Anyone have any uncomfortable Yea Forums experiences to share?

Anyone have any uncomfortable Yea Forums experiences to share?

>Be white
>Watching Buster Scruggs with black friend
>Girl Who Got Rattled comes on
>Black friend starts getting vocally annoyed that the white cowboy is super cocky about taking on 10 Indians at once
>Black friend asks, "Why would they be at a disadvantage?"
>I go, "Because they aren't aware there are prairie dog holes to fuck up their horses
>He responds, "Why wouldn't they know?"
>Me: "Uhh, I guess they just don't know the area very well? They're just stalking wagon trains."
>Him: "INDIANS WOULDN'T KNOW THE LAND VERY WELL? Fuck this gay ass ending."

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huh. that's a pretty good point

Pretty racist to assume they know every square yard of land just because they're indian.

>White guy pointing out black friend is being racist

That's a conflict I'm not willing to engage in, user. Especially since nothing will come out of it.

you should kill your friend

>high school
>going out to theater to watch a movie with crush and her friend
>watch some shitty mom/daughter chickflick
>just happy to be sitting next to crush, holding hands
>shitty movie has dykey soundtrack
>lean over to crush, roll eyes and say
...lesbian music...
>she leans over to me and says
... I'm bisexual...
>I go completely silent, she drops my hand
>awkward silence for rest of the evening
>she and her friend cry at the end of the movie
So glad that period of my life is over

Uncomfortable because he was right?

>black friend
Found your problem. You literally can not be friend with a black person, you can't have a nuanced conversation with them, their needs do not go beyond materialistic necessities, they lack common components of intelligence. I can't imagine myself calling such creatures "friends".

what the fuck is lesbian music?

Based critically thinking nigger was your friend gay

He's actually got a good point.

>Indians should know where every ant hill is across the whole country

I don't care about that I'm just happy niggers can think critically

Thinking in stereotypes is the exact opposite of thinking critically.

Based racist anti Indian nigger

Come to my Window, She Keeps Me Warm, Te Amo, Girls Like Girls, "almost anything by Pink", On Your Side, Constant Craving, Call Your Girlfriend, Fast Car, All the Things She Said, Cool For the Summer, The Edge of Seventeen, etc.

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The Oregon Trail didn't actually go through Comanche territory, they didn't live there. The just raided up and down the plains like vikings. They wouldn't necessarily have been perfectly familiar with the area. More like pulled that far north by easy targets in wagon trains.

That definitely happened, OP :) Nice post :)

music for dykes, you aurally challenged closeted niggerbitch racist shitskin.

I already answered his question, xer.

based magical introspective negro. watch django next.

>niggers start yappin
>stomp their stupid brains in
wa la

she would've given you the germ dude. most likely drank tampon tea and felated 9000 nigger assholes before she left the house

I know. But I was a virgin crazy in love with an art hoe. We drove past a soccer field once and she proclaimed "I had sex in that field" and I felt like I had been punched in the gut.
One time we were out together (as friends) and she took another guy's number right in front of me

If I was your friend I would have called you pathetic, for your own good.

Bro the only nice thing about chicks like that is that they warn you early on they aren't worth it through shit like that. Man I'd like to say it doesn't faze anymore but chicks are mental.
>be me
>I'm 19 and at some shitty house party
>I'm "friends" with this druggie slut I knew
>Known her for a long time and she turned out fucked up early on in high school so never smashed her
>She's talking with one of her friends
>she mentions this girl who was two years younger than me at the time
>apparently she's bi
>apparently she fucks other girls with a strap-on
>she's 17
>I sit there dumbfounded while they keep talking about this as if it we're the most normal thing in the world
What disturbed me wasn't necessarily the disturbing sexual shit but how casually they talked about it, as if it were the most normal thing in the world

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>gets mad at historical fiction movie for being authentic in how people talked.

your black friend is right


>teenagers have sex


>this is normal
>this is fine

Neck yourself. Hope you aren't complaining when they're pushing for fucking kids and dogs
>oh wait

>Teens fucking other teens is abnormal
>He doesn't know what Romeo and Juliet Law is

Just because you're jealous that some 17 year olds are getting more action now than you are in your late 30's doesn't mean it's abnormal.

You dodged a bullet.

lot of the indians had recently resettled to the plains after being displaced by THE WHITE MAN so they may well not know the area very well

also horseback riding was a relatively new thing since horses aren't fucking native to the americas

Nigga you're missing the entire point of the story, it isn't about just teenagers having sex. Promiscuity and weirder and weirder sexual shit is becoming normalized. How to you think these kinds of people are going to turn out? You think miss "shoves plastic up other girls asses" is going to grow up with two kids, a nice husband and a house in the suburbs? What do think is the inevitable conclusion when this is pushed further and further? I'm getting too off-topic so I'm fucking off for now

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>muh heteronormative patriarchy

kek, those days are over

>Wearing a strap-on is SO BIZARRE AND WEIRD HOLY SHIT

Jesus Christ, what kind of fucking prude are you? Next you're going to say teens giving each other blowjobs or someone using a dildo at 17 is weird. They're not doing skat gangbangs while dressed as fucking Superman in public places. A strap-on is just your partner using a dildo on you, calm down.

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>be me, elementary school
>few of my friends go to movies with our 'girlfriends' who are one grade above us
>think it was shallow hal
>notice i have a bit of dog shit in my shoe as we are sitting down
>make up excuse to get us all to move to front row
>i sit one seat away from my 'girlfriend' hoping she doesnt notice, we are last two on end
>try to look relaxed and comfy, slouching but putting my feet as far away as from her as possible
>desperately hoping she doesnt smell it or notice it
>spend whole film in bad anxiety
>look like a complete autist retard for sitting one seat away from her

So, you are still a virgin yes?

>>Wearing a strap-on is SO BIZARRE AND WEIRD HOLY SHIT
it is lol. girls don't have penises for a reason

No, that night I described actually happened almost 20 years ago. There's hope for us all, I guess

>You can only get penetrated with a penis

Wanna know how I can tell you've never fingered a girl?

Another great, mod-approved thread to bring Yea Forums one step closer to /pol/.
This board is fucked.

You know you're going to lose eventually, right?

he wasn't cocky about taking on the indians
he knew he could die, but was calm
he did have a chance though as he had a defensible position and was well armed

He had the advantage anyway.

You can't shoot for shit on a horse.

>Wearing a strap-on is SO BIZARRE AND WEIRD HOLY SHIT
It is. I've had a girl admit to me that she was into that shit and it completely killed the budding relationship

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You double can't shoot for shit when your race of people are unfamiliar with the weapons and basically have to train themselves or hope a white man will train them so they can pass the knowledge around.

Really should've just stuck to bows and arrows if they were always going to do sweeps on horseback.

You sound like a prude who thinks missionary is too wild, honestly.

And you sound like a libertine pervert with all psychological barriers eroded

Is, "Sexually active girls using strap-ons will cause the downfall of civilization" the hill you want to die on?

He didn't say that. But that's not what you want in a wife. "Hey, kids, your mother was a degenerate whore who used to assblast her girlfriends with a plastic dick" isn't really a conversation most sane men want to eventually have. Some women are sluts, they are for fucking and dumping. You don't marry them.

>Have a kinky wife who loves having sex
>Want to ruin it with children

Sounds like you want to live a very dull suburban life there, user.

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you already lost

>unironically using those expressions
Gas yourself on the spot you plebbit bitch

SF Bay Area?

The Edge of Seventeen is a cool song

>Bringing white children into a world where they’ll either be forcibly mixed by the mongrel hordes as directed by their Zionist masters, or live meaningless lives consumed by late-stage capitalism consumer culture while working high-tech careers that support the aforementioned mongrel hordes
Yeah no fuck that. This world is fucked.

Not really. Whites taught them to ride horses. Horseback riding was a new thing among indians. Its not so much about just knowing the land

>Person has an interaction with someone else

It's not like it was some elaborate story where people stood up and clapped.

It only looks that way. This level of evil won't be tolerated forever. Repent while you can.

Cuck, why are you even friends with a nigger?

That stuff is normal for normies with sex lives though

>not wanting to get pegged
Lol faggot

>nigger couldnt find reason to hate show so makes up one to pretend to have an opinion
you didnt call the nigger out for not saying anything about the literal first 10 minutes of fucking nonsense in the show?


>be me
kill you are self you absolute faggot

The cowboy wasn't cocky he was digging in for a fight and could handle himself. He gave the girl the gun bc he knew there was a good chance he'd be killed.

He was firing from a covered position and they were in the open giving him a chance.

>watching some stupid cgi kids movie with girl
>she puts her dirty feet on the table
>tell her take take them off
>she acts all bratty and doesn't want to
>pull my cock out start masturbating
>she is in shock and doesn't know what to do
>bust a huge load all over her feet
>she starts crying
>tells her mom about it later
>lose babysitting job

>Horseback riding was a new thing among indians.

By that point they had been riding horses for over three centuries dipshit

Strange Days has a scene where a killer uses the mind replay device to force a woman to see and feel everything he is seeing and feeling while he rapes and strangles her
I pretty much exclusively get off to rape sex stories but that scene still gives me a cold shiver thinking about it

Do you remember the movie?

>Anyone have any uncomfortable Yea Forums experiences to share?
Yeah worst was when my sister set me up to see TDK with her friend

>there was a tard sitting in front of us who shouts ITS DA BAMAN almost every time christian bale comes on screen
>she actually finds it funny and laughs when he does it
>I say i'm going to get an usher to ask him to be quiet and she tells me if i do then she's going to leave
>afterwards she's being kind of cold and we see the tard outside with his wrangler
>she goes up to the tard and tells him he's a funny guy and he made her laugh
>the tard literally says 'is your boyfriend a fag?' and she laughs again
>when we leave he mimes eating pussy behind her back
>i try to kiss her and she says she only came with me to be nice to my sister and that she thinks i should be nicer to handicapped people because i'm handicapped myself (i'm not) and then she leaves without even driving me home even though we came in her car
>tard and wrangler drive past on their way out and he throws an old apple core at me

no cause it didn't happen

>killing the joke

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Wow. If that story was real I'd say you should tell it on a late night talk show or something.

I wish it wasn't true
don't think i'll ever be a talkshow guest lol

Call the Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People podcast and tell the story on there.

>i should be nicer to handicapped people
that shit pisses me off to no end
being retarded does not give you the right to interrupt a movie

But they were aware of the holes
Indians attacked anyway because THEY were super cocky
