Were the 70s really like this?

were the 70s really like this?

Attached: dazedandconfused.jpg (1406x2048, 561K)

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It’s an extremely romanticized version of stuff that teenagers did back then yeah
Except the hazing scenes, that wouldn’t have happened to high schoolers. Stuff like that would happen rushing fraternities/sororities in college. Even then, I doubt any group of people were ever chased around town getting paddled

That rare summer weekend we’d have field parties and use car radios to play cassette tapes for music. Not every kid had a v8 muscle car but there were some cool ones. Clothes are dead on. Football coaches wore those bike shorts and knee high socks. The girls were high waisted jeans and had sexier hair.

>hehe dude let's smoke a joint and then hehe dude hehe lets smoke ANOTHER joint man
>yeah man, aw man we're gonna be so wasted too man hahahahahaha
wow Linklater the 70's sure were cuh-razy

its barely any different then life as someone who finished high school in 2012, i wouldn't be surprised if it was somewhat accurate

A 10/10 high school movie. Haven't found anything other quite like it. Any suggestions?
Absolute horseshit. The vast majority of time is spent on phones and video games.

I can tell you that the early 80s party scene was just like this, and driving around causing mayhem too. Not so much the whole paddle thing tho

I didn't grow up in America so maybe I just live in a backwards shithole decades behind the states, but what is so ''70's'' about this? High school kids driving around, listening to music, smoking weed and drinking beers? Do high school kids in America not do that now?

The only thing that seemed weird was the hazing stuff, but some user earlier in the thread said that was bullshit. So I dunno, this movie always confused me. It's basically 2 hours of 'look how awesome and wild the 70's were', but really, nothing particularly wild happens that wouldn't happen in 2019...?

Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Porkys

At the end they go to buy Aerosmith tickets. Who in their right mind would want to see Aerosmith in 2019?

That paddle shit was gay

The girls hazing was hot tho

Hey grandpa, just because you're not invited doesn't mean young people don't still hang out together

if you were a loser with no friends maybe
the vast majority of time in my experience was wandering around the city with friends doing fuck all getting drunk and stoned or going to parties or small get together where you continue to get drunk and stoned and socialize with more people

keep in mind though this is 2009-2012 im talking about

>It's basically 2 hours of 'look how awesome and wild the 70's were'
You completely missed the point of the movie, for fuck's sake they even talk about it in one scene. The characters mention how the 70s suck, referencing the fact that every generation will always feel like they've missed out on the best times. Linklater has talked about this too

Better 70s movie coming thru

Attached: detroitrockcity-movie-poster-phil-roberts.jpg (600x915, 852K)

So underrated

Ben Affleck played the dickhead perfectly

I do admire that he made this movie as a self taught director but jesus christ the writing is completely witless. If you told me there was no script I'd believe you. It makes sense that people always quote McConaugheys lines and no elses, cause they're the only ones that feel like any thought was put into them

The natural writing is one of the best parts about it, it feels like hanging out with real people instead of some quippy characters who only end up feeling fake

He almost broke his ankles twice because he couldn't walk with the platform shoes
See @2:04 youtu.be/I7MwxFdb0Ls

Also, what did you guys think of Everybody Wants Some?

Attached: ChDeai2XEAAujyv.jpg (1200x900, 352K)

i watched a behind the scenes thing that showed that he let the actors write their own lines if they wanted to make a change. some even wrote their own scenes, although not all of them made it into the movie.

>white people in Detroit
Damn, that movie must be old as fuck

>what did you guys think of Everybody Wants Some?
Absolute kino, I watch it pretty frequently. A lot of people seem to hate on it but I honestly think it's on par with Dazed. I also first saw it in a packed theatre and everyone was laughing and having a good time, my dad included

It was mediocre. Didn't help that it was promoted and advertised as the spiritual successor to Dazed and Confused.

That movie will be 20 in four days I think.


Attached: detroit-rock-city.jpg (500x343, 134K)

This. This is not some soap melodrama about a depressed character, it's a movie about a bunch of teenagers hanging out and having a good time. What complex dialogue or writing could you possibly want? Them discussing the intricacies of the always expanding universe?

>I honestly think it's on par with Dazed
I thought it was better than Dazed

>that dude who tells chicks his penis is normal sized
Shit still gets me

highschool freshman hazing was a Texas thing up until a few years ago when a school got sued (yeah, they actually hunted down freshman with paddles up until like 2014)

Despite it being about the 70's, there is no quintessentially more 90's of a movie than Dazed and Confused.

There is

Attached: d81e9672a4842a0dd33bd4d09d7bca87.jpg (500x747, 69K)

pulp fiction


>All right you little freshman bitches...

Attached: 4L_FYS5dE89.gif (470x223, 499K)

bro kino. insanely comfy.

Fuckin loved this movie when I was a high school pleb best teen movie ever milla jovich best girl

this looks like shit

>pulp fiction

It's THE 90's movie because it's entertaining but isn't about anything!!!FACT!!!

If you can't enjoy it for the simplicity then you are hopeless

Detroit Rock City is a great teen adventure flick, don't trust old trailers, they all suck ass

I've had nights like this movie (walking around, getting intoxicated, smoking in parking lots) and I graduated in 2016. Its depressing to imagine not experiencing this sort of thing during that time of your life

Don literally gives the best line in the entire film (during the end at the football field)
