a cartoonish caricature, Poor (((SONS OF DAVID))): The movie.
I don't need to read anything about a fake event
most movies are about fake events
I fucking hate Holocaust deniers.
Either own-up to it and at the very least express support for the genocide, or stop being Hitler's fanboys altogether. You can't just cherry-pick.
They're retarded user but you're going after low hanging fruit here. Go debate something that's actually worth a shit on /his/ you're not getting anything out of debunking dumb zoomers on Yea Forums for the 100th time
are you implying that germans where too stupid to kill people on an industrial scale?
>And I told that teachin' lady the only bookletters I need ta know are U S AND A!
It was done by the Jews. They slaughtered their own, the Third Reich had nothing to do with it.
ever wonder why it's illegal to investigate the legitimacy of the holocaust
what other historical events are illegal to investigate
Pretty good jewish fantasy film
You're like one of those guys who gets mad at Flat-earthers, you're so limited. Go back.
So Jews killed themselves to make white people look bad?
Memes and /pol/ aside, yes, it is a very good film that's very much still worth watching.
Stay mad goldberg;)
Yes. They wanted good slaves, there's a reason only the Soviet Union reported "Death Camps", while the West only had concentration camps of the Jew rats
only in murrica or medieval europe
Back to where?
Google holocaust sacrifice
They killed 6 million of us?
>Where are the graves so we can honor them.
Oh, uh, they burned everybody.
No. A lot died due to typhus and starvation due to Allied bombing of supply lines. But ridiculous shit like unsealed gas chambers, holocoasters, eagle vs bear gladiator matches, and masturbation machines didn't happen. The Einsatzgruppen did execute partisans in Reich controlled territories, but that's not out of the ordinary. No army tolerates psychotic subversives stirring shit up among people they're trying to help.
You know, my washing machine is actually an egyptian princess of the 7th dynasty trapped by jewish magic. but every round of laundry makes her stronger so one day she will have her revenge
Yes. And they apparently had cremation ovens far more efficient than our own today
>google it!
wow that is some high academic standard you live to
Uh oh
>yo bro, your lifes work didnt really happen bro because some teenage murrican feels uncomfortable with it
>uh oh
You've been posting this shit for months, acting like we have a duty to believe your people's lies. Where's your proof of lampshades, or masturbation machines, or any of the other shit your ancestors made up? You're in the wrong place.
If the kikes overflowed their ovens, it would be filled with too much ash to remove. Face it leftypol, you subhumans aren't able to prove the Holohoax happened
The way they got him was straight up kino
Its a written report to the RSHA in Berlin concerning the approximatie daily workload of the ovens, countering the usual argument that there would have been no way to burn so many bodies. nothing in it about your fetish fuel
>can't come up with a counter-argument, so he plays the jew card
>that entire hour of interviews with Polacks
>all of them just shitposting irl
>director gets visibly frustrated
Pure kino
>fetish fuel
Those are things "survivors" claimed were real.
>jew card
Who else would be so invested in defending an obvious lie? Your story changes constantly.
If you aren't willing to defend the more ridiculous aspects of your story, or even explain why we should give a shit about the supposed elimination of 6 million members of a hostile group and not be more outraged that the Bolsheviks killed 10 million real people, then your argument is hollow.
I just don't see how uber efficient Germans would mass murder Jews by using one of the most grossly inefficient methods. Why wouldn't they just shoot them? I wouldn't doubt it as much then.
they tried that in latvia and ukraine and after going through 130 000 people shot, the troops in charge were slightly upset and they thought it might be bad for morale
There it is. The bolsheviks. Everytime.
Several Jews have been outed as liars with fabricated stories.
Jews are pathological liars, their constant neuroticism is because they're on the verge of being outed all the time.
Lol, what? Answer the question. Why is the alleged demise of 6 million members of a group that often ADMITS that it wants to destroy western civilization more of a tragedy than the murder of 10 million decent people? Why can't you answer that?
Yeah? They were scum and the Fascists were heroes. Stay mad.
So you do admit it happened?
You seriously want us to lament the "gassing" of 6 million creatures like pic related over the murder of white Christians in Russia?
That is a lousy explanation. These were hardened SS troops who were loyal to the National Socialist ideology. I don't think they just grew a heart and decided to send them to a crematorium, which would have been way more resource intensive and would offer no more peace of mind than anything other method. Lame.
He didn't admit anything you talmudic faggot. He's pointing out the hypocrisy of Jews, who victimise themselves above all other groups.
No, I don't. I asked you, several times, why anybody should care about the supposed killing of 6 million monsters over the murder of 10 million innocent people. And you keep dodging that question like an oven.
>nazi tranny: i seem to remember us knocking on moscows door
>real man bolshevik: and i seem to remember breaking berlins face
Seethe harder goethe
Lol funny meme, cope harder and dilate.
Why would you watch this more than once. It's depressing as fuck
Christians are jewcucks. Communisms greatest feat was killing the authority of the church
This. So apparently members of one of the most badass military groups ever, who were aware of what the jews had done to their country, suddenly developed the fee fees about shooting them (but continued shooting white soldiers), and decided it would be more humane to strap them to rollercoasters of death and turn them into soap. Cool story.
>of a group that often ADMITS that it wants to destroy western civilization
Why do you guys think Jews are this monolith that all agree on one thing. Jews in the west are among the most irrelegous group of all the Abrahamic religions. Have you ever even gotten two Jews in the same room together? They can rarely agree on much many are as far apart as Bernie Sanders and Ben Shapiro
Would also have accepted "Young Werther". Probably even preferred it, I mean *look* at the swooning idiot.
>and decided it would be more humane to strap them to rollercoasters of death
No scholar ever supported or claimed the Holocoaster happened. Go read a book, go actually read a scholarly work on the Holocaust.
>enlist in the ss thinking you get to heroically fight commies
>here shoot women and children for several months instead
yeah, plus they were probably looking for the most efficient way to handle it
Just lmaoing at the way you're trying to deflect the argument
The question is yet again answered with shilling rather than a real answer. To all "oh vey muh 6 million!!" posters itt, why do you expect us to mourn the holocaust (let's pretend it happened until the question is answered), which would be the putting down of 6 million members of a hostile presence, but not the murder of 10 million (that's more than 6) white Christians (decent people who don't deserve to be murdered?)
Both Bernie Sanders and Ben Shapiro support te state of Israel and believe the demographic replacement of whites is a good thing. Economic differences mean fuck all when their endpoint is the exact same. It's called the Kosher sandwich, or the fake dialectic of right and left in America.
calm down
"n-no i love jewish ppl and abhor nazi ideology it was someone else making those nazi pepes etc"
--any Yea Forums nazi edgelord in public
>like an oven
but those didnt exist you said so thats a very strange thing to say
>scholarly work
But they all differ so much. Until recently the lampshades and soap were real, until suddenly they weren't. I'd be better off reading a scholarly work on Jack and the Beanstalk.
yeah, like this asshat
>a hostile presence
How were all the Jews in 1920s-1930s Europe a hostile presence? Which ones specifically do you think are to blame? Any names you can think of in particular? Do you think the Jews who fought for Germany during WW1 for example that were prosecuted under the Third Reich deserved the treatment? Were they hostile as well?
Well if youre gonna mourn one by any principle you should mourn the other by that same principle.
Wow it's almost like Jews have an enormous of power and can potentially ruin your life for being critical of them!
>nd believe the demographic replacement of whites is a good thing
I've asked the same question repeatedly and none of you can answer it. Why do you want us to think jewish life is more valuable than white Christian life? Just answer the question. Fourth time this was asked, for newcomers, and the "holocaust party line defenders" won't give a straight answer.
Bet you're the life of the party.
Since the inevitable denier shitposting is well under way:
Historical documents:
Einsatzgruppen records:
Complicity of High Command:
Then immediately he gets back on Yea Forums it's "hey bros did you see me sucker the fake news (fake new moar liek fake JEWS amirite lel) it was totally based libtrads BFTO" only to be told what a "cuck" and a coward he is by people who'd have done exactly the same thing in that situation.
The white christian money hungry royalists and counterrevolutionaries were a hostile presence as determined by the ruling ideology of the time ie the bolsheviks. You need to argue better if you are not trolling.
You mean the same ones that immediately pushed for Communism in Germany and openly celebrated Germany's loss in WW1? Yes. The same jews that were so destructive to Europe that they were kept in ghettos for centuries? Every single group of people who have met the jews in the past 2000 years have complained of the exact same behaviors perpetrated by them. It's not coincidence.
>But they all differ so much
I don't think so the general story behind the Holocaust has remained the same as early as The Destruction of the European Jews published in 1960. The general way in which the Holocaust was carried out has been corrabarated by most scholars it's the particular details which are disputed over. The death toll for example has ranged from 4.9-6.1 million depending on the historian
>Until recently the lampshades and soap were real
Can you name one scholar that claimed the lampshades?
>I'd be better off reading a scholarly work on Jack and the Beanstalk.
Hyperbole, it's one of the best documented events in human history.
Communist/Anarchist movements were run by Jews like Luxemburg.
Jewish businesses and landlords were usurious.
Lol no. Jews even today gloat and admit they are destroying the west on purpose. White Christian farmers in Russia? Not so much.
La Vita é Bella was really good.
it really wasnt and i dont see how that cunt got an an oscar for it
also, that looks like a perfectly sturdy door
and gassing was used on people who didn't have any strength left
>those money hungry goyische peasants didn't want to kill themselves and blow up their churches for our revolution!!
I hate hate hate what this board has become.
Do your fucking job, mods!
>You mean the same ones that immediately pushed for Communism in Germany
The Communist movement in Germany post WW1 was majority ethnic German. Also this manner in which you place blame on an entire group is retarded it's the same collective punishment that was seen post-WW1.
>Germany and openly celebrated Germany's loss in WW1?
Which Jews celebrated the defeat of Germany? Can you name any names?
>The same jews that were so destructive to Europe
How were they destructive in your opinion? What did they do specifically that was so appalling?
>the best documented events in human history
They are all first hand accounts and stories, not actual documentation. Very low on being considered historically legitimate.
Jack and the 6 million beans?
The jews have been hated bc of their sectarian nature and arrogant approach to religion. Nobody likes arrogance. Their power is enabled by capitalism. The system you likely support a great deal.
>Communist/Anarchist movements were run by Jews like Luxemburg.
Ethnic Germans like Karl Liebknecht were just as involved in such movements. In fact these movements were majority German
>The majority was German!
Yeah of course they were. It's called overepresentation you fucking idiot. When you're 2-5% of the population and you hold incredibly high leadership positions it invites speculation. Willful ignorance on your end.
Jews have, throughout history, worked together to fuck over Gentiles. So yes, there is a lot of group blame. If your people produced more Bobby Fischers than Barbra Specters then it would be a different story.
>They are all first hand accounts and stories, not actual documentation
No they are not there are tons of primary documentation from the Germans themselves refer to
Zoomer here. No one in my gen believes in the Hall of Cost because we arent faggots
I'll refer you to this point. Just a stupid argument. I haven't ever said that communism was never popular with Gentiles, I'm saying that it was lead and controlled by those aligned with Judaism.
>Jews have, throughout history, worked together to fuck over Gentiles
How so? Any specific examples you can think of?
That door is not original, /pol/.
>I'm saying that it was lead and controlled by those aligned with Judaism.
Such as?
Do you deny that prominent jews even today gloat about wrecking the west? And "capitalism" is a term coined by Marx. It's a loaded term. However I do not believe that jews should be allowed any economic power whatsoever, history is proof that they cannot separate their obvious talent with money from their insane hatred toward normal white people.
>Do you deny that prominent jews even today gloat about wrecking the west
Like who?
The protocoll of the Wannsee Conference for the final solution of the jewish question
page 5 onwards, assuming bubba can read german
My god just admit you're wrong
Reminder that holocaust deniers are at the same level as flat earthers. Let me explain how:
All of us know that the earth revolves around the sun, but I doubt any of us could prove so mathematically. Does that make our knowledge less certain? Absolutely not. We know what we know on the basis of the expertise of those who can prove it and have done so for centuries. Historiography, although not a science, is modeled on the scientific method. All historical research is evidence based. Researches use only primary sources and ascertain the validity of their findings through a web of peer review. Tired platitudes like "history is written by the winners" dismiss the study of history as a sort of literature, not the evidence based methodology it actually is.
All attempts made by deniers to discredit the Holocaust rely on misreprensentation (eg wooden doors, conflating Stammlager and Birkenau, etc) or picking at non-historical accounts of the genocide. But their best efforts can't discredit any of the actual scholarship establishing what happened, so they turn to conspiracy theories. Therefore is you want to believe that literally all accredited historians are in cahoots about inventing a false genocide you may as well believe that all accredited scientists are lying about the shape of our planet, with not one person who knows the truth daring to speak out.
>arent faggots
Not all of us zoomers are retarded like OP is
There is nothing I'm lying about, you have a legit mental block.
Communism for a start. The porn industry. Hollywood. Jews riding the backs of Italian organized crime until the jews infiltrated the federal government at which point they jumped ship and destroyed the mob. The documented human trafficking of eastern European women and children to Israel where they are forced into prostitution (even the Israeli government has admitted that this has been going on for a long time). Jews openly admitting to being behind the migrant crisis in Europe (from Barbra Specter to Israeli rabbis to American jews, they aren't hiding that they're funding this as much as possible). That's just off the top of my head.
So you readily admit that your belief in the Holocaust is because of an appeal to the authority of Jews who outlaw any independent investigation. Make sense!
Idiot Conservative.
Dont blame Marx. Capitalism is just a system put into words. We can call it sneed if youd like and money will be the feed. And we can call labor chuck. So now sneeds feed, formerly chucks...
That's not documentation that it happened at all.
>because of an appeal to the authority
Nice try, but that's putting the cart before the horse. I'm not saying you ought to believe the experts because they're experts, but because of the evidence they present and the stringent methodologies they use to do so.
You can't prove the earth is flat and you can't prove that something that happened didn't happen because there are people who know better.
>Primary documents detailing the genocide aren't evidence!
>Communism for a start
Do you mean Bolshevism? Because that was largely an ethnic Russian movement. Stalin actually purged the entire original politburo and was conducting a campaign against the Jews (doctor's plot). Communism has arisen all over the world independent from Jews take Communists movements in South America for example
>The porn industry
How are Jews over represented in porn?
>until the jews infiltrated the federal government at which point they jumped ship and destroyed the mob.
Source? I know Jewish organized crime and Italian organized crime have deep roots and long standing relationships but I'm not aware of this
>even the Israeli government has admitted that this has been going on for a long time
>Jews openly admitting to being behind the migrant crisis in Europe
That's a fake quote. There is not a single source that can back it up.
Game of Thrones is based on fake events, does it trigger you more or less than Schildler's List?
>accuses jews of being scheming and sneaky liars
dis dere paper don proofs notin
Human trafficking
What evidence is there Jews are over represented in pornography?
He's probably not great outside of parties anyhow
>Only people who have never been to college like me or have totally irrelevant degrees in art like Leutcher or electrical engineering like Butz can see the experts' lies for what they are!
Woah you guys are so woke. But in all seriousness you are in no way different from flat earthers whose scientific expertise only goes as far as the C- they got in their high school chemistry class although they try to establish themselves as knowledgeable in the field of planetary astronomy.
You said the Israeli government has admitted to trafficking Eastern European women and forcing them into prostitution. That link does not support your claim. What evidence is there that the Israeli government has admitted this?
Did you even read your own link
>Marxism-Leninism, ideologically incompatible with Judaism, specifically required the Jewish people to dissolve into the international proletariat. As part of its need to eradicate both the Jewish religion and Jewish nationhood, the Soviet Union forbade the teaching of Hebrew, a language essential to both. The “Jewish sections” of the party, the yevsektsii, enforced this program of Sovietization. As the historian Yuri Slezkine writes in his The House of Government, while Polish, Latvian, and Georgian high-ranking members of the party “seemed to assume that proletarian internationalism was compatible with their native tongues, songs, and foods,” high-ranking Jewish members did not speak Yiddish at home or try to pass anything Jewish on to their children. Many proved their new loyalty by pursuing their fellow Jews with special vigor.
>When it came to Zionism, the Communist party under Stalin hailed the 1929 Arab pogroms against Jews in Palestine as the start of an Arab Communist revolution and created the watchwords of 20th-century anti-Zionism: a leftist version of anti-Semitism that condemned Jewish national aspirations as a crime against the international order.
This doesn't detail anything other than what's shown on the page, it doesn't clarify any of the questions regarding the six million or the gassings. That is all based on testimony.
For the link between Jews and Italian organized crime, and how jews manipulated organized crime to rise to "legitimate" power, I suggest Gus Russo's Supermob. It includes actual FBI transcripts and other evidence. The FBI even in the Hoover days knew that the jews were "taking over the country" (J Edgar Hoover's words, not mine) and the FBI failed to stop it.
>The FBI even in the Hoover days knew that the jews were "taking over the country
Source? I was looking for this quote but couldn't find it.
Jews themselves admit it. Pic related is from an article where a jewish professor brags that pornography is not only run by jews but that they do so because of an "atavistic hatred" for Gentiles.
I said the Israeli government admits that it happens. I didn't say that admitted to doing it. You think Gentiles are trafficking themselves to israel to be slaves? Obviously the traffickers are jewish criminals.
>I said the Israeli government admits that it happens.
Do you have any evidence of this? Any sources?
I'm not digging up the page number now, go to the library and get the fucking book.
Go to Times of Israel and search 'human trafficking'
>/pol/ "scholarship"
Gee it's a wonder why you guys aren't taken more seriously.
If J Edgar Hoover said something like "Jews are taking over the country" it would be quite easy to source the only evidence wouldn't be in a single book.
You're killing it with these citations, bro!
I just did and I can't find anything suggesting that the Israeli Governments admits the trafficking of Eastern Euro women.
>thread about a classic film devolves into muh joos shitposting
Kill yourselves stormcucks
Dude the Jews probably supressed everything except the one book. Think about it logically!
I gave you the book which isn't a small book. I'm not digging through 1000+ pages to find one quote right now. I definitely recommend the book to anybody though. I didn't even know who Sidney Korschack was until I read Supermob. Also in the FBI records in the book, it details how powerful Jews have manipulated American politics, including Presidential elections.
>I gave you the book which isn't a small book.
How come this quote from the book isn't corroborated anywhere? How come there is no other source on it?
Was that book written by a historian? Why can't you search the internet for the quote, isn't that where you get all your evidence?
I came across the quote while reading that book. I haven't made any extravagant claims itt, certainly nothing on par with a country suddenly deciding "Gas all kikes" for absolutely no reason.
ITT /pol/ destroyed with logic and facts
>I came across the quote while reading that book
I understand what I'm saying is that such a quote wouldn't be limited to one book. One would be able to find something about it online. You can find all of Nixon's quotes about Jews quite easily. You don't think it's strange this supposed quote can't be corroborated by literally anything?
>absolutely no reason
Not millennia of prejudice certainly. Not because Hitler literally said he'd do it in newspaper interviews before he came to power. Although technically what he said was he'd hang all the jews.
Then again in Mein Kampf he did literally say that Jews should be gassed too, like soldiers in WWI were. Don't you /pol/acks read Mein Kampf? How can you literally read Hitler's own genocidal musings and think "woah there's no way this guy ever wanted to kill Jews!"
t. Morty Schnozberg
>Also what's some good holocaust kino in general.
Sheltered kid detected
I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine
Who need a time machine when you have a thousand boys in grey?
imagine a drone with a gas spectrum chromatography lab
imagine sneaking that drone onto all the death camps and finding no trace of giant burned ashy piles of bone fragments
the day of the oof approaches, unless they accidentally spill a bunch of urns there
make sure to bring a ballpoint pen back too
so this is the power of /pol/
>close family member has become a flat-Earther
I thought it was a meme, it's just so mind-boggling that people actually believe this shit when it's so easy to disprove.
this was on sale at my local walmart
should i buy?
Even fantasy should have at least some kind of internal logic. "We're gonna waste all of our resources to kill a bunch of inherently-good-beautiful-inside-and-outside-chosen-by-god-of-love-and-tolerance people in the most funny ways while we're losing the war, because we're EVIL" is not a good basis for a story.