What went wrong? Why are kids no longer getting into Star Wars?
What went wrong? Why are kids no longer getting into Star Wars?
Sounds like this is the most based generation yet. Star Wars went to shit after Empire Strikes Back. Fuck Star Wars.
They've probably been listening to William Friedkin anti-star wars propaganda
Kids grew up with the MCU since 2008. By the time the current generation of kids saw a new Star Wars movie, Marvel had been doing stuff for 6 or 7 years.
This. Also, what is there to like about the sequel Trilogy anyway? No one does anything cool.
but star wars has the same capeshit superpowers
The movies are bad.
The games are bad, and rare.
The books are bad.
People started getting into Star Wars when it was a big pervasive part of nerd culture, now it's just cruising on the nostalgia of fans of older works.
Boomers were into the OT and MIllenials had the prequels, zoomers would rather watch capeshit
>SW audience is mostly made of boomers living like it's still 80s
>tell them to fuck off and insert 'progressive' SJW bullshit they dont like
yeah, makes me wonder.
Glad to see Vader/Empire worshippers still exist. I thought they all offed themselves years ago.
It worked for marvel, they pretty much killed the comics but the movies are doing great...I suppose the dynamic is different
>we want the incel audience
star wars was always just film though, it never made a jump like that
Star wars is dead! It's was so big not even the prequels fully killed it but somehow they did even more damage than George's retarded writing.
Because Marvel movies haven't been like the comics... yet.
Just give them time. : l
Whining by Empire nuts did more damage to SW than Disney. Take a bow.
Kids don't have the built in connection or nostalgia for Star Wars and the new movies suck shit
What did you just try to say retard?
>Whining by Empire nuts
Kevin Feige knows what the fans want. He has course corrected Marvel many times over the years and changed the slate. Aside from a few duds earlier on he has always steered things right. He seems to know his stuff. He found a tone. He found a formula. But he knows how to change it just enough to keep it fresh.
Kathleen Kennedy doesn't have the business acumen of Feige nor the creative direction. Just vague notions of what direction they want to travel in but no talent who actually cares.
the new star wars and marvel shit lacks of soul.
>No Wars is struggling to win over Marvel generation
she looks pure but you just know she's a slut
It's only not working because there aren't enough women of colour and there aren't movies coming out every 3 months. Disney NEEDS to fix this.
>zoomers would rather watch capeshit
And so would both Boomers and Millennials
Can't even give them away.
There's some pictures of her showing her ass off, yeah she probably is. She's soo hot tho, much prettier than xenomorph.
Uumnnghhh!! Yeah there the pic is...jeezus
Say everything you want but I much prefere nu Star Wars than any capes hit. At least in nu Star Wars they film in 35 mm and use practical effects.
I knew SW was in trouble before the TFA came out. The merch was mostly stormtroopers, tie fighters and star destroyers.
Disney mistook noisy Vader/Empire-heads for the bulk of the SW fan base, not the small lunatic fringe that they are.
They must still be stunned that no one cares about the Third Order.
>now it's just cruising on the nostalgia of fans of older works.
And they antagonize that old fan base, kill of characters people are nostalgic for and provide nothing substantial of value to replace that with.
Why cant hollywood create something, why must it tear old things down and shit on it's place?
Excellent point
Go woke,go broke
That's the rule
>marvel is just too good! That’s the reason people don’t like Star Wars anymore!
Classic Disney spin.
Why is she not rey?
There is more that were grabbed before it went private.
Think about it as a kid, is there any character in Disney Star Wars you would want to be? Literally nothing is exciting and the characters are all bland as fuck. I'll say Kylo with his helmet at first was kind of cool, but then he takes off his helmet almost immediately and never wears it again.
>Imagine being this person
Why would anyone care about the third rate larpers with a chunky yet minimalist design over the sleek and /fash/ looking Empire?
everything sjw went wrong
She's too good looking. They want to be aspirational to uggos.
Unless she is really ugly, pure is always a slut.
thanks internet
You post this in every star wars thread. No one cares.
Get Woke
Go Broke
Other pic is way better.
Got your back man.
Maybe Female Boba Fett will rescue toy sales...
... just like Captain Phasma did. x)
How does one get a gf like this? seriously
Ask him.
>but then he takes off his helmet almost immediately and never wears it again.
Why did they do that? Kids liked the empire because they were masked, the rebels were always pretty lame looking because they didn't have masks. Now they just have regular stormtroopers you've already seen for 40 years
Let us not forget about Kansas Rey.
Admittedly,the slightest bit of menace or even competence would help.
The First Order is the Empire via Hogan's Heroes.
What was even the point of phasma in the story? I know she was invented to sell toys, but she literally did nothing cool
Rey Universe.
marvel didnt insert politics at all basically in the movies. you could say they did in captain marvel but that movie did terribly. You can say theres one scene here or there in endgame but its nothing stabby.
English muthah fuckah do you speak it?!
You miss the point. Few kids liked the Empire... just the dweeb in class who loved Irvin Rommel.
What a neck slut
Be tall, have a good looking face, be in shape, have a good job and make good money, have at least 7 inch penis, be charismatic, be able to compete with all the other guys trying to fuck her, and meet her psychological and emotional needs.
Or just be rich, and look average.
Stroynk woman. Female Fett will be more of the same.
ugly roasties
Disney is trying to ruin literally everything, even just the concept of "amazonian stormtrooper" had to be ruined.
pure rey is best rey
Mini is just adorable.
(While I have your attention, the problem with nuWars is the universe is shit, the original movies meant nothing, everything was reset with a new threat and they didn't do something interesting. So many writers can only write the good guys as underdogs and can't write good guys as being in charge.
Really, the New Republic should have been all powerful and the First Order should have been fantatics using their fear against them. Republic builds a weapon? They hijack it. It would have been so much interesting.)
They liked their outfits, that is why you always seen darth vader or storm troopers at star wars events, you will rarely see a rebel or luke.
They started to around homecoming, and phase 1 or whatever just finished just barely with minimal injection of that shit but now there going to really shovel the indentity politics shit in to compensate.
What they did put in almost ruined endgame desu.
Beautiful women are sexist!!!!
Sane people don't cosplay at Comicon, except pros like in the photos above.
lunatic fringe =/= typical fan
Like it or not the MCU has an impressive catalogue and dynasty, especially the infinity saga is now culturally significant and something we’ve lived with for 10 years.
There hasn’t been a truly good Star Wars movie in 39 years. They managed to cull the minds of easily led nerds and have them salivate for that next product.
Sfm Rey disagrees!
not to mention those are by far the more popular Halloween costumes
Fuck that was seductive.
Damn shame.
MCU actually had a vague sketch of where they were headed.
TLJ was being written while TFA wasn't even fully done.
Not relevant to what I said, kids don't even tend to go to comicon on top of that.
So will they change anything in Galaxy Edging after JJ reveals Sheev Palpatine is Rey's grandfather?
God, if I went in blind not expecting the cast to actually RP with me I'd probably freeze up like the sperg I am.
Disney marketers made the same mistake. A simple poll would have told them that Luke, Han, Leia and Obi-wan were the most popular characters.
They ignored reality in favor of what they saw at conventions. Easy for a socially inept nerd to wear a mask in public, isn't it?
See- Boba Fett
I just realised that the only people who like Star Wars are people around 25+ who grew up with the prequels or people who are way too old for Star Wars and should grow the fuck up.
Below 25? Nobody cares.
What in Disney Star Wars is interesting for kids? All the characters suck dick and are boring as hell.
She is used to spergs.
GF material
Actual thot LOL
She probably got bed bugs from touching that guy
There is enough Reys for everyone.
He's saying that Empirefags bitching about every movie Lucas made afterwards, Prequels AND Return of the Jedi, is why Lucasfilm ended up getting sold to Disney and that it was Empirefags that made the Sequel Trilogy.
Even kids and brain-dead normies need *some* story to invest in emotionally. The MCU barely has one. In Disney's hands, Star Wars doesn’t even have *that* going for it.
>eyebrow at 0:06
This activated my Pon Farr
>ywn hold her hand and laugh at in-jokes you walk to the cafe to get croissants on a Sunday morning
oh god oh fuck oh god oh god
Most likely.
i i din't know this was a feel i wanted
TLJ failed to do what Star Wars has been doing since the beginning: Sell Toys.
Now you could make a big argument that Empire fucked this up too but even that movie had a giant toy commercial (Hoth) at the beginning.
But what toys are a kid in the 6-12 demographic going to want from TLJ? Everything is blown up, falls apart, or generally is garbage. The only thing that was remotely cool was Poe's X-Wing at the beginning and nobody is going to buy that twice. Even lego couldn't unload their usually bulletproof sets.
Rian really fucked this up.
>It worked for marvel, they pretty much killed the comics but the movies are doing great...I suppose the dynamic is different
The same SJW feminazi bullshit that killed the comics is now infecting the movies. Only a matter of time until they run the MCU into the ground as well!!!FACT!!!
I have a lot of rare minis
She actually reported some woman to security who was dressed in Star Trek uniform.
After 2:40 it looks like she goes to security.
So you suffer from dyslexia?
What are you trying to convey here even? Get the Ganges poo water out of your ears before coming here.
star wars is fucking garbage
>Kathleen Kennedy doesn't have the business acumen of Feige nor the creative direction. Just vague notions of what direction they want to travel in but no talent who actually cares.
Kennedy has a political agenda as does man hating dyke Victoria Alonso who is taking over the MCU and bringing in the SJW Feminazi shit!!!FACT!!!
Based zoomers. Star wars was never good.
Boring, forgettable garbage.
There are a lot of people who love Star Wars below the age of 25 but they grew up with Clone Wars which is pretty much the opposite of the Sequel Trilogy. Clone Wars deepened the lore, for better and for worse, and had actually good storylines, worldbuilding and non-SJW character arcs. It was based and I say that as someone who didn't like it at first.
No the prequels is why, rotj was only sort of shitty in some ways, like the ewoks. It didn't have the retard tier dialogue that the prequels have.
I mean even the prequels had really memorable things, the music is very very good at times, like duel of the fates is great, and the rots end fight was good.
Most normies are done with Marvel after Endgame/Far From Home. The movies will begin a steady decline with occasional spikes with older titles (Thor, GotG)
Mai nigga.
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movies right before Rogue One.
>be high functioning autist
>Rey's boss tells her to give your kind attention since you'll buy more merc
>Suddenly Chad with his daughter show up to meet Rey
>Sperg gets ignored as they take pictures and have fun together
Is this how incels feel every day?
>hey kids you want to watch Thor shoot lightning or a bunch of purple hairs rant about feminism
>omg how could Star Wars fail?
>fanbase is a bunch of middle-aged white male boomers
>make a bunch of new films that say
>"males bad"
>"whites bad"
>"cis bad"
>"force is female"
>"empire is white supremacist, all bad guys in all our movies as white"
She has managed to fuck up a franchise because she really doesn't know what made star wars great in the first place.
Empire is ,fuck off.
This, the only new product were the gorilla ATAT (meh) and those shitty landspeeders that were literally breaking apart.
>MAGA hat
I wanna cum inside her tummy haha
I do have a soft spot for Mini Rey.
Please cast all these Reys and make Star Wars great again.
This is more character than Ridley has ever shown
Imagine Daisy Ridley seeing that people like the fucking theme park versions of the character better than her heh.
Funny, George Lucas didn't even have to try to win anyone over.
It is okay user.
She still has her thousands of dollars.
Because they focused on story over spectacle for the new movies.
The appeal of Star Wars was ALWAYS the spectacle. The creatures, The space battles, the lightsaber battles. The story is best when it's just the simple Hero's Journey. Not some bloated drama shit.
On top of that the story is progressive liberal cuckery. So they double fucked it.
The ONLY good parts of the new shit was Snoke who they killed off, and Phasma who they killed off.
>terrible movies
>terrible video games
>all the old fun characters are dead
>new characters all suck
>everything they do reeks of pandering and desperation
I never thought I'd see such an unstoppable cashcow be annihilated in such a short time
Millions, but uhh still tho
>Kathleen Kennedy doesn't have the business acumen
understatement of the decade, she's got business sense but she actively does the opposite of what any competent manager would do in her position, like it's fascinating to watch her flop around and fuck over the properties she's been placed in charge of.
no they didn't, if they did they would have kept kylo in his helmet and made the new order feel like a threat instead of a joke. obviously they made far more mistakes than just the costuming though
>The story is best when it's just the simple Hero's Journey.
She is the classic case of okay middle management who gained too much responsibility and passes the blame onto others all the time.
Here's what they did wrong:
If you get the Original Three back, the first movie has to be about them. You basically have to retread ROTJ and then let Han die after some amount of fanservice which will also at the same time serve as exposition for this new era.
- Have Leia take over from Mon Mothma at the start
- Imperial Remnant is still there, but there has been an armistice.
- rumors about a resurgence in the Unknown Regions which Luke and his padawan Kylo Ren go to investigate, Kylo doesn't fall until the second movie.
- Leia and the New Republic want to build a superweapon as deterrence
- Here you can integrate some established characters like Poe who has served her for a long time but now he disagrees with her plans and there is some actual drama.
- Have Finn as a Stormtrooper for at least a movie and a half.
- Kylo and Luke discover Rey on their journey, she's a strong, powerful girl which they decide to train. Let's have some plot element like "the force is waning" or something like that, force sensitive people have become rare and she's one of the only ones left so they have to do it. Kylo and Rey thus has a natural connection and some normal romance for a while.
- Han and Chewie have to die aboard the Falcon in some sort of sacrifice.
- Bring back Ackbar, Lando and Wedge in big moments throughout the first half of the trilogy.
- Maybe have the Remnant and the NR team up to fight against some threat. You know, anything to stop a repeat of the OT.
Not after Federal/California/British taxes
Don't forget her in a bikini:
Made for each other, user.
ugly people are hoes too man, the band geeks were the most promiscuous at my high school.
They botched what they were trying to do.
They think SW fans are so retarded they would cheer for Dax, (or whoever that silly red-headed guy is).
she's a classic case of a diversity hire they can't fire or replace
That sounds exactly what I would want in a new trilogy. Hell I'd even take the external galactic threat that the Empire and Republic have to team up against, not sure if I'd specifically want the Vong though.
>What went wrong?
Star Wars is a fucking adventure series with space cowboys and ancient space samurai mixed in with sci-fi spaceships and war
Then at some point they decided they needed to fucking mix in political bullshit, they started wanting to make it bigger than what it is, and that's when it all started going to shit.
it doesn't have to be the Vong. Make it the Chiss, get Thrawn back, Empire of the Hand, throw something in for the Legends fans if you fucking destroy all of it. They're basically copying the Legends canon without acknowledging it. Kylo is Jacen, etc. There's even rumors that Felicity actress is Rey's mum and she plays a redhead in a de-aged scene with Hamill........... I mean come on!
>The movies are trash that simultaneously try and bank on nostalgia while shitting over old fans
>The games are p2w microtransaction heavy EA and phone garbage
>The latest cartoon looks like it was made with spare change found in the couch
>The books are written by literal fanfiction authors who can't write for shit
Geez, wonder why it's failing.
Mini bastilla when?
Yeah they just can't write to save their life. The problem is all these writers want the good guys to be underdogs and to write OT fanfic instead of setting up the actual universe.
TFA did a really bad job of explaining what the status quo was. The General Hux speech was such a pointless scene because we basically knew nothing about the New Republic.
And don't tell me to read no shitty books to explain it.
(i'll have to stop posting Reys soon and go lads.)
Captain Marvel made a billion dollars and didn't have any political message other than Brie Larson existing.
>Kansas Rey literally has better fighting skills than Daisy Ridley.
Marvel could have made a two hour movie about the cat and it would have made a billion. :/
I’m confused is this daisy Ridleys stunt double or something ?
ourgirl fatima uploaded a galaxy's edge video today and mini wasn't there... I really hope you retards didn't get her in trouble
>old aesthetic from the original movies everyone has seen before, where are the new ship and machine designs?
>basically the same costumes so there is nothing new or interesting to see
>the first order never seems like a threat, rey never has a struggle to overcome and just constantly wins
>no real mystery, everyone is related
What is in it for kids today? It's literally only for nostalgic 30 year olds, it's not for kids.
They tried to bring back Wedge, Lawson said fuck off
>successful space opera about space-wizards with laser swords and comic relief droids
>turn it into a propaganda vehicle for anti-white anti-male anti-western civilization fringe sjw thought
Huh why'd people stop liking it, such a mystery.
All these Reys are Reys from the new Galaxy's Edge/Disney Land.
Prequel fights were choreographed much better imo
It's not like capeshit is much better.
Yeah, I've read that too. But we don't know anything but the conditions of the offer. I'm pretty sure that they could've gotten him if they really wanted to.
>300 million budget
At least give the sperg credit for not hover handing.
He's alpha as fuck (and very autistic).
They're girls that get into costume and walk around Disneyland
It all started when everybody started noticing that the girls they hire to walk around Disneyland playing Rey look way hotter than the actual girl they got to play her in the movies, and, you know, it's supposed to be the other way around
>punches way too slow
>shoulders aren't raised
>elbows out
>drops her dukes
cant comment on her kicks because kickboxing is for tween girls, but I can kick this tiny girl's ass no problem.
Star Wars is your dad's movies
Just got back from Didleyland. Didn't see any park reys all day. Literally shaking
I also listened to William Friedkin's anti MCU facts
>"Damn, she's perfe-"
>She turns around.
this photo they used is 110% photoshopped
holy shit
Most star wars fans don't have kids
Not likely:
She is lovely all the same.
Zoomers and millennials boomers don't care about this shit. Who is giving money to this garbage?
They have hundreds of Reys not just these main 4. I'll post a few.
These guys
what is smol rey's name
Lesser known Reys.
>have the ability to cast anyone
>cast the ugliest main cast this side of a fucking freak show
>a weird big forehead girl with xeno teeth
>a fat flat faced cod-eyed Asian
>a white man who looks like half finished Picasso painting
>a black man who looks like a gorilla/human hybridization experiment from an underfunded lab
>have the ability to hire any writers
>hire the biggest sjw fright-hair feminist liberals on earth
>have the ability to hire any director
>hire the guy who wrote and directed 'Looper' and give him complete creative control
What. Went. Wrong.
I'm used to dealing with dorks like herpes face and beardfag, but that Youniverse guy makes me ill.
Stacy Rey
Chromosome Rey
Discount Rey
>cast the ugliest main cast this side of a fucking freak show
Cast ugly people. Have no real romance in the films making them weirdly asexual. Try and add THE WORST romance in TLJ.
user said he didn't see ANY rey
Star wars movies are toy commercials
and where is the iconic new ship they just recycled the zoomer falcon from the OT.
you had one job. disney
That's a lot of memewords, mate
He's talking bollocks because I saw a Rey.
You know star wars is shit when all the retail stores sell the star wars toys to good will and other thrift stores and they dont even sell there. I saw a stock of new star wars toys next to a stack of those youtuber collectible toys of famous youtubers.
and star wars rebels as well and star wars lego, tons of kids would be into star wars
The better question is, are kids even going to remember or care about the sequel trilogy in 3 decades?
They are mostly around taking groups of kids on tours/roleplaying.
Marvel had:
>ultra charismatic and amazing actor as Iron Man with an amazing debut and decent sequel let's ignore the third film exists
>gigaChad Thor
>Loki for the girls
>gigaChad Captain America that was presented as the embodiment of hope, freedom and self-sacrifice shit movies including Winter Soldier
>Iron Man again
>some banter that was decent
Now look at Star Wars:
>ugliest nigger they could find
>Mary Sue female leader with a strange face
>latino(?) pilot but a decent actor
>ugly antagonist but a decent actor
>old cast died in film or while filming
Even this first time I saw this scene, without the cherry picking, at regular speed, I remember wondering who the fuck choreographed this mess. The closer look shows it’s just insulting
Don't you know it.
I heard disney is blaming the hot weather for no one visiting that part of the park.
she lasted one day
Oh, I would get that stegosaurus, I didn't know they had those in star wars.
meanwhile the WWE section always looks like some kids messed around in the area picking out toys along with hot wheels and legos but the Star Wars section always looks clean. The only time I've seen kids play with those nu wars toys are in staged social media pictures and the toys looked brand new like they were never even played with.
>Children (well, most cinema consumers are childlike-retard adults under arrested development) this generation like capeshit by Disney
>So they will not like another form of capeshit, in space, with glowsticks, also by Disney
What the flying fuck. Journalism used to mean going into war zones to capture the essence of the now. Winston Churchill in his younger days went to Rhodesia as a war correspondent, got caputred as a POW, fucking escaped and travelled through the feral, sweaty jungles of Africa to safety. Meanwhile, these softcunts cry because not everyone bows down to their retard franchise of choice, or they run out of soj lattes at the local Frappuccino place
Did she?
They also blamed people's perception that the park would be super busy. Hotels put up their prices in preparation thinking it would be busy. The higher prices put even more people off.
She looks like Charity Crawford.
Have you accounted for the fact that all kids want today is tablets? No kid wants a "toy" anymore.
No one wants this toy.
Holy fuck this is peak autism.
SJW writing is often riddled with attempts at subverting the status quo to the point that it becomes the status quo for them.
They present the young woman or minority being a genius that is awesome at fighting in comparison to the trained soldier or wise elderly man, since it's not what you'd normally expect based on their circumstances, but it feels satisfying for them since it's presenting the various women and/or minorities as better than anyone would have expected.
They treated the Nu-Empire as a joke while in the original movies they looked really imposing. Their Vader stand in also looks like a complete freak while throwing tantrums like a toddler.
mcu good
star wars old
nu wars bad
Underrated. Everyone can grab their weapon from a distance like Thor's hammer.
Nope. Go to any toy section You will see WWE, Nintendo, Hot wheels lego and other brand shit sells well while no kid wants star wars shit.
That's just for the film. She gets residual payments, merchandise, etc. Easily millions.
Is there something wrong with her pool?
I am out of Rey pics. Out of toy pics. And I have to go to work.
Hope you enjoyed the ride.
>so, like, how much shadow does the average human cast?
>none, right?
Maybe a group of toddlers swam in it. :/
What is this supposed to convey to me? Dont @ me
what the fuck
user, you're retarded.
>Try and push her as the new Boba Fett: IE cool helmet character
>Clown her in every appearance, starting with this supposed loyal soldier dropping the shields that blew up Death Star III without putting up a fight.
>They treated the Nu-Empire as a joke
They pushed comedy far too hard.
Only CP30 was bumbling. No one else. Especially not the bad guys.
The image that killed Star Wars
You know perfectly well that if nustarwars had been good kids would be all over that shit.
But jj abrahams and kathelen kennedy made garbage so nobody cares anymore.
>winter soldier
sure is plebian in here
No, they're not struggling to win over the Marvel generation, they're struggling to compel the sci-fi fans of all generations.
Wanting ewoks to die isn't indicative of what I thought of the rest of the movie.
Why do you want a ballbusting baby-crazy bitch like that?
>cast shitty actors based on inclusion and feminism. They aren't hot and they aren't good at their job.
>Have no vision for a universe that is hard to tell good stories in. Star wars is thin on interesting concepts.
>Only directive was make it as unlike the prequels as possible.
>Allows a hack to ruin the shitty first film set up and insult fans.
>Never focused on the legacy characters in a fulfilling way.
>Never wrote interesting new characters.
They shit on the boomers who do care and have no footing with zoomers.
mini is pure though
Not really, the entire reason marvel is q success is because they got "white males" stars to kick off the franchise.
Being inaccurate is no the same as telling the main audience to fuck off.
The primary differences being that 1) Marvel did it with actual tact and respect for characters (most of the time), 2) the source material was a fucking mess with all the retcons and universe resets but they boiled a lot of ideas down pretty well for the big screen, and 3) the audience switch actually makes sense because movie audiences > comic book readers in terms of number, profits, reach, etc. Star Wars was already a juggernaut film series and merchandising empire. Instead of improving on that legacy (ie the Marvel strategy), Disney/Lucasfilm went full lazy retard and coasted on it while expecting the rake in the dough forever.
didnt they listen to that boomer who shit on the prequels and followed his advice and used real practical effects and it still ended up sucking?
Literally everyone is more attractive than actual Rey
What the fuck do you even mean? Bc she’s not a virgin ffs
Er, but how? Haven't the season passes kicked back in yet?
>.t clueless disney exec
There was only one thing he didn’t count on: ____.
Yep! : )
Because Kylo Ren is not nearly as cool as Thanos.
Rey is not as cool as Spider-Man.
Aug 27
star trek girl bad posture triggers me :(
Gen zoy been based asf
I guess some little girls would like to be Rey. She's kind of a power fantasy but the movies pretend otherwise so the contradiction can be internalized.
Not him but you cared enough to post, genius.
I mean the prequels had a shot story too. Just because boomers noticed doesn't change the fact that the nu wars is still Garbage.
And though most of the practical effects are fine and welcome..they fucked that up too. It's so bland and forgettable the toys don't even appeal to children
lol why did they use a picture of Kylo he's the only one people like Even the Jonas Brothers only showed up for him kek
Even the Bourne trilogy had better camera work.
And failing miserably, mostly because of terrible wiring and forced politics.
>Not him
Hahaha. You are. Offended much.
Because the new movies are boring and have nothing that is appealing to boys.
The prequels at least had Clone Trooper (which were like Tactical Space Marines and had a variety of designs and weapons) AND hundreds of badass Jedi (meaning it was easy for kids to create their own Jedi OC. And for those about to bring up RotS, other Jedi did survive. And you could imagine the same). Even the badguys had some cool toy designs like Darth Maul and General Grevious. And tons of crazy ships and gizmos. Not to mention over-the-top action.
The Resistance sucks. They are full of ugly people with ugly uniforms. There are no Jedi outside of the boring ad hell Rey and grumpy Old Man Luke. And outside of Kylo, the First Order look lame. Snoke was also a lamer Emperor (and “But he is suppose to be lame” doesn’t justify it. It makes it worse). Phasma is a coward with a bland design that gets her but kicked. And do I even need to go on about Hux. The new Stormtroopers suck. There is almost hardly any good action in these movies. And the ships and designs are just lamer versions of stuff from the OT.
Overall, there is just nothing appealing about the Sequel Trilogy.
Umm it had a ton of social justice intected into it, did you not pay attention?
>The skrulls dindu nuffin refugees think of all those evil white men who were being misogynists Carol! It's a cock pit! Crush that guys hand he told you to smile!
You have to be a soiboi?
It's always a good thing.
I maintain that (being one myself) sci-fi fans aren't hard to grab, but we're hard to keep. You throw trash at us, and we'll spike that shit to the ground and move on.
>practical effects meme
This is a good post. There isn't anything new to play with. Every single Marvel character can be a decent toy.
Is there a Nerf Mjolnir that kids chuck at each other?
As a kid I even thought the Gungans were cool. But Sequel Wars doesn't even have a distinct robot walker. Just an ATAT with fists for feet?
>kids might not be into star wars anymore
>kids don't like watered down shitty star wars
And here's why
You think we don't have journalists who still fucking go into war zones
The prequels were shit, but they managed to expand the universe in really interesting ways that the games, books, and shows were able to make good use of.
The sequels are just beige mush that retroactively makes a lot of things stupid or nonsensical.
What is worse is that Disney let their writers outright tell everyone on twitter that the Empire is a metaphor for the Alt-Right.
I mean, yes, the Empire are suppose to racists. It isn’t subtle.
But the idiots have created a divide. It use to be that wanting to dress up or pick Stormtrooper was harmless. Now it means you are a Nazi.
By trying to virtue signal, they divided their merchandise and audiences.
Why do you think they made Hydra betray Nazis?!! Because they didn’t want people feeling awkward dressing up and buying Hydra toys!!!
Anything with a forced SJW agenda is doomed to fail. I said forced. Black panther is originally black and a well liked character.
You idiots killed SW. Congrats, and go play with your Darth Vader doll.
when the preguels were made, the original films were still okay. But now star wars is fucking dead. Even the original films are obsolete now.
It was never really that good, i hope most of you have already grown up out of it
I'm not so sure about that. Disney wouldn't be letting her steer the Lucasfilm ship were that the case, because the only thing they give a shit about is money. Any of their big talk about ideology and doing the right thing or whatever is pure airbrushed press release bunk. Think of it from a giant soulless megacorp perspective: You want all the cash, and that depends on your carefully cultivated family friendly image. You CANNOT afford to end up on the "wrong side" of something that looks like a mini civil rights movement. It's a calculated risk on their part, but the problem is they fucked up the math. I think what's really gone down is that KK is really pushing this idea on the suits that woke = the future and therefore the legacy of the franchise. Ep 7 had a female lead and her black sidekick. Did great. Rogue One? Female lead again, did fine despite being a side-story that confused normies. TLJ? Cancer, but again made a ton of money thanks to RJ either being a money wizard or never bothering to reshoot a single scene. Loud complaints can be excused as a vocal (and doomed) minority that Disney should not associate. In fact, they should probably mock them repeatedly. Solo is the first Star Wars movie since the prequels to have a male lead...and it bombed. So a lot of KK's successes and failures can play into this narrative, but I'd imagine she's either on thin ice or seriously believes she's invincible, given what looks to be a pretty slipshod rush job behind Ep 9. I guess we'll see what happens.
They wrote three terrible movies then threw the largest bitch fit in modern history when people tried to tell them what they actually wanted to see
>the Empire are suppose to be racists. It isn't subtle.
Not only is this wrong, as the Empire and it's hierarchy comprised of multiple races, but it's fucking stupid that you would frame it that way. How is the Empire racist? Dumb fucking idiot. The Empire is an Empire like any other in history, stretched out over a galactic scale, comprising numerous races and cultures, pulling from each for leadership and command roles based on loyalty and competence, not race. Holy fucking shit, it's painfully obvious.
I guess the USSR, the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, and so forth, were all RACIST NAZIS. You people are crammed from ass to ears, with fetid, amoebic waste.
>But Sequel Wars doesn't even have a distinct robot walker.
The deliberate lack of creativity is the saddest thing about disney's take over. Lucas may not have been a good writer or director, but he had a passion for creating memorable places and characters that inhabit them.
When he was pastiching westerns, samurai films and ww2 films together in the OT it was top shelf shit that nobody has ever been able to repeat.
When he started making shit up wholesale (other than that cringey 50s cafe part), it was vibrant and unique, even despite the limitations of CGI at the time.
Hell, even bioware has come up with some interesting ideas for places and creatures compared to Disney.
But Disney... they just copy, copy, copy and make the films bland because of it.
Some people just aren't compatible and can't inhabit the same land. Trying to make orthodox muslims get along with queers is like putting the chicken in the same cage as the foxes. Racism is just self-preservation.
They got handed a a machine to print money, and crashed the plane into the mountain. It will go down as one of the biggest fuck ups in entertainment history.
Imagine if they had cast attractive people, hired good writers and kept politics out of it and had someone competent running it. They would have had this and the MCU simultaneously firing on all cylinders. Scary, maybe it's for the best they fucked it up.
I'm just some pedantic fuck who wanted to poke fun at you. Not sure why you decided to up and reveal your power level like that.
the big thing keeping star wars alive over the decades was the EU. As the movies were totally god-awful starting with ewoks. Disney spiking the EU and replacing it was literal garbage meant they were telling the core audience to fuck off. then making a series of totally awful movies killed it for the mainstream they were hoping to pull.
disgusting plucked eyebrows also not visible on this webm but her forehead is too big
she's average in term of plastic, also it seems she's almost flat
Someone is autistic. It still won't help your youtube channel.
>around taking groups
Budget Rey
>They treated the Nu-Empire as a joke while in the original movies they looked really imposing
This is 100% intentional. Woke movie makers are required by their ideology to not celebrate or idolize their villains, especially if said villains are white/straight/male. (as they usually are) Villains need to be deplorable but they aren't allowed to be _cool_ , because that would be a backhanded endorsement & woke folk are all about symbols & representation.
Thus we get buffoons, petty bullies, smallminded morons, cackling maniacs, cowards and pitiable victims perpetuating the abuse they suffered. No terrifying & implacable soldiers like Vader, let alone will-to-power mastermind types like the Emperor.
but user, how could they go down in history as fuckups if the reason they're failing is because they're doing their jobs too well?
I'm just going to keep going because I think you have more insecurity than self control.
Dexter's Diner has more soul in it, and it's characters than all of nu wars.
Think about that shit.
she def doesn't have a solid enough hairline to pull that haircut, she look retarded
how can someone in charge of a million dollar movie can green light this kind of obvious stuff is beyond me
did you miss the part where it's called "the marvel generation"
I am not the one posting their shitty video on Yea Forums.
Correction: They Nu-Empire is portrayed as a threat when the heroes need one to fight against, and a joke when they need to look really good in comparison.
>At least 4 black people in that image
Fancy that, neither am I.
Saying they focused on story over spectacle implies they had a good plot. Or solid characters. Or literally anything of interest besides...well, exactly what you said. Spectacle. How is Super, Bigger Death Star not peak spectacle over story?
this outfit is so ugly, luke outfit in the original was so much humble and better
what kind of dull bohemian/veggie culture would dress her women like this
>hire the guy who wrote and directed 'Looper' and give him complete creative control
Honestly don't think he wrote TLJ. The story was so butt fuckingly retard it had to be done by that committee of wine aunts out of San Francisco Kathleen Kennedy made the Story Group. The way Rian has been such snarky faggot online is my only evidence of it though. No man of his age behaves like that unless he's white knighting.
No one cares about your shitty video. There are 1000 other neckbeards complaining about Star Wars on youtube. You're not original.
Quit posting gay ass reactions and go back to your 41 subscribers.
>ywn marry mini
whats the point
This, so much this. I would kill for a villain monologue to be taken seriously and not undercut by some dumb fucking gag or quip. God dammit it just kicks me right out of the movie.
At least the characters had arcs that didn't insult the intelligence of a child. For the most part. Hulk still feels like they skipped an entire movie by Endgame.
iron man 2 was shit (except for the justin hammer scenes) and
> muh boird
Nu-wars feels so unnecessary, they literally exist to sell toys
>The prequels at least had Clone Trooper (which were like Tactical Space Marines and had a variety of designs and weapons) AND hundreds of badass Jedi (meaning it was easy for kids to create their own Jedi OC. And for those about to bring up RotS, other Jedi did survive. And you could imagine the same). Even the badguys had some cool toy designs like Darth Maul and General Grevious. And tons of crazy ships and gizmos. Not to mention over-the-top action.
Don't forget pod racing. That shit was the best when I was a kid. I remember making tons of pod racers in legos.
Everyone else might be too young to get what you are saying but I know exactly what you are trying to say. I can’t belive more people don’t realize this.
The scariest thing about the failure of starwars is that it could have easily been the biggest franchise of this century, if they had taken a step back and gone "what do audiences want" looked and china and then started working in some subtle Wuxia elements to the places and people.
Chinks will eat up literally anything to do with Wuxia, no matter how bad it is, hell if you remember that absolute piece of shit The Great Wall from 2017 - That made 45m in the US and 170m in China. Not to mention that starwars is already perfectly set up for working in wuxia imagery with the Jedi duels, scenic planets and elaborate architecture etc.
But instead they decided that what the audience would like is ugly black people, rehashed PT environments, ugly jungle asians and purple haired feminists in evening dresses.
Did videofag piss on your wife or something? I can't imagine why anyone but the world's angriest, most unloved sperg would get this upset over some nobody, so I'm leaning toward you knowing the guy somehow.
>hey Disney the prequels sucked so could you please do better?
And then they didn't do better.
As a kid I used to put my stuffed animals into empty tissue boxes that I would color to resemble pods and race them around my house. Obviously I'm an adult now but I really don't think there is anything worthwhile in the new trilogy and spin offs, let alone anything that sticks out or entices kids other than the brand name.
>the guy
I get it man. You're defending your video. Posting it online. Thinking your shitty Star Wars analysis is somehow better than 1000+ others. But it isn't getting views. No one cares about you moaning about SJWs in Star Wars. So you find threads and post it. Hoping to get a few more views.
Really I pity you. You're not gonna be the next big Youtuber. You're just another schmuck screaming and getting angry over Star Wars.
Just another soiboi.
Literally the only interesting design element of the sequels is Kylo Ren, and that's only because it was copied wholesale from Revan.
The funny thing about Dex's bar is that in the prequels Dex's design stands out starkly with it's ugliness and drab colors, but in the nu-quels he would get lost in a crowd, since literally every alien looks similar to dex.
He actually got another view because I followed the link to his Youtube channel to see if you'd pitched a bitchfit in the comments or something. But there's absolutely nothing because I think you're literally the only person on this board or anywhere else who actually cares about these videos.
What the fuck, user.
But they specifically tried to make a Star Wars movie the way those Gen X Empire fanatics would have done it, hell JJ practically is one of them. Kevin Smith films are another example of that type that was so vocal for so many years and for some reason they were catered to.
You care enough to start responding because it is your video. Omg, someone insulted your youtube!
You'll post it in the next thread and no one will care still. WAHHH SJWs in Star Wars.
>But they specifically tried to make a Star Wars movie the way those Gen X Empire fanatics would have done it,
Gen X fans wanted to rehash ANH and ESB with worse characters?
Don't lump everyone into the same boat. Ep 7 was normcore Star Wars but I fucking hated it for being so lazy. The prequels sucked ass but this Jurassic World shit isn't any better.
This is false. If no kids wanted toys anymore there wouldn't be a toy section at every major big box store. Toys still sell. The difference is if you have a shit product the store won't waste months on it like Toys R Us used to have the luxury of doing. There's maybe 8 aisles and if you're not pulling your weight you're out.
Christ you guys are pathetic.
>you careee soo much
>posts loadsa reaction images
I'm posting because it's fun to push your buttons and you're too genuinely stupid to accept that after I told you the first time. I included a pic calculated to trigger you further as it implies you're willingly ignorant.
Yeah, I'm real torn up about that.
>sort out the one response to his video comment
I'm ignorant? You're the autist who can't accept that no one likes your video.
Your anus certainly seems torn.
Dance, monkey, dance.
Yeah pretty much. After they liked Jedi when it came out they decided in the late 80s and early 90s they hated it for being kid shit and dumped on it until the prequels came out and they could dump on them. That age group insisted only ANH and Empire were real Star Wars and it was so ingrained that that’s all we got with TFA.
You sound as fat as him.
>people make fun of star wars while two complete retards carry on a 50 post slapfight that everyone ignores
Yea Forums in a nutshell really.
Pretty sure this guy isn't who made the video. Did you legit get an actual youtuber and some nobody mixed up?
>Did you legit get an actual youtuber and some nobody mixed up?
The nobody wishes he was that fat fuck. It is hilarious.
This is why you fuckers ruined the franchise. I don’t like the prequels either but they are far better than Jurassic World. They didn’t play it safe. They failed but at least it was different and didn’t kill the franchise like the new movies had. The prequels still sold a bunch of cool looking toys instead of turning boys off from action figures entirely with some peg warming Asian girl.
Not liking the prequels is not the same as wanting to reboot the OT. If anything that's the absolute anathema for the gen x crew, since they put the OT up on an untouchable pedestal. What they wanted was a return of the original tone of the OT, rather than the over the top slapstick comedy and ADHD battle sequences.
>Yea Forums in a nutshell really.
I suddenly don't feel bad at all about my existence pissing off a knee-jerking illiterate.
The Empire fanatics wanted the Empire to win...
.... and in nuWars they already have.
and apparently they really did want another Death Star
Remember when Phantom Menace tried to sell a Queen Amadala doll to girls (this is why her outfit changed like 8 times in the movie) and nobody bought it? Lucas learned quick not to market to women and AotC was literally explosions, lightsaber fights, and cool shit to make war toys.
Like I said it’s not just the prequels, it was Jedi too. And it might not have been their intent but after three decades of bitching the message Disney got loud and clear was “we only want ANH and Empire, anything slightly different will be shit on.”
user, I can tell you're an idiot, but knowing that fact and wanting to be you don't go hand in hand.
You hated seeing your precious stormtroopers get beat up by teddy bears.
Whatever delusion makes you angrier, I'm happy to feed it.
God you're delusional mate. Cry more.
>star wars functions perfectly fine for years
>disney gets it and fucks it up
I'm pretty sure the number of people who wanted the empire to win can be counted on a single hand. Also, Jedi copped some flak specifically because of the ewoks, especially when it became known that it would have been wookies if not for budget cuts.
Trying to suggest that JJ's insanely lazy soft reboot was forced on disney, because they thought that the OT fans (that they immediately discarded) wouldn't like a new story is seriously crazy. Like, take your meds crazy.