Subject says all
Comfy creepypasta/scp thread
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What kind of scp would sneed be?
Scp movie when?
There are 3 creepypasta threads up now. What’s with this resurgence?
post this autistic shit on /x/ for the other sophmores to enjoy
>be me
>wonder if ghots dog under my bed
>look under my bed
>ghost dog is there
i was very scared for sure
SCP became utterly stifled and in some cases retroactively tainted by the current administration. RPC has been much better since the coup’s CFOperator
Literary masterpiece
the only creepypastas that really stuck with me were Ted the Caver and Godzilla NES
Couldn’t have at least made this tv related? It’s going to be dumped on /x/ in the next 15 minutes
Oh the irony
I’ve actually spoken to and interacted with this person. He’s as much of a faggot as you’d expect, although the worst SCP members are procyonlotor and djkaktus
Nobody cares about your autistic community just the cool junk on there.
>foundation characterized as a cold and narcissistic entity that only cares about containing anomalies and being as efficient as possible
>wasting resources on having a guard transition or giving a shit about what people their researchers want to fuck
>How did McDonald's end up like this?
I lose it every time
>Creepypasta sure is bone chilling
I care
Nothing will ever top this. It is unironically masterfully written.
I don't get it
>headline thats like 50 words long
>corpses randomly in a mcdonalds
its one of the prime examples of a fucking retarded creepypasta thats not believable at all
i miss old /x/
What is WorldCorp?
His voicework can be a bit cringy in places, but the Godzilla NES Creepypasta is a must watch/read for a Godzilla fan
Fucking triple dubs
Impressive, very nice
>Jason Alexander's birthday
Also very impressive and very nice
nobody knows last i heard
The Cabin in the Woods is kinda a scp movie
Just an art project, bro.
You don't have to be such a jerk
A Seed and Feed shop from a dimension were gummy bears are seeds.
t. Podesta
I wrote this forever ago for the SCP wiki, took it off site to the RPC wiki, has the SCP mods ban me over it, and now it snugly rests in its home.
They were that hungry that they looked for food in the corpse filled Mcdonalds?
Is there anything more insufferable on this planet than ftm trannies? I feel like whenever there's some sort of autistic nonsense like this they're the ones driving it forward while the mtfs masturbate to drawings of dragons wearing shit filled diapers or something.
I don't even understand what these are supposed to be.
also can someone give me a quick rundown on scp culture? I know what they are but I never went deep enough to find the real cringeworthy shit, or meet the community in general.
A man opened up his car door and and then a skeleton popped out
>tfw clicked on a nostalgia critic video and his eyes were bleeding
and it was HIS SKELETON
Basically it was a cool website until an wave of tranny mods would ban you for wrong think for writting horror fanfic.
>mfw hyper realistic blood
why hasn't this kino been adapted to screen?
Is it still like that? It sounded cool but that sounds shit if the community mods are cunts.
>buy used copy of n64 game from some parents who just lost their kid
>happy their kid died because i got his game on the cheap
>turns out cartridge is haunted
The community still has a vibe of elitism around it where if your first article isn’t pure gold you must have not read the content guidelines and YOU DIDN’T GIVE ENOUGH FEEDBACK.
Not to mention the feedback you get is incredibly small and often very snarky and from the mods themselves.
Identity politics ruins another online community.
Yeah fuck that. It does sound like a cool community but i can see the golden years have passed.
has anyone saw this yet?
An user made a thread about it and said it wasn’t very good
Wasnt there a controversy because some tranny mod was dialating over a story about a doorknob and it was screaming that the doorknob didnt give consent. (Yeah that sounds dumb but so are trannies)
You got a link to it? I would like the skinny on it.
can you be more specific? I'm inclined to believe you but I need some examples before I can agree with you.
Basically some mods started banning people because they said that SCP shouldnt take sides on pride month because they had the rainbow logo. Anyone who had a moderate complaint was banned.