What would you have done?
What would you have done?
he was right
How do I go back to being blue pilled?
just been like
>hey mouse... this red pilled life sucks. Can you make me a side program so I can fuck off and be a bigger rockstar than Bono when im bored? I swear im about to just say fuck all you guys and ask an Agent to plug me back in cause I can't handle all this bs. thanks man. youre the best
they have a literal holodeck at their disposal and he freaked
he disrespected the nebuchadnezzar
don't worry you are not redpilled in the awakened form, just go back to your delusional self
made sure Tank was dead
god what would he have done if he found out that life outside the matrix was just another matrix inside the matrix
I don't know what that means. I just want to hate white people and truly desire open-borders and a transgendered daughter (male). Everything would be so much easier.
Slap his shit for killing my horse.
in that sense you are fucked
I don't think I could have brought myself to betray anybody. I'd probably just kys.
A Trinity was just a whooah
B She hit me
C I was doing a lot of redpills
Asked for a bigger dick.
This dude was saying that you can bang the red dress woman program in a simulation if you ask him to.
If you can get hurt or die irl if you get damage in the matrix, would that mean that if you have sex in the matrix you'll jizz your pants irl?
>Hey guys. Don't come in here without knocking. Im not going to be wearing pants.
>Trinity youre good.
why would you want to be one of those people? theyre all miserable
>would that mean that if you have sex in the matrix you'll jizz your pants irl
If you can't remember anything from before how is it different from being dead? Why does he care if he's gonna be an actor if his current ego will be destroyed by the memory wipe. There's no going back without effectively committing mental suicide.
i think theres a whole cake eating scene desicated to that
He'll be an actor next time but you'll be stupid forever. Last year you believed you saw a flying Neo over East Rutherford
You're brain is rotten by the culture war that doesn't really exist outside of particular sections of the internet. Stop worrying so much about shit that would be completely irrelevant to your life had you not built your entire identity around your stances on those pointless issues.
No more of this, Trinity. No more.
You're so fucked, get some actual goals in your life, a career or hobby or something.
You can't get through to these people, they have to realize it for themselves, which can only happen if they get off the internet and seriously self-reflect
No. I want to be bluepilled. I used to be and now I want to go back.
There is no blue or redpilled, retard. Have sex
>most people won't accept a utopian matrix so we made sure the next version is like the real world in the early 2000s just so we don't lose entire crops of humans
>we are prepared to accept a minimal kind of survival, even if it means destroying all humans
Fine. I'll just keep being racist, sexist, transphobic etc. Thanks for the help.
Why do you feel the need to be those things at all though? Impotent, unfounded rage doesn't help you or anyone else.
>we are prepared to accept a minimal kind of survival, even if it means destroying all humans
He was bluffing.
Gee, live in the nightmare "real world" that's probably a simulation anyway or get to live my fantasy life and not even remember betraying humanity. What to do, what to do...
>feel the need
I don't really. And I'm not even really full of rage. I just truly believe racist, sexist and transphobic things and I want it to stop. I'd be a lot happier. Do I need to start watching Contra Points and The Young Turks or something?
You cannot go back. You have to go forward. This is a good start You don't have to forget about the shit that currently drives you insane. You have to realize that it doesn't matter nearly as much as you think. Normies are not the people on the other side of the barricade posting kill all white men. Normies are hanging out with friends, watching movies, enjoying life and give absolutely no fuck about identity politics or the culture war. Neither do the majority of people you'll meet in your life.
If you want to enjoy life again like they do you have to start caring about yourself and your well-being, not about the latest tweet of some deranged tranny that nobody other than it's circlejerk and yours will ever give a flying fuck about.
>become redpilled, download all the skills from Tank's floppy discs, but just permanently plug myself back into the Matrix (they can hook me up to a drip or something) so i have all the skills i will ever need in life, a mild degree of superpowers, plus the awareness that I am living in a society
No you don't need to watch the other end of the propoganda spectrum, just stop focusing on people's groups. Focus on your own life and what you want, and judge people individually based on their actions as a human being and not a member of a group. If you go around thinking all women are stupid or all blacks are violent niggers then you're only going to reinforce those beliefs.
Also it really, really helps to take a break from the internet. Especially if you're using Yea Forums all the time. It doesn't present an accurate picture of the world but it's very easy to fall into the mindset that it does.
Okay, good advice. Thanks. I'm going to leave now.
Probably just kill myself, because no matter how hard I try I could never be fucking dumb enough to think the robots, our mortal fucking enemies, wouldn't just kill me the second I told them what they wanted. What fucking benefit is there to the machines to plugging your ass back in when they can just shit out thirty replacements for half the work?