Go to American cinema

>go to American cinema
>have to sign a liability waiver before purchasing my ticket in case of an active shooter
Is this normal in the states?

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>going to cinema
Fuck that lmao

No. There's been 2 movie theater shootings in like 20-30 years. Both were blockbusters in large theaters in big cities.

Ehh, not as funny as the kevlar one. Should've mentioned how you were threatened by security if you didn't tip the ticket guy.

Just wait for Joker, friend.

Joker release night is probably going to have at least 20 casualties

Is there anyway we can let the incels know we're one of them so they won't shoot us?

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Fucking get another joke


Truth hurts

>big city

Stay mad cunt

>Don’t make fun of Daddy Blumpf!!!

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>Go to American theatre
no you didn't

>had to sign waver
>no you didn't


Reminder that Europeans are the #1 enemy of the United States since the founding. Pay attention.

>Go to European cinema
>A dog appears on screen
>Movie is abruptly stopped, the kinoplex manager bows and apologizes for breaking Sharia law, gives all Muslim patrons a refund + reparations interest
Is this normal in Europe?

anally devastated
as soon as it stops being relevant. all you have to do is not vote for him in 2020, and the mean jokes end :^)


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On /k/ there was a thread where everyone agreed the best way to identify themselves to an active shooter incel. One of them was to tell out DESPITE BEING ONLY 13%.

So that's what I'm going for.

>browsing /k/

imagine your last words being a Yea Forums reference

Sounds like a based way to go user