How did we go from this

How did we go from this

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To this?

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to this

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Inclusion = overrepresentation

90s kids vs 2000s kids. Not rocket science. Kids are only getting more lefty and diverse as they go. "generation zyklon" is /pol/ cope

Jesus fuck the nose on that black kid.

holy shit the schnoz on that nog

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>alll thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

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when did high waist jeans become a thing again? why did that happen? also what's with girls and those oversized glasses military 70s glasses. it used to be they wore bug eye sunglasses now it's just gross

They’re obviously trying to avoid the Dan

Is it just me or have kids in the entertainment industry grown smaller? Hollywood must be using one of those pills that stunts development.

>two Asians (one possibly LGBT)
>two black kids (one mixed race)
>no white kids
Yep, definitely overrepresentation.

They’re obviously teenagers

Diversity isnt the issue here Talent levels are
Too bad the most talented one is the obviously gay one.

I’ve heard worse, someone called him L’il Etika before Etika went missing and did what he did

Would Yea Forums a Lori Beth Denberg

>unironically using Stan

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>wanting to lewd Lori Beth, even by chubby chaser standards

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Sauce on that deku pic?

No way he'd drown, his nose is a flotation device.

>this is allllll thaaaat
>this is allllll thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

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Don’t know honestly, someone posted it on /asp( and I asked them and didn’t get an answer

What a shitty model

Cuz they for talented young adults back then instead of cute zoomers to initiate into a pedo cult

>All That
>Kenan and Kel
>Cousin Skeeter
Why were the inrtos and music so fucking good? Goddamn nog music used to be so based

kid on the right is a jewish looking goblin

denim girl a cute!

J e w s

taylor swift made highwaist shorts popular because she wanted show off her legs and didn't have anything else to offer besides a pleasant face. instagram whores realized the highwaist meme makes legs look longer so they copied swift, but coupled it with whore jeggings and somewhere along the way highwaist infected everything.
it used to look rather nice years ago - when the emphasis was on the waist and her curves. but now the emphasis is on the ass and legs, and the way this style is worn in current year does not compliment the waist or curves - her figure - at all. it used to be about showing off femininity and curves, now it's just about trying to be 'sexy' and showing off anterior-pelvic-tilted flabby asses and disproportionately big legs.

The only based era stopped back in ‘95, then it took a slow decline from 96-00 and it took a quick, steep dive down from there

Not having Based Beer Can Dan select the best cast

What the fuck is this shit?

>The only based era stopped back in ‘95, then it took a slow decline from 96-00 and it took a quick, steep dive down from there
Correct. It was rapping and electronic influences that ruined it IMO.

Those are the names of the new kids in the cast.
>look at results
>annoyed, angry, gay Ariana Grande fan that high
Fucking why?


Fucking Taylor

And instead, Nick is casting kids that are talented and funny? How terrible.

>the 25+ year old cast had a fat chick more niggers and a spic and a higher female ratio
the 90s were more proggressive, lol

See this, read your post, read mine, and kill yourself.

High-waist shit tends to just look like adult diapers.

exactly, it just looks frumpy and retarded these days


I had a crush on the hispanic one

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They fired Dan the GENIUS and got a shit reboot. (Reminder Dan Schneider was anti SJW bullshit)

I hope taylor swift gets raped by a mule

The white kids are only getting balkanized. Nonwhite's opinions don't matter.

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I miss the 90s.

>primarily black and female cast
>actually funny
What does this means?

What anime is that? The one on her shirt?

Whatever you say, truth is truth, bitch.

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Katrina was hot as fuck in her final seasons with the show. Honestly hotter than Bynes ever was.

>we're gonna have a generation of SS Hitlerjugend division teenagers who hang up Anime girls instead of Pin-ups
Life is fucking hilarious

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It's better when Dan caster kids that are Cute and fUNNY

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Katrina Johnson nude set

Thank Billie Eilish for that bullshit

>blocks your path

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That’s really her?

2019 truly is the cancer nobody asked for.

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To this?

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What did she do? Never heard her music

She made weebshit fashionable for normalfags

Don’t give nick any ideas.


And look how that turned out.

The original All That female cast all grown up. I think they did some photoshoot about five years ago.

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>tfw no claudia gf