Imagine being the father of this actress

Imagine being the father of this actress

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i can see pusy flap !!!

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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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>Imagine being the father of this actress
I did and creamed my pants wtf

i cant i've never had sex

imagine if she fell down and her pusy landed on your face!!!!

Kill yourself zoom zoom

Lmao imagine actually wanting to fuck women, you faggot cuck.

As a father myself, you get to a point where I could stare at my daughter naked all day and never be slightly aroused... she's my daughter, naked or not she's just as she is, not attractive to me.

who is the actress and from what series or movie pls?

Speak for yourself. I'd gladly fuck and impregnate my kids.

she need licky?

I’d request to be on set and tell her how good she looks and go, “that’s my daughter!” after every take.

the dirty adventures of moses


i do full service licky all crack and hole

Have sex.

game of spaggheti-o's

She looks soft.

If she ended up like that her father probably molested her.

shes from game of faggots, thats all i remember

No one cares.

I think he just wanted some classic facesitting, tbqh

he has seen the better version of that pussy.

Nah its pretty common with you youngfags, you much prefer to lick a cunt than fuck it.

I hope your mum gets cancer

>remembering when you were little and I could read the same story each night until your beautiful eyes slowly shut, as if it took the weight of the world to hold your boundless energy down
>remembering patiently teaching you how to do so many things, like eating with a fork, getting dressed, and brushing your hair
>remembering how you would see my ignorance with new technology, then you began discovering all my flaws, and hating me just like your mother did.
>I said "don't look at me that way"

>Now the home I lived in is just a cold empty house that I sleep in
>I watched tv last night. I saw you, a face I could recognize but had never seen. My baby girl undressed on the screen, and I was destroyed
>As the credits rolled, my trembling hands reached for the phone, and I steeled myself to try to set you back on the right path
>And you said "don't look at me that way"

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>Imagine being the father of this actress

*hits pipe*

Imagine being a complete failure of father that both your daughters start doing porn.

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I wanna be a father bros

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>Imagine being a complete failure of father that both your daughters start doing porn.
And people said Freud was a hack

Because you have to awkwardly acknowledge that your daughter got naked on camera for the world to behold and have simulated sex. The same daughter you raised.

>Because you have to awkwardly acknowledge that your daughter got naked on camera for the world to behold and have simulated sex. The same daughter you raised.
Yes, and?

*hits pipe*

>women naked bad!!!
Fuck off incel religious faggot

This is the perfect body.

Hi Podesta


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have sex?

I feel like her face doesn't really match her body, but I agree.

I eat the pussy, I eat the butt. I eat every mothafucking thing

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It's a double. Her head is floating.

why do I have to have sex with a gross roastie to have a cute daughterfu? :(

good ole slippy g

You're in the minority fag. I'd furiously jack off over my daughter's nudes. She's as sexy as me and my wife combined, which is pretty fucking hot.

It's nothing you'll ever have to worry about you feminised faggot fuck.


based and pusypilled

*hits pipe*

Not how you use that pasta, faggot

*rips bong*