Homer is left handed

>homer is left handed

I never noticed it before

Attached: homer.png (530x396, 325K)

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It's likely an animation error. Bart is intentionally left handed though, since he's basically Groening's proxy

So he uses his left hand to feed?

He should go to flander's leftorium (formerly rightorium)

Is he left balled though? Like which ball enters Homer's luscious diarrhea hole first?

Does he use his right to sneed?

I used to answer the phone with my left hand but I lost the hearing in my left ear and now I have to try to take notes with my left hand while talking.

Deepest lore

Attached: 1529207341380.png (1405x1080, 955K)

But did you ever feed your sneed?

Isn't most of Springfield left-handed?

Attached: flanders-leftorium.jpg (1280x852, 141K)


Is Sneed left-handed?

But Homer is right-handed... check the clip.

Attached: Simpsons Pinball Party Flyer Back.jpg (614x794, 250K)

Attached: 1559260613354.jpg (960x720, 124K)

Is this real?

Left feed, right seed they say

hold your phone between your head and your shoulder


That explains why he's retarded.


Suck me
Fuck me
Don't you Sneed or Chuck me

>someone actually thought this was funny

Whenever you see his handwriting it’s like it’s written by a brain damaged 4 year old, so of course he was going to be left handed

Well, pardos us, Mr. Sex-haver.

Attached: 00011321321312321.png (297x405, 249K)
