>the tv show or film character is better than the character in the original source material
The tv show or film character is better than the character in the original source material
This show had no right to be this good.
My favorite parts were the supes just stopping crime/using their powers. I loved how realistic it was when it came to using them. A punch would go right through them or laser eyes cutting them in half.
I hope more like that happens in season 2.
The guy who played Homelander really stole the show. He really did a good job of playing a sociopathic Superman
Now that they captured the audience, season 2 will be woke. They always do that.
Why was Anthony Starr's "pretending to be Superman" so much better than any actual Superman performance I've ever seen?
Absolutely agree. His actor was perfect.
Every damn scene with him giving that slightly disgusted look where half his mouth is open really made me feel how scary he is knowing that he could destroy you in a second.
Because the public no longer believes a person that powerful can be pure of heart.
I was terrified of him. I hated him. I was charmed by him. And I pitied him. I really hope this actor has a bright future
Anthony Starr is a ridiculously underrated actor
the Amazon adaptation Homelander doesnt even say nigger
can they afford the rights to beegees?
better question is why they never used "lets hear it for the boys"
Yeah, probably.
Having that ultra fan character in the show could be fun
Are they gonna do the 'secret wars but instead of interstellar gladiator arena planet everyone is off on a secret island fucking each other nonstop and doing enough drugs to wipe out half the population of the US' plotline?
We have no idea what they have planned. It's focus group time for Amazon. "What did the comic fans like, what did the normalfags like? Okay mix those and let's go"
I had no idea that it was based on a comic
Billy Butcher is great so far, love Karl Urban
yet on the other hand the Butcher is a lame british cunt
Are the comics worth a read?
no too edgy and tryhardy
He's right but I enjoyed it for lunch breaks at work for a week.
Reminder The Deep is /ourguy/
>when The Deep started masturbating
Just a quick glance at it seems really fucking cringy
pretty bad and stupid from what i checked
i think you can still enjoy it if you like "so bad it's good" kinda stuff
God I hope so, just to see She-Hulk get a train ran on her
>They take the rapist character and legit make him have an interesting arc and you wanna see where he goes
>it wasn't on porpoise
Will this based character make an appearance
Someone remind me did "i see dead people" guy survive?
Is it just me or does he look identical to Michael Fassbender?
Similar, sure. Identical? Not really.
Got his head bounced off a sink
he dead
Before I saw the show i thought it was Seann William Scott
poor guy
what do you think
I mean I literally thought he was Michael until I looked on IMDb
an adult should avoid reading comics to be honest. you don't want to be called a loser
merely pretending
Everything in the show is better than in the source material. The comic is garbage.
>Butcher is a lame British cunt
He's not even British, the actor is a Kiwi which is why he'd occasionally slip into an Australian accents half the time when he'd start using sentences with 'cunt' in them.
what did they mean by this? their was none
can get a bit cringe at times but overall it's engaging enough
They're fun. They were written at the point when Garth Ennis fell over the tipping point of taking himself too seriously, so the edginess gets a bit grating where it didn't in Preacher or his Punisher stuff.
Friendly reminder Butcher may be the most cucked character in Yea Forums history.
I don't think Amazon has that kind of budget
Amazon is one of the wealthiest companies in the world, they are worth more then google last I checked
They paid a billion dollars just for the rights of a LOTR tv series because they are desperate to be taken as seriously as Netflix
>hating based Karl Urban
Not his fault the source material is shit. He still does a good job tho
billys wife is such a fucking disloyal whore, i hope he offs her next season
No I think Bezos is just a dork.
He paid to see another season of The Expanse- which is not that high value of an IP.
He just wanted a new LOTR thing because he likes the shit.
You sound like a faggot.
In my opinion he's one of the weakest aspect of the shows. His dialogue is inhuman and cringeworthy
No. In the Herogasm limited series, Homelander is suddenly bisexual (he keeps tricking a Captain America RIP off into gay sex as an "audition" to get into the Seven, despite him having been straight elsewhere.) It being Garth Ennis, he feels the need to make 90 percent of the characters gay (even characters who he writes in other issues as hating fags)
No, he just wanted to have the next GoT and thought that the best way to do it was go for an even more popular fantasy franchise.
How is the fact that the guy can't do a constant British accent the comic's fault?
I think he did a pretty good job outside of the times he was required to use sentences with cunt in them.
It's fucking 36th on imdb's top rated tv shows and is a massive hit by the sounds of it. I've heard three different nationally syndicated radio shows raving about it over the past week and talk about it is all over the place.
Amazon will shell out for a bigger budget for season 2 100%.
its both, he's a massive nerd with good business sense
Because you didn’t watch Chris reeves or Superman tas
Better than the show but ok tier as far as comics go. The show itself is pretty good better than most cape tv/movie adaptations
Better than the show, but it’s garth ennis half of the scenes would be too inappropriate
How different was Homelander in the comics?
Less broody and more cartoon villain behind the scenes. See the page above where hes singing the beegees I don't think I could see the tv show one doing that.
I did enjoy the fact that every other superhero looked like they were about to shit their pants when he was around
>they turn the rapist character into a victim of #metoo
>his struggles after being called out are worse than what happened to the original victim
Cosby didn't deserve this.
A scene with show Homelander doing a dance routine ala walken and fallout boy, would be great
>fallout boy
fatboy slim*
I wish they bring up The Fucking Legend in Season 2.
I'm not convinced, could go either way with her living in constant fear of what happened in the finale
>the guy
All of you people that never bothered to watch Banshee CAN SUCK MY DIIIIIIIIIIICCCCKKKKKKK
I watched like 3 episodes it seemed ok, i'll get back to it
>tfw marty mcfly’s girlfriend turns out to be an incredible acress
Anyone of that page from the comic of post-coitus but totally not gay Homelander and Soldier Boy?
based, watched it way back before the show was even half out
started a Banshee rewatch after the boys to get more of him
she always was watch leaving las vegas, she just retired for a long time because kids, it was really nice seeing shue again
This series was really good but when i watched it and after i watched it i still got the feeling that i actually just watched garbage.
Is it the camera work?
Is it just the direction where they always talk?
Is it the few dumb cliches that they were forced to keep in the movie so they would get green lit?
It's not the writing but it could be the tone of some of the characters.
There is something here that really reminds me of marvel/walkingdead which i don't like.
it’s at the top of my queue now. everyone is singling out starr (who is great) but stillwell is by far the best performance on the show.
the stillwell/homelander scenes are far and away the most interesting in the series
It's Antony, not anthony.
>tfw you have the money to fund the shows you want to watch more of
Jeff Bezos should have played Edgar.
Depends, how high is your tolerance for child rape/murder, necrophilia, and baby-eating?
True that. He's like a perfect blend of Bradley Cooper and Chris Pine. He was great as Hood on Banshee.
So who's going to be revealed to be Doppleganger in Season 2? He was introduced for a reason, just so they could do some asspulls. My bet is Becca, with the kid being Homelander's clone.
They are just to see what shit didn't make it in. The plane scene in the show is pretty different in the book bc it was one of the hijacked planes during 9/11 and the entire team (not just Homerlander and Maeve) fucked it up tremendously. It is edgy all the fuck around and more often than not is just cruel and edgy more than it is satrical. It's defnitely worth a read. The show is better than it has any right to be, but I wish they didn't change so much around.
>had no right to be this good
>really stole the show
>absolutely agree
>this actor has a bright future
hey jannies, the amazon shills are out in full force
there is still the black noir problem
what movie?
Maybe if Stan Lee was still alive. There's no way they're touching that now that he's dead.
>handsome boy son of mayor killed
you fucking idiot all they did was play licensed pop hits from the 70s throughout the whole fucking show it was obnoxious.
Nobody takes Netflix seriously.
God this thread is full of shills.
you two are blind faggots. he clearly is the splitting image of bradly cooper at least in the mouth area. watching the show you can clearly see that.
not really
Boy in plane at end of episode one. The plane Homelander eye-lasered.
That show was surprisingly funny. Deep best boy, he just wanted to fuck some dolphins.
nobody cares pedo
I care.
I liked the show and even I can bring myself to be this much of a advertisement.
>Black Noir
>Played by a black man
>If we're following the source (possibly not, at this point), it will be revealed as a white man if he talks.
From 1 to Apeshit, how mad do you think SJW cucks will be?
It's been said for fucking days, moron. Why do you think most of the discussion about this show revolves around Homelander on here?
Honestly I'm kinda surprised there aren't more threads about this show. Maybe because it's actually good? There isn't a lot to shit post about.
so drop it
dolphin was the best gag by far, nothing comes close
>handsome boy son of mayor killed
DROPPED >119337819
thats how this stupid exchange started you drunk fgt
Mother's milk and Frenchie were kinda forgettable cringe characters. Who else agrees?
like its hot
SJW cucks wouldn't read The Boys comics, if they read any at all.
Not that that'll stop them but whatever...
Lobster was better
>Translucent was nude multiple times
>There were tits in the super sex club in episode 1
>There was a vagina in the baptism scene
So let's get to the important parts. Are there any hot female superheroes in the show?
nah they were fine secondaries, except I couldn't understand what frenchie was saying 1/2 the time, its not just the accent, he mumbles, frenchie needs to articulate better
People who use 'cringe' unironically should kill themselves.
>ep 8
Queen Maeve is underated.
Yes but most of them get raped and/or brutally murdered.
nah but its close
the size of her forehead is underrated
Kinda. I love Ennis and he writes some great stuff but if you're not a fan of constant mean-spirited and lowbrow humor you probably wouldn't enjoy it. Still, if you look past the crude presentation there's some really good character work and an emotional story underneath it all.
I suggest you read Hitman if you want to read something a bit more "balanced" from Ennis since it's probably his best work and balances the comedy and drama a lot better.
>Homelander is suddenly bisexual
Felt more like just a bunch of general hedonism and debauchery to me.
>He just wanted a new LOTR thing because he likes the shit.
LOTR is a pretty big IP and considering how big GoT got they could really take advantage of the fantasy vacuum it left, especially after the shitty finale that soured a lot of people.
>he feels the need to make 90 percent of the characters gay
I'm surprised Netflix didn't pick it up. The gay flag in the church and the add on line "Stop with the pray the gay away shit" was pretty obnoxious.
Australian and New Zealand accents are very different
He did it because he could. He was losing it at this point. After that he flew away naked and blew up a plane.
After the sex he even said
>Jesus Christ I could do anything
Who can even compete with the great Gumchum?