Who was your favorite man in Band of Brothers? For me it's Compton or Speirs

Who was your favorite man in Band of Brothers? For me it's Compton or Speirs.

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a competent leader in wartime is such a relief for the men serving with you.
him taking down Ross was the best. "We salute the rank, not the man"

fuck you ross

why did he fall apart? is that what actual PTSD looks like?

Webster is the thinking man's paratrooper.

why didn't they just nuke the german capital?

Band of Brothers is pure kino and it's not even an exaggeration

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Roe cause he gets that sweet sweet Nurse poon.

I still can't get over how much of an absolute madman the real Speirs was. Reading through his wiki is insane.

WW2 is the place for absolute madmen

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I don't watch Jewish propaganda

I liked Shifty

holy shit lmao

pretty much, he had seen his friends get popped until he himself got shot and was then forced to sit in a hospital surrounded by other wounded men, unsure of the fate of his friends still out there and detached from the left he had to leave behind to go fight the war. then when he comes back the guy he knew was going to keep the most of friends alive got promoted and now some coward ass clown is going to be in charge. just in time for them all to go get shelled and shot out in frozen dick conditions with bare minimum supplies. oh and he got dear johned in the middle of all of that too, so he lost another anchor to his life back home and was losing those closest to him on the warfront. shit's mentally taxing


None better than the ultimate madman, Jack "Mad" Churchill, this nigga was the real deal

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I can't believe it was filmed 18 years ago.

how in the fuck did he not die, absolutely based



Lipton and Malarkey

Sir Damian Lewis.

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personally it has to be the old man on the bike
>dearie me
>bloody hell
>You've done it now Yanks, you've captured me

damn i love this show

The KINO machine

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Gonorrhea for insulting a jew in the first episode

What a life that man lived. He was governor of the prison where they kept Goering.

Almost forgot the cajun medic, he was pretty cool too.

>In 1970, Sobel attempted suicide when he shot himself in the head with a small-caliber pistol.[10] The bullet entered his left temple, passed behind his eyes, and exited out the other side of his head. This severed his optic nerves and left him blind.[10] He entered a VA assisted living facility in Waukegan, Illinois. He resided there for his last 17 years until his death due to malnutrition on 30 September 1987.[10][11] No services were held for him after his death.[10]

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It's hard, because I didn't really dislike any of them, except maybe Guarnere at times, but even then he was alright once he could relax a bit.

I liked Randleman, followed closely by Luz. I don't know how much of that crap was true, regarding Luz's impersonation of Major Horton, but if it was true, then that's fantastic.

based Chilson

The German general who gave that speech to his soldiers at the end.


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>l didn't mean to, he looked like a Kraut.
wtf accent was this guy trying to do?

i like nixon

Based, thanks for reminding me of this.

yeah i think that's a rewatch from me


None of them were particularly memorable as anyone in Generation Kill.
Which is a better show.
Also no spielberg lies

>None of them were particularly memorable as anyone in Generation Kill.

there's erik from true blood and ziggy from the wire. so memorable.

The concentration camp episode felt under-cooked.

The Germans were my favorite

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We Stalker now.

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Unironically my favourite tv series of all time. and Speirs is one of the greats. Lipton is solid too. Rewatched it with my grandad last year and he loved it.

you are correct

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lol virgin

>the ending of the first episode with the sky filled with all the planes loaded with paratroopers heading for Normandy
Kino, imagine being involved in such a massive invasion
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s kino

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>liebgott wasn't jewish in real life

blew my mind



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The DC on the 88

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Winters. Gonorrhea glued the old boys with the new blood. Fuck. why is BoB so good bros?

>Imagine thinking you will have a kino entry
>lie in grass minutes after jumping you of air because you thought enemy were stupid enough not to prep for a night op.

Now that's a man. Much better man than I'll ever be.

look at this fag

more pics of them?

How does one become as based as Spiers?

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Webster. His book is good.

absolute madman

Dont be afraid of death and trust your own abilities

That's too bad. Had he kept his command, he would have been in the plane instead of Lt. Meehan, would have been shot down, and would have died as a hero of the war. Instead, he ended up taking inventories.

Honestly this. It was pure kino.

You have to feel it in your bones. btw I ran into a flaming house and doused the fire and managed to deflect any suspicion from the landlord. I managed to restore inside as much as possible but I think he just didn't want to ask what happened. He probably just wondered how it is all in one piece.

As amazing as both Band of Brothers and the Pacific are why do so many people think The Pacific is better?

BoB is a 10/10
TP is a 9/10

pretty good if you're so inclined

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Man maybe it is just a generational thing but I really couldn't imagine being in a war. I've been in fights before and can honestly say I know how to defend myself, but just killing some rando for political reasons always seems so unthinkable to me.

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wow chad

I've never been in a war, either, but I imagine that the reluctance to shoot at somebody disappears when they're shooting at you and your compatriots.

That's why they give you Basic Training. It teaches you to think of your unit before you think of yourself, teaches you group co-dependence, and teaches you how to defend yourself. You won't be some world class street brawler, but you'll be comfortable with a gun, a rifle, and a blade when you make it out of BT.

This is Captain America shit.

For me it’s the older German vet guarding the checkpoint with some US soldiers, and they start chatting
Old fella was a ww1 vet as well, absolute legend

The German uniforms in WW2 were based.


Kinda of a good example of how war is just business. Reminded me of the Christmas Truce in WWI

They did a study in which almost all soldiers reported not shooting to kill in ww2 (America), even when under fire.

Reminder that the movie they made about Audie Murphy, a 5'5" manlet and the most decorated soldier of WW2, actually sorta toned down his exploits

>There will be a point in your life when all WW2 vets are all gone

>during WW2, he went to thrown a grenade but his arm was blown off by a rifle grenade at that exact moment
>after coming to his senses, he pried his grenade from his severed arm, which hadn't detonated because the hand was still clutching the trigger, and chucked at the enemy soldier that had taken off his arm with the grenade, killing him in his bunker
>after the war became a senator for 49 years

Whoops forgot pic

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Seriously though, I wonder what he did that made his kids not even want to give him a funeral?

Yall sleeping on my nigga Doc Roe

give him your goddamn morphine

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truly /ourguy/

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I know that only about 15% of soldiers fired their guns in WWII, and more often than not, the weapon use was suppressive, meant mostly to scare somebody away (shoot above the enemy's heads or shooting at their feet). But that was pretty even on all sides (the Soviets may have been just a little bit more assertive). That started changing after WWII, and was a lot different by Vietnam. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman wrote a pretty good book "On Killing," which talks about the major changes corresponding to changes in training. Soldiers trained in WWII would fire their guns at circular targets during BT. By the time Vietnam rolled around, soldiers were trained by firing at human-shaped targets that would fall over when shot (they could spring back up for another round, later). Grossman's conclusion was that soldiers in Vietnam were able to think of the people they shot as just another target, which made it easier for them to shoot (something on the order of 90% of soldiers in firefights used their weapons and 70+% had confirmed enemy casualties).

Of course, Grossman then tried to conclude that FPS games were responsible for the increase in school and public shootings, since they offered the same conditioning, teaching kids that a kill is just more points. In the 90s and for the longest time, he was the premier (and probably only) "expert" called in whenever there were congressional hearings about the subject.

It's still a good book and it explains thoroughly the psychological processes behind killing. For instance, soldiers have to be taught to stab, rather than slice, because we have a natural aversion to penetrating other humans against their will. The act of stabbing someone is symbolically the same as fucking on some level. It's personal and close, which is frightening. So even though it's less effective, we tend to opt for a slicing motion instead.

Like I said, it's a really good book.

>be so ballsy the Krauts just stare in disbelief as you jog past

has anyone ever done anything else so stunningly insane in the history of mankind?

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>I have the higher ground Kraut

who was in the wrong?

There was that one guy who brought a bow and arrow with him into battle

And also pretty much everything Audie Murphy ever did

>Sobel was born in Chicago, Illinois, to a Jewish family

>climb onto a burning tank using its own machine gun to kill fleeing Germans
>Taking an entire German company hostage by himself

thats just the beginning.

Can't remember. Wasn't there like 2 battalions of Germans just chilling in the field?

>had trouble getting into army due to size
>finally did, kicked so much ass it was unbelievable
He's basically Captain America without the magic steroids

the VA is a national embarassment

He sounds like Doomguy IRL

watch the medal of honor miniseries on netflix they do some serious bullshit, but I believe it.

More like band of buttholes cause no women so only man ass to stick your cock a doodle do into. When the going gets tough...the tough gets fuck niggers.

Are you day drinking?

Why was the pacific such a huge pile of shit?

i think i remember 3 people from that show

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how can one man be this based

Based but not redpilled

But there will still be Holocaust survivors

there's a woman getting fucked in the holohoax episode

i think they said it was a whole company

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young tom hardy before roids

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Any WW1 kino?

All quiet on the western front

>why isnt there more tits and sex in my war movie

are people really this fucking pleb?

Of course, according to anons on here every scene that isn't fighting should just be a constant stream of dudes raping women cuz that's what happens during war lol

His death was fucked too, survives ww2 only to die by a car crash.

A stark reminder that sometimes it really be like that.

Ernst Junger - Storm of Steel

he's so handsome bros

>because we have a natural aversion to penetrating other humans against their will
Makes you wonder how a battalion of rapists would do in war doesn’t it

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>mfw the soviets send a penile brigade after you

>favorite man


George Lutz hands down

gen kill wasn't memorable and that was part of the point


That's quite a woman

Holy fuck I lost it, does this mean I also have based autism?

whats the difference

In which he played himself

Reminder that Winters only picked him to command Easy after Foxhole Norman's breakdown because he was the first officer he spotted when he turned around. How fucked would they have been if he'd decided to stand a few feet further away?

It goes squad > platoon > company > battalion > division > regiment
3 or more of the previous make up one of the next. So a battalion is 3+ companies.

why didnt he shoot at them as he ran by

for me, it's based maggot.
fuck BoB.

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pretty much, truly a competent leader

Where did he get all those cigars

>he got dear johned
how do I always forget that part?
Of course that is crushing, especially with everything around him going to shit too

chill son

I wouldn't have minded being passed around the whole group but Compton was the one my boipussy really jonesed for. So sexy.