Bonus features: Trailer

>Bonus features: Trailer

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>Interactive menus

Bonus features: Scene selection

>Bonus Features: Interactive Menu

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>Bonus features: XBOX video game demo

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>The menus fucking lag even on a game console

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>Bonus features: [song] Music Video

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Bonus features: director mumbling about getting to prep the bull and what brand of pet food gives his dog the shits

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>Bonus features: Green screen version

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>"making-of featurettes" that are just clips from the promotional tour of the actors fulfilling their contractual obligations to jerk off the film and talk about how great it is

>tfw Xbox magazine demo disks back when I was a kid

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>Bonus features: 3 hour behind the scenes documentary thats better than most full length movies

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>only footage I ever saw of Halo 2 was off a disc that barely worked
>It was the E3 demo the game didn't have

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The alien anthology bluray box set has probably the deepest extra features I've ever seen

That demo got my 11 year old self absolutely hyped as fuck though, I remember reading the magazine's Halo 2 preview over and over and over again leading up to the actual release. I don't think I'm even capable of being that excited anymore.

>Bonus features: 3 hour behind the scenes documentary where everyone involved bitches about how much of a clusterfuck making the film was

I prefer the Alien 3 documentary desu

>feature commentary with director John Carpenter and lead actor Kurt Russell

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stop misusing hmm cat.

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The cat is a Rorschach


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The sum of all fears commentary with Tom Clancy was kino

>Bonus Features: Storyboard version
Studio Ghibli loves doing this, they put a storyboard workprint version of their film on the disc and include it as a bonus feature.
More studios need to include workprints as bonus features.

Yeah. I remember that.
Were there any DVDs with a PS2 video game demo? I can't remember.
I always preferred the PS2 over the Xbox.

>menu transitions have spoilers

>bonus features: post-production orgy

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I don't think so, they were probably an incentive to sell the stupid Xbox dongle that came separate

Shout factorys Ghibli releases are nice. They all have a booklet and stuff. They're the latest releases. They also use better compression than Disney's

>bonus features: cast and crew penis inspection footage

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The xbox was about twice as powerful as the ps2. Had twice the ram. It was a beast. I never did use it to play dvds tho

Yes. I also have them.
The best ones for the most part are the Japanese releases, though.
I already have them all and I recently bought some other Shout! Factory Blu-rays including:
>Ponoc Short Films Theatre Vol. 1: Modest Heroes
>Penguin Highway
>Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki
>A Silent Voice
>BoJack Horseman: Seasons 1 and 2
>Perfect Blue
>Basmati Blues (that one musical starring Brie Larson that was apparently racist towards Indians)
The Blu-ray for Ronja the Robber's Daughter is coming out in ten days.

Yeah. Many console exclusives were better on the Xbox but if they were also on PC, they were generally better on PC.
In terms of multiplat performance:
PC > Xbox > GameCube > PS2

But I mostly preferred the PS2 for it's exclusives.
GameCube also had a lot of great exclusives but the Xbox had very few good exclusives.
In terms of exclusives:
PS2 > GameCube > PC > Xbox

I still mostly played on PC, though.

>"20th anniversary edition"
>It's just the movie and the trailer
>trailer is in shit quality, 4.3 aspect, standard definition

I will never stop being about about this. Fuck Disney, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies.

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I've been getting more Ghibli BRs so I can show my nephew as he grows up hopefully. Also haven't seen all of their movies.

>Bonus features: Everything

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>+bonus hidden features

>tfw they didn't include the anime OVA as a bonus feature for the Alita Blu-ray, probably with a new dub featuring the live action cast

They really should have. Purchasing the rights, remastering it, and dubbing it would have all cost like $500k, tops, for the entire process.

>bonus features: the entire movie at 2x speed while yakkity sax plays

that would be kino for Mad Max Fury Road

Apparently, James Cameron already had the rights to release the OVA.
It probably has to do with some countries like the UK and Germany rating bonus features as well.
The Blu-ray probably would've gotten a 15 or maybe even an 18 rating in the UK even though the live action film was only rated 12 thanks to how much more violent and gory the anime is compared to the live action adaptation.
They would sell less copies for a 15 or 18 rated film than a 12 rated film.
I remember Blade Runner 2049 was only rated 12 in Germany but one of the included prologue short films in the Blu-ray raised the rating to 16.

And there's also the rights in Japan, since James Cameron only has the rights to release the OVA outside of Japan while Softgarage still has the Japanese rights to the OVA.
Such a shame, they could've done an HD remaster with both US ADV and Manga UK dubs as well as a new English dub with the live action cast and the original Japanese version.

>Special Sneak Preview for [Next film in franchise]
>Special Sneak Preview for [Unrelated other film the studio needs to advertise]

>Scene Selection just has thumbnails and numbers rather than the names of the scenes

the best

Chronicles of Riddick, and SW Ep III.
Were there any others?
I had a bunch of these.

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The promised feature of alternate camera angles never came about did it?

Slipknot Disasterpieces dvd.

>bonus feature
>"Hobbits in gaming"

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Bonus Features: Commentary

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>Bonus features: Film