Other urls found in this thread:
>We'll never get Ivan Ooze in anything ever again
Why not? Ivan is my guy.
Licensing issues. Hasbro owns basically everything now but there's still some weird clauses where Fox has certain rights to the original movies, so no one wants to bother with him anymore.
Well that sucks. Was hoping for him as dlc in the new fighting game.
Yeah it stinks. At least Zedd is looking bad ass.
hey this is that twitch meme lol
>bullies your thread
Where were you when the bully became the Anti-Bully Ranger?
Why is Power Rangers so fucking cringe when Super Sentai is so good?
Why does no one make sentai threads and instead just shitpost in Power Rangers threads? Oh right, because no one gives a fuck about shitty Jap nerd stuff.
This. Sentaifags are such contrarian losers. Take that weeb shit over to /m/, faggot.
Why didn't they have Rita say this in the Power Rangers movie for maximum cheese?
Its because sentaifags actually post on /m/ where this shit belongs.
Power Ranger fags post this shit everywhere because they think anyone gives a shit about their shitty knockoff.
I'm sorry you missed it, but you shouldn't still be bitter.
Why would you think I would watch a Power Ranger marathon when I don't like Power Rangers?
>that moment you realize Rita is actually Asian
One of them was.
no reason
imagine how horny she was
none of us are truly free.
Well she's making my monster grow.
>being turned on by 80 year old women
Don't judge me. I blame her for my fetish of shrill domineering women.
Because you're in a Power Rangers thread?
Do you even know what website you're on?
Ara-ara! After 14 hours on All Nippon Air I'm free! It's time to conquer white boys!
You know, for kids.
*10,080 year old woman
Machiko Soga was in her 50s when she did Zyuranger.
You are literally hot for a woman in her 50s.
Wait, are you not?
No I did not find Machiko Soga attractive.
Alpha! Rita's escaped. Recruit a team of shitposters with attitude.
Someone needs to tell Rita she probably won't conquer humans since they stopped using sticks and stones like they did when she was sealed away.
>shitposters with attitude
Im not really sure we can deal with giant monsters yet. Specially if Rita can just shit them out of weekly basis and now that i think of it Rita drunkraped Zed
I'm pretty sure planes and tanks can take out the retarded giant monsters she makes.
Best Power Rangers series that isn't MMPR?
Spent all week painting these fuckers, only halfway through all of them. Should be worth it.
Most people will say Time Force or RPM, and either is correct. A part of me wants to say Dino Charge, just because of how goofy and charming it was.
with sticks and stones they managed to seal rita away on the moon. what makes her think she'd have a shot 10,000 years later?
No, they used fucking Power Rangers.
Could anyone stop him?
Nuke the monsters
Nuke the moon
power rangers with sticks and stones
Threadly reminder that Jason is returning to Beast Morphers.
Literally who cares?
Is anyone even watching that shit?
I was a child when might morphin power rangers was on that was my crack. I remember a anti bullying/ anti violence segment that played during the commercial breaks. It was a black guy drinking milk, and a "tuff guy" bumps into him and spills the milk. Instead of fighting the negro says it's cool and they walk away.
If anyone can find this for me big props to you.
Same. I can’t explain it.
Looks good, user
>It was a black guy drinking milk
The 90's truly were a strange time
Good times.
Holy shit what is this?
I was there, what a nice stream.
not bad at all. generally a wash or a topcoat helps finish, but considering their colors are so bright and primary, that might make them look weird
Ever since Hasbro took over for Haim "Gut him like a fish" Saban? Yeah. Beast Morphers is actually a really solid season.
Also yellow a cute and evil yellow a hot.
Threadly reminder that Kat is still best girl.
that specifically is from the good/crappy web series of a pen and paper game
the mobile game
Battle for the Grid. A 3v3 Marvel Vs Capcom style fighting game.
Close, but no.
I'm going to use a wash on most of the villains, since it would be more appropriate. But yeah I wanted the actual Rangers to really be bright and pop.
>Beast Morphers is actually a really solid season
Doubtful since its an adaptation of Go-busters.
I didn't watch Go-busters past 10 episodes, so I can't speak to that, but Hasbro actually put some money and effort into Beast Morphers.
Plus (as previously mentioned) Yellow is cute. CUTE!
Why do the American costumes look so much shittier than the Japanese costumes?
Aren't they the same costumes?
Look the same to me.
They aren't. They rebuilt the american ones from scratch because the japenese ones got fucked up
JDFags in cope mode lmao.
Niiiice. He has lost a lot of his flab.
Why does he keep on lying?
>he's the only ranger in history, as the gold ranger, he held the power of three rangers at one time
>as the red ranger, the only ranger to ever defeat tommy
>as the red ranger, the only ranger to fight with a monster without a morpher... period
>never defeated was jason
I can't hear this without imagining Laharl saying it. It's perfectly in character for him.
Is the Omega Red Ranger going to appear in the crossover/reunion?
We'll never be that lucky, and based on how Hasbro has handled MLP and it's comics, they want to keep the comics and shows "both canon but separate".
I have a distinct memory of an episode of Power Rangers where some dude "trains" Rita and she's forced to drag a giant rock she's chained to through the desert.
Could never find the episode this happened in so I started thinking that maybe I just dreamt it as a child or some shit.
I know the scene you are referencing, but I know it's not Rita. I'm reasonably sure it's Scorpina doing it.
In Space is the best.
Time Force is probably second.
A lot of people will say RPM, SPD, or DinoThunder as their favorite. They're all great seasons.
Something about the matte finish on the helmet bothers me.
Only Tommyfaggots think he's lying.
Gold Ranger have the power of three rangers in one ranger is now canon.
Idk if this sounds weird, but have the Power Rangers ever had a crossover with a Sentai team?
Delicious, delicious salt.
Didn't the JDF v ASJ beef originally start because ASJ was a pathological liar? People have always said that it was a minor thing that JDF could never let go of because he's kinda autistic. But it would be funny if it turned out that ASJ still behaves like that.
Some of the best seasons of PR completely reformat the source material so that's a retarded assumption.
They've made references to sentai, but not an actual crossover or anything.
Actually, the only ones who believe he's lying are the Tommyfags and if they chimp out over his truthful statements, they're going to make a second "Bitch Grips" incident and look like fools in the process.
You should post that on Reddit and get downvoted to oblivion. Or post the same thing to Rangerboard and be banned or called a Tommyfag.
Since you seem knowledgeable about this, are there seasons with NO Japanese footage? Like completely American.
Well he is a Tommyfag.
>because ASJ was a pathological liar
What is ASJ lying about in the video featured ? The green text are all true and you'd have to do autistic mental gymnastics to make him out to be a liar.
It's bitch grips all over again.
>10,000 years
Wtf did she do all that time?
Got fucked mercilessly by Goldar's massive hybrid lion cock.
Don't bother engaging ASJ because it's verbal judo. If you react or call him a liar the entire fandom will swarm at you and call you out for being an overreacting autist.
>literally defending fag hair
>make a video making a passive-aggressive sideswipe at JDF
>JDF chimps out along with his faggot fans
>claim it wasn't a sideswipe because of plausible deniability
>JDF looks like an idiot and you got away with insulting him indirectly
ASJ is the Cerebral Assassin. Triple H has nothing on him.
>It's another "Power Rangers thread descends into ASJ and JDF fags arguing"
It's all so tiring.
Cool it, Bitch Grips.
I love it when Jason says It's Morphin Time!
More interesting topic: Post which opening is the best, and I will tell you why the Jungle Fury theme is better than it.
Hello I know next to nothing about Power Rangers Lore, Who is the most powerful Ranger in history?
Goldar was fucking Scorpina. She's his baby momma. He ain't got time for old hags.
Goldar has fucked literally every single eligible (and some not eligible) females (and some not females) on this side of our galaxy.
God I wish I could fuck Goldar.
Tommy so far but Jason might catch up depending on how much Hasbro wanks him while under their contract.
you chillin with your ranger bros and this faggot robot bitchslaps you back to the stone age
what do you do?
Wow. Wait to go, Goldar. She's a keeper.
Do not listen to this faggot.
Silver In Space might be at the top, then probably Zeo, then Quantum.
That flying gold monkey tiger dude got good taste.
>then probably Zeo
Which one in Zeo?
>You will never ride Goldar's massive weird lion dick
Why live?
Sorry, gin got to me. Zeo Gold, of course.
I didn't watch the later seasons but I was under the impression that pretty much every season past MM follows the same formula:
Introduce "special" ranger who is the strongest, then later Red gets some gary stu upgrade that makes him the strongest.
This show doesn't have powerlevels otherwise, every group is just as strong as the other (even if they say otherwise)
Alt-Right: Trigger the libs own the libs.
ASJ: Trigger the JDFags own the JDFags.
The Egyptian looking one
What am I looking at here?
Oh so basically there isn’t like one specific Ranger that does something more impressive than any other Ranger has done?
No, I'm kidding. It's actually Trey of Triforia.
Not really, unless you count DOGGIE FUCKING KRUGER.
Yes I know it's the Jap version, the music is just better. The scene is still fucking top tier regardless.
that movie was fucking rad
Magiranger/Mystic Force has civilian powers. Other rangers have out-of-morph powers too.
Same guy as before so sorry if I sound stupid, but do any of the Rangers have super powers? Or do they just use tech?
>Doggie Kruger
Depends on the series. In some series they have actual powers, while others it's all tech.
That's what's great about it, you get such huge variety in themes. You can go from Ninjas to Wizards to Space Police in just a few years.
I am sentencing you to space jail for this image.
Woah wait that was her hair? I always thought it was a hat
I mean, I'm sure they have different levels of feats but the question is whether you take that seriously. Because the show isn't exactly consistent with it.
Evil Green Ranger literally wins 1v6 against the entire Ranger Team
Then later Red Ranger defeats him 1v1
How strong is he really? Who the fuck knows?
White Ranger gets called even more powerful than Green Ranger, but never does anything close to the feats that Green Ranger had (and later seasons imply that the Green Ranger was the most powerful one after all, because obviously the most popular one has to be #1)
Similar thing happened in DinoThunder with the Evil White Ranger who is introduced OP as fuck but then later gets nerfed as soon as he's on the good guys side
But again, I haven't watched all seasons so there might be some exception to this
So I prowled through every answer I got and the Golden Ranger seemed the most “special” of them all.
Zeo Gold is pretty fucking fantastic. Powerful and stylish.
>tfw parents bought you that giant stupid pyramid megazord toy
I loved that thing so much even though I stopped watching power rangers long before zeo was a thing.
That's because the Gold Ranger has the power of three rangers in one ranger.
>The gold is the only Ranger in history to ever have the power of three Rangers.
>King Tyranno, that's what the Japanese call it.
>The Gold Ranger is the only Ranger in the history of the show out of 100 plus Rangers that had the power of 3 Rangers at one time.
>Jason's the only character never defeated.
>He's the only one to defeat Tommy.
>He's the only one to fight a monster unmorphed.
>he's the only ranger in history, as the gold ranger, he held the power of three rangers at one time
>as the red ranger, the only ranger to ever defeat tommy
>as the red ranger, the only ranger to fight with a monster without a morpher... period
>never defeated was jason
Only know a bit about Power Rangers, but I always wondered why no American company has tried to make a series featuring only American footage, something all original. Like the recent movie, but as a series.
I've spent too much on this shit. Two copies of every Legacy toy, including the SDCC ones.
How did hardcore Power Rangers fans feel about the movie that came out a couple years ago?
So are the power rangers like in the future or some shit? Are the original rangers fucking dead? I remember seeing something called space force or time force back in the day.
Is there anything in this thread that screams "RENT FREE" more than this?
Most really enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect, but it was well cast and overall done pretty well.
Yes. Power Rangers Time Force.
Great drama scenes. Bad Power Ranger scenes.
Damn, that's passion.
Remember that one edgy Power Rangers fan film that was all over the internet a while ago? Surprised nobody tried capitalizing on how much people liked that.
Yellow ranger was insufferable
Did we shift from Tommywank to Jasonwank all of a sudden?
That was from the same con where I got to talk to Jason, David, and Walter. And played Jason in the mobile game where he was a sore loser, but that's a story I've posted enough times here.
All Power Rangers seasons are connected. Same universe, same "timeline" if you will. But only when they want to be, if that makes sense. The old rangers return for crossovers/team-ups sometimes. Tommy Oliver infamously returned as a grown ass man to become the Black Ranger in DinoThunder
However after some season (Space?) they basically stopped trying to feel connected and it's almost like every season plays in a different universe. That is, until the crossovers happen and you're reminded that it all plays in the same universe after all.
It's kind of autistic because the power ranger source is always some random shit that makes you wonder why all these different magical entities can produce power coins.
That was really cringy, even back then.
Idk I thought it was fun. I was a massive OG MMPR fan as a kid, so seeing them act so “grown up” and violent was cool to me.
Saban did. That's why we got the edgier Power Rangers reboot. But it failed because it's just a Transformers knockoff.
>Two copies of every Legacy toy
Does that mean you have two Black & Gold Ultrazords and two normal, or one B&G and normal?
Yeah but the movie was faaarr less edgy than the fan film. I’d say it was closer to the show than the fan film.
You got me there, I did have two of both colors, but sold one of the black and golds when the prices were real good.
We've had Tommywank for the last 20 years, so a lot of people are enjoying a different flavor.
He should've kept his beard though.
Did you just copy/paste my post from /m/?
That was Saban's version of the fan film. Mixed with Stranger Things nonsense (like when they morphed and synth started playing instead of a rock song).
It was the most appropriate reply since he copy/pasted his own copypasta on here too.
IMAGINE watching every last ASJ video just to call him out on those things.
IMAGINE only being able to post them on Yea Forums because anywhere else you'd be downvoted to oblivion or banned.
Battletech got almost a million dollars for... what exactly?
>ASJfags need to censor the truth
>is actually proud of this
>ASJfags are literal antifa trannies
Holy kek
>And played Jason in the mobile game where he was a sore loser
Wait, Jason as in JDF or Jason as in ASJ?
Jason was always the best, people just fell for the Green meme.
>muh censorship
It's not even Austinfags (no such thing, Austin is a washed up actor doing cons). It's the larger PR fandom that's sick of Tommywanking who'll be calling you out on your shit.
JDF. Short version is, they wanted people to play against him in exhibition matches on stage. I played good, so they asked me. When we played, they rigged it for him, he had three times the health and stats I did. I still beat him (even though I was supposed to lose) and he acted all butt hurt while Walter and David laughed.
I mean, how can you not? His green and white costumes are pretty fucking sweet looking.
>X-Men Apocalypse
>three times the health
>still lost
That's a SICK-AIYAH burn,.
It was cool looking for a while, but how fucking cool was Jason with the Green Ranger dragon plate?
Gold > Green > White.
Don't forget this pimpin' ranger.
Oh nice, that does look pretty sweet as well.
You know what looks sweeter? Black Ranger Dragon Shield.
This one too, damn it, they're all great
The chest piece just adds a lot to these outfits.
Gold ranger was the shit.
Wait a minute...
/m/ here
We take back any friendship we had during the marathon
You guys killed /prg/
We should've honestly gotten more of this.
Yea Forums here.
Don't blame us for shitposters.
What? I just watched the stream my guy.
Also The Zeo theme is the best shit ever.
>this was originally some kid in sentai
No love for Rocky?
I'd fuck Rocky six ways to sunday.
We never had these problems until the marathon happened and Yea Forums posters migrated to /prg/
Things got so bad we had to have containment threads for the ASJDF shitflinging
Bear Ranger > Ape Ranger
That was the White Ranger
Rocky had the unfortunate role of being between Jason and TJ. Both are way more charismatic than he is.
Yeah him too.
Kingranger and Kibaranger.
>tfw saw the girl who plays Divatox in person at a con a few years ago
She wore a really tight sweater. Those fucking milkers, man
But the bear ranger was a black girl
One on the right seems like she has a nice big tummy
This is what happens when a Blue Ranger becomes a Red Ranger.
>every group is just as strong as the other (even if they say otherwise)
No, some groups have more noticeable limits to their powers than others. For instance, RPM's powers are portrayed as being experimental and barely able to keep up with Venjix technology.
Zeo's powers are stated to continually grow as time passes.
Turbo is stated to be greater in power than Zeo.
Seasons based on magic seem to be more powerful than those based on technology.
Scratch that, we had THREE containment threads
I mean you can’t really do much with it when the whole thing is about the Rangers dying except for Tommy. Though, you could argue that they didn’t capitalize on it because the movie was so tame.
>that specifically is from the good/crappy web series of a pen and paper game
I understand the pen and paper show is not for me but the autistic fans really really really have to stop pretending the show is amazing and suggest it to everyone. I see this happening elsewhere, people hyping it up to gullible people . It's a very acquired taste and the autistic fanbase needs to come to terms with this and stop being misleading.
The whole thing I think sparked the movie we got.
Those suits and the way the tech looked was very similar.
I would not recommend this to anyone. I was a fan because I was a kid that liked anime and this was right up that alley.
Fuck you, Billy would've made a fine leader.
Have you ever wanted to be a table?
Billy was too meek. He was good support, not a leader.
I lover her so much.
Gay Ranger
Someone has to say it.
32 hours to go is Tommy's Kickstarter going to make it?
>is Tommy's Kickstarter going to make it?
I just love it whenever JDF chimps out.
Sure, but his transformation sequence should involve him going into a closet and coming out of it dressed like that.
You should've watched Zack and Miri make a porno.
>look at current sentai
>it's the red and 6th ranger show again
They should just make it a dual protagonist show, when it get adapted in the west, it'll be the same. Poor other guys.
Zyuranger and Ohranger made a lot of money using that formula.
Rainbow Ranger. He'd be all over Tumblr.
Jason has the most A E S T H E T H I C ranger forms.
I guess the legend won't be returning.
This is the first time I heard of it. What is he doing?
So Tommy is once again "The One" who will save everybody?
>no sick-hya
You were expecting something else?
He got Bosh into this
>have Lord Zedd look like a bad ass exoskeleton world beater and main villain fans were used to
>literally made him out to be nothing and a joke
Still seething to this day
Bosch will survive this. He survived The Order he'll survive the Legend of the White Dragon.
damn Bosch still looks exactly the same.
Don't mind me, just being the most based character in existence.
>fucks Scorpina and has a baby with her
>beats Jason and Tommy on the reg
>survives the Z-wave
>you will never have babies with Scorpina
I like how for Akibaranger they just said nah fuck it let's get a jav actress.
I read it in his voice.
Imagine the smell.
He's like some flayed meaty bear-mode gay wrestler.
>Sentai uses JAV actresses
>Power Ranger actresses become porn stars
Ha it's like a foreign exchange program.
>He's like some flayed meaty bear-mode gay wrestler.
No, that's Austin St. John.
why is the intro so fucking badass and high test?
Because you're a boomer.
Millennials like MMPR ironically. Like how we nowadays like the 1960s Batman show.
Equivalent exchange.
Goooo Greeeen Rangeerrrrr Go.
Wasserman was smoking some green when he made that song.
What were the lyrics when he was under Rita's spell and Lord Zedd didn't exist yet?
In a different timeline Masked Rider didn't die and they put a black guy in a banana suit.
Because back then they knew how to make based intro songs, and Ron Wasserman is a truly underrated talent.
>Don't let evil Rita put a spell on your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
Millennials are 30 years old now zoomer. That intro is great.
What about a black guy in a water melon mecha?
Fuck me green is my favorite colour but tommy is always gonna be one of my most disliked rangers. Dude just gets so much fan wank its disgusting.
King Tyranno when?
His own rabid fans are his own downfall, alienating other fans and giving Hasbro second thoughts in wanking him further.
It's the 'cool mysterious semi-rival' trope like the wolf dude from Digimon.
And he drives a fucking mechagodzilla.
It's scientifically impossible to make that uncool.
Nigga, did you just watch 40 minutes of ASJ interviews just to REEEEEEE at him due to your Tommy autism?
JDF found a way through overexposure.
He has become Rey from Star Wars. He has become a Gary Stu.
Cool, mysterious persons lose their mystery when they start being used as a leader and shit.
Tommy stopped being when he became the red ranger twice or one-shotted enemies as the white ranger when it's supposed to be a team effort.
Yeah Zyuuranger did it right he was limited to just showing up as a summon.
beta male incel confirmed.
Is that your excuse why your Kikestarter failed, JDF?
kek is there video of this?
Is it finally over? Has the evil been vanquished?
She looks like an alien prostitute.
embarissing guy
He acted butthurt how? Did he throw a fit or call you cheater or blamed the controls?
Crust Witch was a thing that year for some reason.
I guess those crowd photos were false after all.
Am I the only person who though this nigga cool as fuck?
The funny part is Toei got so pissed that they fucked up two of the monster suits they wouldn't send them the proper gold armor so any original scenes have him wearing this foam piece of garbage that moves when the wind blows.
Cowboy Ninja is cooler.
*guitar riff intensifies*
unironically Zeo and Lost Galaxy
embarissing guy
kino coming through
>more Tommywanking
Is it never enough for a hardcore Tommyfag? Do you really love Tommy jizz?
Citation Needed?
Ninigger sucked so there's only so much PR can do to salvage it.
If only all of them paid $1 each then Tommy's vanity project would've gotten funded.
don't kid yourself nothing beats that OG MMPR guitar
Fuck off, Sean Penn
The red ranger shit was cringe but I have to say his return in DinoThunder will always make me jizz my pants
That's why we have the Power Rangers.. Dumbass..
no one says any of those three. what alernate dimension are you fucking from? almost everyone agrees on either lost galaxy, ninja storm, or dino thunder. you must be zoomie trash. probably weren;'t even aive when jetix was around
nice typos retard.
t. yourself
wtf is this shit, fucking JDF
no wonder the camera has to be so fucking ugly
>green ranger
>egotistical prick
>red ranger
>humble, stoic, brave
who knew
>Black guy concedes to his white betters
Makes me cry everytiem
Dino Thunder was good because he did do the mentor thing and he actually loses.
Haha could you imagine if she turned giantess and shove you between are boobies haha
Beauty Zonnette > Wine Aunt
how wrong one can be...
power rangers would have been better if there were kimberly nude scenes.
spent all my free time whilst that stream was on watching that, so comfy
Bruh look at this dude.
It's an interesting lesson that something can be so wildly successful even when it's being mishandled in the worst way possible.
Saban was so fucking cheap half the shots are in that fucking park and by the time they're trying to collage together another season it would've literally been cheaper and easier to just do original footage.
Lightspeed Rescue
Space only because I could sense the tears of the writers after they realized Megaranger wasn't about space at all.
I wanted to like this but the suit designs are some of the worst I've ever seen.
It doesn't help that instead of cribbing from MMPR they cribbed from Transformers and Stranger Things (1980s nostalgia synth in a 1990s show?)
How did he know about the Brady Bunch reunion?
What year was the twitch marathon in? I remember that being the highlight of my year.
Wasn't that morphinominal guys!
That suit is so over designed it hurts.
>milking it
Akibablue 1 > Akibablue 2
I think her nose is sexy.
You sound retarded
Different lighting techniques
Probably Megaforce