Only the realest Star Trek.
/ds9/ - Deep Space Nine general
Fag Space Nine
do you think odo ever gave himself a vagina just to see what it was like
More like Deep Space Morn am I right
(Morn sounds like Nine)
Kira made him wear a vagina.
>worf in god tier instead of mid tier at best
>bashir in good tier instead of mid tier
>obrien in mid tier instead of good tier
>every voyager character except the doctor not in shit tier
>quark not in god tier
>pulaski not in shit tier
>gainan not in shit tier
at least you put dax in shit tier where she belongs
the tripfags must be worshipped
the charts must be posted
the roasties must seethe
I'm going to say it...
>had a pure, beautiful, loyal asian wife with smooth elegant features
>rejects the lustful, ugly, mentally ill lizard chestlet with a deformed face
Why exactly does /trek/ shit on O'Brien?
trekkie autists hate him cause he's like an everyman type of dude which they equate with being a normie instead of some special snowflake like data
>had a pure, beautiful, loyal asian
Tell me you're joking.
I hate him because he's Irish.
i hate u cuz ur poo
Do trekkies resent only chads, or any male who isn't a hermit crippled by autism?
no, i also hate women kikes and nigs (and Nog)
/trek/ likes Picard, Riker and Archer.
/r/startrek like Picard, Geordi, Barclay and Pike.
/r/startrekdiscovery likes Burnham.
Real Star Trek fans like Spock, Data, Worf, Odo, Quark and Garak.
do you think morn ever banged kira
I've never been able to fully understand the hatred of the kike.
Before we hated kikes we hated vampires and werewolves, and in the future we'll hate robots. Hating the kike just seems like a fad. Of course there are problems but you can find problems anywhere you look. I for one have never experienced a kike curse.
>Before we hated kikes
There was never a 'before.' Read history and even read the Bible. There has never been a time in history where the world hasn't hated them.
No kike ever wronged me. They just like making money.
I love Jews. They make the best shows and movies, they're turning kids trans, they keep the economy thriving, they're our greatest ally, they're making every degenerate thing normal, they're philosophical. They're great.
The kike agenda theory always seemed ridiculous to me. Nobody ever has any hard evidence and broad topics are swept away with hyperbole until every rape and murder committed around the planet is somehow the fault of the mysterious kike with no face, no name, no identity save the boogeyman of unenlightened bitching. The kike is a fool's topic.
Learn to recognize Jew names and you'll see them everywhere degeneracy is being pushed.