Im a piece of shit and i will never have a gf

Im a piece of shit and i will never have a gf

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Not with that attitude.

>tfw you were never meant to be happy

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Ok and what does that have to do with television & film?

>5. Never socialize with anyone outside of work.

JuSt B uR SeLf

Me too

that's why anime exists

>You don't deserve someone's love
It's the most painful saying that ever gets said.
Like a knife going into ya because its brutally honest but also being parroted by people who probably take the love they get given for granted.

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Unironically giving a flying fuck about not having a gf

6. Ugly

Lads does the BR2049 GODDAMMIT primal scream shit work?
I'd like to try it but I still live with my parents and can't wake them up.

I wish this was a joke

Yeah it turns out a really surefire way to get people to like you is to fucking hate yourself. You've got a winning strat there bud, keep it up.

>why yes I lived my life to this point with the mindset that I'd eventually kill myself, thus making awful choices along the way and now the only escape is to actually do it, what gave it away?

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>5. You're male.

1. not talking to anyone
2. not stuck on my one ex
3. not chasing anyone
4. don't know anyone who wants me

You can buy one of you work hard enough.

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Just be patient and busy.

And World of Warcraft

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Just be yourself. Good things come to those who wait. There's somebody out there for everybody.


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>had a gf for 4 years
>still depressed

Having a gf, having sex, these things aren't going to actually help if you're clinically depressed.

Only if you have shitty depression will it help.

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But I am depressed because I don't have those things.


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4 but I only attract borderline bitches because of my sociopathic attitude. There's no bigger turn-off than a girl with mental illness, I don't even count these two crazies as opportunities. I want a hot grill from a wealthy family or nothing, I don't mind being alone for now.

I never socialise with anyone IN work

I don't care that I haven't got a gf, or a friend for that matter, and that I work a shitty job and live with my parents. I'm pretty much apathetic to everything - should I get myself checked out for depression or is this shit normal and people just pretend?

Sounds like you had a shit girlfriend.

i have a gf and it sucks
i can't break up with her because she will probably go batshit crazy and annoy everyone i've ever introduced her to in my life
why does every relationship end up like this. one person always cares more than the other and ends up losing all perspective acting like a clingy faggoot

duh... everywhere.
Some eastern european girls are very cheap (and good if you are lucky).
Don't fall for the asian meme please.

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Sounds like you've ascended through the depression for a little.
Happens to me, literally become so depressed you stop caring about everything and envelop yourself in nihilism.
You'll bounce back into depression eventually.

You live a dog's life, stop being edgy and accept that you need to make friends and get a girlfriend to be happy.

See a pattern? The way we human beans make friends (and even gfs) is by giving part of ourselves to others, be that with kindness, laughter, charity, help, fun...
Ask yourself, when is the last time you did something nice or kind for someone else just for the sake of it? Without expecting anything?

She was perfect and it still didn't do anything. That's the point.

Then you have meme, teenage girl depression. Try having a loving family, a loving gf, plenty of friends and still not feeling anything from it then get back to me.

5. Too chickenshit to ask anyone out

Nobody likes a whiner, user. They like corpses better. Off yourself.

>dated girl
>had first kiss with her at 20
>eventually had sex
>feel great shame whenever my mind thinks of the moment we kissed and I lost my virginity
>feel completely alone when I think about the night we had sex
literally had sex and still hate myself

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You’re just a selfish loser, user. No amount of therapy or medication will improve that. You’ll never extract an iota of wisdom or joy from life, because your spiraling self-obsession ironically hinders you from experiencing the good things in life.

i only whine here, in real life im a normal guy just fairly ugly and awkward, im fucked anyway

Why did you leave her if she was so perfect? Don't tell me muh depression, I don't believe you broke up for that.

>be 27
>had sex once
>one night stand about 8 years ago
>the morning after
>never felt so lonely and sad in my entire life

felt so shit it put me off one night stands and I'm too autistic and ugly to get a gf, and now the UK Gov wants to take my porn.


>feeling guilty about losing your virginity
You’re either a girl or a hopeless faggot

Dubs and my crush becomes my girlfriend very soon.

>go mgtow
>be free of feels
>be happy
nothing to loose

I will message at least one girl on hinge everyday
I will message at least one girl on hinge everyday
I will message at least one girl on hinge everyday
I will message at least one girl on hinge everyday
I will ask out at least one girl on hinge every week
I will ask out at least one girl on hinge every week
I will ask out at least one girl on hinge every week
I will ask out at least one girl on hinge every week
I will not watch porn
I will not watch porn
I will not watch porn
I will not watch porn
I will not wear diapers
I will not wear diapers
I will not wear diapers
I will not wear diapers
I will succeed in getting a date
I will succeed in getting a date
I will succeed in getting a date
I will succeed in getting a date

you're probably onto something, a lot of the times I feel like I'm observing my life from a distance- I only really get this introspective when I'm getting pissed on my days off

ill roll for us

Yeah, fucking landwhales only because you're ugly yourself will make you feel worthless. It's not so surprising. Have better sex.

Because she didn't make me happy, that's the only reason.

Fatties who believe they're interesting because they watch The Office.

She actually wasn't a landwhale though - she was better looking than I'd ever expect I'd manage.

It was mostly just the morning after when she woke up with a "what the fuck did I do" face and told me to go.
I didn't know where I was and had to walk around without phone battery for about an hour until I got my bearings


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is that so bad
you’ll either plow through dozens of terrible girls or lose your one true love to cancer

at first it was all fat chicks but I think my profile got moved up in the algorithm so now I’m getting average looking girls or better

what a faggot
go cry in your mother's arms

What can make you happy if perfection can't?


Nah the porn ban won't get through mate, they keep pushing it back and back.
It's weird, I've felt lonely before but nothing like when I think about my one time having sex.
Maybe, it just makes me sad to think about though, what a hollow experience it was