Why is deathnote written in english? Its a japanese anime. Also why are the main characters white if its a japanese anime?
Why is deathnote written in english? Its a japanese anime...
You obviously didn't watch the show, they literally explain in like the first episode ryuk wrote it in English because it's the most prevalent language on Earth.
watch the fucking show retard, it explains right in episode one
There are white japanese, and Ryuk made it in English because its the most popular language and easy to learn
What do you care? You don't speak Japanese anyway brainlet.
pay attention when you watch OP, based retard
Light's dad was white and L was british
Cause japs are burgeboos.
only white people could use something so terrible
The show is dumb. The whole thing would play completely different irl. IRL, the main issue would be trying to narrow it down to a specific location and demographic, and any competent person could easily avoid this happening which means the police would never win. In the show, Light basically reveals it is him (or someone very similar to him) in the very beginning on purpose so they can have a game of cat and mouse the whole series.
>its another, "user thinks he could do it better" post
thanks for the contribution, detective user
Then why did he use the language of the mutts?
>japanese anime
Thats redundant as fuck, just say anime.
>the lead character made a tactical mistake which made the story move forward, fucking dropped
Brainlet take.
Light's dad wasn't white.
It's not even that, I am just saying the entire show rests on idiotic mistakes being made in the very beginning that no "genius" would take. It would be like a math genius messing up 2+2=4 in the beginning of a series so the show would require him to do extreme math problems later in the series that only 0.0000000000000000000000001% of the people on this earth could do.
Bro they clearly acknowledged that they'd have to narrow down the searching pool which is why L pulled his little stunt. You could say that he was foolish for only getting Japanese criminals but that's just grasping at straws and he clearly didnt have the idea fooly formed at the time. You can be a genius and make short-sighted decisions. Once he saw how close he was to getting caught that when he quit dicking around and went galaxy brained with everything he did
>be granted magical supernatural killing tool with no way to link the deaths back to you or even to each other if you're smart.
>still gets caught
The thing is, I can understand the mistake of Light killing the fake L and not realizing his killing schedule would reveal he is a teenager, but when he starts getting police information is when he went a bridge too far for me. At that point, L only knows the killer is a high school/college student in the Kanto region. That is still a lot of people. If Light were careful, L would never be able to narrow it down still, but he decides to snoop for police info anyway. Anyone would have known that doing something like that would either lead to you getting caught or the authorities recognizing that something is up. By doing this, Light literally puts himself on a permanent shortlist for the rest of the series. Light loses the main advantage of the death note (Being one out of millions of potential suspects) 2 episodes into the series by self inflicted mistakes.
He should've killed them all through suicide instead of the default heart attack. They'd be much less likely to link the deaths and even if they did, it would only help his cause. It would just be dismissed as "criminals are more likely to commit suicide"
>but he decides to snoop for police info anyway.
That's explained a little by him wanting to kill L after being tricked. Light planned to be suspected in order to have L investigate the police thereby damaging their trust in him and hopefully investigate him back giving Light L's identity.
He prioritized revenge over playing it safe.
Which is extremely dumb for a "genius", but I guess it could be explained away as ego, but honestly that still doesn't really satisfy me. I still think the first 16 episodes of death note is 10/10 stuff, but I just think the entire situation is set up by a contrivance.
The French also produce anime.
>Why do the characters in this anime look white?
Are you new to anime or just willfully retarded?
Those are cartoons.
>it doesn't really satisfy me that a character who wanted to be a living god made a mistake due to his ego
heh loser
Light’s whole thing is that he has a god complex, ego is pretty much his whole schtick
Because white people are aesthetic
Google would get you in the modern day especially the more people you got
So are Japanese animes.
He may have a God complex, but a "genius" with a God complex wouldn't throw away his main advantadge away for a slightly better oppurtunity for revenge.
Those are anime.
does a lazy genius make sure he performs x easy action if he knows that not doing so will lead to y extremely bad consequence later? that depends on his level of laziness and the level of consequence, and not on his level of intelligence. likewise, this depends on the size of his ego
and how is it only a slightly better opportunity? how do you envision him getting L without police info? stop being such a coper over your reddit take
>Also why are the main characters white if its a japanese anime?
That's because they are white. We wuz anime characters and shiet
above: cringe edgy teen anime
below: beloved all ages ghibli classic
>these fags watched the show
>they didn’t read the manga
I watched the anime and read the latter half of the manga because I heard it was a bit different
don't remember anything significantly different aside from the meme omake chapters
Why didnt Light use the death note to kill all niggers immediately? Seems like a waste desu
Wait for an opportunity that doesn't immediately out as you as Kira to who you already know as a super competent detective? Honestly, the lack of refutation of my points in this thread has only emboldened my position. The beginning is a contrivance plain and simple. You can seriously only blame laziness so fucking much., I can't even believe you would argue that. As someone as academically successful as Light, you think he would learn a lesson or two from military history. Half the battle is only engaging in battle if you can ensure a strong advantageous position (unless you are forced into battle or absolutely need to do something that requires a risky fight, which Light in no way was at that point). You don't engage in a battle if it means putting yourself at a strong disadvantage for the sole purpose of having a shot at defeating someone you hate. I can understand willing to excuse all this for the sake of enjoying entertainment, but trying to argue any of his actions were very logical in the beginning is so far removed from reality is a joke. At some point, if someone is so egotistical that it gets them killed/caught they aren't a "genius", and they aren't even smart. They are retarded.
This is pretty much the only way you can view the series if you look at it and apply any realism whatsoever.
Imagine making fun of the people that give you a positive image in their media. lmao
Japanese people are white
What exactly were the reality altering powers of the death note again? I remember Light wrote that the bus hijacker would see Ryuk and shoot at him in a panic, but he still had to plan to put the death note scrap in his pocket for that to come to fruition, right?
Animated Japanese anime cartoon animation
because English is a global language and Ryuk wanted it to be able to be read by the anyone or something like that.
>Wait for an opportunity that doesn't immediately out as you as Kira to who you already know as a super competent detective?
dude just wait lmao the opportunity will come. so basically, you have no backing behind your 'slightly' rhetoric. it greatly increased his chance. nobody knew who L was and the police were the only ones with info
>Honestly, the lack of refutation of my points in this thread has only emboldened my position.
translation: being presented with the opposite argument strengthened my belief. that's human psychology.
>You can seriously only blame laziness so fucking much.
no, you can argue it for the degree of laziness they have. if they are twice as lazy, this will have twice the impact on the equation. failing to act over your laziness despite knowing better is not being unintelligent. it's being lazy
>can't even believe you would argue that.
not an argument