Is this an accurate portrayal of someone with an iq of 70?

Is this an accurate portrayal of someone with an iq of 70?

Attached: 7903_original.jpg (1200x1600, 305K)


If he hangs out on /pol/, then yes.

No, this is

Attached: donald-trump-smiling.jpg (1200x628, 119K)

How is Forrest Gump racist? He was never unkind to any black people in the movie or book.
Whoa, epic. Orange man bad.

literally Yea Forums except taller than 5’1

>becomes a successful buisness man
>becomes president of the United states
What have you done with your dance theory degree, tranny?

Donald trumps dad was a VERY successful real estate mogul and DJT's net worth was in excess of 100 mil at age 6. He's declared business bankruptcy 6 times.

>still has a brand worth billions of dollars
What's your point tranny? He's still more successful and wealthy than you'll ever be.

According to Trump.
We already know that he lied to places like Forbes about how much he was worth so he could get onto various world's richest men list. He then used those lists to get insane loans from banks.
The only people the know how much money Trump has at this point is himself and Deutsche Bank.

>DJT's net worth was in excess of 100 mil at age 6.
and now its 30x that

And Obama is smarter, wealthier and more successful than you will ever be. How does it feel to be inferior to a black man?

You really, really need to believe you're somehow resisting "trannies", huh? I guess that's what it takes to feel better about being a Trump lickspittle.

Attached: bootlicker.jpg (427x472, 63K)

Bad and retarded. Also fat

is that an R. Crumb picture?

Hilarious how hysterical you loons get when people mock big fat daddy lmao

looks like it

That sounds pretty smart to me, if you think about it.

Considering hes been openly and publicly accepting bribes from every 3rd world nation and forcing taxpayers to funnel millions directly into his clubs for "security" ever since he was elected I honestly wouldn't doubt it.

>affirmative action president who never had an approval rating over 40% and had his entire legacy destroyed within a few month
Idk man he's such a pathetic cuck the fact that he makes money sucking Netflix's dick.

>He's declared business bankruptcy 6 times
oh so he's only made hundreds of millions of dollars from scratch several times over? what a chump


It's clever, but I wouldn't say it's smart.
No one knows the full story yet since SDNY is still investigating, but what's for sure is that Trump owes Deutsche Bank a lot of money and that Trump himself has a lot less than he says he does.
In order to get where he is, Trump essentially created some sort of massive Ponzi scheme and it would be insane to find out it actually worked and that he's richer than ever.
While president, some of his businesses have been losing money and it looks like Deutsche Bank is getting ready to start making moves. Trump may have somehow made the most kino scam of the century and no one even knows it yet.

entire thread derailed by both sides of political retards
I'm sure even Forrest Gump was smarter than everyone above this post aside from OP

>shitpost about forest gump's IQ
This was a bad thread to begin with

No, his depiction in the book is much more accurate.
Book Gump is way more aggressive and sexually deprived.

Attached: 67250748_577988239400944_273299613836902400_n.png (979x677, 421K)

>suit and sneakers
do people really do this?

Retards don't become millionaires

> Retards don't become millionaires
yes they do, see

I did this during my senior school year.
I had a crush on a girl from my class, and asked her out.
She laughed at my face and told me that I should stop wearing sneakers and suits if I ever wanted to get any.
I followed her advice, and eventually I got some.

Attached: Mangoustes_naines_orientales_.jpg (3471x2314, 2.33M)

Jesus dude, you’re slamming MSNBC propaganda right into your jugular. You need help.

Thats not how business bankruptcy works

>trump is stupid and a failure
If that leads to your name being put on towers and winning the presidency, I wonder how far he could go if he was smart?

It's the perfect portrayal of the boomer generation.

it's tom hanks, so yes
