Saw it Today. There were lots of Mexican families in the theater. Mostly mothers and young kids. We had a blast!

Attached: DASH_1080 (1).webm (608x1080, 2.93M)

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and how was she?

Shut the fuck up. Shut up. I've had to deal with the last 6 years of bullshit capeshite, fueling manbabies on this fucking board. Now there are literaly adults happy to see fucking Dora. Kill yourself.

so who did you leave with? the mothers or the kids

fucking whore

Bad swiper

>Mostly mothers and young kids
any cute ones HA HA ;)

Con los dos

There isn't a single sexually functioning dad in the cinema who isn't giving Moner a standing ovation.

Attached: monerflick.webm (720x1280, 2M)

Just convert to Islam you fucking loser

calm down OP

Attached: yikes.png (1473x1698, 635K)

>if you don't like rampant sluttery and the rampant sexualization of society you should be a muslim!
i hope your daughters get STDs at 13

how soft is moner?

I for one welcome out new Moner overlords

You have nothing in your life and the jews are not why. I'm sorry

you can fuck a girl hotter than this for like $100 in Venezuela, brazil, argentina. you people really need to have sex

lmao this projection. dude look in the mirror

Yeah, I'm the one who got triggered by a legal adult wearing clothes that show her belly and arms

Post more Moner

>i know why the other poster called her a whore
>i can read the mind of the other poster
just give up man

Okay so what's your given reason for anonymously lashing out at a webm of a legal fully clothed adult dancing by calling them a "whore". Convince me you cumbrain incel retard

Someone reported me because
I was making too much noise in my chair. I had to keep telling the cinema guard that I just spilled popcorn butter on my lap and it wasn’t what it looked like, but he wouldn’t believe me and I got kicked out. This is such bullshit.

xD xD xD

>all these /pol/ buzzwords
yikes. if you can't discern sexualized dancing you must "literally" be autistic.

No answer. Predictable

I think Muhammad would accept you with open arms, user.

I'll watch her movie when she starts doing nude scenes

Attached: GBWAAqU.jpg (1080x1147, 636K)

Attached: c5jpli3bcye31.jpg (1412x2048, 396K)

>Saw it Today
Moner has a message for you