Richard Gere Delivers Supplies to Migrants
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what a fucking piece of shit
god i hate america
The refugees don't bother me as much as this cunt exploiting his celebrity. It's just so disgusting how naked it has become.
why do theses somali niggers always have that hairstyle that resembles the black guy from Hey Arnold? It's always them, other nogs have corn rows or afros or do some creative shit with their hair but these guys always look like pencils.
those aren't refugees. just straight up immigrants
everyone in that shot is an actor
I thought refugees were supposed to be from Syria, what happened?
Ive never seen any of this guys movies all I know is that he stuck a gerbil up his ass
anyone working to replace european population with low iq niggers should be killed
those muds have no clue who he is but they're just like "yuh so where be white women?" What a boomer cuck.
that's how most migrant zoomers look like these days
that is a true story
t. former cedar sinai worker (he was on floor 5)
t.t. mickey rourke was also in the hospital at the time for drug (coke) rehab (and suicidal) and laughed his ass of when he found out (it probably saved his life, good times)
They’ve dropped the pretence.
Why doesn’t Richard move some of these guys into one of his many houses? I’m sure he’s got the room. And he, being a multimillionaire, can afford their upkeep. I’m sure he’s got a few spare bedrooms in his $40m estate in the Hamptons.
>his sweaty tits
He's actually ourguy.
>best buds with dalai lama
>denounced china's treatment of tibetans
>hollywood cucks shunned him
>still doesn't give a fuck
>marries spanish activist
>humanitarian, fuck communist hollywood kinda guy since the 90's
>Activist wife
Sounds like a fucking cunt
>rich famous attention whore
>look at mee! I'm a good person!
Fuck all celebs
Dalai Lama was a cuck before it was cool
Becoming rich actually makes most people better. You should try it, user.
>69 years old
>married three times
>one child (age 19)
The Mothman Prophecies is kino.
Where the fuck are all the womens and chillens?
90% of economic refugees are men because every single woman is raped endlessly migrating
my gold chain is all i have
t. true real literal unironic NPC
Since Venezuela turned out to be such a success celebs moved on to other things
those things around him don't even look human
>Poor Little White Guy
Look at all those women and children clearly in need
today is the day I'm ashamed to be white
Did you hear about the time a boat load of these african migrants find out that there were african christians onboard and threw them into the sea?
That's just the one case we know.
Imagine cucking so hard you allow one of these mongrels into your home where your wife & kids sleep.
>denounced china's treatment of tibetans
>Sinicization of Tibet is a phrase used by critics of Chinese rule in Tibet to refer to the cultural assimilation which has occurred in Tibetan areas of China (including the Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding Tibetan-designated autonomous areas) and has made these areas resemble mainstream Chinese society. The changes, evident since the incorporation of Tibet into the People's Republic of China in 1950–51, have been facilitated by a range of economic, social, cultural, religious and political reforms introduced to Tibet by the Chinese government. Critics cite the government-sponsored migration of large numbers of Han Chinese into the Tibet Autonomous Region as a major component of sinicization.
>According to the government of Tibet in exile, Chinese policy has resulted in the disappearance of elements of Tibetan culture; this has been called "cultural genocide".[1][2] The government in exile says that the policies intend to make Tibet an integral part of China and control desire for Tibetan self-determination.
These people...God! They're just bimbos. They have no independent thought.
Amazon pays $0 dollars in income tax.
Walmart relies on tax funded state welfare to keep it's employees from starving.
USA is living the capitalist dream, am I right?
These people all have criminal faces
That guy is high as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
University students in Belgium once printed out leaflets with the home addresses of their pro-open borders professors on them and messages like "free food and accommodation". They walked around Brussels, handing them out to every African immigrant they encountered.
user, you silly goose. They would have raped them on the boat.
How big is the African problem in Brussels?
He gonna get raped.
Somali shitskin raped little girl and burnt baby boy alive
>Gerbilling, also known as gerbil stuffing or gerbil shooting, is a rumoured sexual practice of inserting small live animals (usually gerbils but also mice, hamsters, rats and various other rodents) into the human rectum to obtain stimulation. Some variations of reports suggest that the rodent be covered in a psychoactive substance such as cocaine prior to being inserted.
>Richard Gere was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in California for an emergency "gerbilectomy." Apparently doctors spent frantic hours removing a foreign object from the actor's rectum, which turned out to be a gerbil inserted with erotic intent. We're using the word 'intent' here; the poor animal was said to be placed inside a condom, inserted via a cardboard tube, then in its death spasms provides the recipient with jolts of prostate tickling.
>Becoming rich actually makes most people better.
The new left. Fuck me.
>*blocks your path*
Look at those poor 12 year olds and their mothers, fuck you racists and shit.
Look at their faces. Just confusion and no appreciation.
Actually conservatives have brought that up and it’s something that could be legitimately discussed if liberals weren’t trying to wreck the country. If lazy fucks would stop taking the “let’s make it free!” Bait.
Not that user but I've heard this too. I believe that family is from Norway if that helps. That bar they're at is in Grimstad.
You sound like those feminists who claim that the feminist movement already stands for men's issues so there's no need for men to advocate for themselves.
I'll bet you wish you were the woman on the right.
why are right-wingers so obsessed with cuckolding and interracial sex?
I think a lot of rightist thought is in some way rooted in sexual anxieties and repressed homoeroticism.
Literally all of the wealthiest nations per capita are socialist, especially the Netherlands
Yeah Venezualas problems are too much access to unions and healthcare you fucking idiot lmao
I didn't realize the workers in the Netherlands has seized the means of production. Wonder how multinational corporations based in the Netherlands continue to function. Hell, I wonder how the Dutch monarchy still exists.
I would absolutely love to move to Norway
The Netherlands and Norway aren't socialist, they're capitalist with generous welfare programs. There's a massive difference.
>Bernie wanting to regulate trillion dollar conglomerates who regularly fuck over consumers, the labor force, the environment and purchase politicians is LITERALLY Venezuela
Conservatives are frighteningly fucking dumb and cucked
and he never worked again
>Amazon pays $0 dollars in income tax.
This isn't actually true you fucking brainlet.
>USA is living the capitalist dream, am I right?
How is central banking and massive government intervention "capitalism"?
>some of the most capitalist countries on earth are actually socialist
>lets just ignore the actual socialist countries which are massive failures
imagine being this brainwashed
Dalai Lama said that Europe are for Europeans
didn't he get the memo?
>Amazon pays $0 dollars in income tax
stop believing bernie
They're socialist in the sense that you mean, which is any governmental policy that redistributes wealth, rather than actual communism
Trade and industry are still in the hands of private owners. That's literally the definition of capitalism. The entire economic system doesn't change just because you have government intervention.
They literally have a socialist government that heavily intervenes in the market and aggresses against capitalists
why isn't it working?
Bernie Sander's economic policies would lead the country to insane levels of poverty.
No wonder most of these euro countries have moved away from socialism and embraced economic freedom.
Look at Switzerland, the most capitalist country on earth, they even have private healthcare
stay mad bootlicker
You fags are always saying that welfare is socialist though
Having social welfare programs doesn't make a country socialist. If it did then practically every country on earth including the US has been socialist since before WWII.
I'm specifically saying that it isn't.
>That's literally the definition of capitalism.
So what?
It's not a free market, which is what we actually want.
According to your retarded definition, the government heavily controlling the means of production but leaving a few businesses to exist is still "capitalism" thus all of the failures of said system are magically "capitalism's" fault
imagine being dumb enough to think correlation equals causation
Based. You can this man has had sex.
It's convenient that you change your tune for the sake of this argument. Next time America wants to implement public health care make sure to tell everyone it's not socialism
like bernie cucked for hillary lmao.
Bad, gay image. Try harder reddit.
>It's not a free market, which is what we actually want.
It is a free market, just with regulation. If you're talking about a completely unrestricted free market that's more libertarianism/ancap
>According to your retarded definition, the government heavily controlling the means of production
But the government doesn't control the means of production in any of the countries we're talking about (US, Netherlands, Norway). The means of production are controlled by private individuals. Unless you're talking about Venezuela.
Around WWII, there was an OSS officer, who for some reason had to flee China, or maybe the Japanese controlled areas of Manchuria.
His orders were to go to Tibet, and he was accompanied by one or two companions.
Instructions were sent to Tibet, so the Tibetan authorities would know he was coming and that he had permission to enter Tibet.
When he arrived at the border of Tibet, the Tibetan border guards did not know who he was, and executed his companion by cutting the man’s head off.
The OSS officer was about to be executed as well, when a Tibetan official arrived with the orders for the OSS oficers safe passage.
The Tibetan official then gave the OSS officer the option of having one or two of the border guards beheaded as recompense for the execution of his companion.
The OSS officer declined.
Tibet and the Tibetan government’s administration of it was obviously peaceful and just.
lol that employee income tax, brainlet. Even the Wal-Mart CEO has clowned on Amazon for not paying income tax.
>rightards in charge of understanding how a business works
These people have the dead eyes of mules.
So how many of these refugees is he housing in his villa?
>you change your tune
How is it changing my tune if I've never said anything different?
>Next time America wants to implement public health care make sure to tell everyone it's not socialism
Well it isn't. We already have publicly funded healthcare programs (Medicare, Medicaid), the debate is over how extensive those programs should be.
You're a fucking dumb faggot. Nobody uses these talking points anymore.
This story was alledgedly concocted by Sylvester Stallone, who didn’t like Richard Gere for some reason.
Tell everyone it's not socialism user. Remember.
that pond looks like a mosquito producing factory. yikes
They aren't healthcare programs they're an insurance racket. It needs to be abolished and replaced with universal healthcare. Fuck them.
Then leave you dumb incel. You dont improve anyone's life by being here
nobody uses bernie anymore lamo
>Implying I'm a Bernie partisan
I'm literally a Fascist pal, I have less stake in the election than anyone. I will tell you that if you still believe Drumpf will do anything other than appease the Israel lobby then you're a fucking moron.
>Some reddit tier armchair psychologists
What if I legit find this type of behavior sick & disturbing, and don't want to see the west taken over by mexicans, niggers & sand people via proxy Jews? That works too right??
>thanks so much for the food and clothes, mr.gere
>*smacks lips*
>but what are the pine chips for...?
I bet if they knew he was a millionaire who probably has a hundred grand in kidnap insurance that they'd turn the fucking boat around and make for Mexico.
I wish the migrants had their way with Richard Gere.
I find your behaviour sick and disturbing.
Because it kept coming up with people that are pro-immigrants.
Like politicians or NGO members being found out to be legitimate cuckold fetishists. Plus all the women visiting 'refugee' camps to get laid.
>we have a cost problem
>let's just make sure every citizen pay those costs with the government overhead on top of that, that will solve it.
or the alternative
>lets push them to keep costs artifically low
there will be majorr unintented consequences if this is ever done. why not attack the high costs instead, faggots? Left brains are slave to their good intentions and it's pathetic
Is that their cum on his shirt?
Maybe that's what Richard Gere is wishing too.
nigga looks 23
Thank you white savior.
Oh my god. The horror. A happy family.
Why has the entire world that isnt in white countries suddenly become 'refugees?' What do they need refuge from? Syrians, I understand but what of the rest of the world? What of all the beaners they call refugees FLEEING from TERROR!
>Took a break from his vacation in Tuscany
I think the part that makes me mad about this is that Richard never ever has to know what it's like to live next to these people, so it's not his problem, and all he does is feed his huge fucking ego.
did he shove gerbils up all they asses lol what afag
Is this the European boomer? They raise young 20 year old africans to 'get them on their feet?' Are they just going to keep supporting him until he turns 30 (or inevitably rapes and murders them?)
also why are europeans such pushover faggots like this? who the fuck would willingly invite a monkey to live with them knowing full well it could freak out and kill someone? people who've never lived around blacks, thats who.
if you're a euro and you dont 'see the problem' with this then fuck you faggot.
also I bet it was the wife's idea in the first place because shes an emotional wreck and the beta husband reluctantly said yes. what a way to expose your children to a dangerous animal at an early age. quite literally like getting a gorilla and letting it roam the house.
and his shit-eating grin about the situation, he knows he'd be back home starving if it weren't for the hilariously misguided good graces of a bunch of dumb fucking whites. we deserve extinction when we let people like this live.
euros are truly a terrible breed.
They have tax payer funded programs to teach them not to rape. I'd laugh if it wasn't so god damn tragic.
I miss the days before HIPAA when any celebrity hospital stay details were fair game
You're projecting.
>picture is of the refugees who look semi-human
Migrant gerbils do the job for less money. It's not like he's making millions acting anymore.
Men are really to blame for allowing dumb ass women to have so much power. Power they absolutely did not earn.
It was implied there was at least one African, and that's a big problem.
Christ. These idiots deserve death, and the father of the house is a disgrace.
Now this is truly an old white male we need to be careful of.
Is that his cuck shed in the middle of the pond?
>Holidaying in Tuscany
>travels to migrants stranded on island not far from Tunisian coast
not exactly a short trip
probably arrived by private helicopter
>a happy family
That man is broken and will probably try to kill them one day or kill himself,the male boy will know some shit is up and will probably either OD or become another school shooter,the girl will get another tyrone because her mom is a whore that wont teach her how to be a responsible person
Keep telling that to yourself.
Why is it just on Yea Forums where i see people trying to imply /pol/tards are into cuck scat? Because in /pol/ its just the turkfaggot shitposting and getting people rangebanned by using VPNs and ban evading,i only see Yea Forums making various nigger threads and then say its poltards who make them despite clearly being a Yea Forums thing
Leftys entire existence is based off projection. It's really quite sad. They see /pol/ where there is none and can't help themselves but post cuck shit (who else would save it besides the tranny whose into it)
What annoys me the most about it is it gives /pol/tards credibility with their schizo shit
What a fucking asshole, you can tell he's not the one who'll have to deal with them on a daily basis.
The term has changed into "anyone who isn’t rich by Western standards".