Comfy Star Wars thread

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ESB>>>>>>>>>>>SW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ROTJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest


I like Return of the Jedi better than ESB

>tlj is shit
>solo a flop
>a so-y wars land theme park bombed hard
>no hype for new movie

Its dead

what is dead may yet die again

defend this position, please.

Empire Strikes Back was too depressing Return of the Jedi was a good mix of depressing and inspiring

You want the star wars hate thread. There are already plenty of those.

I prefer to focus on what was good rather than the nothing there is now.

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TROS ends with Rey and Ben on Tatooine watching the Binary Sunset

I've seen every sw movie in theatres opening weekend. I won't be seeing IX. TLJ did the impossible, what even the prequels couldn't. It killed star wars for me.

Digits confirm
Ewoks aren't bad. They're basically hobbits. It's a fantasy thing. The small creatures fight back

Interesting. ESB did set the template for the downer second act which a lot of trilogies seem bent on aping.

I personally really like ROTJ (ewoks aren't that big a deal) since the climax is the best of nearly any trilogy. Best light saber fight, best redemption, best space battle, and best Sheev. I put in on par with any of the other OT, no questions.

Are you saying you saw ANH opening weekend? I think you might be a damn liar.

the beginning of ROTJ was comfy

Same except for the bullshit about being in my 50's+, easily. First I saw was ROTJ & it wasn't opening weekend.

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I'm 47 years old.

Do you think that's something someone would actually lie about?

>TLJ killed it for you
>not the first five minutes of TFA
You aren't the sharpest rock in the river, are you?

Which is what they do in real life.

Got me by 7 years, gramps.
I was born the year after.


First third of ROTJ will always be the peak of Star Wars.

TFA had great nostalgia glasses going for it.

You'd be surprised. It is shocking to me how old Yea Forums slants, sometimes.
How did you even know about ANH as a ~13 year old? Who did you go with?

He would've been 6 or so.

Different poster, 50 years old. Saw ANH when it came out, at least a couple of times.

That is exactly when I knew it was all going downhill, though. They immediately showed that they weren't going to try anything new or interesting, which was a HUGE red flag.
Each of the first six films were constantly growing the world, and trying new things (with mixed results).
But I digress. This is a comfy thread, and I agree with
The characters being reunited to save Han was so well done.

My point stands, maths notwithstanding.

saw ANH at a drive-in LUL

Okay let's focus on what was good.

Basedlo and Rogue One had some good costumes for the non-imperial humans. Qi'ra was cute. Felicity Jones is pretty hot. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BB8's lighter thumbs up was kinda funny?

And there we go. Thats all the good stuff from nuwars.

What could have been...

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>let's focus on what was good
>lists all & only nuwars shit
I wasn't talking to you, I don't think.

As a 6 year old? Did you uncle take you?


>Rogue One had some good costumes
Those red priest people were really cool, but then again, they were a little derivative of the red imperial guards, which I guess keeps on happening.

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parents before they divorced 4 years later.
>mfw i compained to mom that dad didnt get me the latest SW Hoth playset

It hurts, bro. It hurts.

Think if the guys who did the Harry Potter park did it. x'(

Blame George.
This is HIS fault.
Nigger has done nothing but flip-flop on SW his entire career.

I actually noticed how well the elements of the park blended together. Naboo would have been great.

The Empire nuts would have shat over three quarters of the park, probably literally.

Even more specifically, I blame his divorce. He ended up with custody of his adopted daughter, and focussed on "being a father."
Which is basically being a total cuck, if you think about it rationally.
But I'm just dissapointed that it caused the huge break between RotJ and TPM, and the significant shift in tone.
Don't even get me started on the Special Edition nonsense.

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Are we finally getting the original movie bros?

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>Don't even get me started on the Special Edition nonsense
Oh god, those fucking interviews before them were gold. You could tell exactly how long his ego dick had been getting sucked on a daily by the kids surrounding him at LF. Head entirely up his own ass.

Victory Celebration > Yub Nub

Do Lucas haters realize Starship Troopers is a light parody?

They could always pretend it is SW.

Holy Admiral Ackbar eating a snack bar, check out this sick $800 Millennium Falcon LEGO set the wifey finally let me buy!

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Every time I think something can't shock me I'm proven wrong.
Who the FUCK pays $800 for a fucking lego set?

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Don't fuck with me.

Is this for real? Are we actually getting HD Blu-ray unfucked-with theatrical editions? I will forgive all of Disney's terrible sins if this is true

Agreed. And the end result was utter nonsense.
Mayyyybe it can be justified as honing his CG techniques too make Ep I-III with all the effects that were in his mind, but come the fuck on already.
The despecialized/SW77 web projects were the best things to come out that whole thing.

>I will forgive all of Disney's terrible sins if this is true
Fuck off shill.

But why? Just Download the proper versions.
Disney's sins are unforgivable and you know it.

I wish we had had some comfy Reysma yuri.

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We also got same damn good yuri.

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My parents took me. Had to drive one town over because my town had one screen and wasn't showing it.

that Genos? lol

what color would Alita's lightsaber be?

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TFA gets remarkably worse every time I see it, it has negative rewatchability, I've noticed many people say the same.

Having said that, I did enjoy it the first time I saw it. I liked Kylo, he was a lovable little sperg.

The color of my dicksaber

That's because it is a modern junk-food movie. Like drinking a Mountain Dew, for example. It's pretty cold and sugary the first can, but if you keep going it get's worse and the chemicals start to corrode your insides.
All these "by commitee" SW films suffer from that effect.

Hello, Alita fren. Love that movie, btw.
Watch this thang I made for Russbros, and try to stay on topic.

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Kill yourself zoomer scum

>its a zoomer sucks disney cock episode

I hope you and you cock sucking cunt of a mother both get cancer

Ah, a dickrider who's in denial George fucking sold it off to the Mouse & is thus responsible, directly, for the absolute state.

Kill yourself faggot

>and left Kennedy in charge

alternate idea

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Where do these keep coming from?

>Ah, a dickrider who's in denial George fucking sold it off
pretty sure that's universally accepted as fact. George has provided thousands of hours of happiness and enjoyment though star wars. He'll always be a hero.

Go home George, you're drunk

Make content, fucktard, and stay on topic. You contribute nothing, and this is a comfy thread.

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sneed wars